How to serve satirist - a modest proposal

One of the great losses to Ireland was the loss of Brewhon law and the Bards. The person of the bard was inviolate and their satire of the nobility was powerful. Intimidation or harm of a bard was considered one of the severest transgressions, attaching great shame. The bards and their satire in concert with the Brehon legal system was a very effective break on the abuses of feudalism. The impacts of the first four hundred years of English rule were heavily mitigated by these laws and customs. The Tudor conquest of the latter half of the 16th century eradicated the system and set the stage for the next four hundred years of horror and genocide.

When you must suppress dissent, when it comes to banning the satirists. It is always a warning sign. It is the tacit admission that you know the truth but refuse to acknowledge it. Cognitive dissonance, anger and lashing out the classic symptoms. If any of you figure out the gambit to successfully penetrate that in online commentary I'd love to know it!

But whatabout our satirist? How should each gender be served? I say smugly!

Because the future is ours and that future is knocking on the door. With every single advantage from the Democratic party, media, organised left groups - Clinton still can't convincingly put Sanders away. And that's down the the voting patterns of the under45 group that participate in the Dem primaries/caucuses.

For a long time the left has ridiculed the right for opposing the tide of equal rights. We knew that the millennial generation overwhelmingly supported our views on women, minorities, LGBT. We knew that the future was ours because that generation of voters was so big and so united. And lo it came to pass.

Where the millennials are today is where the country will be tomorrow. That future is not neoliberalism or its apparatchiks. That future is clearly an embrace of framing and solutions of the Democratic Socialism. You see they are no longer divided by race, gender, orientation or any other wedge. All that's left is the class framing. The framing that the over45 Democratic runs screaming from. The demographic that cowers in the corner at the term "liberal".

It's 2016 and the water is lapping over the establishment deck. We can still do it today but if we don't we'll do it convincingly in 2020.

Because fuck this shit!

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I know a place where they serve the satirist roasted on a stick, but you have to finish your meal outside of the actual establishment.
Oh how pray for the at least one of the two I's. Indictment or illness. And then there's impeachment of course, but the first two I's are much preferable to this third I.

No, wishing illness on someone doesn't reflect well on one's self (especially as a cancer patient). However, my karma is good enough to withstand the hit.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

gendjinn's picture

Clinton will be nowhere near that bad. Ghastly gruel as her presidency may prove be, it will not be such rancid fare.

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The Clintons and Obama are far worse than Bush/Cheney. Takes a Democrat to screw a Democrat.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gendjinn's picture

To help cut through the undergrowth: I'd be in agreement with Curry's Salon piece on the Odious Presidency of Bill Clinton and would share Glenn Greenwald's criticisms of Obama. That Obama & both Clintons are creatures of Wall Street and the MIIC.

In what way are Obama/Clintons worse than Iraq, Katrina, tax cuts for the wealthy (all sunsetted, all now permanent)?

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detroitmechworks's picture

When the American people Vociferously disagreed with it,
We were told we had to look forward.

They ignored the sins of the past and continued the policies, adding on the veneer of progressivism to stifle dissent.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

gendjinn's picture

Obama is certainly guilty of collusion and failure to uphold the constitution, law, treaties with respect to the war crimes of the Bush/Cheney administration. He has continued several of these illegal activities himself.

From an ethical and legal perspective I would concur, from a utilitarian perspective I would demur. Getting 30% of the Dem base to cheer it on is certainly ruinous to the Dem brand and obviously is splitting the party.

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detroitmechworks's picture

This much "Concern" over what a comedian said was during Reagan's Tenure.

Remember Sam Kinison?


I recall the outrage and anger at his material, and HOW DARE HE say that?
Carlin, Pryor, Kinison, Bruce, the list goes on and on.

Shooting the Messenger is a popular hobby among the elites.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

gendjinn's picture

Kinison died before I emigrated here. But his face does seem familiar.

If only the same tut-tutters expressed similar objections to the fascists when they start up.

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

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