Mueller Finally Getting It?
Bored, rain, one broke dog getting better, said goodbye and buried Another four legged friend during 'Yule'(HAH!) and I hit this nugget from neo:
'A key area that led Mueller to broaden the scope of his inquiry was Ukraine. As Paul Manafort was closely tied to Moscow’s efforts in Ukraine, others backing Trump, too many others, were working “the other side of the street, tied to Kiev’s right wing junta. For each individual investigated whose efforts favored Moscow, three others backed military efforts against Russia, Syria and Iran, in particular, keeping Republicans in power who have pushed forward broad sanctions against those nations.'
Now, this is a short and sweet article by gordon duff,per his usual style, that suddenly makes things not so dreary!
Another taste:
'Trump, Pompeo and Kushner have also been deeply tied to the coverup of the Khashoggi killing with their financial links to Saudi Arabia exposed, including a $500m loan to Jared Kushner by the Saudi government, one Kushner received while officially representing the US in negotiations with Saudi Arabia.'
This thing is Full of connect the dots; honestly, I'M a little Too giddy(could be the train wreck), but I Don't Care!
Yeah, Dunce is waiting in the wings but go read the whole thing,, where it ends up should spark the Revolution when(If) this gets traction. I was Rolling by the time I finished it. Retired marine or not, gordie better watch his ass.

Had some
trouble with the trimmed version.
Got it.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
great link!
Thanks for that!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
'bout time
This is what many people have been saying. Flynn contacted someone in Russia on behalf of Kushner who was doing Bibi's bidding to ask them not to vote against Israel's illegal settlements. But, that was after Trump had won the election, not before.
Did Flynn actually lie to the FBI or Strzok during the conversation they had on January 24, 2017? Many people dispute that he did. Remember that he didn't know that his conversations had been recorded by the FBI and it's been said that "the lying was really that his answers didn't quite match up with what he said during the phone calls." But then why did Strzok write more than one 302 summary of his interview?
And why were Strzok's and Page's phones wiped before the OIG could look at their texts? Inquiring minds want to know.
The Federal Judge Overseeing Michael Flynn’s Sentencing Just Dropped A Major Bombshell
From the link listed in this essay.
And setting our foreign policies in so many ways. Israel has been spying on this country with permission from the government for a very looong time.
Ya think?
Likely to get dicey ... if Mueller follows the money to everyone Israel has in its pocket then we'd see lots of people connected to it. But does anyone really think that Mueller would really be able to accomplish anything that comes from his investigation into Israel's hold over the government?
BTW. If Trump is charged for election fraud because he paid Stormy $130,000 then Hillary must also be charged for laundering $84 million to her Hillary Victory Fund. Good for the goose ..
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I never
It's CHRISTmas(I Loathe CHRISTmas) so Why Not believe? It ain't called the Silly Season for nothing, you know.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Oh hell yes it'd be fun if it went somewhere
I totally agree with you on this. Fitzmas all over again...
I think this article could use an essay because of how many points it hits. Let me know what you think if you read it.
The War on Dissent
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Go for it, snoop,
And again, I'm Not optimistic about this going Anywhere, but a man can Dream can't he?
Just the Idea that 'official' sources Could be looking elsewhere, and 'russiarussiarussia' Finally gets smacked Down-that ain't Popcorn you hear going off!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
apparently did know the call was recorded:
I have seen articles that say that
there have been a lot of recent articles written about whether Flynn lied or not and whether he knew he had been recorded. Maybe we are seeing updated information than what was reported on when this first happened. Hard to know. In the previous written ones they stated that he did not know and that many agents didn't believe that he actually lied. Hard to know what the real truth is and I don't think that's going to get easier if Mueller hasn't been honest with the information he has shared. The timings of the 302's and when they were written is another thing that throws sand on the base don't you think?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I do think all the disingenuous behavior of the entire Mueller probe is evidence of lawlessness, obstruction, obfuscation and lots of other words I can't spell correctly to describe treason against the people of the United States. Yes.
And as to this:
When was that document written? Right after he interview Flynn or 8 months later when for some reason they did that. This info is in one of my links I posted yesterday. I think the one is my comment here. But are the websites we are using any more honest then say CNN or MSDNC? Hard for me to know.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I hear you, snoopydawg.
I confess to being a person who believes Michael Flynn is a whistleblower who can blow the deep state to smithereens, who represents the conflict between our military and the CIA, and who is the person this whole Russiagate nonsense is about, essentially. The question of why he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI is very difficult. I don't pretend to understand it.
I thought people made a good point when they said that having been Director of Defense Information Flynn would obviously have known that the Russian Ambassador's phone calls were recorded. As Director of DIA he would have known the NSA records us all. So the idea that he would try to hide the contents of a phone call was silly. We don't even know what the question was that he plead guilty to lying to.
While factually accurate, it's politically incredible to
assert without some solid proof that Mueller would even consider branching his inquest to go after Israel, UAE or Ukraine in a way that actually leads to prosecutions. That assumes Mueller is actually seeking some larger truth rather than papering over another embarrassing Washington dirty-tricks operation that ran away from its original operators.
Yes, Erik Prince's meeting in the Seychelles was looked at, but there will be no UAEgate. There is an element of wishful thinking about the NEO/Veterans Today article that borders on the fantastical. Maybe in a better universe.
You could absolutely
We don't know WHAT might spark the change, yet we Are ALL looking For that spark aren't we? I'm not willing to Stop looking for it.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Actual politics is turning into an extreme self-farce. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery was a more believable spy story than this!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Heads would explode if Mueller turned out to be
an honest inquisitor. Whenever an election brings control of our government from one party to the other, nothing really changes except the color of the team jerseys. The incoming team simply takes over the larger share of the ongoing illicit activities; the wars for profit, the drug running and the weapons trade, and the lining of the pockets of the oligarchs and their minions ho happen to be in power.
Ironic that Mueller’s investigation has focused on election fraud, considering that the big lie, the one perpetrated by both Republicans and Democrats each election season, is that we have a functional democracy and our votes actually can make a difference.
Finding corruption in DC is easy, just look in any direction. The hard part is making it look like that is what you are actually trying to do as you hand out the immunities, and the occasional indictment of a disposable underling. It’s Kabuki all day, every day.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
As of May 2018, the cost
estimated to be about $17.9 Million. That is a lot of money already spent on nothing. After over a year and a half of investigations and nearly $18 million spent, we have yet to see any indictments directly tied to the stated purpose of the special counsel's investigation. This is money that could have been better spent elsewhere on programs that directly benefit people in real need in this country.
of the Mueller Investigation isIMO, this entire investigation is a red herring intended to divert our attention away from the seriously pressing problems facing the citizens of this country, like enormous wealth inequality, poverty, climate change, lack of universal health care, and the commoditization of our education system, all of which can be addressed by Congress whether or not Donald Trump is President.
Looking to impeach Trump is just another time waster. It will never pass the Senate, so the Dems should be focusing on rallying popular support for programs to benefit our citizens, instead of this damn witch hunt which sucks all the air out of the conversation of other issues and which will be going no where.
Right now, as much as I despise Trump, I have come to despise the Democrats even more. They continue to betray the American people over and over. At least we always knew what we were getting with the Republicans. The Dems continue to lie about who they really represent.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
woot! i'm glad you've posted this!
i'd given duff's piece to snoopydawg on her clinton foundation diary yesterday in case she might like to write it up.
but noticing that he hadn't noticed...i thought, ah, crap, i'll have to have some fun with it. working titles? russiagate out, MENAgate in? or russiagate out, IKSAgate in?
but duff's right about the MSM ubiquity, and the daily beast author, erin banco, is giddy as a school girl as someone had noted. she's more like...russiagate's going global...
but you know those 'insiders say' stuff. the big outtake:
Here's a big issue
First, I was under the impression that this Mueller probe was about Russian collusion with the Trump campaign which influeneced the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election.
But now, we are headed down this other road, which I do not doubt is an issue. It has been an issue for decades at all levels of government...the 800 pound gorilla that is AIPAC and the untouchable KSA.
We are looking at Congress using the spending bill to criminalize any boycott of Israel. The provision is sponsored by Ben Cardin, a Democrat from Maryland and both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are considering supporting such a measure. The fact that such an anti First Amendment provision is being pushed by Democrats shows just how much our legislators in Congress are owned by AIPAC.
The net result of this is that it basically forces Americans to pledge fealty to a foreign government. At least 20 states have passed anti boycott of Israel laws. Since when is a foreign government dictating what we American citizens choose to do as far as exercising our First Amendment rights?
And yes, I know this is a tangent...
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Nah, not a
Might I be a Crackpot and not know it? Yup! This shit is so Crazy it's like trying to find a clear reflection from a shattered mirror at ten paces!
The Definition of Chaos, perhaps.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Nah, not a
tangent at all! I'm in agreement with Tall Bald and Ugly. The thing about Robert Mueller is that he is the Bushworld "fixer". And his strength is in doing nothing, in taking troublesome issues and stonewalling, delaying, obstructing, and deflating them until some entity pays a fine or some suspect commits suicide, and the issue goes away.
Some of the best researchers and commentators about the Mueller "probe" see it as an attempt to prevent any investigation into other crimes. So in this view Mueller was suddenly set up to control all information that might incriminate DOJ, FBI, Clinton campaign, Clinton State Dept. email server, etc., and hide it under the notion that it's part of an ongoing investigation, which goes on in perpetuity. Nothing's happening, but everything's hidden.
Flynn is a whistleblower. He was fired from the Obama administration for revealing that we were in league with the Gulf State sponsors of the Salafist Islamic State, which became ISIS. Not only did he make that public, he gave televised interviews outlining how we did it. Michael Flynn is the loose cannon that Mueller and the whole deep state are trying to prevent from becoming the bearer of truth. They can handle Trump. They can handle Pence. They can't handle Flynn.
Great comment.
It is a long one, full of names and connections and as I finish it I wouldn't be surprised at all to find Mueller's name. IMHO it shows just what the Deep State really is and it goes back a long time and includes a lot of people whose names we never hear. Mueller fits the pattern of what that book describes and I highly doubt anything real comes out of that "investigation" but it very well may take down Trump, although I doubt Impeachment really but I suppose if it's criminal maybe. Mueller is there to manage what "needs" to come out and what never will. And by keeping this sham going it gives the Hillbots and the Impeach Already crowd just enough hope to sustain them and get them to vote Dem. It keeps Russiagate going so Dems are not going to give that diversion up.
That said, I think everything we read in the article linked in this essay is true, just that it will never reach a wide enough audience to go anywhere. I would love to be wrong.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I would
love for you to be wrong too. Throughout my whole lifetime, so much of the complexity of the crimes of the CIA results in nothing happening to bring them to justice. I hope you have time to read David Talbot's long history of the crimes of Allan Dulles, attorney for Hitler's armaments industry and founder of the CIA. Even in this great book, The Devil's Chessboard, Talbot fails to emphasize the importance of Dulles' close working relationship with Nazi Germany, as he focusses mainly on Dulles' post war work.
If you look on the Acknowledgements page of the book
I'm there at the bottom of page 496. I did some of the research, particularly for the Watergate chapter. Russ put together a fine book on modern American history. As for Linda's comment you responded to, she's right about Mueller being a fixer. He's the guy who keeps the Agency and foreign liaison officers out of jail after a domestic CIA operation has been blown. He played that role at Main Justice when appointed by Bush, Sr. to limit the prosecution of Iran-Contra, and as FBI Director to sweep the skeletons of CIA coordination with Saudi intelligence under the rug after 9/11. Now, his job is to keep the Agency and its MI-6 counterparts out of jail so they can do their next job inside the U.S. without interference, whatever that happens to be.
Linda is also right about Flynn.
Thank you,
Thanks for tracking this.
Now it makes sense. I missed the Chechnya factor. I never could figure out where the "Putin is a thug" craziness lodged in American brains came from.
Funny, I thought I read
Funny, I thought I read somewhere the other day that Manafort was representing western interests in Ukraine, not Russian ones.....??
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
This was my understanding too
Manafort was trying to get the Ukraine president to accept the deal from the EU with the IMF included instead of the one from Russia which was a better deal for Ukraine. Not as much austerity. The poor people in Ukraine are having difficulty staying warm because now Russia charges more for lp gas.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Looks like we all have a different story.
I believe that Manafort was working with Yanukovych, the Democratically Elected President of Ukraine. He was overthrown by the US/CIA in 2014 and replaced with Neo-Nazi leadership. Almost everything published about him in the English language since his overthrow is a lie.
Yanukovych had grown up in the Russian-speaking province of Donetsk. The Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens (blue) had voted him in. It's that simple.
The further truth is that the areas that voted for him would be Russia, if the human right of self-determination was in force. That's where the hearts and the ethnicity of of the people truly reside. People who generally do not even speak Ukrainian.
@Pluto's Republic Perhaps Yanukovych was
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Manafort was advising Yanukovych
...about how to campaign for the Presidency, just as he had with Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford and Donald Trump.
What I recall, is that Manafort had him learn to speak English and improve his Ukrainian language skills. Yanukovych is a Russian from an historically Russian area. In the mash up after WWII, that Russian area came under the oversight of the Ukranian area due to access to needed resources. They were all the undifferentiated Soviet Union, so it was practical to juggle resources and regional suppplies.
Anyway, Manafort worked with him to broaden his voter base, focus his populist message, and become more compatable with the Ukranians, but as you can see from the vote, that wasn't working. That unnatural mix of cultures will never work as a democracy. Every election would divide along racial lines and would be defined as a tyranny for one side or the other. Elections there were followed by calls for revolution, just as night followed day.
Yanukovych was more trusting of the Russians, of course. That was the problem. It was a continuation of the cold war, with Ukraine playing the role of Cuba, and the missile crisis delivered by NATO pushing into this buffer nation and installing their missiles right on the Russian border, pointed at Moscow.
The situation isn't very complicated. As Groucho Marx would say,"Even a five-year-old can figure out what this all means. Someone go get a five-year-old to explain it to us."
I am not refuting his reasearch
...since most of it are facts currently on display.
Not all of it, however. Some statements are possible conclusions that are drawn by those facts.
The problem is that Gordon Duff is a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today. That taint is used to silence what is presented. Since everyone involved knew this in advance, the article strikes me as a back fire set by the intelligence community.
I apologize, but I can't follow your logic here
Why is "CoB of Veteran's Today" a "taint"? From reading VT, I get a lot of rightwing CT vibe.
Are you saying that posting this theory here is guaranteed to get it discredited as CT? Is that why you call it a backfire?
That's right.
Allow me to restate it:
That taint is used (by the Democrats) to silence what is presented.
Democrats = MSM
Wow, I'd like
to thank you ALL for playing, I Always learn a lot from the additions you bring in the comments, the discussions here are Most Excellent!
But you people stay up Way Too Late! Don't you have jobs?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march