A Formal Request For Hillary Clinton to Go Sit Her Ass Down Somewhere
I thought I’d post this piece to provide another point of view. And because I agreed, and laughed (in a dark, sardonic* kinda way).
sahr don ik1. characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering: a sardonic grin.
A few highlights...
A Formal Request For Hillary Clinton to Go Sit Her Ass Down Somewhere
Hillary Clinton needs to play musical chairs by herself and when the music stops, she can have her choice of seats. Hillary Clinton needs to look in the mirror and tell Hillary Clinton to stand down. If Hillary Clinton is on the Democratic ticket come 2020 there should a mandatory option that allows voters to choose a box that reads “not Hillary Clinton” which allows for a mystery candidate to take the nomination should they win. At this point, if Hillary Clinton is running against a push mower, I’m ready to start campaigning for the push mower because one of these candidates will at the very least keep your grass cut.
The Clintons have always been the white couple allowed to sit at the black table and then don’t understand when they make a blacks-playing-basketball joke, why the whole table looked at them like they just farted. They’ve been way too comfortable for a little too long.
Her time has come and gone. If she couldn’t beat a human bag of walking afterbirth with the policy knowledge of a 4-year-old then that should say something. In fact, that should say a lot. Her base turned on her. People literally refused to vote because they considered Clinton to be the other side of the same Donald Trump coin. And while we can talk forever about Russian bots, rigged elections, voting machines that weren’t working, voter suppression, and everything else used by Trump to steal the election, the fact remains that Hillary Clinton’s time has passed her by.
Unless she reads this, Hillary will never know my opinion. But hopefully one of you can talk some sense to her over a glass of a nice Shiraz while she is taking her anti-fainting meds. Please, white people, I beg of you: Come get your girl.
Interesting take on Her. I’ve always heard and read that the Clinton Creature and Slick were loved by the black community. He was our first ‘black’ president.
I remember when Slick was on Arsenio Hall with his shades and saxophone and gave a pandering performance that still makes me cringe to this day. Then turned around after he was elected and made black (and other poor) lives so much harder than they already were with his ‘welfare reform’ . How many black lives did he and the woman who coined the term ‘super predators’ destroy with their horrific crime bills? I could never understand why anyone who wasn’t comfortably situated economically would support them. And I REALLY couldn’t understand why any black person would.
I’ve learned the past couple decades that there’s shit tons of stuffI I don’t understand when it comes to how we pick our ‘leaders’. Sometimes we get fooled and sometimes we fool ourselves. But honest to God, there is nothing left about them that can possibly be a freaking mystery anymore. Particularly when you realize that Her felt so entitled that Her and her minions cooked up the most shameful, immoral, and corrupt scheme to put her in the White House that this country has ever suffered through. And now Her says she’ll decide after the midterms whether or not she’ll run again. WTF???
Next time she’s on Twitter I hope someone sends the Creature this article. I really think she should be let in on the secret that NOBODY with an ounce of integrity and traceable brainwave patterns (which disqualifies her hardcore true believers and everyone at TOP) ever wants her back on the campaign trail. Not even if she speaks to them in her best black ‘dialect’.
It's really the older black folks
Those who believe that the 90's was the best decade for blacks. Also that Arsenio stint.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
Great article.
She really does need to be sent this. Not that she'll read it, but knowing it was written, she cannot unknow it.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
She needs to be sent something
Her narcissism
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ugh that comment section though.
Don’t know what’s sadder that so many, even people agreeing with the article, accept the Russiagate narrative as fact or that people seem to have a really distorted way of how the presidential election works (spoiler: the popular vote doesn’t count).
I should know better...
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Oh Gosh
The comment sections on the intertubes. Why would ya subject yourself to that?![Smile](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
"We have to stay awake."
I don't know why I even started that video; I should have anticipated it would tempt my late-morning snack to revolt. It's like the one where she suddenly has a Southern accent. I'd look for it, but it would make me stabby.
But this is pure gold:
From the article:
(Emphases mine).
I enjoyed that comment too
But my favorite observation was the line about the push mower:
Ain't that the truth.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Toni Morrison was the one who jokingly dubbed Bubba the
first black President. She did not intend it as a compliment. https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2015/08/toni-morrison-wasnt-giving-bil... https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1998/10/05/comment-6543
As for Hillary, why would she sit down, when she ain't in no ways tired? After all, she has an crappy attempt to grab Martin Luther King's mantle for herself to finish.
As for what Hills really thinks of people of color:
https://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/07/nyregion/clinton-apologizes-for-gandh... (This one was part of a prepared speech, mind you!)
https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/crime/298693-hillary-clintons-sup... ("super predators")
And,of course, there were the tiny matters of, as first lady of Arkansas, leading Arkansans in observing a month of celebration of the Confederacy and the "racially-tinged" primary campaign she led against Obama, culminating in her claim that "hard-working white people were her constituents. Do you imagine she meant, as opposed to hard-working black people?" I don't. I think she went full blown Atkins on the first person of color to have a realistic shot at the Presidency of the United States. Not to mention the PUMA movement she started against Obama when she claimed that she and Senator McCain were ready for that 3 am call, but Senator Obama was not. What a bit of unprecedented perfidy against a leading member of her own party.
Oh, yeah. And all the respect she showed for lives of brown people as Secretary of State.
I don't give a rat's ass how much hot sauce she allegedly always carries in her purse, MAMA (My abuela, my ass.) https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-10-12/john-podesta-asked-hilla...
The Clintons, who are nothing more than caricatures of their own selves, respect minorities? In the immortal words of Bill Clinton, when characterizing Obama's entire run for the Presidency a "fairy tale," "Give me a break."
Oh, btw, that Count Every Vote Act she was yelling about in that video? Never passed. In all her years in the US Senate, not one substantive bill that she wrote became law. Not one.
While Toni Morrison's comment
About Bill Clinton being "The First Black President" may not have been complimentary, it was, nonetheless, sympathetic towards WJC. Her comment about Bill Clinton growing up poor and struggling to the top, only to have the elite white men at the top doing everything they can to knock Bill back down where he belongs, came during Bill's various sex scandals. Clearly she sided with the "Clinton's are being persecuted" camp.
In any event, the comment was misunderstood so I suppose in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter since everyone thought Ms Morrison was saying Bill Clinton had the "soul" of a Black man. Which, if I were black, I'd find very insulting since it's clear to most of us here that neither of the Clinton's have a soul.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I had not heard the comment until Obama was running
for POTUS and Toni Morrison was being interviewed. At that time, she was really dismissive of her own comment.
As far as supporting Bubba, Democrats had almost all of the black vote then. He was the first New Democrat President, so those of any hue who did not follow politics then as closely as daily political message board posters may not have known what was coming.
I certainly didn't know the Trojan horse was about to destroy the Democratic Party. However, I didn't vote for him because of the interview I happened to catch of him and Hillary after the Genifer Flowers thing had hit the fan. Not because I am a prude or unforgiving, but because of the way Bubba handled that interview. Slippery, unreprentant, having hid his wife take the lead--the whole thing smacked to me of grifter, con artist, manipulator--you name it. So, I voted for Perot by default.
I can imagine she would've been
Why go for a token black president when you can have the real thing.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Just love the video of Hillary as inspirational black preacher.
Unfortunately she and the audience ignore the fact that the bible is one of the root sources of racism in this world.
I still don't get the fact that black people bought that white man's nonsense... aka Christianity. Plus, many of the most virulent anti-gay groups in this country are black churches. They must have forgotten what it means to be the objects of discrimination for how one was born.
I also don't get black acceptance of a woman who called Robert Byrd, "my friend and mentor".
Religion makes people incredibly blind to reality.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
♪ ♫ “Colonial thugs with their bible and drugs” ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ “If there’s hell below, we don’t go, unrepentant pagans decline” ♪ ♫
Keliʻi “Skippy” Ioane, Hawaiian musician and independence warrior.
Hallowe’en 2018
Also Halloween 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983,
and every year thereafter until 2018--and counting. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1994/05/30/hillary-the-pol; https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2018/10/29/ip-clinton-2020.cnn
Maybe even earlier. Maybe while she was still in college, heading Wellesley's chapter of Young Republicans. Maybe even earlier than that, when she canvassed for Nixon as a kid or was a Goldwater Girl as a teen.
Certainly in Arkansas, when Bill lost an election for AG after having served as AG for two years. Among other things, having been Hillary Rodham until then, she became either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Hillary Clinton and affected more of a drawl and less of a Chicago accent, so she would, in her mind, be more acceptable to Bill's Arkansas voters.
IMO, this was probably the time that both Clintons sold their souls to Satan in return for the US Presidency. How else would Hillary still expect to become President without running? Oh, I guess there's always getting to be someone's running mate, then
helpinghoping the top of the ticket passes away shortly after inauguration.But, even Satan couldn't keep his word as to Hillary. After an eternity of keeping his word in soul transactions, even he couldn't bring himself to make Hillary the most powerful human on the planet. Yes, even Satan has more scruples than the Clintons.
To those who believed her in 2016 when she said she was done with politics, you have no clue. After she dies, she will run as Zombie Hillary, with Zombie Lincoln as her running mate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln_vs._Zombies