Let's Talk about the 13 Russian Trolls Mueller Indicted

Here's an excellent article on the 13 Russian trolls that Robert Mueller indicted that people point to when they say that Mueller has charged people involved with interfering with the election. In my best Joe impersonation, "here's a taste..."

Why the Evidence Mueller Has for the Indicting 13 Russian Nationals is Fraudulent

It’s almost a shame that a headline like that won’t spark anything more than casual curiosity when you consider the charges Robert Mueller is looking into. The Russian company Concord Management decided to answer is charges in early May, which threw a wrench into Mueller’s strategy.

I’m more interested in showing what Robert Mueller’s sources are not, than who they are. This opens a much greater conspiracy that’s playing out in a complicit US media today. What do I mean? The flawed source for both investigators and journalists that know anything about the Russian troll factory in St. Petersburg, Russia is Shaltai Boltai. They are supposed to be connected to the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence).

Fancy Bear is also supposedly the GRU hacking team that everyone is actually looking for. Shaltai Boltai is supposed to have those connections. Is it an official Intel operation or was a criminal undertaking to discredit Russia?

Over a year ago, I found evidence of the identity of Crowdstrike’s Fancy Bear, just short of a confession. When I looked into Shaltai Boltai, I found additional information that is even better for identifying Fancy Bear. The next article will detail that clearly.

Once it’s clear that the source of Mueller’s evidence – Russian hackers called Shaltai Boltai (Humpty Dumpty) – did NOT hack Concord Catering or the Russian government, we can cross off a couple of hackers from our list on our way to Fancy Bear. Shaltai Boltai tried unsuccessfully to confess to the DNC hacks.

They aren’t the hackers they make themselves out to be. They are Information Operation (IO) specialists that were paid to build a narrative which became a convenient hook for Mueller to hang his coat on.

Unfortunately, the slam dunk he would have won if they stayed away was taken from his grasp the second real people materialized. You see, Robert Mueller has to prove the Internet Research Company existed in reality and did the things he alleges.

He now has to authenticate the communications from the Troll Farm that his Russian interference investigation is based on and he can’t do it. This was the reason Mueller asked to delay the trial instead of moving forward. His case is built on fraudulent (nonexistent) evidence. Even that is laughable because what he is alleging goes against the grain of some of his foundational documentary evidence.

The source for Mueller’s indictment are Russian traitors that were hired for the purpose of destroying Russia. That Mueller’s evidence was an Information Operation to discredit both the Kremlin and the current US government changes everything because fabricated evidence is still considered too tainted to use in a court of law, even if the defendant is Russian.

Let’s get down to brass tacks and avoid any confusion. Once you understand that the original source of information for the Internet Research Agency, viz. hackers calling themselves Shaltai Boltai (Humpty Dumpty), fabricated the evidence, you understand the irresolvable problem Mueller stepped into.

Mueller’s problem in this scenario, according to what should be a foundational article by Scott Humor at the Saker.is, is that the “Internet Research Agency”, which existed only on paper, ceased to exist in 2015. It was liquidated and merged with construction retail company called TEKA. I found Humor’s article after almost finishing this one. He left little need for any additional research on the matter.

About the troll farm, he notes the results of a court case that an NGO was pushing to get legal recognition of the troll farm as a working business in St Petersburg. It didn’t work out.

One example, a woman with the last name Malcheva filed a lawsuit in court against the companies “Internet Research, LLC” and “TEKA, LLC,” claiming unpaid wages.

The court asked her to produce evidence of her work, and then denied her claim after she produced a photo of a computer with an IP address on its screen as evidence of her employment.

IP Address
inetnum: –
descr: S-Peterburg Hotel Corintia Wi-Fi

An IP address that was assigned to a luxury hotel in Saint-Petersburg. A hotel that was awarded multiple international awards for excellence. An immensely popular hotel among discriminating travelers. A very expensive hotel located in the center of a historic city. The woman claimed that she was an “online troll’ working from this location ten hours a day with hundreds of other virtual trolls. The judge didn’t believe her. Would you? – Scott Humor Saker.is

Secondly, and more importantly, is that although charged with treason by the Russian government, the “hackers” did not serve time for hacking. They served time for conspiring against the Russian government. This is an important point.

First things first, how do I know it is an information operation against the United States? Everything hinges on how carefully and accurately this single question is answered.

If Mueller is alleging that this entity interfered in the 2016 US election, yet all the information about it is faked, it is safe to say the word Information Operation.

The reason is simple. The “Anon” information Mueller uses for his indictment about the Russian Internet Research Agency every MSM news story is based on states quite clearly in the posts that it IS an Information Operation. Shaltai Boltai reiterates this fact throughout different posts!

If only this single fact is true, Robert Mueller needs to step down to answer some questions. The first one is why he would knowingly take part in a foreign influence operation to publicly destroy the credibility of the United States Government?

If the information that Mueller used in his indictment was true, it would still have to be thrown out of a court of law because of the source. In the US, a police officer can’t lie to a judge or grand jury about probable cause to get a search or arrest warrant and expect anything he found to be admissible in court. Special Prosecutor Mueller can’t either. He cannot cite information that :

-,Was purported to be hacked and was obtained illegally if that were true

- Cannot use information where the source states the information was manufactured to create new realities, in this case political realities.

- Fake emails do not constitute evidence. None of the MSM stories even provide him with an inch of cover.

- He doesn’t get a free pass today.

This is important because according to Mueller the IRA (Internet Research Agency) is supposed to be composed of handpicked professional journalists, information war specialists, attorneys, and business people. These are supposed to be educated people. After all, they got past 19 Intel agencies right?

I would have to go past fair use to sum this up so I will leave it here and let ya'll reead the rest. Gee it's no wonder Mueller tried to go with the "I can't release the information to the lawyers because it would harm national security.

Cross posted on DK. Nah, this would get me bojo'd in no time fast.

From the comments:

Will Robert Mueller be indicted for giving a Grand Jury false information to frame the non-existing Russian Company? If a special counsel can frame a Russian Company he or any FBI agent can frame any American Citizen. This is what Robert Mueller is training the American Citizens to know about the USA’s Judicial System

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Lookout's picture

and the other memes didn't sway the election? After all there were 13 trolls, and they spent about $100,000 most of it after the election. Doesn't that convince you?

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


is not a crime, not even for foreigners. If it were, that might make life rather difficult for some well-known multinational corporations, as well as for any foreign donors involved in campaign PACs, and maybe for foreign donors generally.

They are being accused of a crime that isn't a crime and hasn't been a crime during my lifetime.

Because what they did, IF they did it, is political campaigning. Not very good political campaigning, nor very extensive, but campaigning nonetheless.

If anybody wants to make the argument that foreigners shouldn't be allowed to campaign in our elections, I'll listen, but such a law would have to apply to all--not just people from a country the CIA wants a war with, not just people who get in Hillary Clinton's way, but all people.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

arendt's picture

to post after Mueller-damerung.

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some motion to set aside the defective indictments eventually.
It is such an abuse of the criminal justice system. I guess chicken shit local county prosecutors can use that as their "go by" template.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Deja's picture

In the US, a police officer can’t lie to a judge or grand jury about probable cause to get a search or arrest warrant and expect anything he found to be admissible in court.

It's done every single day in this country. Mueller did it on a somewhat open stage, though, I guess.

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@Deja but I can't come up with a reason.
The only indictments I have quashed have been post arrest, where the defendant was required to be present in the courtroom.
I will call some pals who practice in federal court, see what they say.
I think I have a dozen or so friends, even extremely close friends, who are cops. The hundreds of others I have ran across over the decades were...how can I say this?...how about this: They had an agenda and were focused on their mission. A hand full wound up in Federal prison.
They should have paid more attention to the instructors in police academy.
As a public service, I am coaching every client who walks in the door what to do if they are pulled over for a traffic violation, so as not to get killed.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

what to do if they are pulled over for a traffic violation, so as not to get killed.

Does it include this advice?
(ignoring the last quote about MLK)

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture



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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


very clever.

Can't top that, but I can tell the story of our local deputy from a few years back.

Pulled over a car and asked the driver, "where you from buddy?".


Deputy thought he had him. "Then why you runnin' them Illinois plates?"

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout not hilarious!
I will put together something. I will network with some cop pals for their input.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...we can all do with a little advice. The cops I know tell me the main thing is don't lie to them. ..that pisses them off. My approach is say as little as possible and have my license and insurance card ready to show.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout having to run after someone is a guarantee of an ass beating when they are caught.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Deja's picture

@on the cusp
That lying bastard cost 2 people their lives, 4 fellow cops to be injured, and put into question every single warrant he's ever applied for. Over 50 open cases, and over 1000 previous ones he was involved with.

15 grams of pot & 1.5 grams of coke were in the last house he raided. He had black tar heroin in his own government vehicle. He lied to get the warrant.

There won't be any statistics on how often they lie. And if there were, I wouldn't believe it lol, because it's part of their jobs to lie. I've known enough that have bragged about the shit they have done, and gotten away with, that I would be less likely to believe their testimony, pretty much ever. It's certainly beneficial to have them on your side, though.

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@Deja I got this woman a divorce from her cop husband. He had begun his career in my county, stepped it up, got to Houston. There, he headed the drug squad, won citations from the Mayor, was just all that.
Then he got caught dealing.
And because of all his fabulous service, he had accumulated some real estate, and Harris County prosecutors decided not to take it by seizure and forfeiture, he was allowed to sell it so he would have money while he did his 3 year sentence.
He sat in my office, signed the divorce decree, and I asked him wtf. He said he had used his tools to catch the bad guys, thought he knew enough to beat the police tools.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


car they are using to transport millions on drugs would be in perfect order. No missing tail lights, missing registration tags, no smoked out windows, etc. Isn't it funny that is what cops say was the reason for pulling them over every damn time there's a huge drug bust?

The real story is the dea and other agencies had them in their sights long before they took off in their cars, but they were spying on them illegally and couldn't do anything at the time. Judges know that cops are lying their asses off while being under oath, but they don't give a rat's ass. Drug trafficking that doesn't have the CIA's hands all over it cannot be allowed to hurt their profits.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


...our local judge said, "when it comes to drugs, you can wipe your ass with the constitution."

Considering our current situation, it might apply as a more general statement than just about drugs.

I think it was Nader I heard say 'the words corporation, political party, and employer do not appear in the constitution yet control our daily lives'.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Yeah it seems that the constitution is more of a suggestion these days than the law of the land anymore doesn't it?

No knock warrants should be outlawed, but this is how things are done in Amurica since Bush rode into office and passed the draconian patriot act which was supposed to sunset after a few years. As were the Bush tax cuts. Boy am I glad that Obama filibustered the FISA bill aren't you?

As to the video you posted I'm not sure that it matters if blacks follow those rules. Seems like many do but end up getting their ass kicked anyway. Or killed and then the media writes a report detailing all the guy's past history and how many drugs he had in system at time of death. Rarely hear that when whites get offed. The rules mentioned are the same ones people here say after cops killed someone. "Of only they had...."

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


The US no longer recognizes international law (nor the national law as laid out by the constitution).

Consider the recognition of the Golan heights as a recent example...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture


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Deja's picture

There's also the tried and true favorite, "I was in fear for my life" (so I emptied my weapon into his black back).

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snoopydawg's picture


say that? Did you hear about that? Guy was sleeping in his car and not bothering anyone. Some cops came along and saw that there was a gun on the guy's lap and emptied their guns. "We were afeared for our lives." Guess the SC has decided that cops have more rights to go home each night then for them to be held accountable for when they kill people for no reason. They can also get away with killing Fido if he wags his tail, barks or is just in his own damned yard. Blue Lives Matter!

Last time I got pulled over Rambo stood behind me at the window so I'd have to crank my neck to look at him. Asked him to move to where I didn't have to do that and he moved forward 3 inches. Asswipe!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver


suffer from insomnia and other sleeping disorders, you see some stuff. Stories appear on news websites overnight. Sometimes, if you are posting about one of them and going back to the story to check facts, you see the story change many times. Or, if not a news story, a police report.

The two occasions that I observed that most dramatically were the Benghazi murders of US personnel, which began (and eventually ended) as a 911 anniversary terrorist attack story and changed and changed until it somehow involved a very bad film. When I heard Obama speak about it in the Rose Garden, I realized how dishonest and cynical he could be about the deaths of Americans. ("What difference does it now make?") And the sad part of it was not that they arrested the guy who produced the film a couple of weeks later, but that the actors who made the film were harassed and threatened with death because our government told a lie about Benghazi without giving a crap about who the lie might endanger. But I digress.

The other time I saw something change so fast and so often, it was the police report involving JIM CROWley's insane harassment of Harvard Professor Gates for returning to his home from China while black.

Thing is, the first time you see something like that, it does not occur to you that it could change in seconds. So, you don't take a screen cap of the first version you saw--which may or may not be the first version the site posted-- or stay on the site refreshing your screen continually. So, y'all just have to take my word for it.

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the GRU defendants will never be tried. If you don't show up in court, you can't get discovery. If you don't get discovery, the evidence against you can never be challenged. If you never appear to answer the charges, the evidence never gets examined in a court of law.

Dropping the case when he did, without any conspiracy charges, Mueller assures that none of the American defendants will have to challenge that same evidence. The charges are therefore validated without all the trouble of actually proving anything.

The allegations of Russian hacking will stand, unchallenged and repeated ad nauseum in the media. The western media won't independently investigate them. They become true, at least as far as the public is concerned.

A perfect prosecutorial strategy for a political prosecution. Robert Mueller sure knows how to fix a case.

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snoopydawg's picture


Dropping the case when he did, without any conspiracy charges, assures that none of the American defendants will have to challenge that same evidence. The charges are therefore validated without all the trouble of actually proving anything.

People still think that those 13 Russians are guilty as charged. Lots of people think that if a prosecutor gets an indictment then they have ample proof that someone did indeed do the deed. This has been another pattern during Russia Gate. People will read headlines that say something definitive, but inside it the words are more like "we believe, high probability and stuff like that, but people skip right over them. The best example is "all 17 intelligence agencies agree that Russia interfered with the election. But did Clapper or Brennan actually say those words? No they did not. "High probability" again and "it's our belief." And even though it was only 3 heads of 3 agencies that said this people still think that the matter is settled. It's not. And then there's the biggest declaration that is never talked about. Obama said that there was no evidence of election tampering. None. Nada. And yet here we are.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Management & Consulting, LLC is essentially a US shell company holding of a larger Russian concern. Concord is named as a separate defendant from the IRA and the 13 GRU officers in Mueller's indictment.

As a company with counsel who appeared at arraignment, the normal prohibition against In Absentia prosecution in federal Court (Rule 43)is modified by an exception 43(b) that allows prosecution even though no real, live defendant will ever appear.

Therefore, I will modify my comment above. However, the effect is the same here because the US Attorney prosecuting Concord put the brakes to the case when it became clear that Concord's lawyer was serious about fighting the case and was going to drag the evidence into the public record. Again, the problem has been fixed, and I would not be surprised if the case gets dropped and the record never reveals the evidentiary basis of the charges.

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snoopydawg's picture


(I missed what you wrote at the bottom of your comment)

Wouldn't that be the only way to keep the lawyers from seeing his evidence against his clients? I haven't heard that he did that, just that he tried to keep them from seeing what he had on their clients because he said it was a national security problem.

Off topic, but this is a great read. Kevin does a great job summing up everything from the beginning of this shit show. He's written a few things here that I haven't heard about before.

Democrats who pushed Russia Gate

We know that if anyone in the government was involved in pushing this false narrative that it was just fine and dandy for them to do so after Obama made pushing propaganda on us legal. I'm still trying to figure out why so many people bought into it? Was it because of how much they despise Trump? They think that Obama's policies actually brought prosperity back to the country? They think that Hillary really was the bestest and most qualified candidates in the history of this country?

And why did so many of us see through it from the get go?


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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Steven D's picture

@snoopydawg has argued they cannot share info with Concord because it would reveal classified info to a person in Russia associated with Putin and Russian government.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott


And why did so many of us see through it from the get go?

In relation to this question, Americans can be divided into at least four categories:

1. Don't keep up with news like this or don't care as much as some about every little in and out to even think about them much.

2.People who do care, but have not yet grokked how much we are fed my msm and our public "servants" is deceptive or outright lies and therefore take everything at face value. Should they finally catch on, they assume its a mistake or an isolated incident.

3. People who do care and who have a vested interest of some kind in pretending to buy the official story or at least in not pushing against it.

4. The rest of us.

As far as the sources of the bs: Sometimes neither the government nor the msm is very good at trying to deceive us. For example, sometimes the msm goes so far overboard in its coverage that anyone of even moderate intelligence and suspicion, conscious of unconciously thinks "WTF?" Russiagate is an example. So is the media run up to the invasion of Iraq. And we have the internet and partisan radio and television, in addition to print new media like the NYT, which gives us the government version under another byline, unless the government asks the NYT to sit on a story for year or so.

I specify partisan radio and TV because you need to watch both FOX (which I have never been able to do) and MSNBC (which I used to do) if you have anything resembling a prayer of hearing more than one side of a story.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


He was in his youth, when he investigated the Panamanian side of Iran/Contra, and he is now.

It's too bad so many on the putative left apparently have no memory of those days.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

" And even though it was only 3 heads of 3 agencies that said this people still think that the matter is settled."

It wasn't even agency heads. National Intelligence Director James Clapper got together a group of analysts that he hand-picked from 3 agencies. These analysts then gave Clapper the conclusions he wanted. So far as I know, their agencies did not officially sign off on those conclusions. The Russiagate intelligence "report" was all smoke and mirrors.

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@out of left field

always gives Americans the "leastt untruthful" information.

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