On Jonathan Cook’s ‘Naomi Wolf and Anti-semitism’s Mystification’
Jonathan Cook, award-winning author and journalist, writes from Nazareth, the capital of the Palestinian minority in Israel, having moved there in 2001 to cover Palestinian issues more closely. He’s easily one of the most dedicated, courageous, clear-eyed, and well-grounded critics of apartheid Israel and their propaganda I know. I’d add that his moral compass is at true north, and that his prose is easy to read and without guile. Yes, this post may be longish, but I reckon it’s a key subject that’s worth digging deep into, given: (Likud) Israel, so I hope you’ll agree.
From Jonathan Cook / May 24th, 2018:
He opens by noting that this essay was the product of his previous essay ‘‘Anti-semitism: Israel’s get-out-of-jail-free card’, 21 May 2018 concerning the silencing of critics of Israel that devolved so far by now that apologists for Israel to conflate anti-semitism and opposition to Israel’s current uber-nationalist government (I’d add ‘policies’ but he hadn’t). Lamenting that in the past, it was nigh on to impossible to fight the notion that anti-Zionism = anti-semitism, as we know only too well, as we also know that companies, cities, states joining the BDS movement are censured, and some states even have laws pending that will make it illegal.
“Here is an illustration of our defeat, reported in the Israeli daily Haaretz. It concerns what would in other circumstances be a fairly standard satirical cartoon: this one published by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung about Israel winning the Eurovision song contest last week. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is shown on stage dressed as Israel’s winning singer, Netta, and proclaiming “Next year in Jerusalem!”.
“After the usual outcry, the cartoonist, Dieter Hanitzsch, was sacked. No Charlie Hebdo-style concerns about free speech on this occasion, it seems.” He chronicles some of the cartoon’s critics, explains that cartoons use symbols as satirical shorthand, and wonders what the hell is so anti-Semitic about it. Beats hell outta me, but as writes, this sort of weaponized ‘anti-semitic crisis’ is meant to silence any activists, artists, politicians, and others who might find that any mention of Israel is so loaded and toxic that they…desist, lest their reputations and livelihoods collapse. Thus, he writes: ‘giving Israel a get-out-of-jail-free card’, and has terrifying consequences for Palestinians and clears the path for further barbarity to be unleashed upon them. Back to his newer ‘anti-semitism’s mystification’ essay:
“In fact, the cartoonist is far from alone in highlighting such concerns. The New York Times has reported delight among Israelis at the prospect of what they regard as a “diplomatic victory” as much as musical one. And, according to the Haaretz newspaper, the Eurovision contest organisers have already expressed concern to Israeli broadcasters about likely attempts by Israel to “politicise” the competition.
Among those responding on Twitter to my post was Naomi Wolf, a US Jewish intellectual and feminist scholar whose body of work I admire. She disagreed with my blog post, arguing that the cartoon was, in her words, “kind of anti-semitic” (embedded tweet below).
In our subsequent exchange she also noted that she was uncomfortable with the fact that the cartoonist was German. (For those interested, the complete exchange can be found here.)” [scroll to the top to see the beginning of the conversation.]
“In the end, and admittedly under some pressure from me for clarification, she offered an illustration of why she thought the cartoon was “kind of anti-semitic”. She sent a link to the image below, stating that she thought Hanitzsch’s cartoon of Netanyahu had echoes of this Nazi image of “the Jew” alongside an Aryan German woman.”
“Frankly, I was astounded by the comparison.
Nazi propaganda
Cartoons in Nazi propaganda sheets like Der Sturmer were anti-semitic because they emphasised specific themes to “otherise” Jews, presenting them as a collective menace to Germany or the world. Those themes included the threat of plague and disease, with Jews often represented as rats; or secret Jewish control over key institutions, illustrated, for example, by the tentacles of an octopus spanning the globe; or the disloyalty of Jews, selling out their country, as they hungered for money.
As Wolf notes, anti-semitic cartoonists would give the portrayed “Jew” grotesque or sinister facial features to alienate readers from him and convey the threat he posed. These features famously included a large or hooked nose, voracious lips, and a bulbous or disfigured head.”
Well, no, as he writes, there’s no indication of those physical traits, symbols that identify him as Jews or even Israelis, just his well-known hawkishness in a highly militarized state. We might have added ‘nuclear state’, not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. But whoa, Nellie, that caricature isn’t any more offensive as the following (I’m leaving out the other two, especially the one with Trump as King Kong on to of the Empire State Building as too grotesque to look at for more than two seconds…click through here if you care to).
He writes that this essay isn’t an attack on Naomi Wolf, and that he admires her willingness to engage in the discussion on Twitter, and gets that yes, judgments about ‘anti-semitism’ are indeed subjective, but that in the current zeitgeist, the metamorphosing of the ‘kind of anti-semitic’ verbiage actually acts as to ‘mystify’ and ‘weaponize’ the term, thus limiting crucial debates, as opposed to actual anti-semitism.
“It is precisely the promotion of a “kind of anti-semitism”, as opposed to real anti-semitism, that has just forced Ken Livingstone to resign from the Labour party; that empowered Labour’s Blairite bureaucracy to publicly lynch a well-known black anti-racism activist, Marc Wadsworth; that persuaded a dissident comedian and supporter of the Palestinian cause, Frankie Boyle, to use his TV show to prioritise an attack on a supposedly “anti-semitic” Labour party over support for Gaza; that is being used to vilify grassroots movements campaigning against “global elites” and the “1 per cent”; and that may yet finish off Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, currently the only credible political force for progressive change in the UK.
None of this is, of course, to suggest that Wolf would herself want any of these outcomes or that she is trying to misuse anti-semitism. I fully acccept that she has been a strong Jewish critic of Israel and doubtless paid a price for it with friends and colleagues.”
In his Israel and Jews and A dangerous confusion sections, Cook lays out the history of Israel having been based on anti-semitism, having been created as a sanctuary for all Jews, without which, he writes, Israel would be superfluous. Hence, he writes, anti-semitism and Israel are almost inextricably tangled together. There’s lot more there, including alternative non-Western cheerleaders for Israel media gathering a wider readership over time. But I’d like to jump ahead, as I hadn’t known what the many charges of Jeremy Corbin being anti-semitic were even based on.
After mentioning ‘the Livingston problem’ again, he jumps to:
A mural becomes anti-semitic
“The next stage in the evolution of the “kind of anti-semitic” argument is already discernible, as I have warned before. It is so powerful that it has forced Corbyn to concede, against all evidence, that Labour has an anti-semitism problem and to castigate himself, again against all evidence, for indulging in anti-semitic thinking.
Corbyn has been on the defensive since a “controversy” erupted in March over his expression back in 2012 of support for street art and opposition to censorship amid a row over a London mural that was about to be painted over.
After he was elected Labour leader in 2015, the first efforts were made to weaponise the mural issue to damage him. The deeply anti-Corbyn Jewish Chronicle newspaper was – like Hanitzsch’s boss at the Süddeutsche Zeitung – initially unsure whether the mural was actually anti-semitic. Then the newspaper simply highlighted concerns that it might have “anti-semitic undertones”. By spring 2018, when the row resurfaced, the status of the mural had been transformed. Every mainstream British commentator was convinced it was “clearly” and “obviously” anti-semitic – and by implication, Corbyn had been unmasked as an anti-semite for supporting it.
[From his Jewish Chronicle link: The graphic, Freedom for Humanity, was painted on a property near Brick Lane in London’s East End by renowned international graffiti artist Kalen Ockerman, known as Mear One, in 2012.
It depicted a group of businessmen and bankers sitting around a Monopoly-style board and counting money. The mural was painted on the end wall of a private property, but was removed by local authorities after complaints from residents.
When the artist wrote on Facebook that the mural was to be removed, Mr Corbyn responded with a message from his personal Facebook account.
Mr Corbyn wrote: “Why? You are in good company. Rockerfeller (sic) destroyed Diego Viera’s mural because it includes a picture of Lenin.”]
“Again, no one wanted to debate how it was anti-semitic. The artist has said it was an image of historical bankers, most of whom were not Jewish, closely associated with the capitalist class’s war on the rest of us. There is nothing in the mural to suggest he is lying about his intention or the mural’s meaning. And yet everyone in the “mainstream” is now confident that the mural is anti-semitic, even though none of them wants to specify what exactly is anti-semitic about it.”
In his The 1 per cent off-limits he notes other ways that ‘anti-semitism’ is gaining ground, and links to a piece at the New Statesman that claims that the Occupy movement’s (OWS) slogan that we’re ruled by a capitalist global elite 1%…was evidence of ‘anti-semitism’, as was:
“…[on] Frankie Boyle’s popular TV show last week, comedian David Baddiel was allowed to misrepresent – unchallenged – an opinion poll that found 28 per cent of Corbyn supporters agreed with the statement “the world is controlled by a secretive elite”. Baddiel asserted, without any evidence, that when they spoke of a global elite the respondents were referring to Jews. What was this assumption based on? A hunch? A sense that such a statement must be “kind of anti-semitic”?
He closes:
“The mystification of anti-semitism is so dangerous because it can be exploited for any end those who dominate the public square care to put it to – whether it be sacking a cartoonist, justifying Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians, destroying a progressive party leader, or preventing any criticism of a turbo-charged neoliberal capitalism destroying our planet.”
No reason to get excited, the thief, he kindly spoke,
There are many here among us now,
Who feel that life is but a joke,
But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate,
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

How's this for a definition of "anti-Semitism"?
"Anyone that the Zionists see as their enemy."
Sorry to hear that Corbyn has grovelled like that. It just goes to show how powerful the Zionist lobby is, not only here, but in other countries as well.
For a nice undercover expose of this reality and how it works in the UK, I suggest you all watch this 4-part documentary, which begins here:
@SoylentGreenisPeople Given that he's also
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That must be it.
How do you explain the Jewish influence in our state legislatures and Congress?
@dfarrah He got worn down by
He got worn down by the same corrupt fucks that are trying to control all of the English-speaking world and, through it, most of the rest of the world as well. Some of them are Jews, some are Saudis, some are Americans, some are Britons, and it's possible that some of them are German, but I'm not altogether clear on that (the chemical weapons recovered in Syria by that veteran's group had German labels, which made me think that perhaps Germany is taking a more active role in this process than I thought.)
I agree that Netanyahu and the Likkud are blights upon their own people and the world. Israeli intelligence is possibly even worse than the CIA, and that's saying something. And yes, of course they have massive influence in the United States and Britain.
But as far as I know, the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Cheneys aren't Jewish. Nor is Tony Blair, is he? This was a willing agreement between vile bastards of all ethnic backgrounds, and the fact that they decided to make Israel and the United States the secret police headquarters of the world and the arsenal of their foul ambitions has nothing to do with genetics or biological heritage. It does have something to do with cultural heritage, but only in the sense that a virus has something to do with a weak immune system.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
J. P. Morgan & Rockefeller were not Jewish. In fact...
Gentlemen Bankers: The World of J. P. Morgan
Susie Pak
Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2013, ISBN: 9780674073036; 344pp.; Price: £40.95
Dr Andrew Smith
Coventry University
Dr Andrew Smith, review of Gentlemen Bankers: The World of J. P. Morgan, (review no. 1514)
Date accessed: 31 May, 2018
In the video the artist names "the Rothschilds, Rockefellers,and Morgans".
but never mind.
i'd begun to wonder if any of the folks involved in this
purge had seen the video, heard the artist himself. i'd hunted my own media files for banksters and capitalist oligarchs depicted as piggy fat-faces, but didn't reckon keeping up the hunt was worth it. what i'd failed to do was look for more murals my mear one.
I love the "certainty" of these subjectively "proven" beliefs
If you question the Golden Truth of popular superstitions, actually requesting a reasonable explanations for such truth (such as the bankers in the mural are Jewish), de facto you are anti-Semitic.
@irishking Like I said, all the
The conflation of the Jews in finance with every Jew worldwide is, as I also said, a terrifying return to the ideas deployed previously by the worst of people; I can't imagine why any Jew would want to return to such an idea, knowing who used it last.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
.... Don't answer my question - I don't want to know the answer
redacted - nobody appreciated my comment. What a flop.
The answer is...
I don't understand that answer /nt
It's a joke from a book.
Link: The answer is 42
hadn't adams also said that the purpose of human life....
was to move our human (pestilential, my addition) sacks of water from place to place?
i liked it,
it just too awhile to sink in, and there were soooo many commets begging responses. do put it up again on edit, please.
That's not an insult.
It's a classic example of sarcasm/snark. If Netanyaboob (Israel's version of a Dumber Richard Nixon) and his mindset/supporters can't be criticized, then their FRightwingers can't be opposed. *JtC* Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
a couple additions:
2 days ago: 2 days ago: ‘Israeli Navy Stops Palestinian Flotilla Attempting to Sail From Gaza to Cyprus’ Navy fires warning shots, takes control of ship that violates blockade ■ Flotilla, consisting of several small ships, embarks to mark eight years since the Marmara flotilla incident, haaretz.com
their coverage was (cough) was a world's difference away from this earlier description of the flotilla: ‘Israeli Airstrike Hits Boat at Gaza Port as it Prepared to Meet 2018 Freedom Flotilla ; This year’s Freedom Flotilla hopes its voyage “will open the channels for others to travel to Palestine and, more importantly, for the Palestinian people to use their own territorial waters for fishing, other maritime resources, travel, exports and imports.” by Emma Fiala, mintpressnews
"Not long after the 2018 Freedom Flotilla — carrying “politicians, activists, journalists, trade-union leaders, artists and performers, professors, faith leaders, representatives of student organizations” — embarked on its journey from Scandinavia to the largest open-air prison in the world — Gaza — Israel attempted to thwart its plans by striking a boat in Gaza City that was preparing to meet the flotilla upon its arrival. No casualties have been reported from the Israeli attack this Wednesday.
The 2018 Freedom Flotilla is part of a movement to demonstrate solidarity with Gaza, in an attempt to break Israel’s illegal blockade by transporting activists to the Strip, drawing international media attention to the humanitarian crisis there in the process. This year’s flotilla hopes its voyage “will open the channels for others to travel to Palestine and, more importantly, for the Palestinian people to use their own territorial waters for fishing, other maritime resources, travel, exports and imports.”
And from jonathan cook at the middleeasteye.com, yesterday: ‘Under Trump, the Israel lobby is a Hydra with many heads’, #IsraelLobby; Since Trump took office, the Israel lobby has mobilised four other powerful lobbies: Christian evangelicals, the alt-right, the military-industrial complex and Saudi Arabia, including:
“Wall of silence
It should be recalled that two decades ago, it was impossible even to mention the existence of an Israel lobby in Washington without being labelled an anti-Semite.
Paradoxically, Israel's supporters exercised the very power they denied existed, bullying critics into submission by insisting that any talk of an Israel lobby relied on anti-Semitic tropes of Jewish power.
The wall of silence was broken only with the publication in 2006 of a seminal essay – later turned into a book – by two prominent US academics, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. But in a sign of the immense weight of the lobby even as it was being dragged into the light, the pair were unable to find a publisher in the US. Instead, the essay found a home across the Atlantic in the prestigious, if obscure, London Review of Books. One of the pair, Stephen Walt, has publicly admitted that his career suffered as a result.
Since then, a little leeway has opened up on the subject. Even New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a staunch advocate for Israel, has conceded the lobby's existence.” (how revelatory of him!)
But under Trump, the Israel lobby has come to exercise unrivalled power, because it is now far more than just one lobby. It is a five-headed Hydra worthy of Greek mythology, and only one of its heads relates directly to Israel or organised American Jewry.
In fact, the lobby’s power now derives not chiefly from Israel. Since Trump's election, the Israel lobby has managed to absorb and mobilise an additional four powerful lobbies – and to a degree not seen before. They are: the Christian evangelicals, the alt-right, the military-industrial complex, and the Saudi Arabia lobby.”
Apparently Sheldon Adelstein's
Money was well spent.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
seems so,
but the koch brothers (koch watch.org)funded boss tweet as well. are they jewish?
"Hard as it is to believe now, he (boss tweet) promised to be "neutral" on the Israel-Palestine issue; expressed doubts about whether it made sense to hand Israel billions of dollars annually in military aid; backed a two-state solution; and refused to commit to recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital."
at strategic culture i've read that the T/kushner I/P plan is about to be unveiled (formally) in mid-june, but from earlier reports is a sick joke that neither 'side' would approve, and that the palestinians want putin/russia to negotiate, but oy, and veh, is that a non-starter!
Can't image which audience
That bunch are playing to by unveiling their version of any I/P "plan"
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
oh, bother; i can't find the link.
but the author said that it seemed designed to appeal to no one, especially hamas. and that from what he'd seen, it was just a plan for...more meetings, and if it's so, it would please...tada: bibi, KSA, and trump's evangelical base, which i was glad to see that jonathan cook had included in the hydra;headed formula.
now in the haaretz coverage of the IDF's interception of the gaza flotilla, those aboard were rabble Palestinian Protestors funded by...hamas. now in cook's write-up on fathi harb's self-immolation on a street in gaza city, he writes:
"Fathi Harb should have had something to live for, not least the imminent arrival of a new baby. But last week the 21-year-old extinguished his life in an inferno of flames in central Gaza.
In part, Harb was driven to this terrible act of self-destruction out of despair.
After a savage, decade-long Israeli blockade by land, sea and air, Gaza is like a car running on fumes. The United Nations has repeatedly warned that the enclave will be uninhabitable within a few years.
Over that same decade, Israel has intermittently pounded Gaza into ruins, in line with the Israeli army’s Dahiya doctrine. The goal is to decimate the targeted area, turning life back to the Stone Age so that the population is too preoccupied with making ends meet to care about the struggle for freedom. Both of these kinds of assault have had a devastating impact on inhabitants’ psychological health.
Who did Harb hope to speak to with his shocking act?
In part, according to his family, he was angry with the Palestinian leadership. His family was trapped in the unresolved feud between Gaza’s rulers Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank.
That dispute has led the PA to cut the salaries of its workers in Gaza, including Harb’s father.
But Harb undoubtedly had a larger audience in mind too.
Until a few years ago, Hamas regularly fired rockets out of the enclave in a struggle both to end Israel’s continuing colonisation of Palestinian land and to liberate the people of Gaza from their Israeli-made prison.
But the world rejected the Palestinians’ right to resist violently and condemned Hamas as “terrorists”. Israel’s series of military rampages in Gaza to silence Hamas were meekly criticised in the West as “disproportionate”., etc.
but good grief, dunno what's up w/ the national, but id had to switch tabs four time to copy more text to paste.
I would say
that this part is not true.
Israel has had the support of the military industrial complex and Saudi Arabia, because they both represent Big Oil, from the end of WWII, if not before. And it seems the support of evangelicals and what we call the alt-right has been there for a long time. At least it seems that way to me as an American just being aware of the construct. Defense of Israel is a big business.
my guess is that since trump’s key visit to the saudi
crown princes’ orb & resultant partnership revelations, coupled with increased weapons systems sales to KSA and green lighting an economic putsch war by other means on iran (so far), defense contractors stocks have risen notably. similarly, trump’s having moved the amerika embassy to jerusalem (al quds to many palestinians) was a signal that it was open season on palestinians in the west bank and gaza. all of which are issues underpinning aipac, christans united for israel (CUFI, pastor john hagee) dispensationalists, and other pro-zionist groups fundraising. similarly in the proxy wars that involve proxies for saudi arabia, the US, and israel that are flaming fast and furious: remember, every bomb, every missile, every man-pad missile must be replaced. i don’t even know what the alt-right is, so on that i can’t comment.
but my guess is that the named items are what he’d meant. but sure israel is a big bidness, and getting bigger all of the time, even as israel has become more of a pariah state to most of the non-western world. and that includes in the eyes of many israeli and other jews abroad, especially the younger ones.
Don't think the image is anti-Semitic
I have a thesis that much of xenophobia about Putin and Russians very strongly echoes German Nazi propaganda of both the Jews and Russians (Slavic peoples). I have looked at lot of Nazi imagery and the cartoon does not reflect or echo any Nazi visual themes that I have seen. One thing that stands out is the clothes that Netenyaho is wearing. I don't think I have seen any visual cliche dress Jewish males in that sorta medieval minstrel outfit. They are usually in long dark coats such was follows:
And the facial representation does not seem to echo any stereotypes of the Nazis.
I am confused about which image
You are referring to about being not anti-semitic.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The political cartoon by Dieter Hanitzsch
So where did the image
In your post come from?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The image is called the "Eternal Jew"
The figure shows that the Jews controlled the Soviet Union and US by holding up the tablet with the hammer and sickle, and gold in other hand.
Makes a bit more sense to me now.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
news of a sort on julian assange.
lenin moreno says he can stay in the ecuadorian embassy, get reconnected...as long as he doesn't Commit Journalism. and essentially, Shuts the Fuck Up. otherwise...
for posterity on a likely dead thread:
café babylon author herr von davidly who contributes from berlin has added to the discussion in his his june 2 'Sloping Slipperily toward Anti-Semitism'; the teaser:
"In Raving on stage: Concert by Roger Waters ends in scandal', Berliner Zeitung author Frank Junghänel, submits a commentary posing almost as a concert review. He has something to say about the blurry line between the criticism of the policies of the State of Israel and anti-semitism and last night’s performance by Roger Waters at the, cough, Mercedes Benz Arena is somewhere in his sights.
Caveat lector: This is my translation. My comment on/at the original follows:"
one video from the concert, not the one the author had propagandized in which waters called out new Federal Anti-Semitism Commissioner felix klein, but 'wish you were here'.
thank you all for a most interesting discussion.