Michael Cohen disavows parts of guilty plea in recorded phone call with Tom Arnold: report

Hahahaha!i’m laughing my ass off. So Mueller got this clown to plead guilty to crap he didn’t do?? How? Maybe holding a ‘deal’ in front of his crooked nose? Threatening more severe charges if he didn’t? How, exactly, did this work?? And I know Roseanne’s ex is a buddy of Cohen’s, but as far as an ‘advocate’ for his cause goes, Cohen surely could find a better, more believable person who isn’t regarded as a absolute buffoon. But then again, stranger things have happened. Between an opportunist ‘friend’, an investigation awaiting billing records, and a dress most women would have had cleaned, all combined to bring down the Clinton Creature’s hubby and show the world what a predatory creep he is/was. (Monica was no innocent babe-in-the-woods herself.)

Michael Cohen disavows parts of guilty plea in recorded phone call with Tom Arnold: report

President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen reportedly told comedian Tom Arnold that he is not guilty of some of the charges for which he pleaded guilty, and expressed frustration at the length of his sentence and a lack of support from those in Washington.

In recordings of a March phone call Arnold provided to The Wall Street Journal, Cohen decried being "a man all alone" in Washington while insisting that some of the charges, including one related to his home equity line of credit (HELOC), were lies.

"There is no tax evasion," he told Arnold, according to the Journal. "And the HELOC? I have an 18 percent loan-to-value on my home. How could there be a HELOC issue? How? Right? ... It's a lie."

"I love this woman, and I am not going to let her get dragged into the mud of this crap," Cohen added, referring to his wife, who he said was also targeted by prosecutors. jPresident Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen reportedly told comedian Tom Arnold that he is not guilty of some of the charges for which he pleaded guilty, and expressed frustration at the length of his sentence and a lack of support from those in Washington.

In recordings of a March phone call Arnold provided to The Wall Street Journal, Cohen decried being "a man all alone" in Washington while insisting that some of the charges, including one related to his home equity line of credit (HELOC), were lies.

"There is no tax evasion," he told Arnold, according to the Journal. "And the HELOC? I have an 18 percent loan-to-value on my home. How could there be a HELOC issue? How? Right? ... It's a lie."

"I love this woman, and I am not going to let her get dragged into the mud of this crap," Cohen added, referring to his wife, who he said was also targeted by prosecutors. "And I never thought the judge was going to throw a three-year fricking sentence."


I’ll put up a link to the Wall Street Journal OP for those who subscribe (I don’t.)

What’s left to say? This is a farking joke from beginning to end.

I wonder, did Mueller pull any shenanigans that he can be nailed on, like blackmail?

EDIT: fixed grammar so confusing in the 1st paragraph even I didn’t know what I meant.

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The justice system treated him like he was a member of the working poor.
i.e. Got him to plead guilty to things he wasn't guilty of, and then slammed him without mercy.


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Amanda Matthews's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit

But Cohen certainly couldn’t be much of a lawyer. What did he think happened to people who plead guilty to stuff they never did?????

I know that the fact that this is coming out should concern us all due to the legality of what went on during the morons plea bargain, but right now I’m too damn amused.

Shows how Mueller was bending a ’law’ or two himself, not to mention totally throwing any and all ethical behavior to the winds. But that’s simply my opinion.

EDIT: added a space between a and ‘law’

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

snoopydawg's picture

Mueller threatened their families. Or they didn't have the money to keep fighting the system. Kiriakou who Obama charged finally did because he went broke.

Flynn's son was being threatened too plus he was going broke. Lots of FBI agents didn't think he actually lied. People will take plea deals even if they aren't guilty for many reasons.

I still don't know how it was legal for them to raid Cohen's office and look at Trump's files. I don't remember what the charges were for them to do that.

We know that Mueller came close to lying in this report because he's telling us that Russia did things that they really didn't do. Like interfering with the election. Show me the proof! Saying that the FBI believes that Russia did that doesn't count.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!” Trump wrote.

Johnson told the One America News Network that at the highest levels of British intelligence was an agreement to share information “in a way that would not necessarily attract undue attention but would be used to provide a documentary record that could be used to justify targeting Donald Trump.”

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft pointed out it’s been known for more than a year that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the FBI worked with former British MI6 spy Christopher Steele to compile the infamous “dossier” of what now appears to be Russian disinformation. The Mueller report has debunked its main claims, and Steele has admitted under oath the contents are unverified.

Hoft noted the dossier is troubling enough, but there’s more.

The lower-level Trump campaign worker George Papadopoulos, he noted, appears to have been targeted by three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. intelligence: Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper.

Mifsud has been portrayed as a Russian agent, but WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, in a Twitter thread, presented evidence of a connection to British intelligence.

Downer is the Australian diplomat who claims that in a chance encounter in a London bar, Papadopoulos told him Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

But Downer has direct ties to the U.K. intelligence firm Hakluyt, where he served on the advisory board from 2008 to 2014

Halper, a professor at Cambridge University in England, had contact with Papadopulos, Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn on behalf of the FBI.

There are links to two more articles that are a good read. The question still is, how far will Trump take the investigation into what actually happened? As we know presidents protect presidents. And other criminals.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Amanda Matthews's picture

True. But we’re talking Trump. He hates a certain former president with a white-hot passion.

I hope that drives Trump to go for the gold and as the old song said...

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa