The Coup against Nicolas Maduro Intensifies
‘US announces sanctions against Venezuela’s state oil company PDVSA’, via RT, Jan 28, 2019
“Washington has imposed sanctions against the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA, seizing $7 billion in assets, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said. The US is trying to force recognition of Juan Guaido as president in Caracas.
Munchin said that the move is to “to help prevent the further diversion” of assets by “former president Maduro.”
Sanctions will be lifted upon the “expeditious transfer of control to the interim president, or the subsequently democratically elected interim government,” he added.
“We know what the legitimate government of Venezuela is, and it is our mission to make reality what the people of Venezuela want,” National Security Adviser John Bolton chimed in, standing next to Mnuchin during the briefing at the White House on Monday.
In addition to $7 billion in PDVSA assets in the US, the sanctions will affect $11 billion worth of exports over the coming year, Bolton said.
Over the weekend, the US called a special session of the UN Security Council on the situation in Venezuela, claiming it represented a threat to international security.”
‘UNSC should look into US attempts for coup in Venezuela – Russian envoy’, 26 Jan, 2019 RT
“The United States are trying to organize a coup in Venezuela and the UN Security Council should look into the threat to Caracas, the Russian envoy to the international organization said.
The council gathered on Saturday to discuss the situation in the Latin American country where the opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself the head of Venezuela with the support of the US and its allies.
Russia and three other countries opposed discussing “situation in Venezuela” saying that saying that the internal situation in the country does not represent a threat to the international community, but Washington’s actions do, yet nine out 15 members voted to put it on the agenda.
The whole UNSC meeting is nothing more than “another element” of the US’ strategy, and an “unethical ploy” by Washington to involve the international body in its regime change campaign, Russia’s envoy to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said.” (with an epically hypocritical [‘Restore Democracy! screeds]4 minute unembeddable video that TRNN covered, 13 minutes)
‘Venezuela, Many Nations, Reject US-Led Interventionism at UNSC Session’, telesurenglish, Jan. 26
“China, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Russia, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia, Saint Vicent, the Grenadines, Barbados, and Suriname, were among the countries that expressed their recognition of the legitimate and constitutional Venezuelan government, led by President Nicolas Maduro.
“The United States is the one that should be evaluated (and not Venezuela) for its permanent disrespect and interference in external political affairs,” Foreign Minister Arreaza said in his statement before the Security Council.
“How is it possible that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, who militarily threatened Venezuela, has not been questioned by the world?”
Arreaza also talked about the situation of the illegally and unconstitutionally self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaido, asking, “how can it be possible for a lawmaker to proclaim himself president and for international governments to recognize him?” Stating and warning that in Venezuela “force is being imposed on the law. That is dangerous and we must stop it here from the United Nations.”
‘Good for business’: Trump adviser Bolton admits US interest in Venezuela’s ‘oil capabilities’, RT 28 Jan, 2019
“Bolton isn’t the only one to admit oil is a primary factor in US actions in Venezuela. Florida’s Republican senator Marco Rubio tweeted last week that refining the much-sought after heavy crude from Venezuela already “supports great jobs” for Americans in the Gulf Coast.”
‘The Vultures of Caracas’, 26 Jan, 2019,
“We are frequently told that people in Venezuela have no food, clothing or toilet paper, and that popular discontent with the left wing government is driven by real hunger. There are elements of truth in this story, though the causes of economic dislocation are far more complex than the media would have us believe.
But I ask you to look at this photo [the featured photo at the top; click for larger] of supporters of CIA poster-boy, the West’s puppet unelected “President” Juan Guaido, taken at a Guaido rally in Caracas two days ago and published yesterday in security services house journal The Guardian. Please take a really close look at the photo. Blow it up as big as you can. Scan individual people in the crowd, one by one.
These are not the poor and most certainly not the starving. As it chances I have a great deal of life experience working amongst seriously deprived, hungry and despairing people. I know the gaunt face of want and the desperate glance of need. Look at these Guaido supporters, one by one by one. This designer spectacled, well-coiffed, elegantly dressed, sleekly jowled group does not know hunger. This group does not know want. This is a proper right wing gathering, a gathering of the nicely off section of society. This is a group of those who have corruptly been siphoning Venezuela’s great wealth for decades and who want to make sure the gravy train flows properly in their direction again. It is, in short, a group of exactly the kind of people you would expect to support a CIA coup.
Those manicured hands raised in the air will never throw rocks, or get involved in violence unless against a peasant strapped to a chair for them. It is not this crowd which will suffer as public disorder is manipulated and directed by the CIA. These wealthy ones are immune, just as Davos serves as nothing but an annual reminder of how very poorly God aims avalanches.
There is real suffering in Venezuela. The CIA is working hard to stoke violence, and the genuine poor will soon start to die, both in those egged on to riot and in the security services. But do not get taken in by the complete nonsense that this is a popular, democratic revolution. It is not. It is yet another barefaced CIA regime change coup.”
Murray also mentions Trump’s appointment of ‘front man on VZ’ Eliott Abrams telesur english had featured on Jan. 25:
‘US Appoints Elliott Abrams, Mastermind Behind Anti-Chavez 2002 Coup, to Lead New Venezuela Coup’
“Elliott will be a true asset to our mission to help the Venezuelan people fully restore democracy and prosperity to their country,” Pompeo said in announcing Abrams’ appointment.
He said Abrams would accompany him to the United Nations on Saturday for a Security Council meeting on Venezuela where the U.S. will press other countries to support opposition leader Juan Guaido as the country’s interim head of state.
Abrams, appearing with Pompeo at a briefing for reporters, described the situation in Venezuela as “deep, difficult and dangerous.”
Pompeo said that Elliot’s first task would be to travel to New York and push the United Nations’ Security Council to recognize Guaido as the new president of Venezuela on Saturday. His following duties, said Pompeo, could take him to Latin America.” [snip]
“But Abrams’s record is not limited to Venezuela. His first high profile position started with the Ronald Reagan administration in the 1980s, when he assured military aid to the Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, who came to power after a coup in 1982 and was later sentenced for genocide against the Mayan peoples in the Central American country. He was also convicted in 1991 on two misdemeanor counts of withholding information from Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal. However, he was later pardoned by President George H.W. Bush.”
I’ll freely admit that I was startled when I saw this title and author, as Eva Golinger, although being a champion of Hugo Chavez back in the day, had recently been vitriolically opposed to Nicola Maduro, but: ‘The Dirty Hand of the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela’ January 28, 2019,, subtitled: Written in 2014 during the Obama adminstration, this article by Eva Golinger gives insightful background to the current crisis in Venezuela and Washington’s role in stirring it up, originally published at
She opens with:
“Anti-government protests in Venezuela that seek regime change have been led by several individuals and organizations with close ties to the U.S. government.
Leopoldo Lopez and Maria Corina Machado- two of the public leaders behind the violent protests that started in February (2014) – have long histories as collaborators, grantees and agents of Washington. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have channeled multi-million dollar funding to Lopez’s political parties Primero Justicia and Voluntad Popular, and Machado’s NGO Sumate and her electoral campaigns.
From my favorite tankie on Twitter: @cordeliers “Predictably, the Grauniad stands ready to manufacture propaganda on behalf of US imperialism.”:
‘Juan Guaidó: Venezuela has chance to leave chaos behind; Exclusive: self-declared interim president tells the Guardian he is set on forcing out Nicolás Maduro’
“The opposition leader who last week declared himself Venezuela’s rightful interim president has played down fears of a possible armed conflict and claimed his economically devastated nation was living through an “almost magical moment” in its newly revived quest for democracy.
In one of his first interviews since last Wednesday’s surprise move, Juan Guaidó told the Guardian he was set on “getting the job done” to force Nicolás Maduro from power and ending a humanitarian emergency which has fuelled the largest exodus in modern Latin American history.
Guaidó said a combination of international backing, opposition unity and a reinvigorated grassroots support meant Venezuela now had a unique chance “to leave the chaos behind”.
He also announced on Sunday that he will step up his push for power by holding rallies on Wednesday and another on Saturday, when the ultimatum from leading European countries is set to expire.”
‘Venezuela Rejects EU Ultimatum ‘Befitting Old Colonial Powers’, Jan. 28,
“The Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza responded to a statement by the European Union which issued an ultimatum to the Venezuelan government to hold elections within eight days. He asked them to drop the measure that would recognize Juan Guaido, opposition leader for the Venezuelan National Assembly, in contempt since 2016, who unconstitutionally declared himself “interim” president, as Venezuela’s leader.
Arreaza repudiated the European Union and said its declaration put them in the same camp as the United State-backed coup that has been in progress, most forcefully since Jan. 23, but which has been ongoing for years, since the Hugo Chavez administration:
“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its most forceful rejection of the declaration by the European Union of Jan. 26, through which it has demonstrated it’s signing on to the coup d’etat orchestrated by the United States government, and which has the intent of giving an ultimatum to the Venezuelan state, which is befitting of the old colonial powers it represents.”
Via the Popular Resistance newsletter, Zeese and Flowers offer: ‘Venezuela: What Activists Need To Know About The US-Led Coup’
I’d advise taking special note of:
- Truth: President Nicolás Maduro is the legitimate president.
- Truth: The opposition is violent, not the Maduro government.(referencing wee, brave Abby Martin on TRNN June 18, 2017 w/ this accompanying 14+ min video):
- Truth: The National Assembly acted in violation of the law and is in contempt of court…all three of which explanations run counter to the conventional wisdom MSM talking points like this:
“The Maduro government has waged a violent crackdown on Venezuelan civil society, violated the constitution by dissolving the National Assembly and was re-elected last year in an election many observers said was fraudulent.”
It’s all excellent, although their lists of Guaido supporters and opponents are a bit out of date.
Bonus: ‘The History – and Hypocrisy – of US Meddling in Venezuela;
Author and activist Brett Wilkins looks at the history of US meddling in Venezuela,, Jan. 28, 2019
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

Trump does not want to set this precedent.
Because there's a woman who would love to have a legal grounds to do the exact same thing to him.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I suspect a different dynamic.
American oligarchs couldn't swipe Venezuela's oil wealth the old-fashioned way -- through our oil companies -- so we advance a puppet, freeze the oil money to give it to the puppet supposedly for the people of VZ but ya know how it is, some money just disappears on its way to its intended huddled masses, right? And American oligarchs park offshore some of that really-it's-only-pocket-change-that-they-just-happened-to-find-somewhere-no-one-can-remember-just-where-or-when-maybe-when-they-were-sunning-on-the-beach.
you're likely seeing
gadaffi's gold [on edit: and hillary's finders' fees?] but apart from bolton's pretense, it's about 'great competitor's russia and china in VZ (as in sub-saharan africa, thus: Africom), and reversing the pink tide', imo.
'PAUL JAY: Well, the United States wants regime change, they have no other agenda.
GREG WILPERT: Right. We have to be completely clear on it. And not just regime change, they want to completely wipe Chavismo and the Bolivarian Revolution from the face of the earth. That’s the objective and that’s the reason that the radical opposition doesn’t want to make any concessions. Because any concession could imply some remnants of Chavismo remaining in power, and they just want to make sure everybody is removed from office and the complete memory, actually, of Chavez and the project is forgotten.
'Attempted Coup in Venezuela with Abby Martin, Greg Wilpert, Paul Jay', TRNN, January 25, 2019
no comprende;
of which woman do you speak?
Why the opposition leader...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
guaido, pompeo's 'guido', what's in a name? thugs are the same in any language, no? i thought you might have been pinging: 'Congresswoman who fixed Democratic primary for Clinton now ‘fixing’ democracy in Venezuela ', rt jan 25 : D
Just was checking the spanish news.
now have a diplomat in place.
Looks like our puppetsI would say ONE week before he asks for US military aid. Maybe two if the MSM can find another THING for a week.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
i don't have enough
español to decode it. en houston?
Yep, essentially the puppet...
Historically, when other countries start recognizing factions, it's a prelude to a civil war, not a quiet transfer of power.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And plenty of men, too,
Now I have no doubt in my mind that the neo-con, neo-lib group would use the military to overthrow Trump. But maybe they won't need to.
man, in all the annals of american imperialism, i can
think of few comparably egregious examples of such shameless banditry. worse banditry, for sure, but ... is this really happening? are we really going to simply announce to the world, straight up and without the usual pretenses, that it is our prerogative to select the government of another sovereign state? and is the rest of the world going to put up with it? are the russians and the chinese really going to stand for this?
it's absolutely bizarre. we're actually broadcasting the extortion. "Give us your government or you'll never see your 7 billion dollars again!"
no evidence given. no evidence necessary. nothing. nada.
goodness, the thrashings of the dying dragon, taking down the whole town that dared to defy it.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
'are we really going to simply
announce to the world..'; it seems so, and in addition to those billions, these (click tweet to stand alone and see the sub-Tweets):
dying empires exert the control they can, given their challenged power. in this case: battling leftist governments like zelaya's honduras to bolivarian nations.
This isn't any different really.
They are reckoning degrees of brazenness.
And this is pretty far up the brazen scale. A lot farther than 9/11 starting the War of Terror. Then, the idea that the U.S. was the victim was pretty easily sold, especially since nearly 3,000 people, most of them U.S. citizens and civilians, were killed.
This is more brazen than I've ever seen, in that the U.S. Gov isn't even waiting for Maduro to be overthrown by the CIA and their shitty little well-heeled friends. Why wait for an actual coup? The current Venezuelan government is just fake news.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Shows how powerful ideology is.
Religion drives straight through mountains. (Meaning "real" religion, not the smorgasbord stuff you see a lot in this country today.)
The TCC's ideology is a parallel faith, with surpassing powers.
So "socialism" is the apostate, the infidel, what-have-you. Not so long ago, Bernie said to a crowd of students, referring to the Business Roundtable's extremism: "You don't negotiate with those people." (My paraphrase) I think Bernie was seeing belief in money-organized-by-capitalism in the Bus. Roundtable, where that belief houses the power and drive of ancient religion.
The analogy would be if you were trying to convert a zealot to a different set of beliefs.
'improved' or
'approved'? i wish that DSAs were socialists by any definition, but no, they're reform Capitalists. as far as i can make out, no true socialists are Imperialists whatsoever, including approving funds for Nato, Africom, approving defense dollars for israel, the anti-bolivarian project, etc. but that's just my take, of course.
dunno whether you'd
intended to answer this or hadn't had time/hadn't seen it, but as joss (synchronicity?) would have it, i ran into two shamus cooke diaries at counterpunch a bit ago. the first was 'January 29, 2019 'Bernie and the Dems Flunk Trump’s Test On Venezuela’s Coup' (part of the deconstruction in my OP) calling bullshit on part III of the bern's tweet by way of endorsing the coup by what he'd failed to say.
An interior link was to his January 5, 2016 'Does Bernie Sanders’ Imperialism Matter?', jan 2016, and it's long and insightful enough for me to know which bits to feature, but i'll give it a go. a few snippets:
i agree, as it was his imperialism that ha caused me not to support him in 2015, although the café commentariat didn't care for my take, iirc. 'Bernie Hearts Drone Assassinations, but with One Proviso'
good night, eyeround.
Well, to be fair, it is a seriously difficult thing
if you are an American politician, to vote against the general defense funding bills. I'm pretty sure there would be serious consequences for that.
That's why the NDAA tends to be a repository of the most loathsome policies, because nobody would dare ever vote against it.
Or were you talking about other kinds of funding for Iraq?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
that's the whole point
in a nutshell, miz signal. obfuscating a politician's what got us where we are.
the former yugoslavia was also socialist, but milosevic died in a cell at the hague because canadian judge louise arbor, would allow exculpatory evidence to be entered into the trial. (he was posthumously exonerated of war crimes, sadly).
gladio, all the time, gladio, cold war nato repurposed. kill nato! and the what, 70th anniversary is coming in april? won't be held here, as 'pentagon insiders' have said DT is still 'out of nato', which is bull.shit. thus the 'Defend Nato' house bill every house D voted for.
Initially, I was glad that Bernie brought the word
"socialist" back into American political discourse after a hiatus of about 65 years during which "socialist" meant "enemy."
He also got a lot of people asking what socialism actually was. All of that was to the good.
However, Bernie is only a democratic socialist because he's an old man and takes his terms from a time when social democrats called themselves democratic socialists.
Now, of course, the mainstream has used Bernie's discursive gesture to re-absorb the term "socialism," and Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez kind of help that process along every time they call themselves socialists.
Thing is, though, anybody who controls a billion-dollar propaganda machine can make any word mean anything they want.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
i guess i find
fault with this construction: "However, Bernie is only a democratic socialist because he's an old man and takes his terms from a time when social democrats called themselves democratic socialists."
no, as i said below to ggersh, even though he and ocasio-cortez constantly step on their own brands, see shamus cooke's essay above: 'doesn bernie's imperialism matter?' to me yes it does. both he and @aoc praised mattis and john mcccain to the hilt, and a hella lot more. but as i also said to ggersh, i do ralize that i'm an extreme outlier here.
peace if you can (i forget whose quote that is, naturally)
But you *can* be a social democrat and be an imperialist
Being a social democrat just means you want your own people, all of them, to do well; you want the government to serve their needs with the best policies it can muster. It's still, generally, a republican form of government married to a capitalist economy that the social democrat intends to work within. A social democrat, to my mind, would be a more radical form of Lyndon Johnson: lots of social programs attempting to build a great society, leaving as few people as possible behind. But that has nothing to do with what happens to people outside the nation's borders. There is no necessary internationalism involved in being a social democrat; it all has to do with how the state treats its citizens and the role it takes.
Back when Bernie was young, social democrats were called "democratic socialists," so he uses that term. It's a confusing term, much less clear than the term "social democrat" which replaced it. I was glad that any mention of socialism was made, for the reasons I described, but now I'm thinking it wasn't worth it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
i wish i could be sure
i'm understanding your thesis correctly, Miz Signal. but if one is an Imperialist and funds the military including Nato, how much discretionary income is left for social safety programs? yes, bernie's domestic policies sound delightful and enticing, but for me, not his penchant for backing Empire projects, which do kill other people, especially innocents. but we may be talking past one another, and if so, i apologize.
They think they can make the rich pay for it,
That's why he keeps talking about raising taxes on the rich.
It's also true that they know, whether they will admit it or not, that the bankers basically print whatever money they want, and that MMT is basically what they live by behind closed doors regardless of what they say.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I would say that taxes are not charity
(that idea leads to a right-wing idea that we are imposing on the rich to take care of us), but the necessary price to live in something approaching a civilized society. It's part of a commitment to a common project: the project of living together in a society. Those who don't want to make that commitment and would rather hoard far more than they could ever use while parts of the civilization develop gangrene and drop off are antisocial sociopaths and psychopaths.
However, what Bernie et al believe is that these antisocial pirates can be brought back within the fold of civilization if enough Democrats get elected. There's no evidence of that.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Actually, it's the necessary price to live in an unrestrained
That's where people like Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez and the DSA are acting like gatekeepers in suggesting measures that would keep the capitalist system in tact. Whether they're doing it intentionally or not, I think intentionally because that's what they believe in.
Oh, I agree:
To me, before we seriously talk about that kind of taxing, we should talk about this capitalist system that enables people to "earn" that much money and wealth, i.e., a fight for real socialism.
I mean, even the often execrable founding fathers would agree that certain changes would need to be made before we could have that discussion. Taxation without representation is tyranny, right? Well, who could possibly claim anybody with less than 100 million dollars truly gets represented by what passes for government around here? The rest of us shouldn't be paying any taxes.
That's another thing Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez won't deal with: late-stage capitalism inevitably must produce the kind of authoritarian, non-representative politics we currently have, and a tax hike wouldn't fix that. On the other hand, with this sort of politics, we will never get more than a marginal tax hike, if we get any at all.
That's the thing; capitalism of this kind--maybe all capitalism?--is going to lead to a decline in rich people's taxes that never ends, the same way that same capitalism leads to a decline in working people's buying power that never ends, the same way it leads to a decline in clean water and air that never ends, the same way it leads to unrepaired bridges and roads and schools that are falling down in ever-increasing numbers. Not prisons though. Those will proliferate, and they won't be allowed to fall down. Weapons will proliferate too, and wars.
This is something that Jimmy Dore and his crew get wrong, very wrong: they keep talking about how incremental change won't work to solve a catastrophic problem. That's true, but it preserves the illusion that incremental change toward the policies we like has been happening. That's absolutely untrue. If there's been any incremental change, it's been toward fascism.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
and ocasio's FDR '70%tax plan'
will never happen, and she know it. is that part of bernie's plan to 'refund the social saftey net? but i will say that not caring about which other bug splat we assassinate by drone matters a hella lot to me, and that those who don't care should check their moral compasses.
once again: 'Bernie Hearts Drone Assassinations, but with One Proviso, September 7, 2015 by wendyedavis
listen to his interview w/ martha raddatz; and:
"Since President Barack Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, at least 2,464 people and 314 innocent civilians have been killed in drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Somalia, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. At least seven US citizens have been extra-judicially killed by drones, including one 16-year-old, meaning they were never given a trial as required by the Constitution. Obama himself directly ordered many of the strikes on ‘Terror Tuesdays’."
"You can argue that there are times and places where drone attacks have been effective, there are times and places where they have been absolutely counter-effective and have caused more problems than they have solved. When you kill innocent people, what the end result is that people in the region become anti-American who otherwise would not have been. So, I think we have to use drones very, very selectively and effectively.”
Please, Bernie, may I ask: whose assassinations were ‘effective’? Those myriad ‘Al Qaeda #2s’? Or those who were deemed worthy of death-dealing ‘signature strike’ metrics? Are you blithely unaware that the shadow military comprised of CIA/JSOC/and mercenary armies conduct their own drone murders? But somehow the two ‘beliefs’ here clang together like crashing two trash can lids together in their incongruity, much like your ‘how to fight ISIL’ does below.
"Yes, Bernie; America ‘should have the strongest military on earth’ if one believes that the Empire needs to grow and thrive, and that the Global War on Terror is an admirable venture. How hideous it is to hear you to trumpet an alliance with the tyrannical Saudi state, though, and pretend that it’s all down to dollars and cents. And oof, how easily you accepted the agitprop framing of formerly embedded with the troops Martha’s questions, my stars! Watching your eyes dart back and forth like a pinball machine showed that you were on the defensive for being called some idiotic peace dove. Unbelievable." etc.
Oh I remember that.
I won't even get into the craze that is Ocasio-Cortez. Just more evidence we're screwed with this political system.
; )
sweet dreams...if you can. seems appropriate, as we are outliers, no?
Who am I to disagree?
Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, even Nixon
and I suppose JFK too, all had imperialist wars and police actions while doing major projects here at home. Hell, from one point of view you could throw FDR into that bucket too, though I do feel that it was necessary to fight WWII. However, because of many of the people involved, the war wasn't conducted simply as a necessary exercise in human survival, but was used as a springboard to most of the profiteering bloodthirsty crap we live under today. That's a tangent, though..
Regardless, one can, in fact, pour money into overseas adventurism and still have at least some social programs. Perhaps the military spending couldn't be as amazingly egregious as it is today, but it could be extensive, and the wars we fought could be numerous--and we could still have Medicare for All, and we could still have jobs with higher wages.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
FDR's social saftey net
was a sop to all the labors who were on strike at the time. he'd thought to quell their strikes, and iirc, history records that it worked. back in the day, it took four working families to aid one striker's family. FDR knew what he was about. and now? i'm working on a synopsis of a thread on '(late-stage) Capitalism and Mental Health issues, and while it's tough going, the author's treatise deserves wider recognition.
So right.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
More brazen than killing over a million people in Iraq
I'm not using the word "brazen" to mean "evil."
I'm using it to mean "without subterfuge."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well, if we're talking subterfuge (deceit)
The funny thing is, for the Iraq war, in which most sane people didn't buy the bullshit excuses of WMD's, there were millions of people protesting in the streets worldwide, including here in Amerika.
If this one is so brazenly deceitful, where are the protests here in this country? That says something about the state of affairs that would be good for discussion. Why can't we even get a measly antiwar protest movement going out of a country of 330 million people?
Many factors are involved.
Some you will agree with, some you probably won't.
1)Few people care about Venezuela except the people who want to use it as an ideological punching bag. Well, and the loathsome oil barons, weaponsmakers, and goons who want to seize all the oil on the planet, including Venezuela's.
2)We don't know for sure that there aren't marches against this. If there were, they'd hardly be on the news. Were you aware in Sept. 2014 that there was a 600,000-person march against climate change in NYC? Few were aware of that march, because it received no national coverage apart from Katrina Vanden Heuvel saying one sentence about it on a Sunday morning political show. We should never forget how easy it is for the overlords to make dissent invisible, even to us.
3)However, I expect that if there were large marches, we would eventually hear about them, if only because people involved would post about it on the internet. There are ways for the authorities to counter such accounts and reduce their impact and number, but no way (yet) to entirely eradicate them. Therefore, I'm gonna assume there aren't any marches against a Venezuela invasion. If there aren't any marches, here are two likely reasons why:
a)the U.S. is invading countries and committing atrocities continually, to the point that people no longer pay attention when they begin their hundredth or so assault on a foreign nation. Remember how momentous the beginning of the Iraq war was? It had a definite beginning point that the public knew about, which was covered vociferously, though badly, in the press, and before that it was debated hotly, though badly, in Congress. It was assumed at that point that Congress had to give some form of permission for a new war, and that the beginning of a new war was a momentous occasion which should be debated extensively, both in the government and in the press. Are they even asked to give permission now? I don't recall any Congressional debate about Yemen, or Congress deciding whether or not it's okay to go into Somalia, and certainly, beyond some stories about evil Somalian pirates, I didn't notice much coverage of Yemen and Somalia in the press. Maybe all that happened and somehow I missed it. But it certainly seems to me that we've entered an era where the war never stops and there's too much of it, always a new invasion, with little debate in government and often little fanfare from the press. It's like one big mash-up of horrors. People are overwhelmed by the constant new invasions, the gigantic pileup of wars. Maybe they wouldn't be, if
b)anti-war marches did any good whatsoever. You mentioned the marches against Iraq. They were very large. I was in many of them. They had no effect whatsoever. There were (much smaller) marches against the invasion of Syria, which people didn't used to like, round about 2013/2014. The American people didn't want to invade Syria back then. There were some marches. They were ignored. They had no effect whatsoever. It's hardly surprising, after a few rounds of that, that the American people get sick of talking to a wall.
People keep asking why there is no anti-war movement. This question is usually put as a moral question, a massive criticism of American national character, when in fact it's obvious that there is no anti-war movement because the powerful have shown repeatedly that unless we pick up guns they're not going to pay attention to anything we do. Well, I suppose if we refuse to leave the protest, like the Occupiers and the Standing Rock Sioux, they will pay attention to the extent that they send cops to hurt people and throw them in cages, and they will pay attention to the extent that they will send people to talk in front of cameras and do their level best to destroy the reputations of the protesters and discredit the protest. Beyond those reactions, the people who start wars, who mount invasions, apparently are impervious to "people going out in the street," even if those people number in the hundreds of thousands.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I guess we could analyze it til the cows come home
I did buy some yellow vests however and will be at the Esther Short Park in Vancouver, WA on Saturday. Probably get down there around noon.
I agree with all of this, including purchasing a yellow vest
and hell, even going down to a march or rally; not so much because seeing us at a rally is gonna make them change, as because I feel that sometimes I have to register my disapproval, whether it does any good or not.
But that's definitely a minority response. I mean, most people probably wouldn't feel that way.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@CSTMS - about the NYC Climate March in Sept 2014
about that September 21, 2014Climate march ... I have tons of pictures of that one. So, somehow, some people knew about it, with or without the msm, by just being there. Can't uplosd any images though. Lots of weird reactions lately with inserting videos, images and tweets.
Thanks, mimi,
That makes me happy. It's a pretty disgusting sensation, to feel that more than a half a million people can protest and remain unnoticed.
It's like the old philosophical question about the tree falling in the forest.
If half a million people march and the corporate press doesn't cover it, does it make a sound?
You give me a small hope (like lighting a small candle) that it does. Thank you.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Jordan is never on the military radar.
Only ME country with no oil.
Jordanians praise Allah for blessing them.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
nor with a leftist
gummint, in any event.
His Majesty meets with US Central Command
His Majesty meets with US military chief over boosting cooperation
Coup d'état
parts are parts
in thrall to the hegemon?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
is going to teach Venezuela all about democracy.
it's a longer version of the one upthread. DW-S: #WhatASchmukette
Meanwhile, back in Florida...
...Democracy is already "fixed."
If this were a movie I'd get up and walk out.
If it wasn't happening right before my eyes I could not believe it was real. Is this a test to see just how far we can go and get away with it? I have to wonder what the rest of the world is thinking as they watch this shit roll out. Who could possibly put any trust in the US anymore? Who can feel safe knowing what we are capable of? If you got it and we want it, just save yourself some trouble and hand it over now.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, France, the UK, brussels, and Israel, Ecuador, now australia, most of the OAS nations, off the top of my head added to pop resistance's list.
The Imperial thugocracy, yes. but it's been a very long campaign, begun under obomba, perhaps dubya?
look at this hashtag, for instance, and yes, a few 'Hands off tweets', but:
fascinating, thanks, partisan girl. I ♥ bellingcat and eliott higgins!:
yep: all i want is the must be out there somewhere.
@wendy davis Thanks Wendy, yes, our
So I think you feel it's not that we particularly want the goodies ourselves, it's more that we just want to keep it away from the "bad guys "? That makes more sense to me too since it doesn't seem like we're hurting for energy sources at the moment.
This is so likely to go so very bad for the people of that country. It's heart breaking to watch it all go down.
Thanks for helping us keep up with it all.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
and i should have said earlier: 'nice to meet you'. ; ) but no, i think bolton' and rubio's statements are either personal opinions or abject ignorance. accept my apologies ahead of time for going stream-of-consciousness, as my thoughts have been tumbling over the larger meaning of all this brewing over time.
the newest sanctions, of course, are designed to 'make the economy in VZ scream' further, and will likely cause more of the top level generals defect to guaido. they'll not only make it impossible for the maduro government to buy food, medicine, and other commodities, but if (iirc>) flannel-mouth bolton wasn't just woofin' about 'one tanker of oil has left VZ but there will be no mas!'...then that means a blockade, doesn't it? if so, then nothing could come in, either, even if maduro's allies tried to fill the shelves again.
but 'stemming/reversing the pink tide bolivarism' even began in Mexico after the ejido system (agricultural land held in commons) was given birth in the 1930s, then unwound ahead of mexico joining Nafta in 1994, causing such a ruckus in chiapas. the zapatista horizontal democracy was born that day in five villages (caracols), much to the consternation of mexico and the IDF. i like them a lot, although they aren't everyone's cuppa, to say the least: an introduction.
but hint, hint, clue, clue: 'OpSec fail or unspoken threat? Bolton’s ‘5,000 troops’ notepad line ups ante for Venezuela?' (via RT today) must be both, no? 'colombia denies it! well, they would, either way.
but bringing in Dr. Death Squad Abrams does.not.bode.well, and i doubt that was just a psyop, myself. but the grauniad's story today is that the kremlin is denying that the mercenaries were sent to protect maduro (gotta love: either dozens, wasn't it thousands they'd reported earlier? but see, that also makes it 'about russia', as wasserman-shultz and friends had.
next it'll be 'Xi sends in mercenaries to'...whatever. but fuck this empire and its capitalist lackeys for all they do around the globe. MLK, jr: the US is the greatest exporter of violence on the planet. dayum, i'll try to hush my mouth now; this is all to evil to chronicle.
Thanks and nice to meet you as well.
have a vague understanding of zapatista history but not much so will check out your link. thanks
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
their statements
that 'it's all about the oil'.
keep in mind that the criminal
enterprise that is colombia is now in Nato, and there are U bases there, as there are in ecudaor, which nation the trump administration has secured a memo of military cooperation. in strong ally bolivia, evo morales is up for re-election for his fourth term in october 2019.
france 24: "Bolivian ex-president Carlos Mesa on Saturday launched his candidacy for the 2019 election, in which he will face Evo Morales who will be seeking his fourth consecutive term.
Analysts believe 65-year-old Mesa, a historian and journalist who previously governed Bolivia between 2003 and 2005, is the only hope of uniting the whole opposition against Morales."
from the US state department:
"The United States joins the European Union in stressing that threats against judges from the Supreme Electoral Tribunal are not conducive to creating the conditions required to hold free and fair elections in 2019.
Respect for the independence of the judiciary, political pluralism, and freedom of expression are fundamental rights and essential pillars of democracy and the rule of law.
The United States supports a healthy democracy in Bolivia that respects Bolivia’s constitution and the will of the Bolivian people."
so if evo wins? Illegitimate Elections!, imo.
This coup has been long planned for
and since Venezuela is "in our backyard" as Maher said we have every reason and right to remove any president that doesn't allow our "special interests" to have access to their resources and especially their oil.
Declaration of a National Emergency
~ by Barack Obama ~
You gotta love the hypocrisy of Obama's statement on ... when he had ordered his department of homeland security to work with democratic mayors across the country to break up the Occupy Wall Street protests.
o significant acts of violence or conduct that constitutes a serious abuse or violation of human rights, including against persons involved in antigovernment protests in Venezuela in or since February 2014;
o actions that prohibit, limit, or penalize the exercise of freedom of expression or peaceful assembly;
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
thanks for the whole enchilada.
...and thar he blows! another Hypocrite-in-Chief war criminal. sorry to give it such short shrift. but it's closing time for me; i'm beat. closing lullaby is 'What a Wonderful World'. g'nght, all.
Hmm... how will the Russia Gaters spin this?
If Vlad is sending mercs to protect Maduro from Trump and his merry bands of sociopaths then how will this coup help Vlad? Yep. I'm serious. The kos kids think that Trump is doing this because Vlad told him to. This is also why he shut down the government. Vlad's intent is to dismantle the country.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh oh
This looks like it might be fake news that is being spread to further someone's agendas.
I wouldn't mind though if Russia and China were over there protecting Venezuela from our greedy hands. Some one needs to put their foot down on our 'aggression,'. Hey. Isn't that what people are upset with Russia for doing? If we grab Venezuela can it be okay for Russia to grab Crimea?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
china seems kinda
asleep, or hands-off. putin and lavrov seem to call out the criminality of a putsch a per international law, as does the UN human right rapporteur, including the fact that sanctions are war on a nation's citizenry. but still rumors persist (even via popular resistance) that russia is about to send a second wave of troops to VZ. first one, being, the flying instructors who came with the bombers (or so i assume).
as i'd said up yonder, it would be lovely if maduro's allies could send in food, medicines, and i should have added 'toilet paper', as the lack of that product was always featured by the MSM against maduro. remember the photos of plates with a carrot, maybe three grapes? "this is what maduro gives us to eat!" it may have been at the time that he'd been diversifying in agriculture in area all over the nation, giving the food to anyone in hunger.
can't verify this, of course, but moon of alabama on twitter had retweeted this; i've included the parent tweet):
zero hedge sure bought it:
amanda mathews had been ranting about the fake news at the grauniad, so i'd given her that report from their site as a "like this?" unsourced, or anonymously sourced, or bellingcat-online crowd-sourced?
'Murica has no right to claim victimhood on ANYTHING.
We colonize the world for profit and we wonder why we see asylum seekers and refugees (and 'illegal' immigrants).
System.out.print("Won't someone please think of the children?!");
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
dunno what else you're
picturing, but a nation built on the twin evils of first american genocide ('our manifest destiny') and slavery, a constitution establishing private property rights as a key ingredient...well, no. hell' bells; some revisionist historians even say that the amerikan revolution wasn't really about tea taxes, but that mad king george was about to outlaw slavery in the colony. i can't offer any challenge to that point of view, myself.
The Tea Act of 1773 was one reason.
Background on the Tea Act of 1773
As for slavery, the British Empire didn't outlaw it until the 1830s.
Not long after that, EIC went into the Opium trade. China and other regions sure suffered for that.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
i appreciate your
having untangled my epic confusion. seems to happen more and more these days. ; )
Minor hitch in the plan
Things may not be going quite as planned in Venezuala
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
i'd apparently
miscalcualted, as i'd said 'about half the OAS nations'. but it must have been various ministers of the EU who'd recognized him, but it's not worth going back and checking my last VZ coup's afoot diary.
new zealand's FM's not recognizing guaido, but as to whether the nation had ever formally recognized maduro, i dunno. but sorry, venezuelanalisis, not much of a hitchcompared to everything.
i did have to laugh at the guardian love fest interview with guaido. at least the 2 authors did offer a cautionary tale about his admiration for uber-right-wing, pinochet-loving jair bolnosaro.
but as many say, according to the MSM (final graphic n the OP) the killers are always maduro supporters, not the death-dealing guarimbestas and the opposition marches ae always 'zillions strong!' guess that's part of why this was on maduro's twit account:
Any hitch is good in my view
and any hitch is insupportable in the view of the overlords. They have a zero tolerance policy on dissent.
Funny how many ways the War on Drugs set us up for this fascist, authoritarian McCarthyite crap.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We hold CITGO's profits...
and it is rumored they will be given to the opposition to fund a revolution.
Challenge the petro-dollar and you face the fate of Qaddafi
...and the UK refuses to return their gold.
Interesting who is supporting Maduro
So we choke them with sanctions and then holler that their gov't is illegitimate. Sadly it is the US military corporate oligarchy that is not legit.
The United Snakes spreading its venom.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You just hid the nail on the head
Call it another battle in the never-ending Citgo chapter of the world resource war. UK 'witholding' VZ gold. How does the World Bank and IMF extort profit from these blazon international crimes? That is the obvious plot buster. Greedy gangstas.
Not in my name.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
yeppers, the bucks
are in the bag for guaido. thanks. now this i found in the twtterverse tankie callling it highway robbery. at the jpost ' U.S. gives Guaido control over some Venezuelan assets, By REUTERS, January 29, 2019
b at MoA had this up a few days ago, but skimming thru it, i think he hadn't an idea of how fast and far this fukkery would 'take', although i never watched the video, checked all the links: 'Venezuela - Trump's Coup Plan Has Big Flaws'.
now this a weird one, sputnik news via CNN, so there's that fake news possibility, but: 'Venezuelan Defectors in Exile Ask the US For Weapons Against Maduro - Report', jan. 30
"They also asked Brazil, Colombia, Peru and other countries for guns, claiming soldiers in Venezuela are ready for an all-out revolt. The latter statement, however, remains up for debate.
Venezuelan Army defectors who have fled the country have turned to the US administration, asking for weapons to use against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, a CNN report says.
Two former soldiers, Carlos Guillen Martinez and Josue Hidalgo Azuaje, both whom live beyond Venezuela's borders, told CNN in an interview that they want the US to arm defectors inside the country to fight Maduro in favor of self-appointed Interim President Juan Guaido.
The defectors also seized the opportunity to call on their former compatriots to rebel against Maduro.
"As Venezuelan soldiers, we are making a request to the US to support us, in logistical terms, with communication, with weapons, so we can realize Venezuelan freedom," Martinez told CNN.", etc.
More collective punishment for VZ citizens
And we haven't even started taking "our share" of profits from their mineral resources.
make the citizenry
scream until they oust that corrupt dictator maduro.
Now Mnuchin is mollifying Russia?
By lifting sanctions against aluminum oligarch who is said to be a "close friend" of Vladimir himself?
Now that oil revenues have been sequestered, how's Maduro going to pay the soldiers?
Rumors are flying fast and furious (i.e., Bolton flashed a memo with words "5,000 troops to Colombia") and the coup attempt is so impudent that bp's must be skyrocketing around the world.
Thank you WD for keeping us well-informed!
big grin.
"Some lawmakers, from both parties, also said it was inappropriate to ease the sanctions while Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigates whether Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Moscow, something the U.S. president denies.
But in its statement on Sunday, the U.S. Treasury Department said the three companies had reduced Deripaska’s direct and indirect shareholding stake and severed his control."
cough. bidness before pleasure.
About those photos of anti-Maduro deomonstrations:
check this out:
Another "Brooks Brothers" riot.
Sure, it is about the oil, but I think something else is going here as well. There is a class analysis to be made here. The American capitalist class and their servants and apparatchiks, whom I do not hesitate to describe and denounce as treasonous, are helping their counterparts in Venezuela, the folks who lost (some) privileges and status under Chavez and Maduro. Remember the intro to Jeff Faux's book about Nafta--I don't have the book at hand and am relying on memory--a WH staffer told Faux something like Salinas is one of us, he is a Harvard grad., we have to help him. Never mind the national interests of either Mexico or the USA, or now, Venezuela, we, the righteous good people who can afford to travel, have to rally around our South American good people friends. You all did notice the absence of very many dark hued persons in the photo, right? They must have hated Chavez, the brown Indio who was like three times smarter than any of them.
Mary Bennett
with all due repsect,
including the fact that i often fail at noticing/reading correctly, his essay is part of the OP, and referencing the opening graphic.
Apologies, Wendy.
Look what happened while you were partying at Davos, and Trump was distracted by the shutdown. The oligarchs do know how to pick their moments.
Mary Bennett
ah, no apologies
needed, as i said i do it all the time. i jut hadn't wanted you to feel crap about it as i often do, and will say, "i swear i'll learn to read some day..." (but i won't swear when.)
; )
Thanks for the mention, Wendy
Thanks for posting a link to my Telesur/Venezuela Analysis piece on this history of US meddling in Venezuela. I'm working on another one now about the third coming of the horror show that is Elliott Abrams.
welcome, and your historical
narrative/exposé was a welcome Bonus addition to the thread in case folks wanted to dig a bit deeper. yes, we'd been discussing chvez and 'the stench of sulphur' while dubya was at the UN on my last diary on the coup.
looking forward to your next one, and yes, the third iteration of elliott abrams is quite the horror show. goddam his evil death squads heart.
apologies to all others, but my brain and eyes are frazzled, and i need some rest. swear to the goddess i've been up and down the comments and can't even find CB's history of crimea. that tells me i'm more than burned out.
so...siesta time, and best heart to you all. oh, and i have more info and fukkery to add, as well.
Bingo! I knew it!
Another motive for the coup:
Agribiz clearly wants to get its' grubby hands on the fertile Orinoco plain.
Mr. Wilkins, you might want to consider mentioning the GMO angle in your blogging.
Mary Bennett
i suppose it's
possible, as victor yanukovich was putsched partially due to Monsanto's heavy land purchases in ukraine, 'breadbasket to the world'. i just looked it up, and am surprised to find this:
i admit i have a hard time believing that the key players in this coup even know anything about food sovereignty, but maybe other big ag players are involved. side note: i'd seen at RT that yanukovich was on trial for treason, but hadn't clicked in. note to self: check it out.
As for agribiz influence on our foreign policy, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and poops like a duck....
Before the coup, I think I read somewhere, Ukrainian land could only be owned by Ukrainian citizens.
National seed banks have been destroyed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The scientists and their assistants who were overseeing the Syrian collection of the historic grains and pulses of the fertile crescent have gone to heroic lengths to move their seeds out of harm's way. I believe some are now being maintained in Morocco.
Then there was the willful destruction by NATO of Libya's Great Man Made River, a pipeline bringing artesian Sahara water to the Libyan littoral. Apparently the French company Viviani thinks it should get to own the world's fresh water. It looks to me like outright war on any country which presumes to feed itself and preserve it's own agricultural heritage.
Mary Bennett
ha; i found it!
the author mentions monsanto in ukraine as well. on the way to find it i'd run into: Monsanto in Ukraine: IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor into EU’, RT 30 Aug, 2014
pierre omidyar had his billionaire paws in the coup there as well, mainly (IIRC) his strong financcial support fo usaid and ned, both covers for CIA.
morning additions:
this one will set you laughing, guaran-damn-teed: 'Venezuela Has 20 Tons of Gold Ready to Ship. Destination Unknown, bloomberg news via news:
from RT this a.m.:
"“Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has claimed that Donald Trump ordered the Colombian government and mafia to assassinate him, but insisted that he’s well protected from the threat of assassination.
“Without a doubt, Donald Trump gave the order to kill me, told the Colombian government, the Colombian mafia, to kill me. If something happens to me, Donald Trump and Colombian President Ivan Duque will be responsible,” Maduro told RIA Novosti. Maduro, however, expressed confidence in his country’s security services.
“I am always protected by the Venezuelan people, we have a good intelligence service,” he said.
Maduro also claimed that White House National Security Adviser John Bolton has prevented Trump from communicating with the Venezuelan government. The Venezuelan president told RIA Novosti that he has repeatedly tried – but failed – to reach out to the US leader. "For all these years, I have been trying on a personal level [to establish dialogue] … But Bolton prevented Donald Trump from initiating a dialogue with Nicolas Maduro. I have the information that he has prohibited this," Maduro said."
i swear though, every morning i held expect to see that he's been assassinated.
wsws clears up my mistaken claim about brussells supporting the guaido coup this morning:
'Germany and EU support US-engineered coup in Venezuela’ Peter Schwarz
30 January 2019,