Canadian native Jim Carrey on Bill Maher to America: "Stop Apologizing for Socialism...Say Yes. Break Bread With Trump Voters."
Just a quick hit. Didn't see it here and thought some folks might like to see this.
Tried to see if there was other coverage. Well, the RW sites covered it. But all I could find (using Duck Duck Go exclusively for a few years now) was this one from Democratic Underground, and similar nonsense to boost their Trump Derangement Syndrome fantasies. Pathetically there was a lot of (verbatim) "Jim Carrey shits all over Trump." Proving again what a joke these and all the other so-called Left folk are and how deeply they've fallen for the Propaganda.
What he also said was much more newsworthy and honest, than just overstating the obvious that Drumpf was a used car salesman who turned back the odometer. Too easy to get little swipes like that in. Like TOP's "Front Page," just shooting fish in a barrel (eye-roll).
I grew up in Canada, ok? We have Socialized Medicine. And I'm here to tell you that this bullshit line that you get on all of the political shows from people is that it's a failure - the system is a failure in Canada.
It is not a failure, and I never waited for anything in my life. I chose my own doctors. My mother never paid for a prescription -- it was fantastic.
And I just got back from Vancouver, and I keep hearing, "Canadians are so nice -- Canadians are so nice."
They can be nice because they have health care -- because they have a government that cares about them that doesn't say, "Sink or fucking swim, pal, or you live in a box." There are certain people in our society that need to be taken care of.
Then he lacerated the partisan divide and the media pushing dumb and dangerous narratives.
“There are generations growing up right now who are learning to lie, that lying is okay, that you’re supposed to hate half the country.
If anything, if anything, we’ve got to get back to a place where we realize that a vote is not who you are, you know? And because you voted Republican, you’re not stupid, you’re not different, you’re not worthless, you know? I could break bread with anybody who voted for Trump. We could find some common ground to love each other.”
Later on when Neolibertarian Maher was groping to equate the Democratic Party with Democratic Socialism, stunningly saying that the wins by Ocasio and others have "made the Democrats rediscover who they are." Rediscover? This guy is out to lunch if he won't admit they've done everything in their Faux Resistance™ to crush this insurgency. Where to even begin? Is he really that out-of-touch to not know that since they stole the primary from Bernie they've done everything in their power to prevent an organic socialist takeover from happening?
David Axelrod was also on the panel. I've only seen select clips and would be interested to see his reaction to that. But Carrey again pulled no punches:
"We have to say yes to socialism, to the word and everything. We have to stop apologizing."
.@JimCarrey is right. If Canada can provide health care to everyone, the U.S. can too. #MedicareForAll
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) September 8, 2018

Was happy to see this frankness, especially on his show.
Too many celebs reside in the "I got mine" club. Part and parcel of the great Twin Lie of American Exceptionalism and the American Dream™.
Even a very rich artist can have an epiphany, and put his neck on the line by speaking passionately in public. I think Carrey is one of those who gets it more and more. Could be getting to the point at which we're gonna start seeing more and more of this. Artists can lead the way.
Traveling for a gig tomorrow morning so probably won't be around much. Greetings, folks.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
At least you didn't attribute the quote to John Steinbeck
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Rediscovered who they are?
Contrast that with the Donna Brazile tweet from the Nancy Pelosi thread about how Pelosi isn’t going anywhere and doesn’t care what you think. And Schumer fast tracking Trump’s judges. And on and on.
The Dems know damn well who they are. They haven’t rediscovered it but they reconfirm it everyday.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Socialism would also include jobs-prioritizing industrial policy
Without that, expect more and more (Moore and Moore?) of this.
(Yes, ironically, it was right-wing Trump supporters who took Michael Moore’s message and ran with it.)
Do you understand what Moore is saying?
He believes in voting in America?
I do not understand anything anymore. I have never seen a system of voting so useless as the US system. How can you defend that system?
That system is beyond any poor power of mine to add or detract.
It just rolls on.
Realistically, I have all the political clout of a lost kitten meowing into the maw of a hurricane.
Europe has a system that’s at least equally as opaque & useless:
the European Commission and the European Parliament.
Seriously, exactly how is the ordinary person supposed to assert real power over E.U.-level decisions using his or her vote?
It’s even more messed-up and uncoupled from any direct democratic influence than the American system.
The result is more and more people becoming convinced that “exit” from the E.U. is the answer. It’s the only option they want because it’s the only E.U. mechanism left to them that they, without access to high-paid clever accountants and lobbyists and lawyers, can actually understand.
P.S.: Europeans may mock the U.S. electoral college. Hey, the electoral college is actually a lot easier to understand than European law and custom, which typically not only cede outsize power within the E.U. to small states like Luxembourg and Malta, but provide special exceptions and sovereign privileges to tiny entities like the Vatican, Monaco, the Channel Islands, San Marino, Andorra, or Liechtenstein.
@lotlizard - I agree with you on the EU law
I did not even start to learn about it. But I also don't mock the US system, I just dislike it so strongly that I can not make jokes about it. I have no real understanding of it, but I still believe that in the US with their campaign finance laws and their non-proportional representation votes can be bought and voters manipulated to vote against their own interest.
I still hope that this is less the case in most EU countries and for the EU as a whole. But I can't back this up. It is too difficult for me to do without research and I have not done that ...yet. I tried once about ten to twelve years ago, but quickly gave up when I got into the nitty-gritty small print of the various election systems of European countries.
So far it is nothing but my hopes and guts feelings that make me feel that way.
Huh? Break bread with Trump voters?
I break bread with my family and not with voters.
So, we should not fall for right-wing propaganda and we should not fall for left-wing propaganda and therefore we fall for both sides propaganda?
I do not get the title of your comment.
Apparently Ace Ventura doesn't understand Socialism.
Last I checked, Canada's economy is still mostly in private hands.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
The market has failed. Fact!
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Jim Carrey grew up very poor
He often speaks of his upbringing as poor, and even how his whole family had to live in a car one time. I think that his previous poverty encourages him to speak so passionately about socialism. The very rich understand the premise of socialism, also. They understand that they must privatize gains and socialize losses.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
"And because you voted Republican, you’re not stupid, you’re not different, you’re not worthless, you know? I could break bread with anybody who voted for Trump. We could find some common ground to love each other.”
I get so tired of reading insults of the regular (not wealthy) repubs. They are in the same jam that we are.
Except for the fact that Repig voters
Meanwhile, the Democrat side of the Capitalist Uniparty continued to fuck their own constituents at every last turn, even when they had the power and the votes to enact real worker-centered policies. "But those Republicans are worse" or "You'll lose your rights", we'd be told, all while these sons of bitches would continue to drag this shithole ever rightward. And, like the other group of morons, they have their own scapegoats (Russia, Basket of Deplorables, etc.)
Both groups have outright refused to learn any god damned thing and have only doubled down since 2016. Both fear the loss of their own political and economic comfort. Fuck them. They deserve neither and are lucky they didn't get worse.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Most people are
You're painting with a broad brush. The elites in society, of whatever political persuasion, are the ones causing problems.
Even my right wing step relatives were very upset over that huge gulf oil catastrophe a few years ago, and my stepbrother spent many years working in the oil business (as one of the on-site workers). He was eventually laid off, and now works retail (yay! sarcasm)
IMO, generalizing from the elite of a party to the masses is a mistake.
@dfarrah have you mingled with
Racists all of them.
Yes, but....
Socialism is government owning the means of production, not capitalism alleviated by some government-funded or government-subsidized programs. The latter is what we have today. If single payer became a reality tomorrow, we would still have capitalism mitigated by some government-funded or government-subsidized programs. If we were looking for hospitals (and factories and media, etc.) owned and operated by government, that would be socialism.
Since the 1800s, when socialists were prominent in labor movements in the US and elsewhere, our government, aided by mass media, spent many years and untold dollars instilling in Americans fear and revulsion of communism and socialism. The "Korean Police Action" and "Vietnam Era," among others conflicts, were fought to "protect" us and the rest of the "free world" from the spread of communism. IMO, the New Deal and the Great Society were also part of that effort. Why try to push back against all that when single payer is not even socialism, but only capitalism mitigated by a handful of publicly-funded or publicly-subsidized programs?
In the minds of Americans, socialism and communism are both associated only with disastrous dictatorships. However, countries that are capitalist, but have successful government-funded or government-subsidized programs are understood by Americans to be free societies. In fact, the US is one of the nations that has successful government-funded or government-subsidized programs, like highways, traffic lights, fire departments, police departments, public parks, public schools, etc., and, of course, OASDI and Medicare. Others are the Scandinavian nations, of which Bernie Sanders speaks often and which are among the happiest nations in the world (unlike the US).
BTW, in other contexts, Jim Carrey has mentioned that his family lived in a car for a time. Given that, it is even more impressive that they were able to access good health care without waiting. Then again, the crappy people who begrudge poor people food, shelter and health care, even life itself, are not impressed by such things.
Have been in Yellostone/Grand Teton
For last three weeks and have read very little, so yes, I am very glad you took the time to share this.
My Grandfather, according to my mother, used to sing a song 'Socialist Man Never Get To Heaven' . She couldn't remember the lyrics .
That may or may not be true, I tend to think he sang it in jest. He was a bootlegger in Mexico during prohibition but worked to organize farmer coops in his later years. He died when I was in jr high.
Socialist man might or not get to heaven, but in Carey's Canada he sure as hell could get healtcare.
Namaste, bro.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.