Spring has come! Another KOS immigrant
I didn't realize how much the Daily Kos deteriorated since I pretty much given up reading and posting when the new format was implemented. I was one of the complainers on how unreadable it was since it tended to white out and was hard on the eyes. I would try to check now and then but since I really only wanted to read the "recent stories" section it was getting to be too tedious scrolling and not seeing anything worthwhile.
It seems any Wisconsin related diaries have vanished there. I enjoyed the Saturday night B F Skinner nostalgia diaries and who ever writes the classic automobiles. Obviously, I followed puddytat. Member at Kos since January 2008. And actually had one diary that made the recommended section before the format changed.
Why I Left Daily Kos-Winter-Is-Coming
So last night I read about the bans and so forth taking place and discovered a link to caucus99percent. Full disclosure I am a Hillary supporter.

Welcome aboard!
Looking forward to more open, honest, civil and thoroughgoing discussions here with progressive minds of all stripes.
Well here we are!
But I should give you fair warning that most of us support neither Clinton nor her talking points -- actually that needs clarification. We support neither the facade that Clinton puts out to persuade low-information voters that she's something wonderful for the world, nor the inner right-wing Methodist and Goldwater Girl that is what is left of her when you peel back the elaborate yet meaningless policy statements, the cunning use of personal email sites to do state business, the vast reserves of money accumulated in speaking fees, the pay-to-play deals made through the family foundation, and the whispering campaign.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
We won't hold it against you :-)
This is supposed to be an open political discussion site for the free and open exchange of ideas.
Right now there's a lot of resentment against Hillary Clinton, much of it based on the way DKos, the media, and the DNC have been trying to shove her down everybody's throat, so you'll see quite a bit of that. It will, I think, simmer down with time, even if minds do not change (and some will not).
Check us out and see what you think.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well I hate the Clintons.
I am no fan of Obama, Democrats, or Bush/Cheney and Trump. As long as we both promise to agree to disagree, life should be good. Welcome to c99. A truly progressive blog.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Pardon the dust and good to have you!
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
Agree with all the points about her negatives
I just remember how I supported Ted Kennedy in 1980 and voted for John Anderson in November and we ended up with 8 years of Reagan. I learned enough in 2000 to support Gore. Clumsy Florida ballot design, Nader on the ballot, and a corrupt Supreme Court gave us Bush. We cannot afford not to support the Democratic nominee whoever he or she is this November. Maybe that's too pragmatic. I was pulling for Joe Biden to enter the race. The republicans are destroying Wisconsin with their control of all three branches of government here. The state legislature is out of control and every kook right wing proposal makes it to Walker's desk. And we have a 5-2 state supreme court in favor of the conservatives. We cannot let that happen to the Federal branches.
Oh, the site is readable and seems to have the functions that other site should have right down to the color!
“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” Robert Kennedy paraphrasing a George Bernard Shaw quote.
what about the 300,000 Florida Dems who voted for Bush?
5 times as many Dems voted for Bush as voted for Nader. If 299,000 Dems had voted for Bush then Gore would have won...well, I bet the Republicans would have thought of something else but you get the idea. All the Nader voters could still have voted for Nader if only 0.3% of the Dems for Bush had voted for Gore.
Willing to spread the blame around beyond
Nader, but still can't accept that the fundamental problem was that the Dems ran a lifeless uninspiring candidate on a conservative platform. Vice President Lieberman? Yeah, uh-huh.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Why does everyone forget that Gore won?
I didn't vote for Nader, but it was not the fault of anyone who did.
It was the supreme court, and the Florida Bush creeps.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I'll grant you that, but it would not have been close
enough for the Supreme Court to throw it, had the Dems not run such a terrible campaign on behalf of a not-great ticket.
It should have been a blowout. Look at George W. Bush. Let's face it, his presidency was every inch the disaster that anyone looking at the guy's history would have predicted -- making it especially ironic that the effective motto of that government became, "Nobody could have predicted..."
The lesson the party should have learned was: Run left, and run hard, everywhere. Instead, the combination of Nader and the butterfly ballot allowed them to deflect and deny. Nader "stole" all those votes that rightfully "belonged" to Gore.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Well under hippie-punching rules
the Democratic Party candidates are allowed to "triangulate" to the Right, but in so doing are not to be held responsible for failing to earn the votes of right-wing voters, even if they are Democrats.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
So under Obama
the Republicans made historically unprecedented gains in accumulating seats and controlling Congress.
Would this have happened if McCain had been elected?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Submitted for your consideration, WRT the GOP
scorched Wisconsin policies:
In my opinion, your support for HRC is not reciprocated.
Regardless, I won't jump down your throat for saying you support Clinton, as long as you do not:
1. Tell me I'm childish/naive/pouty
2. Insist that Clinton has won this thing
3. Insist that Sanders should quit the race before the convention
4. Tell me I'm a bad citizen for telling the awful horrible no good very bad truth about HRC.
5. Whine about Sanders being an independent, or about independent voters being essential to his success.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Fellow Wisconsinite
It has truly been a withering existence here in Wisconsin. We've seen the state plummet to new lows with the Walker regime plus a completely GOP legislature and SC, as you mentioned. If the Democrats can put up a worthy candidate, then the next Governor will have to raise taxes to get us out of this Jindal-like debt. I think how things would have been different if Gore would have won. I also think how different things would have been if Russ Feingold had wanted to get back into politics and run against Scotty.
I share your concerns. I do a lot of research on the candidates, and although I am a devout Bernie supporter, I will not vote for Trump. That means voting for Hillary if she is the nominee. I hope that those that think Trump is harmless will do some research themselves.
I honestly think he would be in prison except for his wealth, and his knack for escaping all blame. If not in prison, then he should be in some mental facility getting the help he needs for the worst case of narcissistic personality the world has ever seen.
There's that old saying that applies to Trump: "When your crazy AND wealthy, you're called eccentric."
Could we flip a coin?
The worst case of narcissistic personality disorder is, in my humble opinion, definitely up for grabs between the two front runners.
In your terms, they are both eccentric.
I don't think it's too pragmatic
For me it's not nearly pragmatic enough. For me being pragmatic is admitting that the lesser of two evils approach has brought us to where we are now. For me being pragmatic is admitting that the Democrats are destroying this nation just as surely as the Republicans are. We need a different plan and here is mine:
a) Never again vote for an oligarchy candidate
b) Find liberal populist candidates where and when I can and support them.
c) Encourage Bernie's revolution to find a nucleus site somewhere much like GOS so that it can continue to grow and flourish if he loses.
I might point out that point (a) has been made quite a bit more compelling given the DNC's new stance that they will not provide VAN access to anyone running against a Democratic incumbent. That means until we can crowd-source a replacement the only way to get rid of a corporate-dem is to flip the seat red first.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Greetings, Fortunately you missed
the utter chaos of last week, and things are settling down to a dull roar.
And as echoed above, you'll find all sorts of opinions here... Except Theocracy. Nobody likes theocracy.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
To clarify about the chaos...
Our sleepy little site has been in existence in this format for over one year with less than 200 members. And longer in a previous format. Then suddenly a tsunami of people joined two weekends ago, more than quadrupling our membership in two days alone.
Now the dust is starting to settle down. Welcome.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
support Hillary? This should be good
we all like an honest discussion.
I'll start. I don't believe anything she says. I will always think her vote on the AUMF was caused by her wanting to be on the side that was winning. It can't be excused by "she made a mistake 13 years ago" because she continues to lie. The recent Nancy Reagan thing was stupid. She was pandering and it bit her. And then she lied about why she said it. It's just too easy to pick her explanation apart. And then when she finally clarified (with a statement that seemed to have been crafted by a committee) she couldn't resist electioneering.
So good luck but if you want to discuss this I think we're all open to it.
welcome widem.
glad to have you.
Hope we can agree to disagree about Hillary Clinton.
You are free here to express why you support Hillary Clinton. Problems would start if you should begin to insult those of us who will NEVER vote for her by calling us cry babies or morons or idiots as they constantly do at TOP.
But I seriously doubt that you would ever do that.
Also unacceptable for anyone to say such things to you.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Welcome aboard, Widem!
I've been here now since March 5th and am really enjoying it. To me, there seems to be a much wider range of opinion on political matters at c99 ... so I feel that I'm being exposed to more ways of thinking about things. Needless to say, I attribute most of that to the tolerance and openness that I've found here.
Heh ... one of the biggest areas of difference I've found between here and that "other" site is the business of whether or not to vote for Hillary if she winds up making the general election. Of course, you can't really discuss that any more on DK unless you're prepared to be banned. But here, there is plenty of healthy discussion on the issue, which I am truly grateful for. I WANT to hear what all sides have to say because I am far from decided on what I will do if that is the case.
So ... settle in, open your brain, and drink in the goodness!
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
Dip your toe in the pond. The water's fine. And not a hint of orange to be found.
Less white, more blue! I look forward in the short-term to try to convince you to change your vote!
Progressive to the bone.
Just pragmatic
I joined not to get into any back and forth on policy per se. Just needed a progressive site that I can read. If I see something I like I may comment. I'm not a prolific diarist. Not enough time. The bane of most sites they tend to be weighted down with ads and it can be hard to wade through any of the discussions. The other site for a long time was worthwhile with a good story and commentary that followed. I think it has lost that and is playing to a click-bait Facebook content style.
Maybe I shouldn't have thrown that Hillary supporter disclosure out there. I just don't want to wake up on November 9th to a President Trump and Scalia like Supreme Court appointments.
“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” Robert Kennedy paraphrasing a George Bernard Shaw quote.
The world is a strange place, and Trump is a strange
candidate. You might wake up to a Trump presidency and HRC on the Supreme Court. He's seems to be about half-mad. I bet reverse-psychology would work pretty well on him. "Do whatever you want Brer Donald, just don't put Brer Obama on the Supreme Court!"
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Welcome, widem!
I'm a fairly recent arrival myself, so it might be presumptuous for me to welcome you, but I will anyway. I look forward to reading your thoughts and perspectives. Being a Clinton supporter, you'll probably get a lot of pushback in that area, but I hope we can discuss primary campaign issues calmly and rationally. This seems like a much calmer and more adult environment.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Hillary as president might be worse than Trump
I expect the media would cover the domestic death toll of a Trump presidency and things would change as a result. Hillary's death tolls (and every president has them) would mostly get swept under the rug. Also Trump is not as conservative as folks like to think, while Hillary is more conservative. I am not sure who Trump would put on the Supreme Court.
The idea of Hillary as president bothers me on many levels.
Stepping back what I see is the world is being run by the corporations - the oil industry, pharmaceuticals, Monsanto et al - as they have more lawyers by far on staff working on legislation than our elected Congress people. They write the laws and they don't care who is in power so long as they pick up the phone. Who do you think wrote the TPP? Who likes this piece of shit? Why is it getting imposed on the world? These multinational corporations gross sales dwarf most countries GDP. They are the ones pulling the strings and Hillary has been serving on their boards, arguing their needs internationally, accepting massive incomes as speaking fees. The transcripts are trivia - they might as well just sit around and sup fine wines and pat each other on the back. The real point is to make sure she picks up the phone when they call.
But yes - she would probably be better on issues like women's health. Until she gets a call from Big Pharma.
Against that we have a blatant clown that everyone recognizes as such. Trust me - the corporations are the ones freaking out over a Trump presidency. They don't need your help on that issue. Trump would not be a two term president, and he would have yuuuuge pressures to toe the line but his mad dog followers would tear the place apart if he didn't keep pandering to their crazy misogynistic bigoted racist fantasies.
Trump could free the Democratic party from its corporate overlords with his shock and awe. It would be ugly, but I think getting those corporate planet fuckers under control is not going to be an easy job.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
Oh - and welcome!
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
Please, welcome.
No one here would presume to tell you who to support. This is America, not dailykos. I just wanted to warn you that you will have to cope with people like me. This life boat is filled with the people the Democratic Party threw overboard.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Honestly, . . .
. . . though I disagree with you on the candidate choice, I respect you the more for being upfront about it. And I'll not try to change your mind. No one who blogs about politics is fickle about their choices.
The culture here is respect. It goes in all directions. Arguments here are based in policy, and the discussions will be incisive and uncomfortable and exhilaratingly open. The only rule is to treat others you'll encounter with respect. Do that, and you'll do fine here.
Please understand that some of the resistance you are seeing here is a function of the heat of primary season and, still more, of the burns that many here suffered elsewhere. When the sting of all that diminishes over time, the suspicion will subside. I'll still disagree with you, though. You'll get used to that.
Welcome aboard.
I'm glad you felt free to voice your opinion
Just expect us to try to change it!
But welcome. Once the primaries are truly over, I'll join you as a Hill supporter if Bernie hasn't won.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Welcome widem. :-) n/t
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Welcome here!
Welcome here!
I don't 'hate' HRC
I just think she isn't the right choice for right now. Her time has come and gone.
But anyway.
Welcome also.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Great Writing
and tolerant people, is what I have found, after my two weeks of reading, here. I'll vote for Clinton in the fall against the bad guys, if that is my choice.
Peace and good wishes.
I believe in sky faeries.
Technical praise
Did the designers of this site review all the flaws in the launch of the redesign of the other site? It's fantastic. I can read the fonts. The tools for writing a post or comment are pretty clear and concise. The colors are right. Even the little detail about telling you if you have given the thumbs up to someone else's comments is very welcome.
I can read and comment on a phone as well as on a computer. I still find the experience of the other site so user unfriendly.
So well done!
“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” Robert Kennedy paraphrasing a George Bernard Shaw quote.
It is a well designed site.
I agree with you that this is a very readable site. I like the comments runs across the page and not in a short line to a one word thread. My eyes get tired going back and forth. I can't even read the skinny threads with out getting a head ache. Usually they aren't worth reading because of the trolling arguments. I came and joined a few days after Marcos said we would have to leave March 15. I didn't want to read just about her being the perfect person for the White House. I don't feel that way. If I make a comment I don't want to worry about being banned or in time out. I stopped blogging at TOP in Jan 2015 with the quilt group because I didn't like the purges that I had saw for a year.
Personally I think he might decide to get rid of the diaries after the election. This is what Talking Points Memo did in 2009 with that's sites cafe blogs. That has been on the back of my mind since he rolled out DK 5. The member pages were not included in the new software but are still orange. I did my first blogging in the cafe and was there when it closed. It is expensive to carry all the back files of blogs. He might want to put his money in an other direction with Daily Kos. Any ways that is my 2 cents.
I think you will like it here. I also have found Reddit Kossack for Bernie group interesting.