Macron vs. Yellow Vests
French President Emmanuel Macron declared war on the yellow vest protest on New Year's Eve.
A defiant Emmanuel Macron used his New Year's Eve address to hit out at the 'hateful mob' on the fringes of the Yellow Vest movement.
...'Those who claim to speak for the people, but in fact speak for a hateful mob - attacking elected representatives, security forces, journalists, Jews, foreigners, homosexuals - are quite simply the negation of France,' he said.'Republican order will be ensured with no leniency,' he vowed, listing 'lawmakers, the security forces, journalists, Jews, foreigners, homosexuals' as being the objects of physical and verbal attacks.
The Yellow Vests were attacking "Jews, foreigners, homosexuals"???
That's the first I've heard of that, but it's not a surprise that the forces of the ruling class claim to be defending minorities from the working class.
Macron has promised to double-down on the austerity reforms, saying "we must probably make further changes, be more radical."
The following day government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux promised to take back whatever small concessions he gave the protesters and to press on with his neoliberal reforms.
“Since these announcements, the yellow vest movement, for those who continue to protest, has become the thing of agitators who promote insurrection to topple the government,” Griveaux told reporters.“We must take the desire of the French for change to its fullest because it is this desire which brought us to power,” he said. “Maybe we have made too many concessions to conservatism, we’ll have to change that.”
Griveaux shouldn't have talked so much trash because yesterday protesters stormed his office.
Benjamin Griveaux said he and his team had had to escape through a back door after a construction vehicle was used to ram the building's entrance.
"Anger will turn into hatred if you continue, from your pedestal, you and your associates, to look at little people like beggars.”
- Yellow Vest answer
The results so far from Macron's hard-line are not good.
75% of the French are unhappy with the Macron government.
80% of the French support a Yellow Vest proposal for direct democracy.
The Citizen Initiated Referendum (RIC) would allow French citizens to propose their own laws that would then be voted on by the general public in a referendum that could effectively bypass the French parliament, broadcaster RTL reports.According to the Yellow Vest movement, the RIC would not be limited to just proposing new laws but would have several other functions including repealing existing laws and referendums on amendments to the French constitution.
The movement also backs the idea of a RIC to, “dismiss any politician, the president, a minister, a deputy or any other elected official,” which given French President Emmanuel Macron’s historic low approval ratings could put his position as French leader in jeopardy should such a referendum occur.
Supporters of the populist Rassemblement National (RN) led by former presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, along with the far-left France Insoumise of Jean-Luc Melenchon, both overwhelmingly support the proposal while members of Macron’s Le Republique En Marche! (LREM) are less enthusiastic.
Lemme see if I got this right.
The fascists and communists support more democracy, while the neoliberal globalists oppose more democracy.
The left-right paradigm doesn't work here, but the Marxist paradigm does.
While the globalists want us to fight one another on the left/right paradigm, the real enemy is neoliberalism. And us plebians have finally caught on as to WHO the real enemy is!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Perhaps plebians is too profound.
Plebeian refers to the lower class.
When those who are at the bottom raise up, the world has awakened or will perish.
The bonfire of the vanities comes to mind.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The McResistence has nothing to say about Yellow Vests
Blame it on Russia
Whoever wrote that, needs an editor
Louis XIV was the personification of the French State. Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette's husband, not so much.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Great article. Russia promoting left wing movements?
But the article does point out how at least in America, what might be called liberals have come to support reactionary governments fighting against working class revolts.
This old Cartoon comes to mind...
With Macron as Elmer.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Women in France march today...
They are denouncing the violence...
Do Macron (and Trudeau) remind you of Obomber? They do me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Never underestimate French women
they can lead revolutions
I thought Hollande was a doofus
But Macron really does believe in the legend that is himself.
I remember reading an article recently, that suggested that the relationship with a far older woman (his teacher/wife) made him feel invincible. He could do anything.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The ruling classes need an extra party to make the rest of us feel as if we participate in democracy. That's what the Democrats are for. They make the US more durable than the Soviet Union was.
Macron's attack of the yellow vests
I am reminded of JFK's statement: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable". Macron isn't as smart as he thinks he is or he would have studied up on history.
I'm not saying the yellow vests were all peaceful, just that Macron's reaction is one of escalation.
I want to believe that the globalists are losing control
R J Eskow posted an interview with Richard Wolff today on his YouTube channel. They talk about the Yellow Vest movement (which they both support0 and Wolff opined that we may be seeing it soon in the US. I hope so.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy