Who the Hella is Froma Haropp?

Bernie Sanders, It's Over

Before the 2016 presidential race, Bernie Sanders exuded some charm as an unapologetic lefty with a Brooklyn accent. But when his campaign gained traction, the authoritarian took over. Unwilling to concede that Democratic primary voters preferred Hillary Clinton to him -- she had amassed nearly 4 million more votes -- he continued to undermine her all the way up to the party convention. Without a doubt, he helped elect Donald Trump.

Recall this scorched-earth attack, at a rally when Clinton had all but clinched the nomination: "Are you qualified to be president of the United States when you're raising millions of dollars from Wall Street, an entity whose greed, recklessness and illegal behavior helped destroy our economy?"

It happens that those speeches didn't include anything particularly supportive of Wall Street's goals. As a senator, she continually voted against its interests. But she did represent New York, where the financial industry is a major employer and provides the biggest payroll. As a senator from Vermont, Sanders routinely voted money for Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jets, a $1.5 trillion boondoggle. Why? Because the F-35 program was employing a lot of Vermonters.

Sanders is no stranger to hypocrisy. Last summer, he praised the Democratic National Committee for greatly reducing the power of superdelegates -- powerful Democrats who can back any candidate, regardless of how the people vote. But in 2016, when it became clear that he was losing the nomination, Sanders beseeched the superdelegates to ignore the voters and support him instead.

Dismissing the will of the people is a Bernie specialty. No one can forget the Nevada Democratic state convention, held after Clinton had won the Nevada caucuses by a comfortable margin. The "Bernie bros" erupted, shouting the C-word at the women running the event. That included its chairwoman, who also received death threats against her and her grandchild....
During the early primaries, he waved off his losses in the Southern states, with their large black electorates, as not mattering.

It didn't help that his top black surrogate, academic Cornel West, had called Barack Obama "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats."
We shouldn't care that Sanders is old, white and male. And some of his ideas are good. Problem is, he lost his moral authority in the 2016 election of Trump. It should be over for him.

Wow. Just wow!

Hey, Hillary. Will you call out this person for attacking another democrat like your supporters insist Bernie does his? Neera? You got anything to say about this? Dismissing the will of the people? Seriously? After what Hillary and the DNC did to Bernie during the primary? How about when they hired people off of Craig's list to fill the seats of Bernie's supporters?

Hey, Froma. Don't you remember how long Herheinous stayed in the race after Obama had it locked up? And that she said she should stay in just in case someone murdered Obama. You know..like what happened to Bobby Kennedy right after he clinched the nomination?

This is really something. I'd say I'm speechless, but it's obvious that I'm not.

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Centaurea's picture

at her revisionist history of the Nevada caucuses and convention.

Hillary won at the precinct level caucuses, although Dem party shenanigans were noted (including but not limited to casino workers being bussed in while on the clock to vote for Hillary).

However, at the county level caucuses several weeks later, Sanders won by a good margin. Because of the delegate win at the county level, it was reasonably expected that Bernie would win at the state convention.

We all saw with our own eyes what took place at the NV state convention, and it had nothing to do with those big, bad Bernie Bros picking on poor innocent Roberta Lange. Bernie had been beating the DNC at their own game, and the DNC couldn't allow that to continue.

This is the first time I've heard of Froma Haropp. Her journalistic skills are third-rate. I wonder who she's fronting for? Maybe she's auditioning as a hit-piece writer for David Brock.

Edited to add: I did a little research on Froma Haropp. She bills herself as a combination of liberal, progressive, and libertarian. She writes for numerous publications, including one called the "Progressive Populist".

According to wikipedia:

The Progressive Populist is a magazine in tabloid newspaper format published twice monthly. Founded in 1995, the magazine is based in Storm Lake, Iowa, with editorial offices in Manchaca, Texas. The editor is James M. Cullen, managing editor is Art Cullen and the publisher is John Cullen.

The magazine labels itself as "A Journal from America's Heartland."[1]It deals with political and economic topics of interest to "workers, small businesses, and family farmers and ranchers"; according to its "About" page, the journal "report[s] on issues of interest to the middle class of America."[2]


Speculating here, but one of Bernie's strengths is his cross-over appeal. He does well in the "heartland" states such as Iowa, where he's been campaigning recently, because he understands their concerns and and supports their interests. The more they hear him, the more they like him.

Does this article by Haropp indicate an attempt to knee-cap that support? Again, I have to wonder what her agenda is, especially since the piece is full of outright lies and Clintonist talking points.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

Wally's picture


. . . given his appeal not to attack Joe, er I mean, other Democratic candidates in a crossfire (shh, except Bernie).

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jobu's picture

I use articles like this to measure the fear and desperation of the Corporate Overlords of the Democratic Party.

The stronger Bernie and his Progressive Base gets, the more upside down these articles will become. Articles like these are just the first few snowflakes in a Centrist PR anti-Bernie Blizzard to come.

AP put out a story recently that is echoing the MSM's new meme that Bernie is the frontrunner. Of course, the overall theme of the article is negative. Expect them to come fast a furious like this.

High Expectations:

He now carries the weight of high expectations and will face heightened scrutiny over everything from the cost and feasibility of his government-funded policy proposals to his tax returns, which he has not yet released.

Could have done better:

Despite his strong launch, Sanders’ current standing atop the Democratic field is not entirely enviable. Presidential primaries are long and turbulent, and past elections underscore how many early front-runners have been tossed aside before the first votes are cast.

“He did very well. He could have done better,” said Mo Elleithee, who advised Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign and now runs the Georgetown University Institute of Politics and Public Service.

Weak with Black Voters:

Sanders also still has to prove that he can overcome some of the same vulnerabilities that contributed to his defeat in 2016.

Chief among them will be bolstering his standing with black voters, one of the most important constituencies in Democratic politics.

Weak vs. Trump:

Perhaps Sanders’ biggest challenge is overcoming skepticism among voters who may be partial to his focus on economic inequality but fear that nominating a 77-year-old self-described democratic socialist would put Democrats in a weak position against Trump in the general election.

“That’s a thing that scares me about him,” said Gwen Hobson, a 70-year-old Democratic voter, who attended Sanders’ rally on Friday in Davenport.

Look at this article as the template for the Bernie Takedown attempt by the NeoLibs and their allies in the MSM. Vague innuendo and negative statements that bear no relation to the facts on the ground, this is the thin gruel we will be served day and night for the next 15 months.

Keep pushing back. The more you do, the more they have to come out of hiding to expose themselves as the rank corporate shills and careerist that they are.

We win every time that happens.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@jobu Although this column is pure garbage, it is part of an effort to re-write history and such efforts have certainly been successful (e.g. perceptions of the Vietnam War, US cooperation with Saddam Husein, the Reagan administration's working with Manny Noriega to smuggle guns to the Contras while the same planes that were flown into Panama full of guns and ammo were filled with cocaine and flown back to the US, etc. etc.). While it is obvious to denizens of this site that this column is uncomposted manure, it will not be obvious to many of her readers in the corporate press.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Roy Blakeley

Don't know what gender this person is, but the point of it writing this is to feed into people's beliefs that everyone but Herheinous was responsible for her losing to the worst candidate ever.

And dystopian points out, it also blamed Bernie for the attack on Biden's hands wandering every on women and kid's bodies.

Nonetheless, Flores gave a dramatic rendition of the distress it caused her. "I just froze," she said. "I didn't know what to do. Because again the only thing that you're processing is that there is a very powerful man standing next to you ... and you just don't know how to respond.

Wow. Seems that some have moved on from believe every woman. I really dislike hypocrites don't you?

Seems that democrats can't hold themselves accountable for their own actions. Read again how it was the democratic voters that let the democrats down, not the democrats who refused to do what they said they would.

People who voted for Stein are also responsible for Trump's win, but that's some arrogance don't you think? That every one who voted for Stein would have voted for Herheinous if Stein hadn't run. And why doesn't Johnson get the same flack thrown at him? He got more votes than Stein did.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


She carries the sign of the Clinton beast "$$$", and is one of the 4 Volvos of the Apocalypse. The rest of the answer is a lot of curse words so we'll leave it at that.

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I think the Dems are rigging this primary too with all the candidates in it. Most are delusional to think they can even win the primary, let alone the general. So if they are in and spending money, who is paying for it? I think this makes 20?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


as of April 8, 2019. Mainstream candidates now number 19 per the entry:


It also mentions potential candidates (Joe Biden is still on that list).

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Benny's picture

by that same opinion writer. Funny how she's not list on their writers list though.

That article was Feb 19th, a few days after Bernie announced for the 2020 cycle. The OP has written another hit piece on Bernie, accusing his campaign of collusion with Lucy Flores (former Sanders supporter) to come out against Joe Biden's creepy sniffing of her hair at a campaign event.

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One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

Unabashed Liberal's picture

corporatist Dems) says it all (to me). Clearly, she's still angry that FSC lost the election.

Sorta expect this election cycle to be quite different, since the MSM journalists have been talking about vetting him, this time around. Think there were two reasons that he escaped a thorough one in 2016--in the beginning, they (MSM & PtB) didn't take him seriously, anyway; then, when it narrowed to just him and FSC, they wanted there to be at least a 'patina of legitimacy' by having a challenger to FSC, as the Dem Party PtB worked behind the scenes to install FSC as Prez. IOW, it wouldn't have been in their best interest to attempt to take him down, if they could have.

Could be wrong, but, fully expect him to get the "DT treatment" this time around. (I've got a piece to post on that at EB, this evening.)

Also, think it would be wise for Bernie to release his taxes by April 15 (as he indicated he would). Whether he's worried about the charges against Jane (or not), he's better off to get it out of the way. For certain, it's not a good look for him and all the other Dems, especially the Presidential candidates, to support supoenaing DT's taxes from IRS, while refusing to make their own public. (Several of the other Dem Prez candidates have already done so, BTW.)

Apparently, he and DT are the only two (of the most prominent lawmakers/pols) who've released only one year of their tax returns--and, Bernie didn't release the entire return [for 2016], just the Form 1040.

Blue Onyx

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

...and Beto O'Rourke are the neolibs' choices. More pertinent to what lies (double-entendré) ahead is the inconvenient truth about the primary schedule. In 2020, it's March 3rd, even earlier than in 2016.

The whole "...wait-'til-the-second-round-of-voting-at-the-convention-for-the-superdelegates-to-emerge..." meme is quite real and ominous, overshadowing all of this media/status quo kabuki for the next 11 months. From RANTTMEDIA...

...Not all states have announced their 2020 primaries, but the following states have decided on March 3rd: Alabama, California, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia.

The most notable moves to Super Tuesday are that of California and Texas. California, as the most populous state, is certain to change the way candidates campaign in advance of Super Tuesday. The state has hundreds of delegates available and is considered far more diverse than some of the traditional Super Tuesday states. Some Democrats believe that California is more accurately representative of the primary electorate of the Democratic party. The story is similar for Texas, the second most populous state, with a large Latinx community. It is unclear how the addition of California and Texas will affect the primaries, but it is certain to make the stakes on Super Tuesday even higher...

The writing is DEFINITELY on the wall. It's a slow-motion train wreck writ large...

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson

@bobswern @bobswern

Besides being gay, a phony, and being loved on by Obama, what's his draw? His policies when you can find them are a bunch of double talk. Is he attracting centrists or duping real progressives?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


how his gayness was a decision made a few pay grades above him.... meaning GOD! Yep- he played the God card. He's out as far as I'm concerned.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Fishtroller 02

Saw Buttigeig last night in the news talking about how his gayness was a decision made a few pay grades above him.... meaning GOD! Yep- he played the God card. He's out as far as I'm concerned.

You're really going to have a hard time voting for anyone for national federal office, then!

Your problem really isn't with the candidates. As this article points out, your real problem is with the States of Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. These States, in violation of the Federal Constitution (Article VI paragraph 3), prohibit atheists from running for any public office in or from those States.

Those States (all but Maryland ex-Confederate, by the way) made damn sure that all candidates for President had the God card to play -- and just as sure that they all did play it, and often!

Moreover, I was surprised that you weren't better pleased with certain nose-tweaks Buttigieg served the very fundagelicals who are the root cause of these very problems. His comment traveled roads other than those of your liking, perhaps; but his destination -- that homosexual orientation is not a matter of personal choice -- is well settled science these days. And if God is everything the fundagelical Protestant Christians crack Him up to be, then the only possible result for those who can "do the math" is that God created all gay people just as they are and wanted all of them to be there!

I respectfully submit that the exploding fundagelical heads alone made the comment worth the making, regardless of where you stand on the God question. Wink
"Yes, I believe in God. But I'm no Wee Mama!" -- me

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides


As for Buttigeig, he decided to bring his beliefs into a fight with Pence, which does none of us any good. I'll tell you why.... it just drags all of us into the un-resolvable fight within Christianity over the nature of "God". Both Pence and Buttigeig are right about god because god is whatever each of them imagines. Being gay has nothing to do with an imaginary deity. It has to do with the science of evolution. So Buttigeig is just promoting religious non-scientific nonsense that I wish we would all move away from.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin


Veteran, Rhodes scholar, preppy mayor, not too controversial, not perceived as a Washington Insider. I have wondered if he is the back-up Beto O'Rourke. When Beto crashes and burns, Pete can step in to fill that niche of Cool Young Guy.

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Wally's picture

@Le Frog

Just slice PeBeto O'Rourigieg* in half.

And maybe take some youth votes away from Bernie. They serve no other real function.

* copyrighted by Le Frog

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We can add Tim Ryan and Eric Swalwell to it.

Fun fact: when I first read that "Tim" Ryan declared his candidacy, I read it as "Paul" Ryan. Yes, THAT Paul Ryan. I said to my cats, "what kind of crazy fucking primary is this?" I quickly realized my error.

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@Le Frog @Le Frog

...by definition, are obviously running for Veep consideration, too. Swing state, Democratic OH (Ryan, etc.), FL, MI (Klobuchar), PA, VA, and WI political animals are highly-prized as "savory v.p. ticket meat" for any Dem frontrunner, of course! #1 on that list has to be Sherrod Brown.

(Other notes: With Swalwell in the primary race, he may take votes away from Harris, possibly increasing Bernie's chances of winning, outright, in CA. Same holds for Castro in TX, who will be even more competitive vs. O'Rourke in Texas...than Swalwell will be vs. Harris in CA. Haven't really heard too much from Castro though, have we?)

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson


in 2016. I agree with you about the VP auditioning. To be honest, with most of them, like Klobuchar, I only got as far as thinking HAHAHAHAHA are you for real with this? In your dreams... and then never gave any further thought to where they could go next.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at these strategy meetings.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Le Frog

This might have been enough to kill her shot for president. Kaine is one of the biggest blue Dawg democrats in congress right now. He and Manchin have voted for every republican bill. Oh yeah. Doug Jones is right there with them. I just can't figure out why she chose him instead of some not quite so bland. It's like Bush going with Quayle. I'd never heard of either of them until they were picked for VP.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


I have ideas:

1. He was a Safe Choice. She thought she had the presidency cinched, and banked on not needing an Elizabeth Warren or a Julian Castro to round out her support. I wonder if she was a little worried too about gambling on a more controversial choice (see: John McCain, 2008).

2. He was not a Star. This was the Hillary Show, and a bland co-star that was just happy to be there was what was called for; no hogging the spotlight!

3. They were the Same. Ivy League lawyers, definitely not progressive; it was a sound partnership.

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@Le Frog
She really didn't understand what her negatives were, so she had no conception of what needed to be done to offset them.

Not as bad as Lieberman, though. That choice probably did more damage to Gore's vote totals than anything else that happened in that campaign.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.


Virginia was a key swing state in 2016.

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson

snoopydawg's picture


Thanks for supplying the answer

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Centaurea's picture

During Obama's first term in office, Tim Kaine held the position Tom Perez currently holds,Chair of the DNC. For part of that time, Kaine was also governor of Virginia.

As we know, in 2008 Obama and Hillary came to an agreement: she would drop out of the primary, thus ensuring Obama would be the nominee. In return, he would help pave the way for Hillary to run in 2016. This included such things as appointing her SoS.

As we now also know, the Clintons essentially bought the DNC, in order to make sure she was the nominee in 2016. In 2011, they installed her former campaign manager, DWS, as DNC chair. In order to do that, Kaine had to be removed from that position.

I've read speculation that as compensation for giving up the DNC chair role, Kaine was promised the VP spot. I don't know if it's true, but it makes sense.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone


...as are a few others. That being said, after the election of Trump, all of the old "guidelines" concerning who is--versus who isn't--"qualified" to run for the White House gig are no longer valid.

Schedule-wise, it'll be interesting to watch so many in this large field of Democratic candidates as they walk away from their campaigns come February and March--jockeying/bartering for positions and announcing their potential endorsements of the perceived frontrunner(s)--as the flock of wannabees winnows down. That will be interesting, to say the least.

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson


It actually explains Cory Booker's campaign to me.

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...are important, media-wise, if Bernie's going to overcome these Super Tuesday obstacles come 3/3/20.

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson

Wally's picture

@bobswern @bobswern

I really don't think the DNC is unified this time around. There isn't just one neo-liberal candidate. I think there are still hard feelings between Obama and Hillary.

I've noted before:

When Obama recently warned about the danger of the candidates shooting each other in a crossfire, the MSM interpreted that in terms of Bernie, Tulsi and even Warren shooting at the corporatist candidates. I don't think that's what he was getting at.

My guess is that he was protecting his ol' buddy Joe who was getting whacked on the personal space issue, not so much all the twiddle dees and twiddle dums. Given that Harris was able to take advantage early on of Hillary's donor base, it sure seems that she's Hillary's candidate. Maybe only as a stalking horse before a possible second ballot. Let me get that little bit of vomit out of my mouth before I continue.

Then again, Joe may get cold feet again in the face of the attacks that are going to be coming harder and heavier at him. I think he'll jump in but who knows for sure? He would have jumped in already, I think, if he got Stacey Abrams to join his ticket. At best, though. she's playing hard to get. I'm afraid that ticket will be very hard to beat in the primaries. We can all rail our utmost against identity politics, but guess what? It's a reality.

And Harris is doing the sleeping dog routine right now, too. I think she is going to be a formidable foe especially in California.

In any event and in my estimation, it's the more the merrier for Bernie. The trick, of course, is to get the 50% + 1 of the delegates on the first ballot. That's going to be tough, but I don't think it's undoable if we pull together just one more time.

They've given us a golden opportunity with their stupidity. Let's take advantage of it!

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detroitmechworks's picture

To steal from Bill Maher, who has completely forfeited his right to make rules because he makes shitty ones...

New Rule: A political Campaign cannot go on longer than it takes to make a new human being.

If a political campaign has people alive during it who were not even a stain on their intern's dress when it started... Sorry Bill, couldn't resist... it's a good sign that the campaign has gone on too long.



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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

dystopian's picture

It is a typo SD, it is supposed to read "From a Harlot". Hits every major BS talking point Neera and Brockroach ever came up with. Pure propoganda and a rewriting of history. The unknown I guess is how many believe it, but too many is the answer.

But I would thank the author for reminding me how I love Cornell West with this mention:
"It didn't help that his top black surrogate, academic Cornel West, had called Barack Obama "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats."

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

It should be over for [Bernie].

Shouldn't it be over for those who lost the 2016 election instead? And those who pushed for the campaign strategies that lost 2016?

Can you imagine if Bernie had won the 2016 nomination and lost to a person like Trump? Every single media article would be about how Democrats lost a sure election by nominating a radical socialist, and the party would have stacked the rules so much to prevent such a debacle again.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

to concern-troll the left. Somehow Hillary’s failure is just a “swing and a miss.”

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@FutureNow Her Highness could not have swung and missed. It's the $50,000 that the Internet Research Agency spent that robbed Her Highness of her rightful throne.

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snoopydawg's picture


Hillary didn't lose per se, she had the election stolen from her by Comey, Wikileaks, Vlad and everyone else who she named in her book. This is how she is able to be seen in public and hold her head high. If none of that happened then her bitt would be sitting in the Oval Office instead of Trump's.

This was why she and Podesta came up with blaming Russia for hacking the DNC computers instead of admitting that someone leaked the information about how she rigged the primary. She said that way no one would focus on the content of the information. Boy did that work.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Bollox Ref's picture

Sounds like the name of a character in an Ibsen play.

Someone with definite issues.


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from a reasonably stable genius.

detroitmechworks's picture

@Bollox Ref the entire length of the production will be long boring conversations in a gorgeous set piece. (Hey, I admit it, there are some "Classic" authors I don't like.) Wink

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Bollox Ref I didn't really read the thing, because propaganda bent on changing my mind by making me feel bad tends to take an exclusive fast-lane into my head and stick there, but let me know if enough of the intended content is standard talking-points from elsewhere for the whole thing to have been manageable by a computer program.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Lily O Lady's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

made up the faked name Hagen Das.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Lily O Lady It was made up by a Jewish-American entrepreneur who wanted something that sounded Danish-y out of a clumsy-but-sincere desire to honor Denmark for their protecting and helping Jews while staring down Nazi Germany.

Imitation, as they say, is the sincerest form of flattery.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

wendy davis's picture

@Bollox Ref

i'd head to check that she isn't anthony weiner's (estranged?) wife.

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bossy cow, lay down the law, Kool Kid issuing the approved opinion tone of hers. Sanders "lost his moral authority"? Oh really? I will make that determination for myself, thank you. Hillary, "all but had the nomination sewed up"? Oh? That is not what I remember. What I remember is that in every state where votes were properly counted, Sanders won. What I believe, based on what I saw but maybe can't prove in court, is that Shillary stole it, and no amount of I'm way cooler than you assertions from Ms. Harrop, of whose existence I was happily ignorant before today, are going to change that opinion.

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Mary Bennett


Comes to us courtesy of NYT, Neocon Propaganda Radio, PBS et al.

She says on her website that she loves getting emails.

A Hillbot afraid of losing influence and position, if you ask me.

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Mary Bennett