Predator Returns: Empty Suit Email via OFA

I really can't remember when I signed up for OFA. Most likely it was before one of the world's greatest liars was elected President and immediately began appointing neolib losers.

At any rate, I really thought I had unsubscribed to it years ago. I just checked our junk mail folder and found this piece of utter and complete bllshit from a war criminal who has absolutely no credibility with me.

Quit reading now unless you want to feel sick or outraged:

Organizing for Action
[divineorder] --

It's no secret that I'm a big believer in hope and change.

But I'm also a big believer in reality. Hope that is not rooted in reality will never lead to the change we desire.

If you don't like things you see, you can't just close your eyes and long for something better. You've got to open them, embrace reality, and channel that hope into action.

America didn't become that shining city on the hill by wishing for it. We built it with clear eyes, righteous ambition, and unwavering determination.

So I'm asking you to recall that unlikely story of America -- a story that forever validates our hope -- and help write its next chapter.

I'm asking you to be neither blind to, nor dismayed by, reality -- but motivated by it.

There is no time to feel discouraged. Now is the time to get organizing with OFA for November's crucial midterms.

[divineorder], those who believe in democracy and civil rights and a common humanity will always have the upper hand. That's not just something I want to believe; I believe it because history has proven it true.

But history has also proven that virtue alone is not enough. A better vision will only prevail if we work tirelessly on behalf of that vision.

If we want a more representative, more just, more inclusive democracy, we need to keep fighting for it.

If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable instead of politicians who put them down, we need to keep organizing.

If we want a more perfect union, we need to build it together, from the bottom up.

Say you'll do the work to make this vision a reality:

I'm in

Thank you,

Barack Obama
44th President of the United States

Hey fck you. You had your chance to really make a diff in the world, but you left it much more fcked up than when you came, and now you left the office open to powers that are being expanding and are killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children.




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On the surface.

Obama caused many Demexits, including my own.

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divineorder's picture

@HenryAWallace manipulator.

I exited much later. I voted for Jill Stein when he ran for reelection. But I hung on to the belief that next cycle, or the next, eventually we would be able to change the party. How absolutely, stunningly wrong I was.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.


Because of Sixties-style liberals on a message board (not this one or TOP) who knew all about Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council, I became suspicious when Obama nominated Rahm for Chief of Staff and my trepidation grew from there. Nonetheless, I held on until the Affordable (HA!) Care Act passed the House via reconciliation in 2010. They even showed Obama on TV, silently penning in his last changes. And it still had no strong public option, which he himself had said, while campaigning for POTUS, was the ONLY way to hold down costs of health insurance. That was March of 2010.

In November, 2010, I voted for Jill Stein for President and have not voted for any Democrat since, except for voting for Bernie in the Democratic Presidential primary of 2016. (Full disclosure, I don't live in a state that is anywhere near close to purple, so my vote never matters anyway.)

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It took Shillary to push me out.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness

I did not bother with officially changing my registration until after the Democratic National Convention of 2016. I am now registered as not affiliated with any political party. Because my state holds semi-open primaries, that means I can vote in any Party's primary, Republican, Democratic, Green or the fabled (and incorrectly named) "third" party of my choice but if registered as a Democrat, I could vote only in the Democratic primary. I

f ever again a real difference seems to divide Democratic primary candidates, I may still vote in the Democratic primary, just to give the (seemingly?) better candidate my vote. However, in the general, I will vote Green and, in the absence of a Green candidate, I will write in or leave a blank. (I consider leaving a box blank the equivalent of voting "None of the candidates on this ballot.")

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Straight out of the mouth of St Ronnie the Dim. If that little "dog whistle" doesn't show Democrats just how screwed they are, I don't know what does. I hate him almost as much as I hate the Repugnants. That "righteous ambition" remark almost made me gag but I managed not to.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

divineorder's picture

@lizzyh7 on the chain gang working the fields in 100% humidity and 108 degrees heat, cared for by the for profit prison in ways only they can.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

@divineorder it's kind of a bummer that good old Sheriff Joe isn't still running that tent camp in Arizona, eh? I'd like to see them ALL out there in those tents and working the chain gang on the freeways in the blazing hot sun personally.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


the Bible (or, depending upon your belief about authorship of the Bible, straight from God).

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TheOtherMaven's picture


since he is, quite explicitly, who JFK got it from.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.


before JFK used it publicly.

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dystopian's picture

I thought I was reading my own sentiment reading your take on the big cheesey Obama. No credibility whatsoever. He lied to us too many times. How can he come out and say he believes in hope and change at this point? Sociopathic liar. He had his chance to make positive change for the people. He chose corporate America instead. The reason? Future payments. He could have been a Mandela, a King, a Ghandi, a Carter, and instead went for the money. Because he is a selfish, egotistical, megalomaniac.

Had he done single-pay, got us out of wars, punished wall st. and saved the average American, de-schedule 1 cannabis, the Dems would have won for the next 25 years. Obviously that was not a concern of his. See the thousand lost Dem legislative seats under his DNC.
Who choose the cheater Debbie Wassername Schlitz? That did what for the party? It seems to me he was a, maybe the biggest key player, in its final downfall.

Droning people without due process was more fun. It is soooo true that the Euro refugee crisis was American created, and Obama was in charge, with Hillary. How much have we heard from either one on the subject? Me neither. We take no responsibility for what we caused and in fact hope it destabilizes places for us to have our way with them in policy. Fn neolibs.

great post d.o.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

divineorder's picture

@dystopian @dystopian @dystopian

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture


Seriously. How can people be that IGNORANT about the things he did? SMDH!

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

lotlizard's picture


Getting by with a little help from his old friend Rahm Emanuel.

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jorogo's picture

Russ Feingold was one of those seats.

I joined his steering committee in 2010, and we fought the Wisconsin Dem Party strategy of targeting 2008 Obama activists and voters. But they ignored our warnings that buyers' remorse was becoming widespread. Russ had a history of getting many crossover votes (in 2004, Bush won Wisconsin, while Russ won his Senate seat), but the WDP ignored that too.

So Obama gave us "deep hole" Ron Johnson and his ilk, just as he gave us Trump years later.

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

snoopydawg's picture

and there really isn't anything else to add is there? Except for this !

Hey fck you! You had your chance to really make a diff in the world, but you left it much more fcked up than when you came, and now you left the office open to powers that are being expanding and are killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children.

And this ... Trump is Obama's legacy.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

divineorder's picture


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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

dystopian's picture

@snoopydawg well said SD. And Hillary's. Without Obama and Hillary's actions we would not have a President Trump. If only they could get the accolades they deserve for that. Instead they are still running the party they stole.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

snoopydawg's picture


Both of them are working hard behind the scenes to make sure that the party doesn't move to the left. Look at what candidates Barry endorses. And maybe it's just me, but if I had lost to the worst candidate ever I'd be walking in the woods still. Not out asking people to give their money for a go fund me for a friend's medical treatment. She got totally roasted for it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Amanda Matthews's picture

medical expenses?

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Bollox Ref's picture

you can almost hear the mocking laughter as he 'okayed' his 'personal' message.

What a load of rehashed bilge.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Pricknick's picture

Shall we join in the rebuttal of no other than sarah palin?
While I detest her, she was right about Mr. hopey changey.
I feel so abused.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

TheOtherMaven's picture


That's all that comes down to.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.


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in Caucus99%!

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon