Organ Grinding
The Mac Mini died a while back. It was never right. If it had been a baby squirrel, it would have been pushed out of the nest. Only four years was it with me: if I had wanted a computer with a fruit-fly lifespan, I would have bought a Bill "666" Gates machine. This is the first Apple computer that has failed me, and I have been buying them since they were born. I blame Steve Jobs. Everything was fine, until his pancreas went wrong; he fought the good fight, but then he went to the boneyard. Doctors have a great Hate for the pancreas, because it is so poorly constructed, and yet so necessary. And when it goes sideways, it is really hard to fix. A lot of the parts of the humans, they are built safe and sane. But not the pancreas. Like the dead Mac Mini, if the pancreas were a baby squirrel, it would be pushed out of the nest. And if you were in medical school, and in Anatomy class you designed something like a pancreas, you would get an F. The counselor would invite you into her office, and there she would suggest you transfer to trade school, take up automobiles, and specialize in designing gaskets, since you seem to be so interested in things that are stupid and will Fail.
So I was thrown back on the old Mac Mini, a good and faithful servant for well over a decade. I abandoned it only because it was itself abandoned: everyone stopped supporting it, including Apple. It is a “pre-Intel chip” computer, and for reasons that passeth my understanding, everyone became so fascinated with this Intel chip they decided that all the old Macs without it should just be left to die by the side of the road. All the browsers bailed, one by one, until I was left with this thing called TenFourFox, a Firefox knockoff maintained by anti-Intel-chip luddites. But the day came when even that was as slow as a 666 computer at top speed; then some money showed up, so I broke down and bought a new Mac Mini. Which proved to be a pancreas machine.
Of course, the tubes have raced babblingly on over the past four years, and so this old computer is even less equipped now to deal with them than when I retired it. It is astounding the number of tubes to which I simply have no access. Others assume I am using some antique mobile system, probably from the days of Alexander Graham Bell, and so direct me to pages so minimalist they make Drudge seem baroque. Among the sites that have decided I no longer exist are Ooma and my credit union. But this I can manage. I can track my monies with pen and paper, balancing as I go, like a 20th Century human. It's not like I'm sitting on a midas pile, wondering what portraits to purchase from the Louvre, and which yacht this month should receive new teak. And as for the phone, if somebody calls, and I am not here to hear it, well, if it’s really important, they’ll call back.
Thus I enter an era of “phone composting,” akin to the mail-composting system devised by my friend Mike the lawyer, when he served as executive director of Legal Services Of Northern California, an outfit dedicated to the communism that even poor people should get to have a lawyer in civil cases. In this job, he became so maddened by the mail that daily deluged his desk, he started just heaving it in the corner. Unopened, unexamined. His theory was that if there was anything really important in there, he would learn of it by other means. And he was right. Every six months or so he would go through the mail compost, and always then learn that, yes, he had missed nothing essential at all. Other people thought this not Normal, especially when the compost neared the six-month mark, and the mail towered there in the corner like something out of Babel. But so what? His system worked.
I can still on this aged Ancient Mariner machine craft briefs for the lawyers, which is good, because that means I will not go full hobo, and have to move in under a railroad bridge, where Steve Bannon keeps everyone awake at night, as he sits around the sterno can plucking the one-string banjo and moaning songs about the globalists. What I cannot do on the Ancient Mariner is access the legal research site from which I pluck gasbaggings and blowhardings wheezed forth by men in robes, often long dead, to buttress our arguments that the clients should not go into the prison. Like the credit union and the Oomoids, Lexis Legal refuses to acknowledge the existence of the Ancient Mariner. This is Bad and Wrong, because it means I may have to go down to a law office, to there enter it. And those offices have 666 machines. Worse, if that is possible, is that I pushed all my life to work from home, and in this millennium achieved that, but now, because of the Failure of the pancreas machine, I am thrust into a Michael Corleone moment: “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”
Which is why I relied on the kindness of strangers who urged me to borrow an Acer variant of a Chromebook, which is apparently a giant tube connected to the cloud, one that allowed me access to the Lexis law tube. I had never browsed on Chrome before, and the first thing I noticed was that it is stupid and paranoid. Any site that has anything to do with money—the credit union, power and phone behemoths, etc.—it screeched was "insecure," and refused to allow me to go there. Probably there is some workaround, but before I could find one the woman who loaned me the Acer, back at her ranch, her primary computer, a 666 machine, suffered a 666 experience, and began coughing up blood all over her desktop, and so she must needs retrieve the Acer.
When the pancreas machine died, I was told that for a couple hundred dollars I could buy a 666 machine. Which is true. It is equally true I could shoot myself in the stomach. With a 666 machine, I would just sit here all day screaming till my lips bled, as the malware and the bots and the Rooskis streamed in, Windows and Word rhythmically crashed, and officious little notices endlessly popped onto the screen to inform me of other Problems and Failures. No. Anything but that. Even on its worst day, the pancreas Mac never subjected me to such horror. It is inevitable, if forced to grapple full-time with a 666 machine, that in my own personal hardware there would occur some “catastrophic system failure” . . . and then someone would move into this house who wouldn’t understand about the plants and the animals. So no. I will not be going there.
What I mostly can’t do any longer, on the Ancient Mariner machine, is obsessively cruise the news tubes. But I have decided that is good for me. For the news tubes, these days, are basically a Dante inferno. And why would I want to subject myself to that? There’s something masochistic about it. I might as well slowly walk the periphery of the property, lashing myself on the back with a knotty little whip, like some medieval flagellant. The night The Hairball was elected president, I vowed to remain away from all news tubes, until such time as he evaporated. The Americans had just demonstrated they were too stupid, not to mention cruel, to even have a country, and I knew it would be some time before they would be ready to admit that, and start cleaning up after themselves. In the meantime, stretching endlessly, would be a rerun of Nixontime—history repeating as farce—with boundless iterations of "I am not a crook," from a man guilty as original sin, as the sycophants in Congress, and the true believers of the tribe, hailed him with hosannas. I had already seen this movie. Why, in real time, live through that again? And yet, like a flagellant who just can’t leave off the whip, I returned to the news tubes. Too impatient, to wait for the arriving of the end. For I know how this remake will end. He will snap crackle pop in the electric chair. The people will laugh and dance and sing. His remains will be fed to pigs. It’s just a matter of waiting, for the time, to catch up.
In the fullness of time, it developed that the kindness of strangers, did not want me off the news tubes, or unplugged from the Messenger. And so that is why I am typing this—yes, Virginia, I went there—on a 666 machine. A laptop thing called Asus, a perfectly absurd name, because of course it is really Anus. The most interesting thing about it is how easily the keys detach when I lift a cat off it. The first to go in a cat claw was the "P," which was not much of a problem, because not a lot of the words want a "P." But the next to go was the "N"; I now understand that pretty much all of the words want to have an "N." The keys will not go back on, once they are detached, and so to make the letters appear on the screen, one must firmly depress some little 666 stub that lies beneath the keys. Laptops will never work out here, because these cats need to be involved in everything I do, and they figure with the laptop I must be playing with it, and although it seems pretty stupid and boring to them, they try to play with it too. In doing so, they are constantly depressing keys that cause strange and unusual things to happen; to get out of whatever Wonderland they have plunged me into, I have to shut off the Anus, which is fine, because in the normal course of things it suddenly freezes for No Reason every 90 minutes or so and has to be unplugged before it will agree again to Work.
In the meantime a constant stream of 666 messages gongs in the corner; I pay no attention to them whatsoever, just shove them off the screen without looking at them; maybe they say "you have won a pot of gold, click here!" but I will never Know. I had never been to Microsoft Explorer, which I guess is called "Edge" now, so I did that once, and was amazed: I didn't think it was possible for anything to be as aggressively ugly as reddit, but trust Gates to go there. Just for fun, I tried to download Safari: instantly klaxons and sirens went off, smoke rose from the machine, and a message appeared full-screen stating that if I did not leave off the Safari within thirty seconds, a heat-ray would emanate from the Anus that would erase my forebrain and transform me into a Hairball cultist.
Bill Gates, he is so completely a baby squirrel, shoved out of the nest. Parent squirrels seem to know when an offspring is weak and/or malformed, and so sometimes give them the heave-ho, right out of the tree. Bill Gates, if a squirrel, he would constantly be hurtling down out of the tree. I was once informed by a Scientist that throughout the first 140,000 years or so of human history Bill Gates had no skills valuable to the tribe and so he was always roasted on a spit and pounded into blocks of human rendang that could be consumed if and when things got really dire. And that only in this generation were his skills able to emerge, and so keep him off the spit. But I think that's debatable. He might have been better off on the spit this time around too.
Faceborg is very strange, there on the Ancient Mariner time machine. The photos are the size of a barn, while the text trails on for only three or four words, and then gets tired, and wants you to click “more.” But Faceborg has never been about text. Zuckerborg designed it to get women, and visuals more served that need: he devised it so women would post their pictures thereon, and maybe thereby he would get one. Zuckerborg is a sad little man; also a baby squirrel, pushed out of the nest. I think on Faceborg on the Ancient Mariner I am on some stone age mobile feed: Twitler frankly tells me so; Faceborg says nothing. Zuckerborg is all about telling you nothing, while extracting from you everything. That is his Way.
I avoided Faceborg for many years, but then I fell in with a bunch of young people, who are totally borged into the platform; all conversations are studded with "it's on my Faceborg"; "did you see what I put on the Faceborg?"; "over here on the Faceborg"; etc. They also want to talk on the Messenger, all day, and all of the night. The latter is why I had to go to the Anus: because the Ancient Mariner, it will not Messenger. To get on the Faceborg I created another version of myself, completely walled off from all the others, and with it entered the entity. And was immediately plunged back into the 20th Century. Zuckerborg permits but one link in each post, and if you post a link, you cannot post pictures, or vice versa. Because he does not own YouTube, he has a great Hate for it, and so if you post a video from there, it will appear the size of a thimble. There is no variation in the text: no italics, no bold, no centering, no indents, no nothing.
What there is, and everywhere, are cats, and babies, and complete and total nonsense, like the bloodcurdling Lie bomb about "the caravan" posted this week by the vicious nasty racist Mrs. Uncle Thomas, wife of the perjurious sexual predator Justice Uncle Thomas. Humans want to be bone-ignorant, and swaddled in Lies, and Faceborg helps them go there. And stay there. Zuckerborg doesn't care, not really. Faceborg made him richer than god, and also got him a woman. And that's what he wanted. He was just another Leroy, pining for a place to put his penis. Now he has one. Of course, his life is young, and so whether he can retain, what he has attained, that is another question. We shall see.
I was amused to discover that as soon as I joined Faceborg it began dying. All my life I have been a Jonah in the jobs: in whatever field I enter, it immediately begins going down for the third time. From the libraries to the journalism to now even the law: well over half the sort of cases I worked on when I first entered the law, they are no longer cases, because the behaviors involved, they are no longer classified as crimes. Which is Good. So, too, with the Faceborg. Once I boarded the thing, every day sprang a new leak, from the soon-seriously listing Faceborg barge, involving somebody hacking this, or stealing that, and Zuckerborg now spends his days trotting the globe to appear before various governmental bodies, to hang his head and say he's Sorry, and will Do Better. I built that, with my Jonah effect. The various calamities that have lately afflicted his enterprise, these were inevitable, for his platform was born in hackery, mendacity, theft, avarice, cruelty, and betrayal. And, as they say, what goes around, comes around.
Just as the very tubes themselves, they are the work of the truly insane: a system designed for after-apocalypse use by those who had crisped the globe with nuclear fire. So, a lot to work out there, too. Still.
Try Lubuntu on the old PPC
It can be installed on a usb flash drive so it doesn't interfere with MacOS.
For a browser try qupzilla or falcon
For email, use webmail, or use a light email client like claws-mail.
Instead of using a full office suite download abiword & gnumeric or use lyx
Media players would be Exaile or GXine
Would your cats be bengals, or are they just spotted tabbies?
don't know what those words mean, except the ones about cats. Here there is a gray tabby, one totally black, and a guy all black except for a small white star upon thar.
PPC is short for powerpc
Lubuntu is a distribution of Linux, an opensource alternative Operating System that can be downloaded, installed, & updated for free.
A usb stick is a little hard drive that you can install linux on, so you don't interfere with MacOs. Can be purchased for less than 15 dollars generally.
The other stuff is the name of software that can be downloaded free from the Lubuntu repositories, through apt-get frontends like software center, synaptic package manager, and of coarse the apt-get command line.
The link is a video of a ppc mac-mini running lubuntu.
Anyway, if you would like help on something like that, pm me.
In mean time 10-4 fox browser is your best bet for mariner. There are addons you can download to speed it up.
Save-Data: on is an addon that can make many popular websites offer you light version of their interface.
noscript is an addon that can block data eating scripts. This one has somewhat of a learning curve, and if you are too mystified, you can uninstall or disable it through addons in the main menu.
Privacy Badger blocks many trackers and ads that eat data and make the internet slower. It does it without you doing anything, Just learns on its own. Very easy.
If you are having trouble with website rejecting you old ppc, you should get an addon called useragent switcher, which can make your browser identify with an acceptable os and processor. They can also pretend they are a cellphone browser, so you can get really light mobile websites, like mobile facebook, mobile twitter, and mobile
Last but not least you probably need a youtube video downloader, since your native video player probably runs better, and uses less resources than your browser. A good downloader can download the lightest version of a video too.
You can access addons from the main menu of firefox browsers.
you very much for illuminating these mysteries. And it is very kind of you to offer your assistance. No doubt, in my haplessness, I will at some point take you up on that.
@hecate No problem. I like
Lee Camp had a good Zuckerborg routine last week....
The clip runs 8.5 min - zuckerborg appears at about 2 min but the whole routine is funny.
Interesting how Twitter and facebook work in concert to eliminate voices.
This Luddite appreciates your frustration, and agrees with the earlier comment to move to Linux. Thanks for the story!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
for the Camp. I also like the Real and True footage of Zuckerborg's testimony before Congress.
A gal on Daily Kos started speaking of twitface back in 2010. The "you" is a nice addition.
I also endorse moving to Linux
When I left my last job, years ago, I kept a laptop from work that ran Windows 7 - the least unstable, least buggy, least intrusive version of the Redmond Virus that was still supported. For the last year, they kept trying to force me to update to the crapola surveillance-ware Windows 10; and I kept blowing them off.
But one day, I brought the laptop out of sleep mode and it said some obscure component of the environment had crashed and that it was rebooting. BUT...the reboot wiped my copy of Office and installed a new SaaS version of M$ Office. Now, I already had a bought and paid for version of Office, and there was no way I was going to start forking over $10 a month for the privilege of using their awful, but standard, package.Basically, this reboot was a form of ransomeware.
So, I switched to Linux and LibreOffice - both freeware. Libre handles Office file formats pretty darn well. I can use Firefox. The fabulous freeware Python development environment (and package manager), Anaconda, and its IDE, Spyder run just fine. I have all the tools I need, and they cost nothing. I can run Skype, and download good video editors, like VLC.
If you want free software in Linux, you just use one of the various "package managers" (PIP, apt-get, yum, anaconda,...) to find and download it. Dependencies are handled and version numbers are harmonized automatically (unlike WinDoz, where installing one new bit of software can break an old one). Its a freeware version of an App Store.
There is an immense amount of freeware for Linux. Especially scientific software - but I get that you are in the legal profession these days. (Quick google provides this list of legal freeware for Linux.) In fact there an immense number of versions of Linux, primarily the Debian/Ubuntu and the Fedora/RedHat branches. Mint Linux seems popular.
I urge you to consider Linux. It gives you back control of your own machine.
BTW, your prose reads like Neal Stephenson. Loopily hilarious. Always enjoy it.
you. I am currently enjoying Stephenson's The Rise And Fall of DODO, written with Nicole Galland, in which they postulate that magic was totally Real, until the invention of photography, which instantly wiped magic from the world, through its freezing of time. Makes sense to me. Here's the image that did it:
I read DODO.
I don't appreciate the pedigree of the image. In the book, it was a photo of a solar eclipse.
DODO moved right along, and had much more action than Seven Eyes. It also had more humorous moments, which is why I enjoy Stephenson. I won't spoil the ending of DODO. Its really pretty good by Stephenson's standards (his endings have been criticized as screeching halts).
supposedly the first photograph, snapped in 1826 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce, out his upstairs window in Burgundy. But maybe that's fake news.
I thought the ending of Anathem was just lovely.
I suspected it was the first ever photo. Thks for confirming.
Anathem left almost no positive impression on me, sorry to say. Too esoteric, too much philosophising (and I'm a physicist married to a philosoper).
different strokes, and all that. Because I loved all that stuff.
I’m rereading myself
It’s the only one of his where the characters have different personalities.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Just curious...
How you can love such high level math and philosophy and yet claim to be fairly computer avoidant? Modern science literally can't be done without computers, certainly high energy physics can't.
Is it the surveillance and/or the intrusive ownership that makes you avoid? People suggested Linux, which really does minimize those issues, and yet you didn't respond to that at all.
No offense meant, just trying to understand where you, as a high-powered writer, are coming from.
don't understand machines. Really any of them. Computer. Refrigerator. Wrench. Whatever. When I said above that I didn't understand the words in the Linux comment, I meant it. Have you seen the movie Iceman, where they unfreeze a stone-ager after some 40,000 years, and he gets out of his zoo enclosure and wanders into the office portion, and backs into a xerox machine and it lights up and starts working, and he screams and stabs it with a spear? That's me. What I most understand about math is an intuition that human understanding of it is incomplete; I think, for instance, that maybe rather than music being an expression of math, math is a (partial) expression of music. I like that it is now Known that celestial objects make music, just as the ancients said. As an autodidact I enjoy physics and philosophy, but have never engaged with the math. My areas of ignorance are vast, and probably bottomless.
Wow. That must make life in our tech-driven world difficult
OTOH, the tech has become so complicated and opaque that almost no one really understands the tools upon which their life and lifestyle depends. Almost none of the basic tech toys are repairable by a layman. Software is the worst; a buggy, risky mess that often shoots itself in the foot (e.g., the October update of Windows 10 that was literally destroying people's files).
So, perhaps your life is no more difficult than the rest of us, who have been reduced to behaving like the workers in Metropolis
Myself, much as I think science and technology could be (and used to be) used to better the human condition, the current tech is all about enslaving people and stealing from them. (See David Graeber Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit
Thanks for explaining where you are coming from. It makes your essays all the more enjoyable and thought-provoking.
once wrote a fun little thing in which he noted that people these days take pretty much everything on faith, without really knowing exactly how anything works, and uses as an example the fact that he himself can barely prove the earth is round.
Once a VCR stopped working, and my brother, who received the machine genes that I lack, told me to bring it over, and he would see what he could do. He popped off the cover, and then stood there looking at its innards. He poked around in there for a while, and then backed out. Then he began vigorously scratching his head while making great hooting noises, imitating the apes encountering the monolith. Because that's where we were. Are.
You know how in order to screw the hose onto the faucet you have to turn it in a certain direction, and to unscrew it you must needs turn it in the other? It was only when I was well into my 50s that I could consistently remember which was which. That I'm left-handed could have something to do with it. Or, more likely, and just like Bill Gates, I am really only fit to be roasted on a spit, and then be pounded into rendang.
Meanwhile, back in the Stephenson, he has decided that the computering and the intertubing, they are pretty much stupid and boring, and it's time to move on.
I hear you about the decreasing utility of software
Back in the early 1990s, at the peak of the graphics processor hype (that's the chip that makes all the video games able to generate photorealistic moving pictures), I was at a chip design conference. One of the presenters prefaced his demonstration by saying something like
Then he played a clip of a robot with machine guns for hands blasting everything in site - photorealistically, of course.
And that was 25 years ago. Imagine how much gilding has been applied to the turd since then. Most software is simultaneously over-featured and under-robust. Cool shit that crashes. The discipline of doing the job right, with docmentation, went out the window long ago. Now you just ship the crap you've got and wait for the customer to step on the landmines. That's exactly the process that caused the Windows update disaster I referred to earlier.
I think, as with electric lightbulbs, we have to wait for a generation that grew up with the technology from birth in order that the "magic" stops hypnotizing everyone.
The nerd’s lament
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
analog brain
lost in a digital universe. The war on truth is about as effective as the war on drugs. Or something.
question everything
is a wrong road. Binary. This/that. So limited. So boring. Analog is continuously variable. More Real.
sandwitches through windows
bags of cat food?
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is a true story!
So is this one: