Clinton dirty tricks
After reading Steven D.'s excellent post (My investigation (so far) into Claim that Bernie's NC campaign was sabotaged by HRC moles (Now w/ New Niko House video), I started thinking about all the dirty tricks of the Clintons just in this cycle. Please add to and elaborate on these items.
1. The DNC set up to make it appear Bernie hacked in and stole data from Hillary. The entire incident was perpetrated by a person recommend by the DNC and the data company (headed by a Clintonite). How about that investigation Hillary?
2. Iowa democratic chair and ardent Hillary supporter puts her thumb on the scale for Hillary.
3. Harry Reid encourages the NV Union bosses to give employees extra time off to caucus (for Hillary).
4. Bill Clinton blocks polling places in Mass and Ill where there's a high concentration of Bernie voters.
5. NC Sanders campaigner probably a DNC/ Hillary mole.
These are just off the top of my mind this morning. Can you think of other examples? Thanks for your input!
Here's one for all the folks in Arizona, Utah, and Idaho tomorrow...

yeah.... I have been following this story...
Was gonna post a video on it.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I hope the campaign is on the lookout for these moles. Bernie would never try that kind of stunt. Hell, he won't even bring Hillary's issues to the forefront. When she was attacking him on gun control, I was yelling about all her arms deals during her tenure as SOS and the corresponding donations to the Clinton foundation from both the arms dealers and the countries. Bernie is a better man than me. I guess that is why he inspires me so much.
I appreciate the video.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The longer Bernie's campaign goes on
the more dirty the tricks will become. You can count on it. I would not put anything...ANYTHING... past the Clintons and her minions.
Am really concerned about the Wisconsin primary. We've already seen how the DNC/DWS et al screwed the anti-Act 10 movement. I truly expect the lame ass DPW (Democratic Party of Wisconsin) to do everything it can to deny Bernie votes here.
Shaylors Provence
Proof Hillary Deserves To Lose
By focusing on Bernie, Hillary is allowing Trump to sneak up on her like the US Navy Dauntless dive bombers at Midway did to Kido Butai. Anyone here recall how that worked out for them? You can bet Hillary and her cabal have no clue!
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Iowa Dem Chair License Plate
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Remember "English only"?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Forgot about that one..
That's right. Another NV trick. Thanks I'll add it to my list.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That one got smeared on the cover of Time
with a false assertion that it was Bernie himself saying it. Time had to issue a retraction, but of course it was too little and much, much too late.
The Huerta smear also set off a stink bomb at The Other Place, which effectively destroyed its credibility and the reputation of at least two Front Pagers.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thanks for the elaboration. I'll incorporate the Time issue in this list as well. Thanks for the reminder!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
..... if they had any real credibility to begin with.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"I didn't see him..."
Though it's more of a Swiftboating, I think you could add Rep Lewis saying about the 1960's protests where Bernie was arrested protesting segregated housing: "I never saw Bernie, but I did see Bill and Hillary." (it only later come out that he never "saw" Bill until 1992)
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
what a disappointment
I bet Dr King would be disappointed. I'm saddened by Rep. Lewis comments. Thanks for the additional idea!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How could we forget.
Dolores Huerta, in 2008:
"I have been a civil rights activist like this all of my life, and I have been to Chicago many times for many different campaigns that the community there —- the Latino community was there. I have, to this day, to meet Mr. Obama. I have never encountered him in any of these big campaigns that we have done in Chicago on different issues. And, as I say, I have never yet to meet the man."
John Lewis, in 2016:
"Well, to be very frank, I'm going to cut you off, but I never saw him, I never met him," Lewis said. "I'm a chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for three years, from 1963 to 1966. I was involved in the sit-ins, the freedom rides, the March on Washington, the march from Selma to Montgomery, and directed their voter education project for six years. But I met Hillary Clinton. I met President Clinton."
Hillary Clinton, in 2016:
"Well, I don’t know where he was when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94, standing up against the insurance companies, standing up against the drug companies."
I think they share a speech writer.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
John Lewis disappointed me the most. Guess they promised him a leadership role in the administration. I think MLK would be saddened too.
Saw a discussion with Dolores, Cornell West, and a Calif. professor/ black lives matter activist.
Dolores lets the cat out of the bag that her son is running for office and they didn't have the money. (I guess Hillary helped out).
Thanks for your insights and info.
PS I'm an old time musician too.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Niko has a post up on his FB
Niko has a post up on his FB asking for people to report their own experiences there or in message to him. I sure hope he has help compiling all of them!
Heres one comment from a guy who was at the Nevada caucus:
We know also lots of places ran out of ballots and so on. Here in Houston - I did not see this myself just news reports, here's one. Ridiculous. They didnt even have enough machines at certain polling places, long lines etc. And another one here.
These things are on the Party in charge of running things not so much HRC but still.
Not surprised by any of this. Unfortunately.
The Clintons with help from their friends and sycophants are destroying the democratic party. After my (CT) primary next month I'm leaving the party for good. I'm too old for this sh*t.
Don't believe everything you think.
I haven't been a Dem for at least 10 years
I consider myself a "Left Independent who usually votes for Democrats".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Very early on
while doing their darn best to ignore Bernie, the media gave Claire MCCaskill the airtime to brand Bernie as a !!!!SOCIALIST!!!! Which was happily repeated by Chris Matthews whose face looked like he just ate a lemon when he said the dirty word.
Don't forget Matthews' wife
is running for office in MD (IIRC) and reportedly has been getting financial backing from Clinton supporters. Matthews should have recused himself from covering the Democratic primary race and restricted himself to the Republicans.
Keith Olbermann once said that he didn't vote because he didn't want to be seen as having a dog in the hunt -- he wanted to remain fully impartial. I'm not sure these days anyone can be fully impartial when it comes to the difference between the parties; I think Olbermann eventually saw that which was why he ended up donating money to candidates (and got in trouble for it when Joey the Scar was openly shilling for the GOP; I think that hastened his negotiated departure from MSNBC and started their slow decline).
And Matthews and Capeheart smearing Bernie with the U of Chicago
photo which they said was Bernie attributing to himself a picture of someone else. Which was completely false.How a Washington Post Writer's Attack on Bernie Sanders' Civil Rights Record Completely Backfired
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
forgot that one too
Right you are. It really is hard to keep up with all the tricks. Thanks for your input - I'll add it to my list
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's the little things
This list could be virtually endless. We know of the big-picture conflicts of interest with DWS and the DNC. And we know of the media blackout because the truth is not as interesting as blindly throwing words into sentences that include dome form of hate against one group or another. And we know about the funding irregularities, both in source and quantity, that have been permitted.
But the list could be endless since within all the major roadblocks are countless obstacles. Yes, Iowa was a disaster. That razor thin margin that let Hillary begin the electoral season with a "victory" in IA and a split between the first two voting states colored the entirety of the primary season. As an Iowan, I experienced and heard reliable stories of ridiculous things during the caucus. My direct experiences as a newly registered Democrat:
The entry to my caucus location had Vote for Hillary yard signs out front. This confused us so much we circled the building looking for the Bernie door. Just one door. With her name at the front.
Many of the volunteers, who truly has their hands full with verifying existing registered voters and registering new ones, were Hillary supporters. No volunteer had a shirt, pin, or sticker to indicate support of Bernie.
The meeting room was overstuffed with two precincts at the same location. We divided by precinct with ours moving to a similarly overstuffed, smaller room. With limited seating, most of us marched in and waited for everyone to file in before grabbing a chair. As it turned out, those who immediately grabbed a chair were the older folks, who were neatly unanimous for Hillary. After a discussion of how to proceed, the pro-Hillary chair decided we should divide according to whom we supported. She determined, with loud support from the older folk and several women about my age (50), that supporters of Hillary and O'Malley should remain in the room, while Bernie supporters should the hallway. The reason for this was never made clear. We stood in the cramped hallway (my wife and I with our kindergartner, others with babies) for about 20 minutes. After waiting and waiting, we decided to conduct an unofficial count, which we were able to do quite orderly. After receiving permission from the chair that we could rejoin them in the room, we discovered they had accomplished exactly nothing, other than sitting while we stood crushed together. They had not yet even come up with a plan. When we questioned why they had forced us out and why they had stayed with the few O'Malley supporters, the chair got huffy that we were disrespecting her. She did not actually offer sn explanation.
One of our spokespeople said that Hillary supporters should file out into the hallway and actually get counted while doing so. Finally, one number reached. Then our numbers and O'Malley numbers were tallied. It did turn out that our precinct's numbers were off a bit, with the final count bwing less than the total who had originally signed in. No surprise. An unecessarily long and uncomfortable evening no doubt had the desired outcome: some Bernie supporters got tired and left. Still, Bernie (with the O'Malley supporters crossing over) beat Hillary and earned an advantage in county delegates.
Even more, the caucus system itself is designed for older people. Who has a spare weekday (school night) evening? For the many parents we know with schoolagers, we have three bad choices: take the kids for a super boring experience that will have them stay up a bit late; get a sitter; or have one parent not vote...the latter certainly the most common. Every other parent we knew at the caucus supported Bernie but had their spouses at home with the kids.
Just my tiny experience that, like so much at the national level, is designed to allow the kind of corrupt tyranny of party leaders that keeps so many of us outside the official system.
And she still struggles. Deep down, Hillary and the Democratic party has to know she's just an awful human being.
What a powerful story
Do you mind if I copy your story and add it to my master list? Real stories provide substance to lists like these.
Thanks tell us about your voting experience.
My voting experience is bizarre in its own way. I go to the Friendship Baptist Church, one valley over. It is a little country church and you vote in the Sunday school room. We have paper scantron ballots. There is one table in room where you fill out your ballot with several locals hanging around acting like they aren't watch you. Then you feed it into the machine. Quick and easy anyway. Bernie got slightly less than 300 votes in my county - which used to be a strong FDR democratic county, but has become republican.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We've been in NW IA for a while and were genuinely excited to (want to) caucus for the first time. Even our little kid was into it. But what an embarrassment. I'd been defending IA on social media against attacks from friends and friends of friends. Can't do it now. It's not that caucuses themselves are wrong. It's that the Democratic caucus is positively medieval and the timing is just dumb and brutal and discouraging to participants. And lord knows what happens when our good, sweet Bernie delegates reconnect to the Clintonite machine at the delegate meetings that follow the caucus.
The other hysterical thing that happened were the speeches. I've seen some great ones online. Our precinct's Bernie supporters selected a young hipster dude to do ours and he rocked. He knew each and every point regarding the current imbalance of wealth and power, speaking clearly and passionately. The Hillary supporters picked a young guy, too, but for them that meant a 40 year old. Quite literally, his pitch was electability and experience, without articulation about how either was defined. It was a shrug of a speech from a group that was voting with less info in their minds than the average dittohead. There was no surprise when M o'M's supporters came our way.
Excellent post, Lookout. And 'welcome' to C99P!
I love your avatar, BTW.
Honestly, I think it's a given that the Clinton's will play dirty. When haven't they?
I figure that Bernie's not that surprised by anything that he's seen, or heard. I have mixed feelings about him staying in the race, if and when, the math should show that there is not a feasible path to the WH. (not saying that he can't win the nomination--hope he will)
I say this because several Clinton cronies, and 'talking heads'--Paul Begala and Donna Brazile, for instance--publicly state that Bernie's staying in the race for months to come might actually help FSC.
Their 'theory' is that he will provide a foil for her--for Trump to attack, and continue to gin up enthusiasm for her with young people.
If they're correct, I'm not sure that it would be a good thing. Frankly, I hope that he runs as an Independent, if she garners the majority of the regular delegates.
Have a good one!
(Music City) Mollie at C99P & DKos
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Glad to be here. Never joined TOP. My Avatar is Desoto falls on Lookout mt near my home.
I think you can take Bernie at his word. He's in it for all 50 states.
Thanks again.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
None of this could have been done...
Without the complicity of the media.
Mentions of these tricks far outstripped any mentions of anything else that Bernie had done.
The narrative was set with the BLM protests. From that point on, any news that was covered extensively would be the Clinton campaigns version of
what occurred.
Seeing as the MSM has had their sources in place for over a year planning on listening EXCLUSIVELY to Clinton, this should not be asurprise.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I wrote about that yesterday. Called it "Want to understand this election? Follow the money" I'm working a the next piece on public broadcasting. Hope to have it up in a day or two. The black out is real.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I hesitate to put myself in another's shoes, but I wonder how Aftican-Americans who see the video of Hillary with the three BLM members respond. Her arrogance and blame shifting is off the charts, so typical of ivory tower Dems who kowtow to conservative beliefs about minority rights. Bernie gave them the mic. Hillary lets them talk, points the finger at them, then drops the mic. So old and so whitey white and so M. Antoinettey. And this sense from a middle aged white guy who loves him some cake.
Hence why the coverage didn't emphasize Bernie...
Instead the anguished cries were about "How DARE the audience not agree that they were racists!"
There's a certain narrative that certain activists use which is very similar to a "Heel" wrestler. In essence, it's designed to get a negative response from a crowd, in order to get the right visual for the cameras. The cameras don't show the comments in toto, just the reaction, making the crowd seem unreasonable and hostile.
(Ex-wife liked wrestling. Went to a show once. The heel set-up was so blatant and obviously geared to get reactions it was funny. Then watched the tape of the show. All the heel's comments were cut out, and only the audience response was left in.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hillary turns on Trump
Getting ugly already
we smear Hillary too
after all, we say things like:
She voted for war by voting for the AUMF
She likes fracking
Kissinger is her friend and mentor
and such
as they say on the internet, "oh.....wait".
I miss it when Schmears...
Were mostly found on bagels...
Of course the other definition of that word does apply to pretty much one side in the debate...
Oh... right...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sure it's unfair to tell the truth about HRC. It's wild to me how indignant she becomes when someone confronts her with the truth.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You Forgot Two Things
1. She was an honored guest at a Trumpf wedding
2. She accepted $100,000 for her campaign fund from The Donald.
You can bet he won't let her forget either item in the coming months.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Here's an article with some recent smears
It was linked to from tonight's Evening Blues
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
great article
Thanks for that link. Guess I scanned the evening blues too quickly and missed that.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”