Did 'sick Hillary,' the biggest media myth of the 2016 election, come straight from Russia?
OMG this is precious!! Here’s the author
by Mark Sumner / Daily Kos (01/25/2019) | Jan 25, 2019 | 5:53 PM
These freaking units that post over there are CRAZEEEEEE! We all saw her fall. I posted a letter from her doctor. Why in the name of everything sensible in this world would anyone be crazeeeeee enough to pull this stupid stunt? And why would you put your real name on this nonsense. Now if anyone asks “who is the biggest tool at Moosetit’s joint” I know exactly what to say.
The court documents connected to the indictment of Trump adviser Roger Stone focus on the lies that Stone told investigators about his communications with both the campaign and WikiLeaks, and on his efforts to obstruct the investigation by tampering with a witness. But not so hidden within the document is a hint that possibly the biggest media myth of the entire campaign—the idea that Hillary Clinton was seriously ill—emerged directly as an effort to support what Stone had learned about upcoming WikiLeaks releases, and may have actually originated with WikiLeaks, or with the Russian operation behind WikiLeaks.
The critical exchange occurs in a series of communications between Stone and his associate, right-wing conspiracy theorist and media figure Jerome Corsi.
On July 25, 2016, Stone emails Corsi telling him to go to Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and find out what’s in upcoming emails. A week later, Stone emails Corsi again, recommending that Trump adviser Ted Malloch also meet with Assange. On Aug. 2, Corsi replies to Stone that he’s been in contact with Assange and that “Friend in embassy plans two more dumps. One shortly after I’m back [from Europe]. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.” But Corsi doesn’t stop with just letting Assange know what’s in the next batch of emails. He includes a proposed strategy designed to bolster the impact of that release.
Corsi: Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke — neither [Bill] nor she well. I expect that much of next dump focus, setting stage for [Clinton] Foundation debacle.
But the only question now seems to be whether the Trump campaign, Fox News, and other right-wing media were coordinating around a story fed to them by Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi, or whether Corsi was passing that strategy along from the people behind his “Friend in Ecuadorian Embassy.”
What’s this crazy DAILY SOUND AND FURY stuff? Do these guys ‘publish’ this crap on places other than Moosie’s? What a hoot!

This is what Sumner does there
What people have forgotten is that Wikileaks told us for weeks that they were going to be releasing Hillary's emails. They waited until after the primary was over for some reason. But there is Mueller making hay out of nowhere. Corsi said ... but did he really?
This all goes back to Russia hacked the DNC computers which is the first lie.
But what is the most hilarious thing about Sumner and the others on DK is that kos puts the disclaimer on every diary there that says that this content hasn't been reviewed by DK. The reason he did that is because NewsGuard was telling him that it looked like people were writing stuff that wasn't true. Daily kos would then have to have the Red Button warning people that the content there wasn't true and to proceed with caution!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
All I heard on the news
was that Stone approached Assange and the wild allegations that Russia hacked the info and gave it to Assange. Still no proof of that whatsoever. As stone said, nothing new here. Once more Mueller has to charge for a crime not related to what he is supposed to be investigating. And what’s with the armed swat team in the middle of the night that CNN so conveniently was present to record?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Da, tovarisch!
It was us, we did it.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Более эффективно
Да, мы сделали это.
can you translate this into Mandarin Chinese?
That's the only language I really can understand. /s
I think that Sumner might be on to something.
I remember in 2016, some guy in a pointy hat with a red star knocking on the door and giving me the url for the video of HRC being slam-thrown into the back of an SUV.
Said his name was Commissar.... something. Boy those Soviet Ruskies are clever.
Well done Sumner and DKos for working it all out for us.
from a reasonably stable genius.
And they Rap well too.
[video:Could not resist.
Normally I'm not a huge rap fan, but sometimes...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yeah, I saw that guy too.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Story got real legs right here on C99
I was here, and I remember. Even some of us were telling others of us to "tone it down, you got no proof".
Well, no, but a lot of suspicious circumstances add up to good reason to be suspicious.
I don't think they can gaslight that one away this time.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Mark is a science guy.
And generally a pretty good writer. Where this came from, who knows?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Sumner has changed a lot on the things he writes about
His diaries are so full of falsehoods I'm surprised that no one has called him on or told him to tone it down. He will post something that says something definitively, but he changes what it says as he goes along. It's very obvious what he does. It'd be funny if people didn't believe what he says.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
wow!! He must have
drank the Kool Aid.
Why does anyone (writers) stay at that $h!thole??
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The “sick Hillary” story was never compelling for me. I
didn’t like her policies and tactics. I didn’t appreciate being scolded for “betraying” a woman. I didn’t appreciate being eclipsed by the term Bernie Bro which ignored the fact that I am a woman. I hated how John Lewis, of all people, said Democrats didn’t want “free things” when they have been aiding and abetting the GOP in seeing to it that corporations have all kinds of tax breaks and subsidies while screwing the little guy.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I mean, there was video of her guard detail surrounding her to try and hide the cameras away as she was literally tossed into the side of a van like a sack of potatoes.
But the Clinton Cult will never let things go.
The Clinton Cult is frightening. Mother was denied her birth right and now the entire world must be punished via nuclear war with Russia. 8 billion people must die to hide the fact that Her lost to a game show host.