‘Who The Hell Was I Working With Then?’

Shocked Vladimir Putin Slowly Realizing He Didn’t Conspire With Trump Campaign

Saying that he had been “totally blindsided” by the revelations from the recently released findings of the Mueller investigation, a shocked Vladimir Putin reportedly came to the realization Tuesday that he didn’t conspire with Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign after all. “What the hell? I worked so hard on this—if I wasn’t colluding with the Trump campaign, who the hell was I colluding with?” said the dumbfounded Russian president, growing increasingly angry as he scrolled through his email inbox and recounted his numerous efforts at covert communication with individuals who he had thought were high-ranking Trump officials, but now he suspected were bots or anonymous internet trolls. “Man, it seemed so legit. I can’t believe I let myself get conned like this. I spent so much time emailing back and forth with DonaldTrump46@hotmail.com about compromising the democratic voting process, and now it turns out it was all fake? And we spent so much time gathering all that kompromat on the wrong people. Goddammit, I feel like I’ve wasted my life.” At press time, Putin was frantically double-checking that Russia had assisted in propping up a dictator in Syria and not some other country.

Putin Derangement Syndrome After Mueller

The West – its governments and its governments’ scribes – are obsessed with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Obsessed” is probably too weak a word to describe the years of impassioned coverage, airy speculation and downright nonsense. He is the world’s leading cover boy: military hats, Lenin poses, imperial crowns, scary red eyes, strait-jackets, clown hats; anything and everything. He’s the avatar of Stalin, he’s the avatar of the Tsars, he’s the Joker, he’s Cthulhu, he’s Voldemort, he’s Satan. He’s the palimpsest for the New World Order’s nightmares. Putin is always messing with our minds. He weaponises information, misinformation and sexual assault accusations. Childrens’ cartoons, fishsticks, Pokemon and Yellow Vests, “Putin’s warships” are lurking when they aren’t stalking; “Putin’s warplanes” penetrate European airspace; “Putin’s tanks”, massing in 2016, massing in 2018, still massing. His empire of rogue states grows. All Putin, all the time.

In an especially imbecile display in 2015, Western reporters (unable to find his website) thinking he hadn’t been seen for several days started a contest of speculation about coups, death, wars, plastic surgery, secret births and other nonsense; when he “re-appeared”, the story went down the Memory Hole.

For some reason, Americans personalise everything. In meetings with US intelligence agencies I was always fascinated how they would reduce every complicated reality to a single individual. But it isn’t Saddam, or Assad, or Qaddafi, or Osama, or Aidid, or Milosevic, or Maduro, or Castro or any of the other villains-of-the-day, it’s a whole country: these people got to the top for good reasons. Removing the boss makes some difference but never all the difference. They go but they never leave a Washington-friendly country behind and Washington does it all over again somewhere else. This peculiar blindness drives Putin Derangement Syndrome and has infected everybody else...

The strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. [9 November 2016] Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument. (From Shattered, quoted here.)

In What Happened, Clinton also says Russian President Vladimir Putin’s support for Trump was driven by his own anti-women sentiment, stacking the deck against her: “What Putin wanted to do was...influence our election, and he’s not exactly fond of strong women, so you add that together and that’s pretty much what it means.” At press events for her memoir, Clinton continues to warn Americans against Russia’s power over Trump and the country. “The Russians aren’t done. This is an ongoing threat, and that is one of the reasons why I wrote the book and one of the reasons I’m talking about it,” she said on Sunday at Southbank Centre’s London Literature Festival. (Newsweek)

Her claim is, to put it mildly, unproven; the so-called “all 17 agencies” report notwithstanding. (The first premise that it was hacked is here disproved: downloaded by someone in the building). Her accusation moved Putin Derangement Syndrome away from the realm of mere craziness into war talk. Taking the hint, Western politicians, under attack for their lacklustre performances, were happy to push the blame onto Putin. He’s attacking democracy! Western media weighed in until it became completely accepted by some people that anything that spoiled the happy complacency of the Western world must be a result of Putin’s interference: gilets jaunes, “assistance provided to far-right and anti-establishment parties”, he’s the poster boy of the dreaded populism, his populist tentacles reach Hungary and Italy. And the next thing we knew, Putin was mucking around in everybody’s votes: Brexit; Catalonia; Netherlands; Germany; Sweden; Italy; EU in particular and Europe in general; Mexico; Canada. Newsweek gives a helpful list. Sometimes he loses elections: Germany, Ukraine but he goes on, unstopping. But his greatest triumph was said to have been in the US election: he “won” because Donald Trump was his willing puppet.

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snoopydawg's picture

the easiest election in history to the worst possible candidate ever:

Every Excuse Hillary Clinton Has Given for Her 2016 Election Loss

Hillary Clinton has blamed her election loss to Donald Trump on pretty much everyone and everything, most recently telling CNN's Fareed Zakaria that sexism kept her from shattering America's ultimate glass ceiling.

It's the latest attempt by the former secretary of state and two-time presidential loser to recast her 2016 loss. So we decided to compile all the reasons Clinton has given for why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office instead of her:


Barack Obama

Clinton suggested the former president could have done more to emphasize the urgency of Russia's interference in the election.

I do wonder sometimes about what would have happened if President Obama had made a televised address to the nation in the fall of 2016 warning that our democracy was under attack," she writes. "Maybe more Americans would have woken up to the threat in time. We’ll never know."

Bernie Sanders

"He resorted to innuendo and impugning on my character," she says in her memoir, and caused "lasting damage." Clinton goes on to suggest Sanders set up Trump for his "Crooked Hillary" campaign and divided and disrupted the Democratic Party, blocking her path to victory.

James Comey

“If the election had been on October 27, I would be your president,” Clinton told CNN's Christiane Amanpour at the May Women for Women event.

Self-Hating Women

The Media

Clinton also said cable news networks made it difficult for her to get her message across to voters. "When you have a presidential campaign and the total number of minutes on TV news...was 32 minutes, I don't blame voters," she said in September on The View. "Voters are going to hear what they hear.... They don't get a broad base of information to make judgments on."

Uninformed Voters

Yet even as Clinton refuses to blame the voters, she sort of does, because they were too quick to buy into Trump's flashy campaign style.

Voter Suppression

(I know, right?)


“I was on the way to winning until the combination of Jim Comey's letter on October 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off. And the evidence for that intervening event is, I think, compelling [and] persuasive," Clinton said in May, referencing the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee's emails.

Her Campaign Staff

Clinton threw the lot of them under the bus for "failing to hone her message, energize important constituencies, and take care of business in getting voters to the polls."

The Democratic National Committee

Campaign Finance Laws

Jill Stein

Clinton blames the Green Party candidate for dividing the votes between her and Trump, handing Trump victories in key states.

"There were more than enough Stein voters to swing the result, just like Ralph Nader did in Florida and New Hampshire in 2000," she writes in What Happened.

The Electoral College

And, speaking of the 2000 election, Clinton damns the Electoral College for making her popular vote win irrelevant to the presidency.

Anthony Weiner

Amid a probe into Weiner's sexual exchanges online with a minor, FBI investigators uncovered a cache of then-spouse and Clinton aide Huma Abedin's emails, leading Comey to reopen the investigation into Clinton's private emails. Since Clinton considers Comey's email probe to be more or less the final nail in her campaign's coffin, it's no surprise she doesn't take Weiner's role in catalyzing it lightly.

"This man is going to be the death of me," she said of Weiner.

Her 'Basket of Deplorables' Comment


Clinton hasn't completely absolved herself of responsibility for her election loss. Though she faults Comey and the media for turning her use of a private email server into a full-blown scandal during the campaign, she admits that sending the emails from a personal device was illegal "dumb."

"I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person who was on the ballot," Clinton said at the Women for Women event.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

moneysmith's picture

@snoopydawg Gary Johnson scored almost 4.5 million votes, which is about 4 million more than Jill Stein (Hey, Hillary, how come he never gets blamed for any of this?)

She also forgot about Susan Sarandon, who probably cost her tens of votes. Or maybe ten votes. Or possibly none. But Sarandon definitely deserves part of the blame.

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

Pricknick's picture

I knew it was an onion before I ingested it.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

SnappleBC's picture

Didn't Brock buy them out? I expect them to go full on establishment stupid as the election gets going.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

lotlizard's picture

(Warning: link goes to TOP)

Back when This Modern World was actually funny (and independent of party and the straitjacket of political groupthink):


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that articulated a vision for the country. She had one for herself (suggested film title for a fantasy sci-fi based on that What Happened book: A President Is Born. Maybe someone can re-work the song Shallow to be context-appropriate).

Something I am curious about is why she is still trashing Russia and Vladimir Putin and so publicly. The decorum of her previous office is obviously out the window and she never struck me as a gracious person, but is it still about the 2016 election? Shady business deals gone awry? Some Clinton Foundation shit? All of this?

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snoopydawg's picture

@Le Frog

the election from her or she has said it so many times that she now believes it. She sure didn't have a problem taking money from him after she sold Russia our uranium. Bill also got in on the act and got $500,000 for giving a speech.

And speaking of speeches:

Reports said she made a total of 92 speeches to banks, financial services organisations and suchlike between 2013 and 2015, earning up $21.6m in two years but also opening her up to criticism from rivals such as Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump who claimed she was an elitist who was out of touch with the concerns and interests of ordinary voters.

Remember when people were saying that she was getting her rewards ahead of time instead of waiting until she was out of the presidency?

"I wouldn't have any problem telling the banks to behave if they start up with their shenanigans again. When I was in congress I told them to knock it off!

You go girl! I'm sure that they were quaking in the goochie loafers when you said that.

This is a quote from this article on Obama being paid $1.2 million for giving 3 speeches since he left office.

Gah! This guy can't be this dumb can he?

Mr Obama has not always had a close relationship with Wall Street. In 2009, he attacked bankers for their role in the global financial crisis.

His administration then issued a number of new rules and regulations to try and rein in the largest banks, but did not prosecute any CEOs and resisted calls from his party to break up the largest institutions. He also used public money to bail out many of the most influential financial firms.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

Where is this coming from and why are people pushing it again? Because Barr said he is going to see if people spied on Trump's campaign? This is such a no deal because Barr has already given Hillary and Obama a pass. This article is just one more way for the PTB to distract people from the real issues affecting people's lives.

I think the big scandal, beyond the conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians is that Trump was elected via hacking in the swing states, and is an illegitimate president.

Think whatever you like dude. Until someone can show me proof that Russia interfered directly with the election it didn't happen.

I really want to post the Facebook article about how AIPAC is targeting Bernie, but what's the point? People have closed their minds to facts.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Anja Geitz's picture


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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier