We Did Vote. And It Got Us Nowhere. Every. Single. Time.
Where do I begin with this? Has this guy not been paying attention to everything the Democrats have done during this election cycle to keep actual left-wingers OUT of the conversation, out of the electoral process? Or how about the fact that even when the Democrats did win, we all still lost because they chose to ram through Republican shit anyway because, as this asshole said in another video "If the insurance industry died, that would have made the economy worse." Or the refusal of the Pig Dems to prosecute Shrub for blatant war crimes, many of which Bloody Gina had a hand in.
The Democratic Party isn't interested in doing anything to help their constituents. They're actively running against us, and yet this is all Russia's fault? If anyone is trolling, it's this asshole and the others like him who whine about this shit and defend the very assholes who run against us every. Single. Time.
After all, while Dipshit may have his loyal Salt-White Yellowshirts, the Pig Dems have loyal opposition, like this asshole. Everything in this video is a literal repetition of everything MSDNC has been screaming over their megaphone for the last 2 years. No talk of real, transformative policy that would go a long way toward stopping this horseshit, just "It's all Agolf Twitler and the Russkies' fault!"...Oh, and there's another royal wedding. Woo Hoo.
Fuck this shit.
Good morning, Aspie. I haven't seen the vid yet, but,
thanks to your critique/rant, I don't think I really need to. MOSS - more of the same shit. The ultimate in victim blaming, blaming the public for the Democratic Party's refusal to run a viable candidate on a platform of serving the public and its needs, with some "Russia, Russia, Russia" thrown in for good measure.
Part of the big lie tactic is repetition, but I think that endless, incessant, hourly repetition may dull the senses and the message to the point that it doesn't work. The US is the testing ground for this, like it or not.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
you can't see the video in Germany,
so what's that saying to you?
but not enough voted.
Get enough on The Left to vote, and/or get enough voters to Vote Left, and this $h!t comes to a screeching halt.
When only some 46% vote....
The Red Team votes in higher percentages than the Blue Team.
The Red Team rank & file are scared to death that commie pinko Libruls will take over if they don't vote, so they vote. And win. Becuz "we" don't bother to vote.
Now, one could argue, well, it doesn't matter, the elections are rigged.
And they are.
But if enough vote it doesn't matter that they're rigged.
The sheer number of votes override any rigging around the edges.
So, yeah...
Our problem isn't "voting doesn't matter."
That's what most people think - and what TPTB want people to think.
Our problem is not nearly enough of us vote.
Tack on another 20% to that piddling 46% and things change. In a hurry.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The problem is that one doesn't just vote. One has to vote for
something. Since neither major party will run a "change" candidate, bringing about change requires that the preponderance of today's non-voters not only vote, but all join in with the left to vote for a specific third-party change candidate. This is complicated by an electoral system that keeps third-party candidates off of the ballot in as many places as it can.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Berniecrats are running on
Dim lines and
Indie lines. Lots of 'em.
Two socialists just won in red PA.
It's happening.
More people woke, and even more woke by 2020.
"We" just need to get people to the polls.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Nailed it!
You've probably seen this, but:
This is the first time in American history that there's been a concerted, organized effort to replace the corrupt corporate representatives within a US political party with real, human people having an informed interest in serving the public interest instead, under a leader who - imperfect as all humans are but decidedly non-psychopathic and having a life-long record (unlike any other politician holding office) of consistently and persistently fighting for the most vulnerable citizens and the general public good - has the capacity to unite enough of the country to win (again) on votes. If people vote in their own best interests, for Prog only.
If Congress and the Senate are majority Prog, will they and a Prog President really have trouble passing legislation for the public good?
Thing is, the people have to work toward their own good, en masse: refuse to accept voter suppression and suspicious electoral results they've been letting slide for freaking ever; refuse to accept that private groups can determine who they're permitted to vote for, for public office, and private interests select who gets to win said public office, which US voters have been letting slide for freaking ever; refuse to accept the results of electoral cheating 'as a done deal' just because TPTB got away with it again and the cheated-in winners and those who cheated them in will endlessly promise to 'fix it for the next time', which US voters have been letting slide for freaking ever.
Change within US policy has to come from the people, by The People forming their own government for the people, with equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all finally enforced in all States of the Union.
Criminals will be criminals, as long as they're allowed to continue being criminals without consequence.
And political Parties by any name will be corrupt while filled with corruption.
The people have to get right in there to clean out those gutters themselves, before their house rots away and the roof completely caves in; nobody else can or will do that for them.
Like anything else, a political party is only as good as are those forming it.
But why have so many Progs been 'allowed' to win of late? Could it be because they begin to feel that people are expecting cheating in all areas around elections and that repercussions might be possible if they do so too blatantly and too often right now, providing yet more evidence of their changing people's votes by altering/discarding ballots and the like, as has been done in too many publicized Dem Party nominations/inner-party-structure votes?
These next two elections might be the first and last opportunity for the American people to take back a political party from the corporate/military sector by filling it with themselves and by voting for themselves and democracy by voting Prog only. Even if as only one action out of many.
If this chance is missed, I expect that TPTB will not allow another - the PTB's pathetic pretense of 'US democracy' has been shredded almost entirely away by the fascist gloves already showing the length of the long-honed claws within.
And as multiple invaded countries have shown, the people, united, can never be defeated - although TPTB have been working on it, in part by automating psychopathy within unkillable killer machines nobody can face head-on without working out some way of jamming or otherwise disabling them. Something especially tricky for citizen protesters...
This death-style of the rich and pathologically greedy has to stop now.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
We just did this not too long ago.
In 2007/8 at the end of the terrible Bush regime and when Obama gained steam the thought was we had to get the republicans out of there. Of course the only way to do that is by replacing them with the democrats and Obama at that time made it sound like a reasonable option.
Then look what Obama did, look what Clinton did, look what the democrats did. The two parties have always served the oligarchy but now it's completely obvious and total. We've had scientific studies come out and prove Congress serves the 1%, we've had a former president come out and say we live in an oligarchy.
You're right, we did vote, it did no good and at most this time it might slow down the bleeding but that's not good enough, because we'll still be bleeding.
We can't keep bouncing from one party having power to the other and back and forth, it's fucking sick and only serves to keep the oligarchy in power.
You're saying it doesn't
matter who we
send to Washington, eventually they all cave to the Oligarchy.
Agree. With the ones there now.
And many whom we will send this year.
What it takes to change the status quo is a backbone, and the willingness to risk all, including ones life. Not many are willing to risk all. Including Bernie. Whom apparently will run again in 2020 as a Dim, risking nothing. Again.
Becuz this is going to take risk. The kind of risk Seth Rich took.
If we want it - change - it's going to take bloodshed.
The Oligarchy will not go quietly and they won't go peacefully.
Big Al right. We keep sending the same ol' lame ol' Dims and Repubs we're gonna keep getting what we got.
The other thing it takes is a free press. That's not going to happen soon, but it is happening. Witness Tucker Carlson (of all people). Taking a yuuuge risk.
The risk is yuuuge. Most not willing to take the risk. It comes down to how bad we want it.
Otherwise there's no sense playing (voting), we might better start working on our communes. 'cuz we're going to need them. One Republicon said out loud recently that we should euthanize the poor and disabled. A drag on the Economy.™ So, it's not like they're not thinking about this stuff. Out loud. Whom we send to Washington will determine our future in more direct ways than ever. I hope they don't cave.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I think you found aversion to applying for disability
I could easily qualify for it, and it would certainly help because things are tight (as usual) but despite being eligible for over a decade I've never even explored the option.
I largely felt my reticence was based on my old school upbringing that teaches a man is only as good as he is productive... So foolish (but typical) male pride...
But there was always a part of me that had the nagging thought, "The way shits going I could end up on a 'surplus population list".
I try to do a lot in my own form of self analysis, and I always thought that that was my subconscious being snarky with me.
Now I'm wondering if it's more clued in to what's going on than I am...
Heads need to, and will, roll, that's a given at this point I feel.
The only thing uncertain at this point is who's?
I don't feel particularly confident that it won't be ours.
One thing that I can hope for is that if/when it does there are enough people that figure, "well, if I'm gonna go down I'm gonna take as many of them with me" on our side, because we know for sure that's how the other side always reacts...
May you live in interesting times indeed...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Exactly. It's no longer
If the $h!t is going
to hit the fan, but when.
And, I suspect it will be (much) sooner rather than later. I also suspect progressives on boards like this one are on somebody's list to be "targeted for termination."
Hope I'm wrong. I hope to at least be able to throw a rock before being rounded up or simply shot.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
And moreover now the DHS (HT to BHO) holds full authority
over all aspects of federal elections, from the premises and staff to the machines, records, and I guess whether voting places are open at all. See Sane Progressive on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrloTS3p-fY and another post of hers after the DHS was authorized.
The system is rigged.
If a person believes that all of the voting "Irregularities" will be solved by increasing the sample size, I believe they are being incredibly optimistic.
Power concedes NOTHING without a threat.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Rigging" affects 2%
of the vote. Tops.
Closer to 1%.
So, yes, more votes nullifies that 1% to 2%.
Now maybe "They" get more bold and increase that margin to 3%, 4%.
But then it becomes visible.
Maybe at this point it doesn't matter that their "rigging" becomes noticeable.
"yes, we rigged it, what are you going to do about it?"
Good question.
Becuz if nothing is done at that point there's no sense voting.
Game over.
But we ain't there yet.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The system is rigged. Not just the vote.
Especially when they've rigged:
1. Ballot Access
2. The Debates
3. The Coverage of the Candidates
4. Have FBI/CIA monitoring/manipulation of many of the political groups which candidates look to for assistance.
5. The court system in order to ensure that 1-4 are legal.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"We Did Vote. And It Got Us Nowhere. Every. Single. Time."
True, and not true.
People voted for FDR back in the 1930s and it got them change against the powers that be (TPTB). So, not every single time. Yes, that was a very long time ago, but if enough people come out to vote, even with vote manipulation, voting could work.
The difficulties today are much, much harder than back in FDR's days, though:
--The media is almost completely controlled by TPTB, and this makes it very hard for a progressive or populist message to get through. Bernie rallies during the last election drew tens of thousands of people, yet the media displayed none of that, and most of those rallies were being formed via alternative internet sources and word of mouth.
--The inteligence and law-enforcement agencies are much more widespread in scale and are being actively used to influence elections than they were in FDR's days. For example, the FBI dropping legitimate investigations, helping to fan the Russia flames, law enforcement arresting people at the conventions, etc.
--Direct voter manipulation. Denying people voter IDs, gerrymandering, losing ballots, and almost certainly direct manipulation of electronic voting machines.
--Threats. I have zero doubt that whoever gets elected receives word essentially saying--"Nice family you've got there. It'd be a shame if anything happened to them if you don't support the military/intelligence/etc."
It'll take a huge public uprising for things to change. But, voting en masse might be one of the elements of the change. Unfortunately, I think it'll have to be more than just that.
"If enough people come out to vote"
As for FDR, that was a time in place, not necessarily FDR and the democratic party.
Agree. Voting is a
big step but, as
you say, it's also going to take public pressure, if not an uprising.
I find it amazing that I'm witnessing this madness that no Boomer would ever have imagined in the late '60s, early '70s of the war protests. I just wish I was 20 years younger to take on this fight, maybe see the outcome. If nuthin' else these are indeed "interesting times." Never a dull moment in my retirement days. The sad thing, most are sleeping thru it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I Thought It Was a Fairly Good Piece, Actually...
Of course you're not supposed to pin Democrats in there, and the "Vote" call at the end was super lame; but the piece of the closing quote,"Fascists always vote." is quite interesting, and alludes to rolling the Democratic Leadership over into the Fascist pile.
The lack of "knowing" and a lack of any kind of accepted truth is a new piece to the fascist puzzle, and I don't think many people understand it well. Hedges is on it with the Inverted Totalitarianism, and Eli Pariser has hit on it plainly with the filter bubble, but the actual movement to push people into becoming unable to believe their lying eyes is starting to become visible to me.
The blue and white dress thing a couple years ago, laurel vs yanny, or whatever the fuck that shit is on the FB.
I think the MO of the corporate media changed in 2006 or so. They realized that it was impossible to misinform, and even disinforming was becoming a tough political maneuver; sowing confusion became the MO.
This is paying off bigly, IMO, and is a main tap-root of fascism in America. gulp...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Exactly. Or as Lionel
likes to say, keeping
an eye on all those spinning plates spinning, so they don't fall, is a great way for "Them" to keep us distracted from what's behind the curtain.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I'm not against voting, of course not.
Voting and citizen participation is essential in a democracy. Problem is, we don't live in a democracy, not at the national level or state level. What I'm against, and I'm sure many others as well, is voting for the duopoly in this political system. I've tried voting third party and as we all know, the game is so rigged as to make it next to impossible for a third party to make progress. Could it be done? Possibly, but probably not without some significant changes in the system.
Which is what I'm calling for, significant changes in the system if not outright replacement of this political system. I think that's what should be focused on instead of this constant two year bullshit between the democrats and republicans.
The question then becomes
"how do we do that?"
For which there is no answer.
I personally don't see that happening in a million years.
Stuck with the duopoly, we are, for the next 20 years or more.
Meantime, the next Dimocratic president needs to speak before Congress and say, "Homeland Security is an Agency that no longer exists on and after Apr. 1, 2021. If you work for DHS start sending out your resumes, becuz your job no longer exists as of Apr. 1, 2021. We are shutting that down. Next... just getting warmed up, hold your applause... next, we rolling back the operation of the Federal Gov't to Sept. 10, 2001. All the bull$h!t that G. Dubya and O'bummer enacted is history. Citizens United? United, my ass. Done! Dubya's War on Terra? Over. Instead, we're going to spend the $Billions generally designated for Lockheed and the war machine into expanding Social Security and the Safety Net. Remember that? Didn't think so. A good place to send your resumes though if you work for the MIC. Thank you, and good night everybody! And good luck!"
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Its all one big lie
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Read that one yesterday, good article.
Yessiree, history repeats and repeats
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Divine Right of Capital: The Libertarian Endgame
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.