Russia is Promoting Tulsi for President
Gawd I wish I was joking, but sadly no. This sh*t is never going to stop unless enough people wake the f'ck up and stop believing it. Mueller hasn't tied anyone to Russian collusion in over two years, but people still believe that he will. Any day now. Any day ....
Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard
The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 U.S. election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat who earlier this month declared her intention to run for president in 2020.
An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016.
Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have also seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard.
Since Gabbard announced her intention to run on Jan. 11, there have been at least 20 Gabbard stories on three major Moscow-based English-language websites affiliated with or supportive of the Russian government: RT, the Russian-owned TV outlet; Sputnik News, a radio outlet; and Russia Insider, a blog that experts say closely follows the Kremlin line. The CIA has called RT and Sputnik part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine."
The proof?
Gabbard was mentioned on the three sites about twice as often as two of the best known Democratic possibilities for 2020, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, each with 10 stories. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren had fewer. In each case, the other contenders were treated more critically than Gabbard, with headlines like "'Don't Run': Vermont Paper Begs Bernie Sanders Not to Seek US Presidency in 2020" and "Sexist much? Biden blames 'conservative blonde woman' for shutdown, 'forgets' Ann Coulter's name."
"Her promulgation of positions compatible with Russian geo strategic interests can help them mainstream such discussion in the [Democratic] party," said Alex Stamos, former chief security officer at Facebook and now an NBC News analyst. Gabbard, said Stamos, helps them with all their "lines of attack."
Um, what?
I must be a Russian troll too because I believe the same thing Tulsi does about what is happening in Syria. Hey. Maybe Obama is a Russian bot too because he said that Assad must step down as have members of Obama's and Trump's cabinet who said the troops will stay in Syria as long as Assad is in power.
But Gabbard's most controversial position and the one where she's most in line with Russian interests is on Syria. She's accused the U.S. of pushing a policy of "regime change" wars and in January 2017, she met with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Syria on what she called a "fact-finding mission."
~ On Jan. 12, the day after Gabbard announced, RT headlined her decision this way: "'Putin puppet' vs 'Assad shill': Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020."
The unsigned article claimed, "With Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) entering the 2020 presidential fray, establishment figures on both Right and Left are scrambling to smear the anti-war congresswoman with impeccable identity-politics bona fides. Ever since her 2017 visit to Syria, Gabbard has been condemned for daring to seek firsthand accounts rather than blindly trusting the MSM narrative, so on Friday the pundits were again off to the races, with fresh accusations of Assad-sympathizing."
~ On Jan. 16, Lee Stranahan, one of the co-hosts on "Fault Line," a Washington-based program on Sputnik News, admitted that the debates should be the focus for Gabbard.
"The significant thing about her being in the race is because one of her main issues is peace and specifically on Syria, where she is telling the truth on Syria," said Stranahan, who joined Sputnik after stints at Breitbart News, the right-wing news site. "I think she is going to change the debate. If she can get through the first few months, and make it to actual debates, is there a big millionaire or billionaire that will support Tulsi Gabbard."
The same day, conservative writer Hunter Derensis noted on Russia Insider, "In line with her thinking on Syria, she lacks the anti-Russian stance of other Democratic politicians. 'How does going to war with Russia over Syria serve the interest of the American people?' she mentioned in a tweet. Gabbard has also supported Trump's diplomatic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in one of her multiple appearances with Tucker Carlson."
Read the rest of the article to see other examples of how the Russian media and the main stream media has covered Tulsi since she declared.
It's going to be a long two years.

Of course NBC is getting hammered on Twitter
NBC's Twitter
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Anyone read Caitlin's article on Tulsi
and her being called a Russian puppet ?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"they" realize they made a mistake letting anyone run against...
Hills in 2016. They cleared the field of almost all but let Bernie, Webb, O'Malley and even Chafee stay in for appearances' sake....only to have it almost backfire because the chosen one was such a horrible candidate.
So in 2020 they want every possible issues person out now. No waiting for primaries. Must destroy! Just as the Repubs must destroy anyone who says something negative about Trump.
Two reasons
The second reason their strategy failed is because of how Bernie's candidacy resonated with so many people. I don't think anyone, not even Bernie himself, could have predicted what happened. It's as if he woke up a "sleeping giant". As Bernie said, "Not me, us."
This is why I think that, should the Dems try the strategy again in 2020, they will fail again. It's not just about Hillary or Bernie. It's about what's going on with the American people.
Some are still brainwashed and hoodwinked by the "Russiagate" silliness. But from what I can see, more and more people are thinking critically and are pushing back.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Of course Bernie was surprised
Anyone remember the Seinfeld 'Bizarro World' episode?
I think we're there.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Russia takes away all candidate and
Democratic party responsibility to talk about and then act upon policies that promote the greater good for the 99%ers.
The perfect propaganda.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Niko House
went ballistic over this article. Niko who supported and worked for Bernie, as a very high ranking volunteer, is now supporting Tulsi Gabbard. In typical Niko House fashion, he does not spare his emotions.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for the video
many people are pissed off at this article and with good reason. Journalistic malpractice is what many are saying about it. There have been so many accusations of people being in bed with Russia I'm surprised that some haven't sued people making them. Wikileaks is still trying to get enough money to sue the guardian for their Manafort article.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Won't someone do it pro bono?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You would think that someone would
They are doing a go Fund Me to raise their money.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
was gonna edit their post with "allegedly" but...
that's too kind. "Supposedly" is closer.
But this is how the big lie works. State it often enough and people start thinking it's true.
Strong women ?
There's been a thing in the media for awhile now, "Strong Women".
Strong is the New Pretty, they say.
We were supposed to vote for Hillary because she is a "Strong Woman".
What about Tulsi ?
Speaking out against US regime-change operations in Syria and Venezuela takes,
well, Balls, big brass ones.
Why isn't she being celebrated as a strong woman ?
Why are the Identitarian Dems smearing her ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I am completely off the mainstream
So, the Strong Woman meme that doesn't consider Tulsi as badass is...strange.
All we can do is follow the money to figure out what the meme really is all about.
While I am not a Tulsi fan, I am hoping she will give me reasons to become one.
As of now, she tops Bernie for advocating true left wing ideals.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
because, as you know, it's all phony
all their supposed reasons for supporting someone or opposing somebody else are lies. How can you be sexist for not liking Hillary Clinton when you vote for Jill Stein? (for example)
whatever they say is a reason to support someone is changeable, depending on what they think will work. What they don't want to say is "we support [Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Joe Biden] because they will protect the monied class. They will continue policies that allow money grabs all over the world, even if means killing people." Instead they say "Kamala Harris believes we, as Americans, can be better".
So when they say "Hillary is strong" they don't care. They're not talking about standing up to anybody. As you know. It's all a mind technique.
"Well Tulsi Gabbard is strong"
them: "she takes money from arms dealers!@!!"
"Hillary took money from Wall Street"
them: "sexist!!! Russian troll!!!"
As you know.
I saw that about Tulsi taking money from arms dealers and she quit in 2017. Not good enough.
Booker took money from big pharma and he quit in 2017. It's all good.
But Booker also stuck up for Romney and how his Bain Capital hedge fund asset stripped many companies. I'll find that article if anyone is interested. It's a great read and there is another one that goes with it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Here's two good articles on Booker
Cory Booker: Private Equity in the Sheets, Public Equality in the Streets
Cory Booker's Private Equity Gaffe Is Going Great for Cory Booker
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is called the double standard hypocrisy of IP
I have asked the same question. Why was it sexist and misogynistic when I called Hillary a warmonger, but it's okay for people to say what they are about Tulsi? And just like there was a time when people wanted what Bernie was offering, people used to not want regime change and for the troops to be pulled out of the war zones.
This double standard started during Obama's tenure in my opinion. People who criticized him were called racist even though the same people used to say things like that during Bush's.
It's also not acceptable to use unnamed sources for stories about Tulsi, but it's okay to use them in stories about Trump and Vlad. Go figure.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's all identity now
Against strong women?
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
ovaries the size of canned hams
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Here's something else that's idiotic
The way people can pretzelize their brains around stuff instead of seeing the facts about it is just mind boggling isn't it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Let's not overthink this.
Let it wash over you.
This is what it feels like in Venezuela.
Don't look under your bed tonight.
Look in your bed.
If you are not watching RT
You should be. All the time.
It's the only place you won't hear anything about Tulsi Gabbard.
It's the only place you will hear the truthful news by real American newspeople who work independently in the United States.
Catch it. Record it before it is shut down. So you can remember what that is like.
Meanwhile, look around and protect yourself. Be a good German.
Back in the ’60s when CBS took the Smothers Brothers off the air
I already had the feeling the U.S. had just passed peak free press.
There’s a chance that callow, immature Me was more right then than even I knew.
Were they taken off the
Was ostensibly due to their not meeting CBS censors’ deadlines.
The contractually compulsory censorship was of course politically motivated.
You betcha!
This is excellent
Thanks for posting it. Boy it brings back such great memories. I was too young to understand the political bent though. Yeah. I can see why they were taken off.
Who's running the country? The More On
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It was my hippie days.
Long hair with a head band - smokin' a big fat doobie.
A trip down memory lane:
The year after the Smothers Brothers were cancelled
My Mother took us on a tour of the CBS studios where we stood on the set of their show. I wasn't old enough to understand the controversy behind the cancellation but I do remember my Mother remarking that the tour guide was clearly more sympathetic towards Tommy and Dick Smothers when he talked about it than he was towards the studio he worked for.
Interesting that Rob Reiner and Steve Martin were on their writing staff. Pity that after the 2016 election, Reiner sided with same "capitalistic pigs" he satirically skewered when he was younger. Great documentary on the shows development along with some wonderfully funny clips. Thank for sharing
Incidentally, who remembers this?
"I have a plan to lower taxes, address the Civil Rights issue, stop the draft, and bring peace, so clearly I am not qualified to run for President"
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Ain't that the truth?
This seems to happen a lot and I don't get it. Glad to hear that they won their lawsuit against CBS. one thing that clip showed me is how much hasn't changed since they were on. The clips about politics and the wars.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes and No
True, we still seem to be arguing about the same things. The difference? I don't know of too many satirical shows lambasting the "capitalistic pigs" who finance global war mongering and the butchering of children for profit. In fact the selection of shows and movies I see on my Netflix and Amazon Prime feeds seem to be on the polar opposite with predictably flag waving patriotic action flicks of women and men CIA agents fighting the foreign "bad" guys on behalf of America's protection. (the Hollywood-Washington propaganda machine has been real busy lately, eh?)
What I loved about the Smothers Brothers show was the needle they stuck in the eye of the administrations war efforts every Sunday night for three years. Wish I could say the same for any of the "cutting edge" politically bent satire shows on these days. Unless you count that Russian puppet on RT. /s
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I like Al-Jazeera too
AJ has the best reporting about ME news.
I didn't have access for quite a while.
But I just found it again. Very good news.
In looking that up, I just discovered this from 2014:
I didn't know Abby Martin was so dumb and uninformed. She certainly has no excuse for her ignorance. And RT gave her the space to put it on display, to their credit.
Although RT broadcasts from DC, they are banned from broadcasting inside the DC region. No wonder US politicians sound so stupid when they talk geopolitics. In fact, this explains a lot about why the American people know almost nothing about what is going on in the world.
Al-Jazeera's reporting
about Libya and Egypt was criminal propaganda. Maybe that's why Her Heinous recommended them during the so-called Arab Spring?
I haven't been back since over a dozen reporters quit because Al-Jazeera wouldn't air stories about weapons and radicals from Libya infiltrating into Syria to foment strife in an attempt to overthrow Assad.
@Pluto - I am a good German - and I look under my bed
and in my bed and ... nobody is there.
What am I supposed to do?
Merkel just signed a Franco-German pact with Macron
What Macron actually stands for is becoming clearer by the day.
Civilians in police crosshairs as France adopts totalitarian tactics to squash yellow vests
Both France and Germany immediately signed on to Trump’s Venezuela crusade, too.
It’s hard to escape a certain impression that under the surface, not the populist right but rather Merkel and Macron, and the Atlanticist elite they are in thrall to, are the real fascists.
how lucky we are to always find the real fascists to blame
... what would we do without them? Turn into fascists ourselves, just to keep the game going?
It’s like going to Las Vegas and trying to find the casino
to gamble in, whose owners are “more virtuous” / “the lesser evil” compared to the others.
As with being intellectually honest about the fascist practices of all sides in politics today, the argument can be made that no matter which one you pick they’re essentially the same, or else they couldn’t have succeeded at being casino owners.
Instead of continuing to lend the Nazi mystique power by making it taboo, sometimes I think they should just go full farcical on it and let someone open a casino analogous to “Caesar’s Palace,” but named after you-know-who, featuring a floor show like the musical in The Producers minus any ironic intent to flop.
Mel had the right idea.
Mockery is exceptionally good at that. Hence why Political Cartoonists always were given the bum's rush at TOP.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
So, who is the bigger fascist, those who use 'the wall'
to keep folks out, to not get into 'your own terrirory', or those who keep folks inside their own territory and not allow them to go out and elsewhere, where they want to go?
I am lost.
Hmm, thinking about it, I guess, if I want to leave the place I am at, to get to somewhere else, and it's the powers at that place over there, who don't want to let me in, I know who the fascists are. But then, if I am at a place where powers in place managed to make me feel ok with the place I am at, I wouldn't be that ok, if I had to fear my place would be taken away from me, because the powers in place allowed too many other people in, who also want to get my place. Probably I start to holler and get my yellow vest out.
Let's see, imagine, Oahu would have been bought up by a Russian oligarch and Maui would have been bought up by an American oligarch and both are happy to let their 'girls and natives' work for them to make them a fortune, while us poor folks work for nothing, either as a sex slave or construction and farm worker slaves. Now the slaves in both islands get fed up and revolt. The rich folks get eggs, stones or little explosive devices thrown at them or their property, and the girls mix poison into their customers drinks out of revenge.
Now the oligarchs on both islands run to Uncle Sammy or Uncle Putino for help: Gimme me your big guns, they ask. Help us to protect our precious island properties, they cry. And of course both uncles sent out their big guns and ships and fighter jets and get them stationed on the coast lines.
Now some secretive know-it-all-guy releases anonymously some files on the internet that proves to the public where all those nuclear missiles are stationed on the Kauai islands in the woods ... and ... oops the world is ... very, very worried. Where will all this end, they ask.
Uncle Macron and Auntie Angela, all nervous, meet secretly to discuss what to do. Uncle Macron says we have to help the American oligarch to get more and bigger and better weapons, and Auntie Angela says, no way we need the Russian oligarchs to get more and bigger and better weapons. So, auntie and uncle look at each other and don't know what to do.
So they say, let's play the dice. Six is we help the American oligarch, one is we help the Russian oligarch, all other numbers - game over, we stay the good, silent Germans, and you stay the true French patriots.
Just saying. Don't you love the smell of fascist's coffee in the morning?
How is having
It is just a wall to keep non-citizens out. Most borders between countries are not porous. People typically don't get to just arrive in other countries and stay.
some people do just arrive in other countries and stay
with big guns too ... sometimes too long ...
As a consequence some of those countries inhabitants just want to leave and get into new countries as well, and they don't care anymore, if they are wanted there or not...the same way as those, who came to their country and stood there for too long with too many big guns, didn't care either ...
I guess it's a matter where you are at. Some borders haven't been porous and many people have suffered for that. The ones who wanted to get out. And others wanted to get in and couldn't. Both sides don't usually like that too much...
Wasn't it at first quite difficult for the Jews, who fled fascist and racist Germany, to get into the US?
Haven't a lot of people exploited other countries' people, made them poor and desperate? Didn't those, who were exploited, then want to get out and move into other countries, just to find a new home and a job somewhere else? Isn't that a humanely understandable wish?
Is it not fascist (may be not the correct label, but I don't know a better one) to first go into other people's territory and exploit people there in their own countries, and then make them flee, and after all that, then again, don't want to let them into other countries to build a new life?
May be it's not fascist, but it certainly is not what I would feel morally acceptable. I have not the vocabulary of a well educated and well read American, but I feel that as a German and a European I have some good ideas about what walls mean and that the more porous they are, the more human they get. Just my own opinion, of course.
The EU has become a territory that has/had porous borders for their member states. Now, when that is threatened again, people realize that it wasn't that bad to have porous borders.
Of course all those EU member states have once - a long time ago - pretty much gone into other peoples territory and exploited them quite nicely (ie colonialism). And those who have been exploited now want to get into their EU territory and want their piece of the cake as well. And all the discussion now is about making those borders non-porous to let 'them cake-eaters' not in. Great success, heh? Or great failure? My own two cents only.

ok, I shut up.
PS. I came into the US first as an accompanying wife of someone who got in on a half-diplomatic visa to work in an UN affiliated organization. Later then I won the green card lottery for a legal residency status for life (that was in 1987) Then some years ago the Americans changed those laws for life-long legal residenc green card holders into ones that are valid just for ten years.
Meanwhile my son, who won with me the life-long green card for legal residency in the US, joined the AF (2001) and after 9/11 was sent to Iraq into the shock and awe theater. There he had to kill some enemies for Uncle Sam. Those enemies, were they enemies or just happened to be at the wrong place and the wrong time the same way as my son has been there at the wrong place and the wrong time?
Then the Americans wanted to say 'Thank You' to my son for his service 'to kill the enemies of and for Uncle Sam' and offered him to become a US citizen as a reward. Of course they checked out, who his parents were, and apparently became a bit suspicious, because those brown half-diplomat and lefty legal resident German were somewhat 'strange'. Then my son felt he couldn't even have refused to become a US citizen, because who knows what the Americans would have thought about him not being enthusiastic to become an American. So he felt it to be better to be enthusiastic to become an American.
You know I have (or had) a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-national little family, and we each had to cross a lot of borders, legal ones, language ones and cultural - as well emotional - ones. When you have done that, you become grateful to anyone, who isn't suspicious of you for crossing borders and just accept the fact that everybody has to live and make a home somewhere.
NOthing for Ungood. Peace.
If both wings of the Capitalist Party, in bipartisan fasion
come out against her, that's enough of an endorsement for me.
I agree
They've come out smearing against Tulsi even harder than against Bernie.
By no means am I on board with Gabbard ...
... at least not yet. The fact that the propaganda machine has targeted her first makes me think she's considered the larger threat, which tells me she may be appealing.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Judge her comments yourself...
Tulsi's Aloha announcement from yesterday...her speech starts about 1:35 into it and is about 30 min
Actions are a different matter...but she had some good words. I like her anti-war anti-corruption (in both parties) comments.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It is not even mildly bizzare or even ironic any more.
Some geniuses conclude Russia supports Gabbard by counting "mentions". Dark times. Just massive propaganda of the elites and their mouth pieces against any progressive person or idea. Using any and every type of attack. Add in the drive for war has become unrelenting on all fronts from VZ to Russia to China to Syria. Very dark times.
The genius was from New Knowledge
Quell surprise. This is one more connection between the media and the government. NK is funded by the government and connected to the Atlantic Council.
But what really makes this article so damned stupid is that New Knowledge were the ones that pretended that Russia was interfering with Roy Moore's election. Funny how MSDNC didn't mention that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.