The Daily Cult: Establishment Dems' New Level of Creepy
In case you were wondering, I'm not a Markos fan. So I take pleasure when other people ridicule him.
I don't know who Teodrose Fikre is, but I like his style.
The Daily Kos was founded on the principle of “crashing the gates” and shaking up entrenched political interests. Moulitsas rose to prominence by pretending to be against the establishment and feigning outrage at the abhorrent domestic and foreign policies of the Bush administration. The Daily Kos quickly became the Drudge Report of the left. Claiming to receive over 2.5 million unique visitors a day, it is one of the most powerful political blogs in the world. In reality, Moulitsas was a rank opportunist who saw an opening to the be Rush Limbaugh of the left.Moulitas was at the forefront of “news as you want it”; by catering to ideology and identity above everything else, he elevated his stature while taking a sledge hammer to journalism. This is why his humiliating outreach to Nancy Pelosi is such an affront; instead of speaking truth to power, Moulitsas chose to literally throw roses at the status quo.
Moulitsas takes the cake when it comes to grifters who parade as journalists, he cunningly positioned himself as the left’s preeminent blowhard and rode that gravy train on his way to fame and riches. The same way he duped his followers to fork over tens of thousands of dollars to buy roses for Pelosi, he leverages the Daily Kos to start one fake crusade after another where he asks his audience to donate money and then skims off the top to benefit himself. As I noted earlier, Moulitsas’s practice is a grotesque manifestation of what journalism has become in the age of narcissism.There is a heavy price to pay for this level of obsequiousness to political ideology. While charlatans like Moulitsas smile and preen with the very politicians they are supposed to be keeping in check and get paid handsomely for their hypocrisy, truth and consistency get nullified in the process. But then again, for too many at the Daily Kos and political junkies throughout America, what matters is not justice but that their team wins and the other side loses.
[mic drop]
BTW, just to prove that Markos doesn't have a monopoly on stupid, there's this.

Daily curse
words do not do justice. What would Martin say?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
About the only 'positive'
from the published results of the latest, inane, self-selecting/serving Orange Dead State poll (see below), is that the vapid waste of space, formally known as Robert Francis O'Rourke (along with his dental work), is fast becoming a memory.
from a reasonably stable genius.
This is my bitch too with the democrats
They're going to spend two years investigating Trump and Russia Russia Russia Russia whilst the world continues its march towards total destruction from climate change. Whilst wealth inequality continues to expand to levels now greater than during the Great Depression and we continue to take over one country after another... This list of things that needs immediate attention is much longer and we have the hillbots cheering them on because Trump is such a horrible person and president.
Have rarely seen any mention of the wars in Afghanistan, Syria or the atrocities happening in Yemen. This might be Obama's greatest accomplishment. He killed the anti war movement even though he was much worse than Bush on foreign entanglements. Trump has taken the leash off the military and no one is talking about that. But sure Schiff et all, keep looking to see if Trump was building a hotel in Russia during the election. He wasn't BTW.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Obama was a double sheepdog
Not only did he double cross us while getting previously sane-appearing people to endorse eternal war, he also poisoned the future by making us suspicious of everyone who comes along who says anything good.
Bernie? Sheepdog
Ocasio-Cortez? Sheepdog
Are they? Bernie's made some sheepdoggy mistakes....or were they? Personally I've moved past him because of his Her comments. But I also see him (and "AOC") in the shadow of Obama's bull$=/;.
So well done, Mr. ex-President!
Ain't that the truth
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Obama and MLK: The Clear Contrast
“Dr. King was rooted in the deep traditions and followed the heroic trajectory of a whistleblower.”
“Obama’s argument for a just war served as a euphemism for the slaughter of innocents.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
One of my favorite things to do...
Is talk to other people about events we shared. "When did you first hear the Beatles?", "Where did you meet your spouse/partner?" (Or "when did you realize Catholicism/Judaism/Islam be charitable...problematic)
Another good one is "When did you figure out Obama was a lying corporatist?"
This is a good party ice-breaker.
I've always been very independent and a bit of a contrarian.
I married young, on the pre-side of the 60's cultural revolution cusp. I came to the Beattles late. I met my spouse in HS. We are still married. I gave up on religion when I was 8. I gave up god when I was in my 20s. I knew Obama was a lying rat from the minute he declared his run for President. Every time I saw him at a rally, I saw Elmer Gantry. The snakes were missing, but not the collection basket.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
As far as I’m concerned, they’re all taking
money from the taxpayers that they have not and are not earning. They’re either out campaigning for a different job or mugging it up in front of the cameras screeching RUSSIA!!! did it.
That’s NOT fulfilling their duty either way. They were sent to represent not rule. Apparently that fact escapes them, hence this fucking showdown. Er, I meant shutdown. I think.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
They have been captured by their donors
Almost every bill they create is for the benefit of the elite and corporations. Government is so corrupt that there is no reason for it to continue operating. If they aren't lining the pockets of their donors then they are lining their own. And the donors turn around and line congress' pockets by under the table actions.
When I was in the 4th grade our class set up a government or a bank or something that required lots of money. Even though it was fake money the group of us in charge of it used it for ourselves and the longer it went on the more corrupt we became. This is what congress is doing. They follow no rules and the longer they are in power the more corrupt they become. That both parties have let people go without pay for 5 weeks now is just beyond heinous. Since there is no end in sight people need to walk out. Starting with the TSA workers and air traffic control. This will shut the country down. Or one thing many of us can do is a run on the banks. Take your money out. Hit the PTB where it hurts. I'm in if others will join in?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've been surfing
All planned, scripted and played out for distraction of the masses.
Supposedly, an opinion piece in some obscure publication quotes the rule on this and is supposed to be a way of telling dims After that they can't say they weren't warned
I'll see if I can find it again.
Oh yeah, the Other thing that kept coming up was What was in the Envelopes that five power couples got at HW's funeral.
I know, I Know! CT all around.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
russia russia russa
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
And I should add....
I only frequented DKos in the first place, because Billmon and Steve Gilliard were regular posters/writers. The 'Man' himself had little to add, apart from an increasing number of expletives.
And some very bad piano music.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Yes but doesn't he have a beautiful family?
Oh Markos, your kids are so gorgeous and we love your new bicycle and tesla!
How long before dKossers start rapturizing
about his wonderful kids and what amazing Presidents they will make?
But only after Chelsea and Malia get their turns, of course.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
When Steve Gilliard died in 2007
It took Little Nap quite a while to acknowledge that his site had benefited in any way by Steve's presence.
World Cup 2006 was a riot on The News Blog. Good stuff.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Teodrose Fikre
I follow him on Twitter and love his insights into humanity. There is very little I disagree with his posts and often retweet them under the C99 Twitter handle.
I said a long time ago that Markos is neither a deep thinker nor an even decent writer. He is a huckster and a charlatan. But he has his Tesla and fancy house in Oakland.
Edit to add this link to Teodrose Fikre's recent post. To be clear, Fikre is a man of color of Ethiopian descent.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Fikre runs the Ghionjournal
Thanks for the link to the article. I've read his site a few times, but get so busy with others I forget to go there. This nails the democrats doesn't it?
In other words the democrats are the fake opposition party. It took me too damn long to realize that.
Thanks for posting the tweet. I'm following him now.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
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