Just for the record and the archives -

FULL: President Donald Trump INCREDIBLE 2 Hour Speech at CPAC 2019

if you can stomach it ... I think I let it stand without comment.

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mimi's picture

US President Donald Trump has launched a furious attack on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and on his critics at a conservative summit.

US President Donald Trump has launched a furious attack on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and on his critics at a conservative summit.

In the longest speech of his presidency, Mr Trump railed against the inquiry into alleged collusion between his campaign and Russia.

"We're waiting for a report by people who weren't elected," he told a crowd of cheering conservatives.

Mr Mueller is expected to hand in his report to the attorney general shortly.

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Foes 'Trying to Take Me Out With Bullshit,' Trump Tells CPAC Faithful

OXON HILL, Md.—In a slashing speech packed with braggadocio and grievance, President Donald Trump denounced Democrats as the party of “the socialist nightmare,” relitigated his crowd sizes back to the inauguration and took on “sick,” ”lunatic” and “dirty” foes at every turn, earning him the earning him the unvarnished adoration of cheering conservatives Saturday.
Trump claimed that as president he was “reversing decades of blunders and betrayals” by those who preceded him in office.

“These are serious, serious betrayals to our nation and everything we stand for,” Trump said. “It’s been done by the failed ruling class that enriched foreign countries at our expense. It’s wasn’t America first. In many cases, it was America last.”
His remarks capped a week that saw his nuclear summit with North Korea’s leader collapse without an agreement, his former lawyer deliver damaging congressional testimony about his character and business practices and Congress take action to nullify his emergency declaration to secure money for the border wall that lawmakers have denied him.
“America will never be a socialist country,” he said. “Socialism is not about the environment, it’s not about justice, it’s not about virtue.” He said it’s about “power for the ruling class.”

I think the President has made the wrong career choices. He should have become a comedian. So entertaining is this man, isn't he?

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@mimi This is what happens when people rely on other people to describe speeches.

I saw most of the speech on tv. Trump wasn't remotely furious - in fact, he was joking throughout and the audience laughed (I find Trump to be very funny, too).

The simple fact is, the US was sold out by the neo-cons/neo-liberals. The US has been running trade deficits for years. A deficit is just like taking money out of the US pocket and giving it to some other country. Billions of dollars in deficits over the years. Millions of jobs lost. Think about that.

I myself consider businesses who move to other countries to be traitors to the US. They have been ruining the US while making their owners and managers, who live in the US, rich. The people who decide to move businesses to other countries need to be kicked out of this country. (yeah that includes people like Steve Jobs, too).

No one but Trump (or Bernie) was going to do anything (or try to do anything) about this situation.

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mimi's picture

I don't know why you think I wouldn't have done so. I just added the blockquoted text from the article to make it easier for the readers to get an idea what it was about. The speech was very long, I don't think many would take the time to listen to it in its entirety.

Yeah, Trump made a lot of jokes and was funny, very 'funny'.. That is exactly the problem, at least to me.

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mimi's picture

traitors to the US"
I guess then that is true too for the BMW US Manufacturing Plant as well. I always thought they betrayed Germany. Should BMW close down its factories in the US then? You know,I don't care, because we have way too many cars on the planet already. Don't you think at the people who work there?

BMW cars have been officially sold in the United States since 1956 and manufactured in the United States since 1994. The first BMW dealership in the United States opened in 1975. In 2016, BMW was the twelfth highest selling brand in the United States. Wikipedia

I guess Americans should drive American cars only. It's not my fault that they all want a BMW. Sorry for that.

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@mimi get all the foreign manufacturers who want to manufacture here.

The US manufacturing base was being eroded well before BMW and Toyota somehow decided to manufacture here, and I can't comment on how many job losses Germany and Japan incurred due to this action. Did Germany and Japan close their plants to move to the US? Did these countries pack up entire plants and layoff thousands of employees in their own countries to have these facilities in the US?

At any rate, the fact that our manufacturing base eroded resulted in a weaker middle class, unemployment, and lower wages. People can no longer afford housing, education, and medical care because what has happened to jobs and wages. Lower wages resulted in reduced tax revenues, reducing budgets for public spending.

It isn't just consumption of regular goods that matters; it is also a national security issue. It is not a good idea to be dependent on some other country for critical supplies (such as steel production that moved to China, or medical items - such as being dependent on Puerto Rico for iv bags).

So I'll support any politician who works to reverse the erosion and rebuild manufacturing, regardless of party.

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@mimi really get the hostility to socialism, considering so much is socialized right now.

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mimi's picture

those things that make the billionaires really happy. I guess then 'he doesn't get it', heh?

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@mimi of people are simply stuck in believing in capitalism.

Look how long it took for the word 'socialism' to shed some of its negative connotations.

To capitalists, socialism means government control of everything top to bottom. That isn't how most of the current supporters view socialism.

I believe if people on both sides quit knee-jerk dismissing each other, there is enough overlap to accomplish favorable policies.

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QMS's picture

US Forces Steal Tons of Gold Captured by ISIS in Syria, Iran

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

mimi's picture

Fact Checking Trump (and others) at CPAC.
Now we know the truth, right, okay?

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mimi's picture

enough for me to shut down the laptop and have a nicer Sunday.
Thanks for that link. I will read it later. Have to go. Sorry.

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@jbob assuming that everything he says is a lie?

Even the 'fact checkers' concede many of the general points that Trump made. I did take time to read the fact check article.

I noticed that the fact checkers on trade didn't bother to mention that Trump said "ideally" (that was the word he used), zero tariffs are preferred.

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mimi's picture

biased and consider the President a danger. I think you ride on another wavelength, but that shouldn't lead me to be sarcastic in response to your comments. We just don't meet riding on different waves. But I wave a friendly hallo over to you. Is that ok with you?

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

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@mimi This is just discussion.

I do enjoy reading your pov and comments. We just don't 'talk' that much.

Sorry, I know there is a lot of hatred for Trump, but I like his fighter instincts and his disruptive efforts. Bernie is the only one who comes close to being a fighter on the dem (or socialist side). And Trump thinks big, even if it is on the fantastical side. I was so disgusted by Feinstein's encounter with those children. She said something to the effect that 'we can't pay for it." No cell of her brain is capable of thinking of new possibilities. Nope, no we can't, says she.

Oh, well, I need stop blathering on and on.

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mimi's picture

the admiration for Trump thinking big, even if it is on the fantastical side. I just think it's a dangerous and also somewhat inappropriate way for a President whose military controls the globe (I guess) to engage in fantastical thinking.

But it's late and I still want to read a couple of things. We will chat again. I am sure.

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