With a reporter in AZ. He has a smaller plane, he's lost press. We can't stop and let him down now. He wants to go into the convention and wage a fight for the super delegates. We need to see him through until the convention. It dims over when Bernie says it is. DONATE.
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I hate that the MSM still has such a hold over the majority of people in this country. Those of us online almost literally live in a different world now. We haven't had TV in our house for over 5 years and so I'm confused when people talk about the race being over and having to choose between Clinton and Trump. Then I remember most people still listen to the "experts" on CBS, NBC, Fox, etc. So naturally, they believe that crap. Not saying Bernie doesn't have a tough slog, but he's by no means defeated yet.
Then I see guys like these on the ground, face to face with people, and I realize the "experts" are losing their chokehold on groupthink. My only concern is that their grip isn't loosening fast enough.
These guys are very inspiring. If I remember correctly the Neoliberal Pestilence/Hillary pom-pom wavers at DK denigrated a diary on them for some or other fear-laden unfounded reason.
Would be a great story of inspired activism, if we had such a thing as a competent and responsible media.
0 users have voted.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
Really cool guys!
So much for the meme of "old white Berniebros", indeed!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Bernie walked out of an interview
With a reporter in AZ. He has a smaller plane, he's lost press. We can't stop and let him down now. He wants to go into the convention and wage a fight for the super delegates. We need to see him through until the convention. It dims over when Bernie says it is. DONATE.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I saw a video of them in Michigan
love those guys...so inspiring.
I hate that the MSM still has such a hold over the majority of people in this country. Those of us online almost literally live in a different world now. We haven't had TV in our house for over 5 years and so I'm confused when people talk about the race being over and having to choose between Clinton and Trump. Then I remember most people still listen to the "experts" on CBS, NBC, Fox, etc. So naturally, they believe that crap. Not saying Bernie doesn't have a tough slog, but he's by no means defeated yet.
Then I see guys like these on the ground, face to face with people, and I realize the "experts" are losing their chokehold on groupthink. My only concern is that their grip isn't loosening fast enough.
These guys are very inspiring
These guys are very inspiring. If I remember correctly the Neoliberal Pestilence/Hillary pom-pom wavers at DK denigrated a diary on them for some or other
fear-ladenunfounded reason.Would be a great story of inspired activism, if we had such a thing as a competent and responsible media.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut