Rachel on Wikileaks

Russiagate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange

When it was first revealed in November that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is under secret charges by the Trump administration, I spent the next few days being told by Russiagaters that this was proof that I have been wrong about their demented cold war cult all along, because #MuellerTime is fast approaching. At long last, they vehemently assured me, Assange was going to prison for working with Russia to deprive Queen Hillary of her rightful throne.

None of those people have come back to apologize or admit that they were wrong when subsequent evidence disproved their claims. None of them ever do.

As it turns out, whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury in a secret case investigating Assange for his 2010 role in the WikiLeaks publication of military war logs and diplomatic cables. Manning served seven years in prison for leaking those documents to the transparency advocacy outlet before her sentence was commuted by President Obama, meaning, obviously, that this sealed case has nothing to do with the 2016 leaks Russiagaters have been fiendishly obsessing over. Indeed, the Washington Post reported yesterday that “U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of grand jury secrecy, say the case is based on [Assange’s] pre-2016 conduct, not the election hacks that drew the attention of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.”

So there you have it. Democrats like Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden who have been cheering for Assange’s arrest have actually been cheering on the Trump administration’s prosecution of a journalist for publishing facts about Bush administration war crimes. They thought they were supporting the agenda to punish Assange for publishing leaks that hurt the Hillary campaign, but in reality they were defending two Republican administrations while helping to manufacture support for a prosecution that would set a devastating precedent for press freedoms throughout the entire world.

If you are unfamiliar with the work of Russiagate Grand Wizard Rachel Maddow, you might think she would report the revelation that an unfounded belief held by many of her acolytes has been completely and thoroughly disproven once and for all. If you are a bit more familiar with her, you might assume that she would completely ignore this revelation like she normally does when her conspiratorial ramblings are disproven by facts and evidence. But if you know Rachel really, really well, you might guess what she actually did on her show last night.

If you are a bit more familiar with her, you might assume that she would completely ignore this revelation like she normally does when her conspiratorial ramblings are disproven by facts and evidence. But if you know Rachel really, really well, you might guess what she actually did on her show last night.

That’s right, she flat out lied about it.

On last night’s episode of MSNBC’s most popular show, Maddow blatantly deceived her audience by weaving this story about the Chelsea Manning subpoena into her conspiratorial Russiagate ramblings about Roger Stone, despite those stories having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with one another

On last night’s episode of MSNBC’s most popular show, Maddow blatantly deceived her audience by weaving this story about the Chelsea Manning subpoena into her conspiratorial Russiagate ramblings about Roger Stone, despite those stories having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with one another.

"So, all of this to say between that court filing error in November, the reporting around that error that suggested that it was weird that he was in that case and it was a mistake but the information was true, and then what we saw today in Virginia, something appears to be happening in federal court that pertains to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Sees a “Russia Connection” Lurking Around Every Corner

Aaron Maté has been doing the best reporting on how false this Russian propaganda nonsense has been. He wrote an excellent article that blows the whole cooked up scam out of the room. I have posted it here recently, but let me know if you want it posted again here.

(It's best if you read the article yourself cuz I think I've done a poor job on excerpting this and I didn't want to go past fair use .)

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snoopydawg's picture

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


don't watch maddow or msdnc, because if you do you will be attacked by the stupid.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

Weren't the hacks praising Wikileaks when they released information on Dubya's war crimes?

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

snoopydawg's picture

Yes, the DNC had Seth Rich Murdered. Here is How I Know

This covers a lot of things that happened during the run up to Russia Gate and well worth a read if you want to get caught up on it or refresh your memory.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Shahryar's picture


but I reflexively recoil when I see "save Hannity" and a tweet from D'Souza.

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when I loved her show because it was so damn good, and when I started hearing "things" coming out of her mouth. I backed off from her way, way ahead of Russia Coming to Eat Our Babies, so have little or no guilt about being propagandized.
Mate' is great.
She is a damn liar.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

gulfgal98's picture

@on the cusp All I can say about Rachel Maddow is that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@on the cusp

so I don't have to.

I stopped being able to watch her once I realized there was no denying that 2008 Candidate Obama had been full of crap. It was about then that I realized what a deceptive, condescending snooze she is. I watched her and the rest of the MSNBC shills again at times during the 2016 Democratic, just to see what bs they were flinging, and stopped again after that.

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snoopydawg's picture

With Ecuador’s Cooperation Bought by IMF Loans, Washington Waxes Optimistic on Assange Extradition

Chelsea Manning’s fight against her subpoena in the U.S. Department of Justice’s grand-jury case targeting WikiLeaks founder and former publisher Julian Assange this past week has revealed several uncomfortable truths, not only about that investigation but also about the fate of Assange, whose asylum in Ecuador’s London embassy hangs precariously in the balance.

While reporting on the probe has largely focused on the nature of the still-sealed DOJ case, most reports have largely missed the fact that the marked increase in activity relating to the probe is directly related to the fact that Ecuador has, by all indications, agreed to rescind Assange’s asylum so that he may be extradited to the United States. As a consequence, the U.S. is moving forward with its case against Assange and WikiLeaks — which began nearly a decade ago in 2010 — now that it has received assurances that Assange’s extradition is a matter of when, not if.

Just days into 2019, the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who had originally granted Assange asylum in 2012, shared via Twitter a document showing that Ecuador’s current government, led by Lenín Moreno, was “auditing” Assange’s asylum as well as Assange’s Ecuadorian citizenship, which he had been granted in late 2017.

According to the document shared by Correa, the audit will examine the period from January 1, 2012, to September 20, 2018, and will “determine whether the procedures for granting asylum and naturalization to Julian Assange were carried out in accordance with national and international law.”

WikiLeaks subsequently shared Correa’s tweet and noted that this seemingly unusual reevaluation of Assange’s asylum was directly related to the Moreno administration’s efforts to secure a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a total of $10 billion. Per WikiLeaks, some of the conditions set for Ecuador’s receipt of the IMF loan included U.S. government demands of “handing over Assange and dropping environmental claims against Chevron” for the oil giant’s role in polluting Ecuador’s rainforest and poisoning many of its indigenous inhabitants.

It is also worth pointing out that Ecuador has been threatened with the financial might of the United States for much more minor issues than Assange’s status, despite its return to Washington’s “good graces” under Moreno’s leadership. For instance, last July, the U.S. threatened Ecuador with “punishing trade measures” if it introduced a measure at the UN that supported breastfeeding over infant formula — a stunning move that showed the international community the U.S.’ willingness to use “economic weapons,” even against allies. Ecuador, of course, immediately acquiesced under the threat of U.S. retribution.

Less than two weeks ago, on February 21, Ecuador signed a deal securing the controversial IMF loan for a total of $4.2 billion, in addition to another $6 billion from other U.S.-dominated financial institutions like the World Bank, for a total of $10.2 billion. If WikiLeaks’ early January warning is to be believed, it can be assumed that deal was secured by Ecuador offering the U.S. assurances that it would soon “hand over” Assange.

Rachel's maniacal rantings on Wikileaks is conditioning people to not see the horrible precedent that arresting Julian will set. Any website that posts information that the government would rather keep hidden would be in danger of actions by the government. Does she know this? Of course she does.

Her constant ranting about Russia Gate is getting people okay with the idea of some type of action towards Russia in response to them "interfering with the election" and "hacking the DNC computers." Does she know this? Of course she does.

From the bottom of my heart, Rachel, f'ck you! I can't wait for the day you wake up and see what you have wrought and that day will come.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Amanda Matthews's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg
I always figured the US would get their hands on him, one way or another. Few people or organizations poke corruption in the eye like Assange and Snowden have. I wonder, which would Western PTB prefer to get their hands on?

Or is it a toss up?

EDIT: added “to get” and last sentence

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

snoopydawg's picture

@Amanda Matthews

So many members of government have called for his head and some quite literally. Herheinous wanted to drop a bomb on him from a drone. "Can't we just drone him?" Reason number 99,734 for why I despise that woman.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Amanda Matthews's picture

Snowden for what he did and then outsmarting everyone by getting away. (The getting away part probably chapped Obama’s patoot until it bled.)

Either way, they (Assange and Snowden) represent American values and respect for the law far more than anyone in ‘our’ government since Bush**/Cheney & Co.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

wendy davis's picture

but sadly: 'US court upholds subpoena of whistleblower Chelsea Manning'
By James Cogan', 6 March 2019, wsws.org

"Chelsea Manning yesterday lost the challenge she launched against a subpoena that requires her to be cross-examined by the Grand Jury in the Eastern District of Virginia which was convened in 2010 to decide whether to file charges against WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

Various sources have indicated that the Grand Jury did charge Assange under the 1917 Espionage Act, in either late 2010 or the first half of 2011, and sealed the indictment. A court document dated August 22, 2018, in an unrelated case, effectively confirmed that the charges exist. The document contained two paragraphs, allegedly inserted by mistake, that specifically stated the case had to be sealed in order to “keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged.”

Judge Claude Hilton dismissed Manning’s motion on undisclosed grounds and also sealed the proceedings, legally proscribing her from speaking about the reasons. Manning, restricted in what she could or could not say, only told journalists outside the court that she now expects to have to answer questions before the Grand Jury multiple times over the coming days.

She condemned grand juries as “terrible tools,” noting that they are effectively run by the prosecutors and “there is no adversarial process.”

The Trump administration and the US Department of Justice were represented at the hearing by Trump appointee US attorney G. Zachary Terwilliger and the high-powered team of lawyers—assistant attorneys Gordon Kromberg, Tracy McCormick, Evan Turgeon and Kellen Dwyer—who will prosecute Assange if he is ever extradited to the US."


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wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

was aaron maté's 'chelsea fights subpoena' in the OP to start with? santa, please gift me with a working brain for christmas! so sorry, but breaking on wikileaks:

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Pricknick's picture

Somebody has to pay attention to that ghoul.
Not me.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

pay Attention to her?

wtf for?

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Pricknick's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

This is what this is about not who's watching her show. I refused to watch her after she went along with the hope dope. She lied to her mental midgets about what's happening with Wikileaks. See my other comment on why I'm so disgusted with her.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg I meant the question as rhetorical, Not trying to jam you. I really appreciate the time/effort put in by the posters on this board 'cause I can't Begin to keep up otherwise. If I rub anyone the wrong way by being me, hey, life happens.
But I Gotta be Me.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

@snoopydawg She is the leading voice on cable for a conspiracy which has been used to justify among many things corporate and public censorship, and massive diversions of public monies into increasing defense budgets both in the US and NATO to combat the supposed Russian threat. Maddow has been a leading propagandist helping creating a xenophobic view of the Russians that is much worse than anything Bush did in the prelude to the invasion of Iraq--which by the way, 70% of the American public approved of.

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snoopydawg's picture


Rachel has a bigger audience now than Hannity and they think that she is right about everything she covers just like the people who watch him. The importance of covering what she says is because she is the biggest cheerleader for this new McCarthyism and as you've stated here it not just the Russia phobia, but what is coming from this.

Probably the biggest concern is censorship of websites that don't try to bullshit their readers. Then there's all the companies that have cropped up to filter out the truth such as PropOrNot, Integrity Initiative, Hamilton 68 for Twitter and I think most importantly NewsGuard because it's going to be installed on public computers. Then of course there's the increasing military budgets.

Rachel should be called the Russian Colin Powell showing us where Vlad keeps his WMDs.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Amanda Matthews's picture

have given us government spying, a soft coup attempt, pushing FOR wars not against, and as we’re learning, secret indictments in secret courts and movements to suppress the defendant’s right to be allowed to see all the ‘evidence’ to be used against them be it a US citizen or a Russian troll farm.

Those are just some of the nefarious deeds made SOP by the ‘New’ Left.

I thought the Tea Partiers were nuts when they first hit the scene. Well, they have nothing on the ‘New’ Dems.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

lotlizard's picture

@Amanda Matthews  

I thought the Tea Partiers were nuts when they first hit the scene. Well, they have nothing on the ‘New’ Dems.

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ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg That is the story they tell, but I'm not buyin it

Rachel has a bigger audience now than Hannity and they think that she is right about everything she covers just like the people who watch him.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

wendy davis's picture


calling her: ‘Russiagate Grand Wizard Deceives Audience About Assange’, stategic-culture

and bless her heart, she provides her own transcription; hell, i dinnae know we were supposed to Watch It! she also brings in the daily beast, and that site is aptly named. they've hit assange hard a couple times.

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Shahryar's picture

I got used to her deflecting any criticism of Obama, eventually got sick of her and stopped watching.

As mentioned many times, her trick would be bringing up some awful thing Obama did and, instead, criticized Republicans, as in "President Obama today ordered more bombing of Libya....but that's not good enough for Republicans!!" at which point she'd talk about how blood-thirsty Repubs are and totally bury the story of how many people got killed.

With her salary, and now with her comfort level, it's pretty clear she's not interested in truth but, like the Fox people, will say whatever she needs to say.

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snoopydawg's picture


I'm pretty sure that she would have been asking for his long form birth certificate. Rachel has become the Alex Jones of MSDNC.

I too got sick of her when she refused to hold Obama accountable when he did the same things that she criticized Bush for doing. This and her long winded rants on every damn show. Good grief. Just get to the point already.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mimi's picture


In June 2005, Maddow became a regular panelist on the MSNBC show Tucker.[30] During and after the November 2006 election, she was a guest on CNN's Paula Zahn Now; she was also a correspondent for The Advocate Newsmagazine, an LGBT-oriented short-form newsmagazine for Logo deriving from news items published by The Advocate. In January 2008, Maddow became an MSNBC political analyst and was a regular panelist on MSNBC's Race for the White House with David Gregory and MSNBC's election coverage[31] as well as a frequent contributor on Countdown with Keith Olbermann.[24]

In 2008, Maddow was the substitute host for Countdown with Keith Olbermann, her first time hosting a program on MSNBC. Maddow described herself on air as "nervous". Keith Olbermann complimented her work, and she was brought back to host Countdown the next month. The show she hosted was the highest-rated news program among people aged 25 to 54.[32] For her success, Olbermann ranked Maddow third in his show's segment "World's Best Persons".[33] In July 2008, Maddow filled in again for several broadcasts.[34] Maddow also filled in for David Gregory as host of Race for the White House.[24]
Maddow makes cocktails during the show

Olbermann began to push for Maddow to get her own show at MSNBC, and he was eventually able to persuade Phil Griffin to give her Dan Abrams's time slot.[35]

So, she had to thank Keith Olberman for everthing she achieved on MSNBC. How come she has a networth of 20 million dollar worth with an annual salary of 7 million, whilst Keith Olbermann got suspended and ended up with a destroyed career?

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Rachel and he said,"Good god, woman, get to the point!" We then shared our observations about Maddow's infuriating piling on of "evidence" and talk before she could even get near her point. That's when we started to skip her shows. We also got tired of her asking her guests if she "got it right" and of course they would always say, "Oh yes Rachel, you got this exactly right."

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02

We also got tired of her asking her guests if she "got it right" and of course they would always say, "Oh yes Rachel, you got this exactly right."

It is almost as if they conferred before taping the show.

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I wonder if anyone ever said to her, "well Rachel, you actually got this wrong."?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Amanda Matthews's picture

hands cuffed behind her back?

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa


would air criticisms of Obama spoken by Republican politicians, then prove Bush had already done the same thing or something similar.

Two notable exceptions: education (Stewart's mom was a teacher) and cutting fuel subsidies for the poor. As to almost all else, however, proving that Bush, whom Stewart * Co. had mocked mercilessly for years, had done "it," too was the "answer." And he never met a Clinton he couldn't drool over. Did I watch faithfully and in awe of his political and comedic genius anyway? You're damn skippy, I did.

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Bollox Ref's picture

with Rachel Maddow. Seat belts/barf bags required.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Lookout's picture

...during last weekends online vigil (18 min)


Much better than Rachel's lies.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

k9disc's picture

North Pole.

The faster than anticipated migration of the pole to Siberia is a surprise to scientists, this has never happened before... Could Putin be stealing your North Pole?

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

who would have been mocked and snarked at mercilessly by her former self and Liz Winstead on Air America many years ago. She is obviously a pod person. Or her brain has been taken over by aliens from the planet Rovenius. She's a pathetic disgrace of a human being.

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When some MSNBC workers struck a number of years ago, every single MSNBC anchor crossed the picket line. That's when I began to suspect they were all full of crap.

I wish I remembered the exact year because googling MSNBC strike gets me links to times MSNBC reported on some strike or other over the years.

My sweatshop-working, ILGWU-belonging parents had two reasons why they voted for Democrats: Unions and OASDI.

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wendy davis's picture

i'd ever heard madcow discuss 'anarchist' julian assange:


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@wendy davis

aggression against journalists, like tapping their phones to find out their sources?

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wendy davis's picture


but if memory serves (please cue up the nearest laugh track), when she was lovin' on [On edit]:obomba's wars War, Inc. and 'army brat' madcow was in contact w/ 'embedded reporter' richard engel (did she embed herself, too? i'm seeing her in a pith helmet, under fire), kinda like hillary's whopper of taking fire in...wherever), she was consulting a oijua board.


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@wendy davis

I would bet the deed to my home that she had nothing to say about the civil rights lecturer's hostility to the First Amendment. How she manages to be both a snake in the grass and incredibly boring is beyond me. Usually, snakes in the grass get my attention.

Then again, I've only seen one IRL, when I got off the train in Santa Fe. I had been sleeping for hours from motion sickness, (delicate flower that I am, LOL) and therefore stumbling with my suitcase toward somewhere I could set it and me down, when I saw a long fat snake slithering in the grass. Set my heart pounding, it did. My traveling companion had to take me to the hospital. I had taken the trip as a favor because she is afraid to fly and had already bought two tickets, when her boyfriend broke up with her, right before the trip. Stupidly, when she told me that her boyfriend had dumped her, rashly, I told her I'd do anything I could to help. Then she told me about the trip and the ticket. Loved Santa Fe, though.

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wendy davis's picture


creepy on its own, but then spiders (ish) have too many legs, the lurking bastads who bit me often.... but yes, santa fe, while a rich person's town, certain has plenty of charm.

in our garden i often 'eeek' as snakes, but remind my self that the gardeners in Findhorn call them 'divas', and call them very good omens of a healthy garden.

but eeep...hospitalized because: fat snake? your friend must have been mortified that you'd been there helping her.

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@wendy davis

I could not wake up. I could barely stand up.

BTW, the once and future legs of snakes: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/10/snakes-grow-legs-evolution/s...

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wendy davis's picture

my apologies (and h/t mr. wd):

Chelsea Manning jailed for refusing to testify on Wikileaks’, RT.com, 8 Mar, 2019

"US army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been taken into custody for contempt of court after refusing to testify in front of a grand jury in what’s believed to be the case against WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange." [snip]

"Those disclosures landed her in prison with a 35-year sentence that was commuted in 2017. On her way to the Friday hearing, Manning said she was prepared to go back to jail.

Attorney Moira Meltzer-Cohen reportedly said it would be “an act of tremendous cruelty” to send Manning, who is a transgender public figure, back to jail, where she would face dangers to her safety and health, the Washington Post reports.

Manning will remain in detention until she either changes her mind and testifies, or until “the end of the life of the grand jury,” Judge Claude M. Hilton ruled.

Though Manning’s subpoena does not name Assange specifically, the cases are believed to be related because Manning leaked her trove of classified and sensitive military and diplomatic data to WikiLeaks, and the subpoena was issued at the request of a federal prosecutor assigned to handle the consequences of the inadvertent reveal of the Assange indictment.

Charges against Julian Assange remain sealed, though their existence was recently inadvertently revealed. It is believed that as soon as Assange sets foot outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, the UK will extradite him to the US, where he could potentially be charged under the Espionage Act like Manning was."

[ya think?]

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been through still doing what's right in the face of adversity.

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wendy davis's picture


she's well aware that while obomba had commuted her sentence after six or seven very long years, he hadn't over-turned her conviction, which matters greatly. but i was thinking of the torture she (as bradley manning had endured in solitary confinement, having been told to stand at attention either naked or in his undies, lights on 23 hours a day, and a metal bunk w/o blankets or pillow to rest on...when permitted (iirc). (i tried, but failed to remember the title at now 'shadowproof', then my.firedoglake where i'd written about it to remind myself of what really went on.

but those images must be flashing anew for her as she hears the judge's warning ringing in her ears:

'Manning will remain in detention until she either changes her mind and testifies, or until “the end of the life of the grand jury,” Judge Claude M. Hilton ruled.'

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