Hillary Clinton to stump for Bob Menendez in the most ethically backwards campaign event of all time
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t pass this headline up. It’s so appropriate. One influence peddling scammer supporting another.
Take a good look at Al Frum/Slick Willie Clinton’s Turd Way Koch-Brothers-funded Neo-Liberal ‘New’ Dimocritic Party. It sleazed in on the back of one corrupt Clinton and it’s slipping and sliding out on the back of his completely amoral and ethicality bankrupt bitter half. It’s as if she was thinking “what else can I do to prove what opportunistic money grubbing waste of oxygen and real estate I really am?” And here she is.
Hillary Clinton to stump for Bob Menendez in the most ethically backwards campaign event of all time
Eighteen counts of bribery have scared many Democrats away from Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., but they didn’t scare away Hillary Clinton. The failed presidential candidate is coming to New Jersey to campaign for the ethically challenged and politically beleaguered incumbent senator.
“I am honored to ask you to join me for a Women for Menendez Evening Reception with special guest Hillary Rodham Clinton in support of my re-election campaign!” Menendez wrote to his supporters in an email. “This exciting event will take place on Monday, October 15th at 6:00 PM in Jersey City, NJ.”
The exciting event will also be really, really expensive. A plate ranges from $500 to $5,400, which is alarming until you remember that Menendez has expensive tastes. The senator was credibly accused of running an immigration racket. He provided visas for several of the girlfriends of convicted fraudster Salomon Melgen, and that wealthy ophthalmologist in turn provided him with flights on a private jet, nights in Paris, and rounds of golf at private clubs. If it wasn’t for a mistrial, Menendez would likely be behind bars.
That admonition underscores the ugly perfection of the Clinton-Menendez fundraiser. Here are two people who really just don’t care. He granted special favors for a philandering friend. She granted so many special favors to so many donating friends that whole books have been written about it. There was Travelgate, and there was Filegate. There was the Benghazi cover-up, and there were Clinton Foundation payoffs. She was, leaving Trump out for the sake of simplicity of argument, perhaps the most ethically challenged of all politicians. Now, both are together.
If the Dims had one single drop of shame left, they would be able to see how ugly this looks. It’s like a black hole of political corruption. But for these two it’s simply a matter of two crooked politicians sinking to their own level.
It must be kismet.

The two of them aren't the only ones who
should both be campaigning for Cell Block Monitor at Club Fed
Great tag. I love seeing people defending actions like what Hillary and the blue dawgs do.
"But we need to have the blue dawgs in the party even if they vote with the republicans most of the time because they give us the majority when ...."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Democrat Party has to be
utterly destroyed in order to save it.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
So this is beyond anything that a ‘village’
can fix?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I dunno,
it seems that she's trying to show how tolerant and inclusive she is, after all Menendez is from a persecuted minority, and the dinner includes people from all social classes, ie $5400 for the more affluent, all the way down to a bargain $500 per plate for the schlubs on food stamps.
It includes everybody, and if you think otherwise, you're a racist, misogynistic, Russian socialist bro.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
You know, I've got the perfect gig for Hilz...
She should speak for Ferdinand Marcos.
Oh wait he's dead, but then again, so is she, politically, so maybe it's a match made in heaven.
Lord knows they're soulmates ideologically.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Eric Bauman admits D is for Deceptive fundraising
after wagging his finger in front of a bunch of wine kegs in Fresno on Labor Day... perfect!

“Are you kidding me?” Bauman said, laughing.
State Democratic head walks back controversial In-N-Out tweet. ‘There is no boycott’ chumps
Edit: took out the rude nick in Subject, sorry for the angry outburst. I am up to my ass in clintonites around here, they're offal, just awful. No one with any sensible solutions anywhere to be seen come election time. nobody nowhere
"women for Menendez"
Slogan: "Prove that you really are a brainless bimbo like the misogynists say."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
When Clinton is introduced I wonder how
that will work?
“Let me introduce you to a woman who’s record for corruption is even longer and stronger than Bob’s. A woman who screws up everything she touches and who has never balked at arranging a weapons deal for a rogue nation as long as she made money on it. Let’s give a warm welcome to the woman who gave the world a refugee crisis that stretches from Honduras to Libya, the woman who couldn’t even beat Donald Trump, the woman who never hesitated to lie regardless of the circumstances, Hillary Rodham Clinton!”
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Dem base talks liberal/progressive but votes corporate
People point to polls which show that programs and policies such as Medicare-for-all are very popular among self-identified democrats. But I was fooled into naively thinking that democrats who supported progressive issues would in fact vote for candidates who promised to support those policies.
Well, given how insurgent progressive democrats have unseated so few corporate incumbent democrats who have a history of not supporting progressives, my conclusion is that while much of the democratic party talks "liberal", they vote corporate. This is true even for local elections where cops always are voted increased budgets and hardcore prosecutors seem to always win.
The base of the democratic party is simply not progressive. This is one reason that the party cannot be taken over by progressives.
Is being pro-crime Progressive?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Uh, total non-sequitur there, you know.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
@enhydra lutris This is true even for
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
On the other hand,
maybe his whole campaign is an FBI sting.
Goddess bless 'er.....
....she is the gift that keeps on giving! Long ago she passed the 'wait-a-second-is-this-parody-from-the-Onion' in her breathtaking tone-deafness, tone-deaf deftness you might say-- so much so that I can always count on HER to brighten up an otherwise ho-hum day. I wonder (but not enough to give 'im another click) if the Hillary Safe Space Under the Bridge is still extant at TOP????
But so many dims still fall for the bait-and-switch that has characterized Clinton Inc (along with sleaziness, corporate complicity, and almost incalculable corruption)since they first slithered out from underneath their moist rock in Arkansas lo these many years ago. In fact Ayanna Pressley here in Massachusetts just unseated one of our more progressive, antiwar Dims (if that isn't an oxymoron) and some of the most progressive people I know are, so depressingly, celebrating this as a victory. Pressley was a surrogate for HER in 2016, attacked Bernie's platform as 'pie in the sky,' then embraced Medicare for All in her campaign; when questioned about this flip, she said, 'The world has changed.' There you have it! One of her chief advisers is also a self-admitted staunch anti-BDS Zionist. She left the foreign policy questions blank on a pre-election questionnaire submitted by Massachusetts Peace Action; when asked to explain that she said she wanted to 'keep all options open,' in other words, she's all in for endless war. A fraud that rode in on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's coattails (who, VERY sad to say, endorsed Pressley-- one of several missteps she's made) Pressley is the perfect candidate for the centrist Dims who learned the lesson of Obama well-- when you hit all the buttons on Identity Politics, and make speeches denouncing sexism and racism, you can get away with murder.....the sh*t-stain legacy of Clinton Inc lives on.....
Semper ubi sub ubi