Trump's Order for FISA Declassification
This essay is an attempt to try to sort some things out about what we are hearing in the main stream media and from many Democrats about Trump's order to declassify 21 redacted pages of the fourth FISA warrant on Carter Page. As an aside, Carter Page, himself has asked for the entire FISA warrant document to be released unredacted.
The FISA warrant for Carter Page that President Trump's Executive Order is ordering full disclosure of is the fourth FISA warrant on Carter Page. A FISA warrant is only good for 90 days, after which new information must be presented to the FISA court in order for the warrant to be renewed. This Carter Page FISA warrant had already been released, but twenty one pages were heavily redacted which are the pages specifically listed in the the President's Executive Order below. provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page
Immediately, this Executive Order caused an outcry by Democrats and the deep state media, including this incredibly hubristic tweet by Hillary Clinton. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Irony knows no bounds with this arrogant woman.
Donald Trump refuses to be subject to the law. The legitimacy of our elections is in doubt. The president is waging war on the truth. The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible. And then there's the breathtaking corruption.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 18, 2018
In what could only be described as a "jaw dropping" letter addressed to Dan Coats, Director of the Office of National Intelligence, Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General, and Chirstopher Wray, Direct of the FBI, the four Democratic members of the Gang of Eight demanded that they withhold information from the White House.
Perhaps more stunningly, and extra-constitutionally (meaning outside the framework of constitutional separation of power), within the jaw-dropping letter the four Democrats outline previous verbal conversations and current agreements with Coats, Rosenstein and Wray where the Cabinet officers agreed to keep information away from the White House Chief Executive, the President.
This letter reeks of corruption, manipulative intent, and between-the-lines admissions of gross intelligence abuses. Additionally, the appearance of a visible alignment between corrupt executive branch officials (Wray, Rosenstein, possibly Coats) and corrupt intelligence oversight officials (Schiff, Warner, Pelosi, Schumer) is jaw-droppingly obvious.
While not reported in the mainstream media, Qanon also posted on Monday this little gem in post number 2199.
17 Sep 2018 - 8:33:16 PM
D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.
POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…
So why are the Democrats fighting so hard against making these redacted pages public?
They are using the excuse of national security, but it is very doubtful that is the case since the FISA warrant relied heavily upon the Steele report which still has not been proven to hold any water even after a year and a half of investigation by Special Prosecutor Mueller. Further Lisa Page testified to Congress that at the time of Mueller's appointment as Special Prosecutor, there was not enough evidence to obtain a FISA warrant.
The FISA warrant was obtained despite the fact that the former lead investigator on the FBI's Russia case — Peter Strzok — didn't believe there was anything "big" going on between Trump's campaign and Russia. On Thursday it was revealed that that the FBI's special counsel to the deputy director Lisa Page (no relation to Carter Page) confirmed behind closed doors that Strzok's text message to her that read "There's no big there there" referred to the Russia probe.
So back to the question of why the Democrats and the deep state media are fighting so hard against the declassification of the redacted portions of the Carter Page FISA warrant. One recent article has concluded the following two reasons.
...the prospect of revelations that Democratic opposition research was weaponized as actual FBI law enforcement activity stands to expose how deeply Democrats have politicized government. What's more, it ought to make Democrats look like rats, which is an unpleasant prospect as midterms approach.
The following below is the deep state personified.
The intelligence community exists to serve the president, and these guys seemed instead to plot against the president to topple him and nullify the will of the voters. Trump, as the intel community's biggest customer, has an absolute right to say what is classified and unclassified. What the Deep State is really howling about is that its people don't believe that anymore; they want to feel free to run as an entity of their own and pick and choose what Trump gets to hear about.
Now the Democrats and the deep state media are claiming that Trump has no right to declassify the redacted pages, but they are wrong. A President has every right to declassify documents. It is one of the powers of the Presidency. Further, if he does declassify the redacted pages of the Carter Page FISA warrant, he will have an Executive Order issued by former President Obama to back him up. Section !.7 of the Obama Executive Order states the following:
Sec. 1.7.
Classification Prohibitions and Limitations.
(a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to:
(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;
(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;
(3) restrain competition; or
(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.
From what we know of the Carter Page FISA warrant, the basis for said warrant was the Steele dossier which was produced under contract to the DNC through Fusion GPS. This information was not divulged to the FISA court. Further the corroborating information cited were published articles that were written based upon the dossier itself, so the dossier was the sole source.
What it appears here is that the Obama administration weaponized intelligence agencies for partisan political purposes in order to prevent the election of Trump. They used Carter Page as a backdoor excuse to get a FISA warrant which allowed them to track anyone who came in contact with Page.
There are so many things wrong with the FISA process. For one, I still believe it is unconstitutional and flies in the face of the 4th and 5th Amendments.

Thanks for digging up these facts
These days, it takes this level of sifting to even have a vague idea of what is really going down. Its been clear for some time that Mueller has bupkus, that the whole "impeach Trump" crowd is only still functioning because they control the media and the DOJ. But, after 18 months with zero evidence, the truth, which has been lying in plain sight all that time, can no longer be buried.
If America is still a democracy, its at the level of the last days of the Roman Republic, when armed gangs under Milo and Clodius beat up and killed the opposition, when the courts were bought by one or another oligarch.
Clearly, the FBI and the DOJ are out of control. The Democrats in Congress are out of bounds with their demands. The whole shaky edifice of democracy is one provocation away from collapsing into martial law and/or civil war.
Sorry, I'm not very coherent or helpful. I'm just appalled that this kind of inside-the-beltway conspiracy crapola is what dominates our government's domestic thinking and actions. Of course, our foreign thinking and actions are completely run by the neocons, the MIC, and Wall St.
Thanks again
Thank you
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I wish that was an encouraging thought
but the defunct Roman Republic metatasized into a brutal Empire that lasted nearly 500 years in western Europe and nearly 1500 in eastern Europe (where it became a byword for labyrinthine corrupt politics, i.e. "Byzantine").
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Slightly OT
Not really OT
Thank you for posting, gj.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
good post gg
By jove, I think you have got it! The outrage by the Dems, media, and deep state says it all. And Hillary's tweet is beyond the pale...
"refuses to be subject to the law" - Is that like willfully mis-handling classified data?
" The legitimacy of our elections is in doubt." Does she mean the millions of purged or provisional ballots here?
"The president is waging war on the truth." - What was hiding the e-mails and DNC server?
Where was Obama?
"The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible."
I hate to break it to her, but she undermined national unity with her teams election shenanigans, besides showing us it is not really a democracy anymore.
"And then there's the breathtaking corruption." - like the Uranium deal and no doubt countless others...
For her to go off like this shows she is back in the ring swinging for the fences, and the media just gives her all the time she wants, Rachel, you name it... is just plain scary.
They are just showing how guilty they are. And that they haven't learned anything.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@dystopian Corruption? Is that like
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thank you, gulfgal98,
for this summary of where we can begin to discuss this. I have been looking for your possible comments, so this is very welcome.
Because this saga is so multi-faceted and convoluted, I have found Jeff Carlson's work at themarketswork to be intelligent, thorough, and well organized.
I hope to contribute more later.
IMHO, it is almost impossible
Hopefully, we have our own critical thinking skills and can learn to trust them even if they go against everything we have been taught. IMO, we have been lied to for far too long.
Thank you for the link. I will definitely check it out.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My computer
software is out of date (or something) for reading themarketswork, so I can only read it on my phone and have trouble copying it to post here, but Jeff Carlson also publishes at Epoch Times occasionaly, and here is an article from today:
The funny thing is, I always thought of the Epoch Times as
untrustworthy because it was part of the Falun Gong media empire — which in turn I always suspected of being a CIA “color revolution in waiting”–type asset . . .
Yet since 2015 or so, I’ve found some useful reporting there, particularly on the Europe-wide migrant crisis.
I read both of the articles by Jeff and he seems to believe
that Russia not only hacked the DNC computers, but they also interfered with the election and colluded with Trump. The Hillary emails that Wikileaks released showed that she and Podesta made up the Russian DNC computers hack so that people would focus on that and not that they rigged the primary against Bernie.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have never believed the Russia hacking story. Not for one minute since the day it was proclaimed. I've been reading Jeff Carlson for only a few months and have not felt that he believed it. The beginning of his August 22, 2018, article does sound like he buys it, but only temporarily, and he presents that claim as having been an assertion made in the DNC lawsuit. I think his article refutes the claim in the DNC lawsuit.
Whether he believes the story that the FBI saw Russian paw prints in DNC communications, no forensics have been examined by the FBI to this day, and Carlson is among the many researchers who are pointing that out. This is an inadequate answer to your comment, but it's going to take a lot of attention to dates and details to untangle this public relations knot.
I went off the beginning of his article where he says this
I didn't see that he later wrote that he refutes that. Unless verified information comes out that proves that Russia did hack the DNC computers I'm going with what VIPS stated which is the information was downloaded. The NSA could show that Russia did indeed do the deed and hacked into the computers. Why haven't they and why isn't the GOP asking for it? This is what Russia Gate was founded on. Everything after that ... well who knows?
I do know how you feel about this. I didn't mean to imply that you believed it. Sorry if you thought that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great job, gulfgal
This says everything. That is exactly what Her did and I don't understand why Russia Gaters can't see that she used her party's intelligence agencies to obtain opposition research on Trump. She used Britain's intelligence agencies to spy on Trump so that ours could get a FISA warrant to continue spying on him. She also used a foreign ex spy to gather information on him from more foreign persons in Russia and elsewhere. Remember that there might be a tie to Skripal because he worked with Steele to create the dossier. Foreigners everywhere.
I want the IG report unclassified and released.
I see no reason why Rosenstein and every other person in Trump's administration that is working against him shouldn't be fired.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you! Your usual good job.
Don't forget that Republicans
originally funded Fusion's "research" and the Dems took it up after Trump was certain to win the Repub nomination.
Important to remember it's the establishment all together that has no loyalty to Democracy.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Just to be factually clear on that
The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative publication, hired Fusion to help them with opposition research on certain Republican candidates, one of which was Donald Trump. It was paid for by Paul Singer, a hedge fund manager. The Republican Party did not pay for this.
When Trump won the nomination, the research with Fusion was halted.
The Democratic Party picked up the Fusion contract, paid for by the Clinton Campaign.
Michael Steele was not hired until after the Democrats got involved.
The Steel Dossier was entirely a Democratic creation.
@Pluto's Republic That said, the alliance
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yes, of course.
They are connected through the Council on Foreign Relations and groomed for matters of Empire.
@Pluto's Republic Hey, don't forget
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks. Didn't know that
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Food For Thought
A couple of articles intrigue me lately, one by Reuters, and one by Jeff Carlson.
Two years ago, in August 2016, a Reuters article reported that the FBI had warned the DNC three years ago, in fall 2015, that their communications were not secure. This assertion was confirmed by DNI Clapper in testimony before Congress and written about by Donna Brazile in her book, Hacks. Clapper and Brazile both blame DNC staff incompetence for not acting to secure their communications during the approximately eight months of FBI urgings and warnings.
But the Reuters article says that,
and that,
This article is very straightforward, but every assertion that Russia was hacking the DNC is supported by no evidence, no foundation, and every description of what happened, according to the sources, says the FBI warned the DNC to look for vulnerabilities or intrusions, but didn't mention Russia.
So I'm wondering if someone in law enforcement was monitoring the DNC, and if someone in the FBI was warning them.
The second article, by Jeff Carlson at themarketswork, is from August 22, 2018. Carlson keeps a monumental chronology of documents and articles about Russiagate. His most impressive focus has been on NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers' discovery that the FBI was allowing private contractors illegal access to surveillance data and Rogers' subsequent shutting down of that access.
The last part of his recent article is stunning:
Is it possible the private contractor surveillance was suddenly attributed to Russia as soon as illegal access was exposed?
The 2 articles:
I don't know.
Why doesn't Trump blow the lid on this? Is he that stupid?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It is a slow unraveling
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Right" meaning covering the right asses
and letting the small fry twist in the wind.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That’s what I would call “Wrong”
“Right” would be ferreting out the corruption, the drugs, the illegal weapons sales from the top down, regardless of party affiliation.
One can dream.......
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I want to believe that it can be done
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm with you.
The most powerful asses will get covered, the others will twist in the wind with little repercussion to their long-term well being. Only the peons will be made to suffer. I see no evidence the past will not repeat itself.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
October Surprise? n/t
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I think there will be
If it does not work, I don't know. It could be bad.
IMHO, We are living in both interesting and dangerous times.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I mean about Hillary
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
No idea. One can hope. (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
There will be no arrests or indictments.
Not for this too-big-to-fail situation. There will be an assurance that reform is underway.
I dunno
I read Trump as a guy that would want revenge for the over the top accusations (and over at TOP accusations). With Sicilians in my ancestry, I can understand that.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Well, that's for the DOJ to decide, no?
Whomever that may be.
All of these departments call for a great deal more civilian oversight, apart from their elected tools. Civilian oversight is a demand the people can make any time they want to self-govern.
Unraveling by whom for what purpose?
It is nice to know that you still believe, but in what?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Outstanding, gg!
Now back up to read the comments. Thank you for putting it all together.
The comments are outstanding!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The fact that Page was an FBI informant is critical
Carter Page was an active FBI informant since 2013 when he played a role in handing bugged materials to the SVR in New York, resulting in the arrest and expulsion of a number of alleged intelligence officers working out of the Russian residence at the UN, and its closure. It will be interesting to see what the warrant application has to say about that.
Page met again with his Bureau handlers in March 2016 just weeks after he was planted into the Trump campaign where he acted as an agent provocateur pushing Manafort and others to accept the bait of "dirt" on Clinton dangled by Fusion-GPS. That role is masked in the Steele Dossier and altered to portray Pager as a Russian agent, which in light of the above, he obviously wasn't.
If Page's role as an FBI informant and agent provocateur aren't clearly spelled out in the Warrant application, the FBI and US Attorney's office committed perjury. If they are, the FISA Court judge who signed off on this fourth application in October was complicit in a political dirty tricks operation involving not only British Intelligence but the Ukrainian Embassy that worked with Steele and Isikoff to provide content to the warrant application.
This is foreign election interference of a far more serious type than anything the Trump crew are even suggested to have carried out.
Keep in mind that Carter Page was an agent provocateur for the FBI. Then, think about what that implies.
Yes, I agree
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I meant this response to be to snoopydawg upthread, so I've replaced it.
my congratulations, gulf gal and commenters,
for your acumen, memories, analyses, and spidey senses as to the illegality/criminality of so much of it. i haven't kept up with almost any of it, i don't even know all the names of the wide cast of characters, admittedly.
i'll preface this link once again in saying that the mueller investigation is emptywheel's raison d'etre, and oh she and her commentariat are exhibit one as to the partisan nature of it all, including epic hatred of julian assange. i peek in now and again for assange news/views, etc. but the other day i'd found this, and of course she believes that trump and his attorneys are too cagey for words, but this:
'Trump Wants Voters — and Russia — to Know What the Russia Investigation Looked Like on August 1, 2017, not September 14, 2018' September 17, 2018
she cuts to the chase here:
"Depending on how much the various parties put into these texts (I doubt Comey was much of a texter, for example), this will show unbelievable detail on how FBI runs counterintelligence investigations.
But it will also show voters what the investigation looked like before some key evidence came in, such as the communications surrounding the June 9 meeting and whatever the FBI seized from Paul Manafort’s home. Andrew McCabe was the last person in a key role on this investigation, and Christopher Wray took over that role on August 1.
It’s a desperate gambit, I think, throwing the last of the Steele dossier details out there, plus a picture of what the investigation looked like before the FBI learned that the President’s son entered into a conspiracy with Russians exchanging Hillary emails for sanction relief.
Which I take as yet more confirmation that that conspiracy — and whatever Manafort just gave the government — would (will, eventually) utterly damn the President.”
FWIW, of course, but the site wants him Gone, not just marcy herself, so she loves the charges, indictments, convictions, deals for 'flipping' potential evidence against trump. given that manafort received a plea deal for his convictions, bmaz had noted that what he'd proffered as testimony against...whomever, i don't even know that, must be worthwhile.
Poor, poor Marcy.
In the life cycle of every investigator comes that time when a case so consumes them that their cheese slips completely off their cracker and falls on their shoe.
Marcy is in the midst of such a spectacle, with no one wiser to hold her back.
perhaps her obsession over RussiaGate is her White Whale; hr other one while she was still at firedoglake, was LibbyGate, you may remember. although admittedly i haven't even tried to grasp levymg's counter-argument. wish he or someone else would (ahem) school her a bit, although her pet Dragon bmaz hardly brooks dissent. fuckwit called bernhard of MoA a troll for his dissent once on Putin and Syria, then the commentariat all began throwing rocks at him.
p.s. i wouldn't know a misfud from a manhole cover. boggles my noggin that y'all would.
@Pluto's Republic It's very sad. I used
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Such a thing could happen to any of us
...if we were leading a blog audience of fans and worshipers. It changes your perspective. You want to be a hero first, and an investigator secondly. The audience's desires become your cause. She's ready to slay the dragon.
I've been there. It happens.
It will be the crescendo of her career. And, there is always a chance that this baseless hoax becomes the truth of this land, because of what America is and who the people are. After all, how can she go wrong when the media is on her side?
Emptywheel misses this: the June 9 meeting can't be prosecuted
as a conspiracy. There is nothing about it or any previous meeting two days earlier that amounts to a crime that Mueller can charge anyone in Trump's circle unless he also prosecutes Hillary and the DNC for the same, only hers was an actual, competed conspiracy.
As I have explained at length,
Here's the kicker. There's yet a third reason why Mueller won't, even if he could prosecute such a conspiracy to receive information from the Russian Lady Lawyer:
Mueller isn't going to go there, because it will raise the obvious red-hot issue of selective prosecution, further inflaming the partisan divisions over electoral malfeasance and dirty-tricks by both camps. To inflame tensions would be a fail for Mueller, who's a fixer. Provoking a gang war in D.C. that kills the bosses, simply isn't what he's tasked to do.
thank you,
iirc you're an attorney, so i'll try to read this more closely as soon as i can. as i'd said, i'm a newbie to almost all of the mueller investigations, save for headlines i click into once in awhile.
why i really clicked in (to say the truth) was to bring this related news: 'Ecuador pledged to not kick out Assange, but threat of US prosecution still serious – lawyer to RT’, (17 min. interview with Jennifer Robinson) 20 Sep, 2018
robinson speaks so clearly and eloquently, even to idiots.
That is a huge relief.
Thanks for letting us know.
About the Trump tower meeting with the Russian lawyer
IIRC Amanda or possibly someone (Simpson?) else stated that she met with someone at Fusion GPS before and after the meeting with Donald Jr. This connection is just a tad too convenient for me to take the meeting seriously. Plus the sanctions about the Maginsky act are deliberately misleading, but how many people would take the time to look into it? Not many because if they had they would have seen that once again they were mislead.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You are right
Veselnitskaya had dinner with Glenn Simpson both before the Trump Tower meeting and the night after.
Also Veselnitskaya had previously been prohibited form entering the US and was granted a special Visa to do so by Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@leveymg This all looks like
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
now i'm catchin' on. 'what he won't find' and why that is.
"How often have I said
to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
the paper of record comes clean-ish...far, far, below the fold.
‘NYT Admits That Its "Mountain of Evidence" For Russian Collusion Is Smaller Than A Molehill; The New York Times spends 10,000 words in some 199 paragraphs on the alleged 'Russian influence' in the U.S. election.’, b at Moon of Alabama Sept. 20
'The Plot to Subvert an Election - Unraveling the Russia Story So Far'
"“One-hundred-and-seventy-eight paragraphs later, near the end of the piece, we read the opposite and learn that Trump is indeed right:
Mr. Trump’s frustration with the Russian investigation is not surprising. He is right that no public evidence has emerged showing that his campaign conspired with Russia in the election interference or accepted Russian money.
The "mountain of evidence" claimed in paragraph 5 turns out to be "no public evidence" in paragraph 183 near the end of the piece. But 99% of the readers will not walk through the whole mess and the 1% that do will likely miss the contradiction.
As Aaron Maté notes:
This is a pattern: ample words for Trump-Russia innuendo; quiet acknowledgment of no evidence. And 0 words on what has been debunked.
The 'Russian influence' and 'collusion' between Russia and Trump are still what they were two years ago, when the campaign started - they are fake news. Unfortunately the anti-Russian and anti-Trump propaganda campaign has had serious consequences. Censorship in social media increased drastically and international relations with Russia were seriously damaged. The main stream media though, will never take responsibility for that."
and right-clicking to open a private window on his link worked. on edit: i hadn't meant to direct that to EdMass, but the room at large.
Breaking OMG a.m news:
'Trump delays order to declassify Russia probe documents', RT, 21 Sep, 2018
only took him Two Tweets, Too!
"President Donald Trump has delayed his order to declassify documents related the the FBI’s surveillance of former campaign adviser Carter Page, and asked the Department of Justice to review the documents first.
Trump said on Friday that he met with the Department of Justice, who felt that releasing the documents could have a perceived negative impact on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing ‘Russiagate’ probe, and has received calls from allies asking that the documents not be released, due to their sensitive intelligence content." ?????
but! "The president said that he expects the Department’s Inspector General to “move quickly” on reviewing the documents, and warned that regardless of what the DOJ says, he “can always declassify if it proves necessary.”
Did the Gang of 8 Dems just win one for the Gippers and Grifters?
Here are Trump's Tweets
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
thanks for your different interpretation,
who are the 'key allies', then? and b at MOA hadn't included enough of the Times' kinda/sorta recalibrations, but bill van auken notes (including all the maybes, possibilities, etc.:
"The most sinister side of the Times report is its indictment of WikiLeaks and its founder and editor Julian Assange for the leaking of emails of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The emails laid bare the DNC’s rigging of the primaries in favor of Clinton against Bernie Sanders and made public the texts of slavish and well-paid speeches given by Clinton to Wall Street audiences, guaranteeing she would defend their interests and making clear her readiness to escalate the war in Syria and bomb Iran.
The Times report complains that Clinton’s self-damning words were “taken out of context” and “subjected to the most damaging interpretation.”
The report paints Assange as either a witting or unwitting agent of the Kremlin at a moment in which the WikiLeaks founder is facing imminent threat of losing his refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London followed by arrest and extradition to the US to stand trial for treason and espionage."
and now this (h/t) mr wd: ‘Revealed: Russia’s secret plan to help Julian Assange escape from UK,, yanno, the guardian has learned..., luke harding and two homies again
"Tentative plot to whisk fugitive from London embassy on Christmas Eve was considered too risky’ the Guardian, sept. 21, luke harding (the guardian has learned...) charts! floor plans! and schematics, oh my!
“The involvement of Russian officials in hatching what was described as a “basic” plan raises new questions about Assange’s ties to the Kremlin. The WikiLeaks editor is a key figure in the ongoing US criminal investigation into Russia’s attempts to sway the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. “
and this already discredited horse pucky retread again as well:
“This is not the first time Assange has apparently considered seeking refuge in Russia. The Associated Press reported this week that the WikiLeaks founder tried to obtain a Russian visa. He signed a letter in November 2010 granting power of attorney to “my friend” Israel Shamir – a controversial supporter who passed leaked US state department cables from Assange to journalists in Moscow. Shamir would deliver Assange’s passport to the Russian consulate, and collect it afterwards, Assange wrote.”
man, they want his head on a platter. the russian embassy tweeted: 'rubbish' or close. ha ha, even marcy wheeler called bullshit on the timing of it.