This is what I think will happen - simply common sense
The media wants to call it over. Hillary herself wants to call it over and move onto Trump. Trump also probably wants to call his race over and move along to Hillary Clinton. The media and everyone will ignore Bernie and start to focus almost exclusively on Trump and Clinton. Cruz and Kasich will be two baying hounds in the wilderness. Bernie will just keep on keeping on.
Trump will go after Hillary like a wrecking ball. Every single time she is in front of a reporter they will ask her something like - Donald Trump thinks that you are a probable felon who betrayed our National Security and he has vowed to prosecute you if elected. What do you say to that?
Donald Trump says he has investigators looking in the Clinton Foundation and that they are reporting back absolutely unimaginable corruption, what do you have to say to that?
Bear in mind, this is not me saying these things as a Bernie Sanders supporter, I just have seen and read enough to see how Trump operates and he has already said things along this line. Bernie Sanders and his team have not gone anywhere close to the emails and National Security and the Clinton Foundation. MSM media has had close to a blackout on these topics while the right wing media has been covering it 24/7 since the email story broke. The media loves a circus. Donald Trump loves a circus. The American public appears to like a circus. They will have Hillary in the center ring 24/7. I frankly just don't see how she survives as a viable candidate by the time the GE rolls around.
What do you think?

he is not anti-war
He is going to "bomb the shit out of ISIS," go into Iraq and "take all the oil," dispatch a minimum of 30,000 US troops to Iraq and Syria and Libya, kill the families of people he deems "terrorists," blockade the South China Sea, gleefully torture people, assassinate Kim Jong-un, and execute Edward Snowden. He's a stone killer. He has such a hard-on for killing he's already urging Americans to kill each other.
I really hate seeing us...
rationalize a Trump presidency. I do it also. I won't be voting for HRC if she is the nominee because I sincerely do believe that she is NOT the lesser of two evils. We will be walking into this with our eyes wide open though.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I weep for America
How can people be so blind and not give both candidates' platforms a good look before voting? But what they see in Hillary is mostly either a vagina, or they are in love with her, or it's her name and the quality of her marketing they fall for, and they are too cowardly to admit it. America is in trouble mainly because of its low-quality electorate that sees the election as a popularity contest or a reality show. This easily explains why Trump is so ahead: yes, he taps into people's rage and racism, but he's also a skilled entertainer and manipulator.
Could we plz stop talking about the private parts of
the candidates? What is this, the 8th grade?
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Unfortunately, we still have the same people
in this country that gave us eight years of G.W.Bush. It is a wonder we have a shred of the fabric that was once America. If HRC gets ahold of that last shred our country will be unrecognizable.
I went in there for a quick read
And gotta just love how even BBB says Bernie supporters "deserve a head," meaning DWS. They think they've got it all sewn up now and want to try to be "magnanimous" to us and say they even hope Bernie gets to speak at the Convention, and how they're all down with him talking about the "issues" now that they think their horse has won. Sickening. And I'm just too damned depressed today to read that mess.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I hear you...
I've done a bit of cheerleading over there for those who are down... I'm down too... mainly because now I have to listen to Trump and Clinton even more now than I have had to... and they both piss me off no end.
It is my hope that in the coming weeks it gets much better...and by all accounts it should!
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That's why I'm HERE.
Last thing I want is to listen to folks who will tear me down for simply not switching teams at the first sign of trouble/pressure. (TOP)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
turn it off
That's what the mute button on the remote is for.
Me too
It's just so goddamn depressing to see this train wreck unfold. We finally, FINALLY have a decent candidate after years of mediocre ones, and people keep voting for the mediocre one. Ugh!
would that mediocrity were the worst of her shortcomings.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
don't you think BBB said this a tad bit too late?
Why didn't he ask for the head of DWS before, why just now? Can't love that at all.
Token gesture. DWS has done her job, she can be thrown under the bus.
Reminds me of Katherine Harris.
Twain Disciple
I cannot STAND BBB... n/t
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Me either
but he had a click bait title in there about "deserving a head" and I just had to read it. I only read his stuff rarely and won't bother anymore, but I just had to check that one out. And yes, these people may live to really regret their support for her. I know I regret my fervent support for Bill. And Obama. With Obama that TPP just does it for me, not to mention the for profit only ACA. That's about when I figured no more just "D" for me, they really need to actually BE one. And Bernie is the only one. I hope for Liz Warren, but am tired of hoping these people will come to their sense and stop fucking over people just for profit. They just won't, damn them. Not until we get the private money out of our elections. And HRC won't make that happen, ever.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
One of the last things I read at GOS
two or three weeks ago had a discussion of HRC's running mate, with the very reasonable point being made that it will probably be Julian Castro (old white woman plus young hispanic man, pretty balanced ticket). I remember BBB commenting that it would be a terrible idea, but never quite saying why. I think he had just assumed that HRC would put an AA on the ticket. He, and others, may not realize yet that HRC will throw AAs under the bus as soon as she has the nomination locked up (if she does). She needs hispanic support for the general, and will take AAs for granted once their usefulness is past.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Bill Curry at Salon
Curry was on staff in the Clinton White House..knows it all
Most recently:
Speaking of Salon: Thomas Frank has a new book out this month;
Did you hear what Tweety said last night?
He thinks Clinton should run with Kasich as her VP..... Evidently he has been pushing that idea for over a year.
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Tweety must be doing some really heavy dope
or else he really is that big a dope.
Never happen - ever.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Cannot resist...
A "head" in military jargon and maybe others is a toilet.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Eye on the prize
Last night was not ideal, even though we did not win any states- very close with two states with 1 almost a tie. However, we when down by another 100 delegates or so. Therefore, our task is tougher, but not impossible. But keep in mind our overall goal is long term at least from my point of view- to help address our numerous challenges (societal, infrastructure, justice, climate, income inequity, education, and social rights) by promoting candidates and be active positive members of our communities.
Therefore, we can not take our eye of the prize (fixing these issues) and must take the long view. So please stay positive, keep working hard, and help foster/encourage each other.
Change happens locally. And since DWS has no 50 state plan....
....we should. Our own vans system, network, self fund the whole shebang so what Bernie and Tim Are going through with DWS can be zeroed out. You won't be allowed access to their system if you are not one of the anointed ones and if we want changes in our governance we have to try to level the field for good folk.
Yes we need to start from the ground up
Totally down with starting locally. The "party" does not help or care about us, they take care of their precious few. We need to build us up first then build relationship and partnerships with other liked minded communities- leveraging technology. At the same time each of us need to work our local communities and find like minded people then start working to put the right people in place. It must be a movement and it starts with us!
A democratic coalition (small d democratic)
that funds based on issues. Knows no party. Concentrates locally.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
The problem is
I'm deeply worried Clinton will be another compromiser like Obama, and give in to the banks and Republicans when it comes to stopping the draining of wealth by a small number of people out of the economy. And she'll sell it as "be happy, it's the best we can do".
Compromise suggests...
That her position is opposed to theirs in any meaningful way.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
On some economic issues she's a moderate Republican.
She and Bill decided a long time ago
to sell out the Liberal side. I just finished some book that quoted her as saying on Larry King back in the day, that "there is no Left in the Clinton White House." They didn't start the long slow sell out but ramped it up and finished it off once and for all. They will use the Left like they've done all along, and then just as you say, when all is said and done, "whoops, sorry guys, this really IS the best we CAN do" and we'll buy it once again. She likes war just a bit too much too, and anyone who calls Henry Fucking Kissinger a friend and mentor? My God.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Hillary will learn soon enough, hopefully before the end of the primaries, that the liberals and progressives of the Democratic party will not be brushed aside this cycle. I'm going to do my part, small ball, by donating to Tim Canova to unseat Fucking DWS. He's a FELLOW DEMOCRAT and she has frozen him out of the parties info base. God I really dislike Decidedly Wall Street.
Petition still up
people seem to have forgotten all about Bill's one
brief dance with electoral failure, when he was not reelected as Governor.
he immediately recognized that the problem was an insufficiency of corruption vis a vis the real power elite of Arkansas (mainly, Tyson and Walton), and he immediately set about remedying that insufficiency, with the result that he was soon back in the mansion, and on his way to the top of the world.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Exactly, no need to compromise, she's already on their side.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
It's class war and Clinton is not our ally in that struggle.
as simple as that.
and what is more urgent than Congress is local seats and state legislatures.
i'm starting to see some kind of mafia-like territory agreements: you guys can have Kansas and Michigan, but stay out of New York et al.
the more blatant it becomes, the abuses in states and abuses by police and abuses by corporations... the more astounding the utter lack of a Dem president advocating for these Americans and using his pulpit to call on all Americans to back up their fellow citizens. it is really about this one thing: LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY. it is beyond a wild west show or reality TV. it's like America has been sliced and diced up and there are no advocates left.
this is nothing that can be undone in four years. what we so desperately need is leadership. legislation is meaningless without it. and we need a president who will help those of us at local and state levels revive democracy in those places and trickle it up.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Where the Democrats do not contest
leave openings for third party progressive candidates. Cultural divides that are used as wedge issues can be bridged (checkout the story behind the movie Pride).
Be Happy...
HRC's theme song:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The real choice is not Clinton or Trump
1) Trump for four years with Dem majorities in both senate & house in 2018. Left wing Dem in WH in 2020.
2) Four to eight years of Clinton. GOP majorities in senate & house the entire time. Followed up a worse-than-Trump GOP in the WH.
The ZOMG SUPREME COURTS!!! argument just got its legs kicked out from under it with the warm bucket of spit Obama just nominated.
Great post!!! I agree with this. The surest way to swing the
pendulum back to the left is to swing it all the way to the right at this point.
If Clinton gets elected and makes no substantive policy changes then life is going to continue to suck for folks and they are gonna blame the Democratic President.
This is what I think will happen, simply non-sense
Riffing off the subject hope you don't mind. Thanks for writing here Phoebe, it's a great read. I guess the campaigns are already like this on "Radio & TV" I sorta tune out. I mean even the sexism and the outright racism. And the pie, always the pie.
THE MARX BROTHERS - "A Day At The Races" - Film Trailer
IMDB: A Day at the Races (1937)
Hubba hubba Maureen O'Sullivan. Going Godwin now this is disturbing but there it is. Hitler Speech on Foreign Policy (1937) Damned if I'll quote that but if anyone else reads it please comment which modern campaigns are most similar? ~shudders~
I'm officially an Independent
long overdue.
Fuck the Democratic Party.
Hillary Clinton, Queen of the Neoliberals can earn my vote, just like everyone else.
I'm done with this Wall Street-funded shitshow.
Progressive to the bone.
right behind you after April 26
which is when the CT primary (a closed one) is. I want to vote for Bernie, then I'm out. For the 2nd time and likely for good.
Don't believe everything you think.
March 23rd for me.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Been an Independent since the Creepy Clintons & their DLC took over MY Democratic Party.
Worked for Obama, and worked very hard to my Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Was even thinking of rejoining the Democratic party when Bernie was elected. Still could happen!
Remember a year or so ago when she fell, concussion, weird glasses....henh, henh, henh....and what's with that cough that keeps her from speaking now????
I have given that cough a lot of thought.
It started right after her barking episode. I have conjectured that the cough is covering up a bark at her own speeches.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
i cannot imagine she will try.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
(No subject)
Since I posted twice, let me reiterate-
Fuck the corrupt Democratic Party and the shitty candidates they force upon us.
Progressive to the bone.
Hey jazz...
excellent use of a duplicate comment, i wont even delete it like I usually do when I see them. Well played!
HELLO! 3/16, feels great to see all my favorite diarists and commenters here keeping on. Aloha! Phoebee you're spot on as usual. Gotta say I'm a tad down today
remember when Bernie spoke/sang This Land in 1987
A group of musicians in Burlington VT got togethah and recorded this as a tribute to him:
can't be down while you're singing along to this! But, seriously, I know just how you feel. My feet, shoulders, al of me, has felt leaden today
I'm just really disappointed in America
I would have thought there wouldn't be so many of us with no imagination or ethical standards. But whatever. I'll get over it.
But just for now, I am really, really bummed today.
It is really frustrating but a big part of the problem is that we give the American electorate or people in general too much credit.A large portion of them just don't get it. not because they don't want to they just don't have the intellectual capacity.There have been studies that prove this, such as taking a test people with higher IQ's new how well they performed good or bad, while people with lower IQ's always thought they performed well.I believe Mark Twain said it best,IT is easier to fool people than to convince people they have been fooled!
Great Analysis Phoebe
Yes, while she's busy trying to fend off Trump's attacks, Bernie will keep plugging away ... and so will we.
I still think Bernie can win fair and square, but even if, for whatever reason, he doesn't, there's still the FBI probe which I feel has gone way past RWNJ territory and into the common realm.
Previously, I didn't pay much attention to her emails but the more I read, the more interesting it gets. But the banksters got off scot-free, so I'm not so sure anything will actually come of the FBI probe, but anything can happen, yes?
Good article. I'm FEELING THE BERN!!!
I don't think it's imagination or ethical standards
LOL... blew the reply...
I just think that most humans are very susceptible to propaganda and therefor most citizens are caught in the establishment's "matrix". I've had close friends... people who respect me and my thoughts... look at me like I was a loon when I expressed my political thoughts. I think it's truly hard to believe that the entire thing is a facade and there is no democracy to speak of and we're all being used like medieval serfs.
The part that I truly don't understand is places like DKOS where it's very much not low-information. Even there a steady 1/3 just had no interest in reality. They still believe that Libya was to stop genocide. They still think that Hillary doesn't lie. They still think that systemic corruption is some weird conspiracy theory. They still think Hillary isn't a neocon. They still think Obama did a great job handling "the recovery". These are people who are exposed to the actual facts... regularly... not people being force-fed MSM propaganda. I'm sure there's some interesting psychology behind that.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Yes there is something interesting behind it
And that is: lack of imagination and lack of ethical standards.
Just because people...
are not low-information voters, it doesn't necessarily follow that they are also adept at critical thinking.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
If you haven't seen Trump's new attack ad on Clinton
It shows you exactly what he'll do, and how poorly she'll fare. He's shrewd and unscrupulous and studies Mein Kampf (
Here's the ad. And he's just getting started:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Dean had his campaign ended for less
if the networks didn't like Hillary they'd have run that bark over and over, every fifteen minutes and discussed what's wrong with her crazy self.
On the other hand....Putin? and some CIA guy dressed up in garb?
Did you see the comments?
Oh my. Anyone who thinks (as does the entire Dem establishment, apparently) that "Trump doesn't have a chance!" and that HRC is a shoo-in should read those comments...
Not sure about the music
but Trump's base will eat that stuff up. The Republicans who today say they would never vote for Trump will unite in their hatred of all things Clinton.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
that is quite good!
PLEASE let it be played & played between now & Philadelphia
everyone is sharing it, of course, aren't you!!!!!
Wow, that made me cringe but the comments!
Those people are sick.
On the other hand, Trump and his people will make Bernie look good!
Wow.... yeah that's going to leave a mark... n/t
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I thought it was effective. As a matter of fact,
it was my first thought when I heard the reply of her--what was she thinking! It immediately came to mind that it could be exploited in an ad. From what I've heard strategists say on C-Span, most politicians are painfully aware of this.
That's one reason they seldom apologize for anything. It can be used against them in an ad, later.
Agree--the music didn't match the content.
And, the terrorist looked like an actor (not saying he was, dunno).
But, there's no denying--that was a very unserious or silly moment for FSC. Guess she did that to 'humanize herself.'
elin karlsson @ WordPress
"We must stop looking for our salvation in strong leaders. Strong people, as Ella Baker said, do not need strong leaders. Politicians, even good politicians, play the game of compromise and are too often seduced by the privileges of power.
. . . Integrity and courage are powerful weapons. We have to learn how to use them."--Chris Hedges
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hillary's baggage weighs tons
This news item from "The Hill" outlines the moneysucking pay-for-play Clinton scheme.
Trump will take no hostages.
We all know she is a terrible campaigner and this will be her first general campaign, if she's the nominee. Add her lousy record as ammunition for The Trump to use against her and she's going to spend more time on defense than convincing voters she can lead this nation, and more people are going to wish they had voted for Bernie. We must hope we can turn people NOW to Bernie!
Aren't we all so tired of buyer's remorse elections? I fear that if she gets the nomination she's going to take us all down with her. It's so frustrating to talk with Hillary supporters who insist they would vote for Bernie, but only she can beat Trump.
Not to mention that even if she were to win in November, we are not going to have the leader we all wanted in Bernie Sanders. Not even close!
Could that be the plan?
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Destroying the
village in order to save it, perhaps?
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
I for one look forward to
I for one look forward to Bernie getting wins and trouncing Trump in November!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
As bad as Hillary is, I don't have the stomach for what he's going to do to her. I mean, I do have compassion, even for lying oligarchs, she is still a human being.
On the other hand, I'm not going to tell Trump to cut it out, either.
Trump drank her milkshake a long time ago.
PL - hope the Goddesses are listening to you!
PL - love it, and seems very plausible.
Except - Trump knows he has a better chance of demolishing Clinton in the election, than he does in beating Bernie, so I'm willing to bet he just keeps playing the clown ( do believe it's an act, effective, drives the media, brings in his demographics) and leaves the destructive stuff for the election.
And boy, is there a lot of stuff. he can say ANYTHING, and it won't lose him any votes, and will let the public see the Clintons many of us have known for decades - esp. now with the Foundation, and their speeches ( $153,000,000. in the last 14 years) which makes it impossible for her to even talk about the "millionaires & billionaires" scthick in the general.
She's toast. Done. Stick a fork in her. Trump will tear her to pieces, and make the Blue Dress seem like a Halloween costume
Completely agree!
It will be a MEDIA BLITZ by BOTH Trump & GOP SuperPacs nailing her over and over and over on the same corruption question. They will be relentless. She won't be able to talk about a single issue other then answering questions about Clinton Foundation and every corruption dating back to 1992.
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Absolutely, correct. I chuckle at how the Hilbots always
denigrate Bernie by saying "He hasn't really been attacked yet." And they take the Benghazi committee appearance as proof of her stalwart composure, and therefore that she can take it.
But it's bullshit.
The Benghazi stuff was merely a preliminary run-through of a lot of much more ugly questions she'll have to answer.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
is a bunch of made up rubbish. Clinton was fully prepped, could anticipate every question, and she flourishes in that environment. Credit where credit is due, she performed very well at that hearing, and insisting that it be televised was a smart move. Corruption is another matter entirely. It's an attack of substance. Maybe it's all technically legal, maybe not. Every single transaction over decades can be brought up as an issue. "In year XXXX, ABC Corporation gave the Clinton Foundation 30 bazillion dollars. What favor did you give them in exchange?". There's an unlimited well of attacks, valid or not, each of which will require some response. It will completely shut down any message her campaign is trying to put out.
What do they have to attack Bernie on? "He's a socialist!!!" Bernie responds "Yes, and let me tell you all about it" and he proceeds to campaign. The only attack they've got is one that makes him stronger.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I don't think Benghazi was
I don't think Benghazi was nothing. But what is being reported as possibly scurrilous is not what is bad about it.
The consulate was a black site where most possibly "enhanced interrogation" was taking place and definitely ops were being run.