Update on the Empty Suit's Empty Library


Barack Obama’s Great Tower of Nothing: Gentrification on a Presidential Level

In Chicago, a low but persistent rumbling is heard these days, especially on the South Side. It is Frederick Law Olmsted, America’s greatest landscape architect and the planner of what would become the city’s Jackson Park, turning in his grave and muttering Victorian imprecations against Barack Obama and his eponymous foundation.

Why? Before we get to that, let’s see what Olmsted wrote back in 1871 (the year of the Great Chicago Fire), when Hyde Park, Woodlawn, South Shore and other southern lakefront precincts – what would now be classified as inner-city neighborhoods – were still remote, barely settled suburbs of a fast-growing city:

There is but one object of scenery near Chicago of special grandeur or sublimity, and that, the lake, can be made by artificial means no more grand or sublime. By no practical elevation of artificial hills, that is to say, would the impression of the observer in overlooking it be made more profound. The lake may, indeed, be accepted as fully compensating for the absence of sublime or picturesque elevations of land.

There are three elements of scenery however, which must be regarded as indispensable to a fine park to be formed on your site, the first being turf, the second foliage, the third still water. For each of these you are bound, at the outset, to make the best of your opportunities, because if you do not, posterity will be likely to lay waste to what you have done, in order to prepare something better.

Prophetic words. The Obama Foundation, together with city government and the University of Chicago, is now indeed laying waste to one of Olmsted’s major urban landscaping accomplishments, and not in order to replace it with something better.

If Obama, the U. of C. and City Hall have their way, a large chunk – two square blocks, to be exact – of Jackson Park, one of the jewels of Chicago’s 19th century park and boulevard system, will be repurposed, denuded and rendered unrecognizable. If the deal goes through as planned, the private and unaccountable Obama Foundation will be allowed to lease 19.3 acres of prime lakefront land forever for the grand total of one dollar. This stolen public space will house the Obama non-Library, formally dubbed the Obama Presidential Center.

The centerpiece of the OPC, hereafter referred to as the Great Tower of Nothing, is a 235-high foot high structure (that’s 50 feet taller than Rockefeller Chapel, the reigning monument to money and ego in Hyde Park) that is as cold and ugly as avarice itself. Although originally marketed as a presidential archive, the huge and handsomely endowed OPC will house no papers or artifacts of the Obama administration and, for reasons not fully elucidated, will have no connection to the National Archives and Records Administration. The actual presidential papers will be stored, at least temporarily, in an abandoned furniture store in a distant and uninviting suburb of Chicago, which apparently will not be open to the public.

The bunker-like edifice, towering over a newly enlarged golf course, will instead serve the Obama Foundation as “an ongoing project where we will shape, together, what it means to be a good citizen in the 21stcentury.” It is becoming abundantly clear that in the Age of Trump, useful citizenship training will center on theory and practice of civil disobedience and mass resistance. But this is not the sort of “ongoing project” the Obama Foundation seems to have in mind. There is talk about “cultivating the next generation of leaders,” which suggests a long-term goal of using corporate largesse to churn out more triangulating Wall Street Democrats in the Clinton-Obama mold. To skeptics, it is not readily apparent how this content-free non-library, really just a big clubhouse sheltering the vaguely purposed foundation and fundraising apparatus of an ex-president who rarely speaks up on public issues, will secure our rights and liberties in an era of encroaching fascism.


This sets a terrible precedent for Chicago’s public lakefront, which by a city mandate going way back to 1836 is pledged “to remain forever open, clear and free of any buildings, or other obstruction whatever.”

So what is the underlying purpose of this over-scaled, oddly empty complex, which may end up costing as much as $1.5 billion to build and endow, all to convert a rare spot of green in an under-parked city into yet another heavily trafficked, highly paved, tightly controlled space? I think it’s pretty clear, if you look at the players, history and trends. It’s all about gentrification, i.e., ethnic cleansing, which is already taking place in Chicago at a pace never before seen.

I contend that the plutocrat-funded Obama Foundation and Presidential Center play the same role in the long-term transformation of the city’s southern lakefront that the Obama presidency did in American politics: that of putting a faux-progressive smiley face on the ugly underlying realities of institutionalized inequality, capitalist skullduggery and white privilege. As others have noted, this white elephant on the lake is actually a Trojan horse, using understandable but misplaced racial pride and identity politics and a fuzzy do-gooder mission statement to mask a real estate scheme that is all about neighborhood flipping and displacement of the poor.

So what is the underlying purpose of this over-scaled, oddly empty complex, which may end up costing as much as $1.5 billion to build and endow, all to convert a rare spot of green in an under-parked city into yet another heavily trafficked, highly paved, tightly controlled space? I think it’s pretty clear, if you look at the players, history and trends. It’s all about gentrification, i.e., ethnic cleansing, which is already taking place in Chicago at a pace never before seen.

I earlier described the Obama Foundation’s Jackson Park follies as a Trojan horse, but perhaps Potemkin village is the better metaphor. The proposed complex is a spectacle that symbolizes community life and culture and memory and scholarship and public purpose without actually containing anything of historical value – just as the Obama administration symbolized progressive politics and racial advancement, concealing its chronic and self-neutering passivity, dead-centrist philosophy and unquestioned allegiance to the powers that be behind a façade of faux-populist rhetoric and wispy good intentions.

Obama's Legacy #1

Obama's Legacy #2

Obama's Legacy #3


Obama's Legacy "4


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lotlizard's picture

an Obama presidential library, gobbling up land at the mouth of Manoa valley between the University of Hawaii campus and Obama’s alma mater, Punahou School.

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gulfgal98's picture

that I am opposed to all Presidential libraries. I see them as vehicles for self glorification that are simply monuments to a person who happened to be elected President. And don't get me started on former Presidential money laundering schemes under the guise of foundations.

The analogy of the empty suit and his empty library is very fitting.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

can you imagine what Trump's library will be like?
What a ridiculous and wasteful endeavor. Not to mention dangerous because it trains the sheeple to accept this level of authoritarianism and acts as a propaganda and mind control center. My stance is for humans to progress to a different level by among other things (many) ending the practice of "electing" presidents to lead their countries. At the very least it's time to end this kind of bullshit.

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@Big Al is precedent, then how much of Central Park would Trump need? Ought to be fun to watch.

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@Big Al
Other than maybe 5000 different versions of "The Art Of The Deal".

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Big Al's picture

@Timmethy2.0 If not in another forty years we'll have an entire metropolitan city as a shrine to presidents.

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@Big Al
Because of all the Presidential records a lot of them keep.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

WaterLily's picture


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of the community west of this park for a deal to mitigate the coming gentrification of their area. Already the developers are grabbing up property in anticipation of this "library". I also read that this area of the park is home to thousands of birds on a migration route who shelter in the trees and eat from the lake.
So our great former Prez is going to destroy an environmental gem and force low income people out of their homes.
It doesn't get more ironic than this.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

To show more of his arrogance towards people who he thinks are less deserving. Especially when he knows that building it there is going to be a hardship on the poor and when there are lots of other buildings he could use. And that he is destroying an important part of Chicago for his ego.

Read link 3 at least to see why Trump is his legacy.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Azazello's picture

Nah, that would be William Jefferson Clinton.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

TheOtherMaven's picture


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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Azazello's picture

but I'm damn sure Clinton was the worst president of my lifetime. (I was born during the Eisenhower administration.)

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Anja Geitz's picture

at Mr. & Mrs. Obama's smiling faces gracing the cover of some magazine on a run to the grocery store recently.

Both of them looked like they had done pretty well for themselves. Taking the Clinton's as their model, just think of what heights they may reach in keeping their soon to be untold gluttony of wealth. Gosh, and all they had to do was close their eyes to the carnage that lay in the wake of their meteoric rise to fame and power.

Sounds like this bunker-like edifice going up in their name is the perfect symbol for their self important transformation into "Sainthood".


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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

There is talk about “cultivating the next generation of leaders,” which suggests a long-term goal of using corporate largesse to churn out more triangulating Wall Street Democrats in the Clinton-Obama mold.

Grooming tomorrow's greedheads, one tree at a time.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

gulfgal98's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

lotlizard's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

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