NYT: Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

This country has gone full-bore crazy. One side is just a little less certifiable than the other. Obviously one thing that is most distressing to me (us) is that it’s the ‘Left’ that is on the side that is noticeably more unstable, more willing, eager even, to push us into a confrontation with RUSSIA!l. Hell, they’re even calling for public confrontations of political figures by us filthy plebs. The Dims are now LINOs. (Left In Name Only).

But I think this indictment can give Mueller a ‘way out’ of his predicament. He knows he can just sit back now and relax. There will never be a trial. Maybe someone will file a motion every now and then, but it ain’t going to be like something out of Perry Mason. He will always see this as a ‘win’. And so will untold numbers of other idiots.

Trump Invited the Russians to Hack Clinton. Were They Listening?

WASHINGTON — It was one of the more outlandish statements in a campaign replete with them: In a news conference in July 2016, Donald J. Trump made a direct appeal to Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails and make them public.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

As it turns out, that same day, the Russians — whether they had tuned in or not — made their first effort to break into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment unsealed Friday by the special counsel’s office that charged 12 Russians with election hacking.

The indictment did not address the question of whether the Russians’ actions were actually in response to Mr. Trump. It said nothing at all about Mr. Trump’s request for help from Russia — a remark that had unnerved American intelligence and law enforcement officials who were closely monitoring Russia’s efforts to influence the election.

But the indictment did offer some clues about what happened, implying that the hacking had occurred later on the day Mr. Trump issued his invitation. He made the statement around 10:30 a.m. July 27 at his golf course in Doral, Fla. It was late afternoon in Russia.


I have sooooooo many problems with this whole RUSSIA! kerfluffle but first and foremost is this is an indictment based on what? Innuendo and imagination? Because there sure hasn’t been any proof presented. Every ‘witness’ has been tainted in one way or another. How’s this going to work?

The indictment did not address the question of whether the Russians’ actions were actually in response to Mr. Trump. It said nothing at all about Mr. Trump’s request for help from Russia — a remark that had unnerved American intelligence and law enforcement officials who were closely monitoring Russia’s efforts to influence the election.

As Bush* would probably phrase it, they’re really ‘catapulting the propaganda’ as fast and furious (oops - different Prez) as they can. And as often as they can too.

*“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” comes from remarks Bush made during a Social Security Conversation at the Athena Performing Arts Center in New York on May 24, 2005

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k9disc's picture

I agree that we've lost our collective minds, present company excluded, of course...

This piece in Salon: Meuller’s indictments of 12 Russian intelligence agents prove that the Kremlin stole the election for Trump

The linked text is the heading on Social Media shares.

And then the article goes on to say no such thing. The indictments prove nothing. It's INSANE!

I'm legit concerned of fascism coming from the corporate center, which is the only place it can come from at this point in history.

Meanwhile, the Bundy Moocher Rebellion arsonists were pardoned and flew home on a private jet.
You want Scylla or Charybdis?

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

detroitmechworks's picture

@k9disc were thought to be anything BUT monsters.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

snoopydawg's picture


As you read the headline says something definitive yet inside the article there is no mention of that fact. Will people take the time to read the article or just scan it and then just remember what the headline stated? This is why people are still saying that all 17 intelligence agencies have said that Russia hacked the election, Vermont's energy grid and changed votes.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

snoopydawg's picture

His point was alluding to that during the Benghazi hearings congress found out that Her did not turn in her emails after her tenure as SOS ended. They then told her to do so pronto and instead of complying with their order she deleted over 30,000 of them. Not only that, but she smashed her phones and computers. She should have been charged for doing that and for not complying with the order from congress.

Trump then said this:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Notice how he did not say "Hack into her private email server and find her emails." I can't believe how many people and news sites have changed this to mean something else, but I guess that is what happens when someone wants to fit the narrative to their viewpoint. But the biggest point that people are missing is that the FBI could have gotten a warrant so that the NSA could search her server and find those deleted emails. But since they didn't bother to look at the DNC computers to verify that they had been hacked why would they make the effort to find her illegally deleted emails when it doesn't fit into their made up case against Trump and Russia?

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

k9disc's picture

DNC servers vs Secretary of State private server are conflated with ease. With so much ease that there is no distinction which leads to no understanding of the situation.

I can't help but look at this and see it as a feature, and that's what is so maddening about it. I can call it out all I want, but nobody will hear it. They won't even entertain it. It's pretty scary and getting scarier as this psyops program ratchets up.

"Both" sides are setting up existential threats and corporate and social media are fanning the flames.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

snoopydawg's picture


I've tried talking to people about this to get them to open their minds to the possibility that they are being played again just like every other time we got played when the government wants us to give them our permission for war. This is just a new strategy to do just that because they know that most people won't fall for WMDs again. Guess that isn't quite true because they did believe that Assad gassed his citizens. Twice. But they are the same ones who have already swallowed Russia Gate.

But what about the ones who know that the military isn't protecting us or the people whose country they got sent to. The Ukraine coup was the first step towards regime change in Russia. NATO couldn't have a Russian friendly government if they decided to start the process. Ukraine is under control of neo Nazis and is now being considered for membership into NATO. I thought it had to be a joke when I first read this, but nope. 'Tis true. Just think about that. Does it blow your mind too?

Obama started sending troops and military equipment into countries that surround Russia 2-3 years ago. Poland is going to spend $2 billion to build a base for us. Why? Russian aggression of course. Funny that I haven't seen Russia invading countries since, well for how long? But people think that if Trump brings the troops home from Germany then Russia is going to immediately invade them. Don't they know how silly this sounds? It's not like Germany is totally defenseless. Sheesh! But that's what Russia Gate has done to people's thought processes.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Amanda Matthews's picture


these people have become. Now it’s...

Way Trump Deals with Russian Attacks is ‘Textbook Treason’


This is an extraordinary moment. It is without equal not only in American history but in modern history. A hostile foreign power intervened in our election to help elect a man president who has since actively served their interests and has defended them at every turn.

Trump may deny collusion. But given that this the attack continues, denying it is collusion, distracting from it is collusion, obstructing the investigation of it is collusion — because all these things enable it to go on.

That the president is abetted in his aid for the Russians — again, in the midst of this ongoing attack — by the leadership of the Republican Party makes the situation all the more extraordinary and dangerous. As they seek to undermine the investigation, they serve Russia as directly as if they were officers of the GRU. Some now reportedly seek to impeach Rosenstein on trumped up charges. To attack one of the leaders of our national defense as we are being attacked and to do so to benefit our foreign adversary is textbook treason.


These people have ‘jumped the shark”.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg This whole mess is only to protect CIA/O/FBI/her heinous,
it is essentially trying to keep the wheels on the mess called


Majority Of Clinton Emails Funneled To "Foreign Entity"; When IG Told Strzok - He Completely Ignored

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

gulfgal98's picture

if I saw (1) proof that the government of Russia hacked our elections and (2) if so, did that affect the outcome? I have yet to see either. And I am so cynical about our government, that I do not believe a single thing coming out of official Washington D.C. sources.

Conjecture that Russians hacked the DNC server or Hillary Clinton's server is NOT hacking our elections. Last I read, both the DNC and Hillary Clinton are private organizations or individuals. If some Russian hacked my computer, is the US government going to indict that person or threaten to start WWIII over it? No, they would tell me to get better protection to avoid it happening again.

And what about the Dept. of Homeland Security attempting to hack the state of Georgia voter records? Indiana and Idaho made similar claims of DHS attempted hacks.

Quite frankly, we have far more to fear about the sanctity of our election systems from within our own country than we do from Russia. And if our election systems are so porous, perhaps the best security is to go with paper ballots, hand counted in public.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

if and when evidence from reliable sources appears. The problem is that most of the “evidence” we are fed is severely tainted with agendas of all sorts. As you said:

I do not believe a single thing coming out of official Washington D.C. sources.

We are living the life Orwell described in 1984, too enthralled with what appears on our “tubes” and hand held devices to look away and ask a question, any question, based on some semblance of reality. Instead we pour from empty to void in the currency of false impressions.

I don’t watch, or read the news much any more. I do listen to what people glean from it, and that’s about as much as I can bear at this point.

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“What the herd hates most is the one who thinks differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of wanting to think for themselves, something that they do not know how to do.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)