The IDF criticized Palestinian protesters for allegedly making the border unsafe as Israel and “countries around the world provide Gazans with humanitarian aid through crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip”.
why isn’t putin helping syria defend herself from israeli attacks? some answers from the commentariat at MoA
This diary may be on the absurd side, but I know that this issue’s bothered any number of us (including many tankies on Twitter), but this comment thread posits some opinions and offers many links to buttress arguments. Of course there were disagreements I haven’t included, but not wanting to risk a wider war with Israel at this point, with so many dangers on Russia’s borders…makes sense to me. Can’t say I’ve checked out more than a couple links…
It really was disgusting it was to see Bibi with Putin at the V-day celebration in Moscow while the IDF was striking ‘Iranian’ (not so much) installations in Syria. Some say having Bibi there was by way of an object lesson: ‘See what we’ve got?’ I’m agnostic on that point, but I’ve grabbed these comments for your consideration and have just pasted them in raw with no quotations marks. Happy digging; dunno what a comment might on this PSA might include, but let’s just see how it goes. They’re out of time order, as I’d forgotten to Save the ones I’d grabbed early on, and have had to go back to copy more.
From Moon of Alabama’s ‘open thread’ (2 pages of comments) on May 11:
Also not a good sign that President Putin re-nominated Medvedev (not the URL) as Prime Minister. The Saker lays out the rationale for this view.
Posted by: Trisha Driscoll | May 11, 2018
With regard to Medvedev. Let’s just end this now.
Vesti news has a 10-minute clip showing the Duma in session to approve or disapprove Medvedev as Prime Minister. It’s a great glimpse into the parliamentary side of things that we rarely see. Putin states that the social reforms he has called for and intends to carry out have been planned and examined with a fine tooth comb for a year and a half – by a team led by Medvedev. It makes sense to him, he says, that this same team would now carry these plans forward.
Can we not get beyond our own particular preferences of policy flavor and understand that Medvedev long ago ago gave up the Atlanticist affiliation – when, indeed, that option politically receded from his country’s shores – and is simply a team player now, subservient to Russia and to Putin? And what he thinks in his own mind is nobody’s business but his? He has no power outside of being a Prime Minister who effectuates Putin’s vision.
And personally, I suspect he takes some satisfaction from doing this well. I don’t care what transforms or redeems a man. I just care what fits the need of the moment. The hour produces the man, be he ever so tainted from former allegiances.
pa..Vesti is cranking out so much Russian news and news shows now, in short clips with English subtitles – often half a dozen per day – that I’ve added it to my daily news scan. I reccomend the YouTube channel: Vesti News
Posted by: Grieved | May 11, 2018 8:50:47 PM | 71
Putin has done more to stop, blunt or block US military aggression than any other country.
He picked Syria to put Russian military up against US military. If he had not not done so, the Syrians that are still dying due to the terrorists and their sponsors would, along with hundreds of thousands of others have been dead in the jihadist takeover in 2015.
the Palestinians? What is the rest of the world doing about this? How many other countries deal with Israel. What is you country doing for the Palestinians.
There have been many proposed resolutions against Syria in the UN but US has vetoed them all. Israel can be brought into line only when US power is destroyed.
Many of the worlds conflicts that exist today can never be resolved until US power is destroyed as it is the US that keeps those conflicts as open wounds.
For Russia putting all their efforts into say Palestine or Yemen and the many other conflicts is like running around putting out spot fires rather than catching the arsonist.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | May 11, 2018 9:02:14 PM |
Korybko interprets Russian signals as message to Assad to “compromise,” which I don’t agree with at all as such a “demand” backwalks numerous previous statements about Syria by Russia, which isn’t normal Kremlin behavior. In essence, Korybko’s arguing that the relationship between Zionists and Russia is more important than Russia’s relations with Syria, Iraq, and Iran–a huge misread on his part, IMO.
Posted by: karlof1 | May 11, 2018
Strategic Culture’s published a very powerful editorial. Teaser:
“The reckless, reprehensible behavior of the US towards international law, multilateralism and diplomacy – all of which it falsely projects onto Russia, China and others – is, or should be, a watershed moment for all of the world to recognize that such rogue conduct is intolerable and unacceptable.
“Either there is multilateral accord or there is not. Either there is a multipolar world as envisaged by a democracy of nations, or there is brutish hegemony of unipolar ambitions. The latter is not law-abiding. It is predicated on the brutish principle of “might is right”. The world cannot afford such a hegemon for the sake of peace and survival.”
It certainly echoes much of what’s written by b and us Barflies.
Posted by: karlof1 | May 11, 2018
Russia’s catching a lot of blogger-flak regarding its failure to go to war with Israel. That’s not smart.
Here’s the probable scenario as I see it, keeping in mind that the #1 priority for Russia is its own political interests and its own security, which is true of every country.
There are three allies concerned with Syria led by Russia, and including Turkey and Iran. Three unlkely allies, actually. But they are trying to get along, with Russia’s objective a return of Syria to full sovereignty of all its territory, and a cessation of hostilities, with a Russian military presence. It’s not been easy but there has been progress and it looks like Russia and its allies will be successful.
Iran has that objective too, but also has a strong interest in aiding Hezbollah as a powerful anti-Israel force. That includes provisioning Hezbollah in Syria with ballistic missiles.
Russia (in my probable scenario) said to Iran don’t do that. It endangers our chief interest in Syria which is to win the war against US/Israel and end the warfare. Don’t do anything that endangers that. But Iran did it anyhow, and has paid a price which Syria shares. And as a part of that, Russia has taken no action against Israel because it expected this might happen, that’s why Iran was cautioned. Iran thought it could do whatever it wanted in Syria and it got burned.
So I say to anti-Russia bloggers, wake up and smell the coffee.
Posted by: Don Bacon | May 11, 2018
Here’s what Putin said to Nuttyahoo according to Kremlin:
“Naturally, we will use your visit today to discuss bilateral relations and problems in the region. Unfortunately, the situation is very acute. I would like to express hope that you and I will not only manage to discuss, but also find solutions which will lead to a shift in the situation, and which will also allow us to find ways to resolve heated conflicts.”
Putin’s clearly aiming at de-escalation, while Nutty’s all about escalating.
Posted by: karlof1 | May 11, 2018
I used to admire Korybko enormously, and I thought him a brilliant talent. I don’t know what’s happened in the last few months. Every one of his articles seems to be a mis-read. He’s chosen a view of reality that I think is wrong, and everything he extrapolates from that is off-kilter.
We all choose at what level down the rabbit hole we want to go, but whatever it is, our predictions should accord with subsequent events, or we can know it’s an inaccurate ledge to perch on. Korybko keeps saying there’s a hidden agenda and a secret union between Israel and Russia that makes all the rest of the Syria campaign a sham. He’s become as unreliable as Paul Craig Roberts at reading the true balances, and as unreliable, it pains me to say, as the Saker appears at times lately. They all call for the sky to fall tomorrow, or else say that it already has and the fix is in, and resistance is futile.
Miracles abound. But everyone is so damn gloomy. Is it a new CIA manic-depression drug? Radio waves? Crazy.
Posted by: Grieved | May 11, 2018
Too many cast Putin as Tsar; he is not. National security issues are discussed and solved by a council of same name through consensus. Same with Foreign Relations. One aspect of Russia that differs greatly from almost every Western nation is the Russian government acts in the best interest of all Russians, not just a select nomenclatura as in Outlaw US Empire and UK.
Posted by: karlof1 | May 11, 2018
During the course of the Ukraine war I, and I imagine many others, went through some of the feelings about Vladimir Putin that many people are expressing now. We grew impatient. We wanted Russia to go in and kick Porky’s ass into the high heavens. We wanted the Chocolate King toasted. But Putin carried on with his minimalist strategy, his control over emotion and ego, his resource stinginess, providing just enough to the Donbas warriors, just enough. It was nail-biting and frustrating at times, but If Russia had gone into Ukraine, guns blazing (as Russia’s enemies wanted) it would probably be bankrupt by now.
Scene change to Syria and we have the same minimum aircraft, troops, special forces… Minimum but enough. Israel feels very strongly about the S-300. Putin and his generals have probably verified for themselves what they long suspected – that many products built by the US military industrials since the 1990s are pretty crap. Just look at the F-35 and the Boeing 787 “Dreamliner”, which pilots and cabin crew refer to as the “binliner” due to its continuous faults. After a PHD on more-or-less this subject my humble self came to the same conclusion.
So do the Syrians really need the S-300 when they seem to be doing fine with what they have got? They could be beefed up with some Pantsirs and Buks. Why antagonize Israel needlessly? Why risk WWIII? Why risk Russia’s World Cup – when sabotage and stealth are what the Israelis are best at? Why not just keep slipping Assad stuff that will keep the Israeli’s guessing?
Posted by: Lochearn | May 11, 2018
@ Grieved who wrote: “Miracles abound. But everyone is so damn gloomy. Is it a new CIA manic-depression drug? Radio waves? Crazy.”
The more the elite can rile the public with fear and anger against others the better their chances of manipulating events to their ends……at least that is their plan and I am not seeing white flags yet.
Yes, we are in the middle of a watershed event for humanity where the real issue of whether a small elite continue to control the tools of finance is being fought as a battle between Israel et al and the rest of the world through Syria/Iran/??? That the issues are so intertwined and so misunderstood by the public is a human travesty that I attribute to brainwashing by the Western media.
The good thing about this situation is that we are in it because the old way is breaking down all around us and energy abounds for supporting structural change. For someone who has been watching and waiting for 40+ years, I am DAMN happy to see such an opportunity for human growth present itself in my lifetime.
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 11, 2018
@ 27
Peskov corrects:
May 11. /TASS/. The refusal to supply the S-300 air defense missile systems to Syria is not linked in any way with the recent visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Moscow, acting Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.
Peskov commented on a statement, which acting Russian Presidential Aide for Military and Technical Cooperation Vladimir Kozhin gave in an interview with the newspaper Izvestia.
“Technologically, it is absolutely incorrect to link this [Kozhin’s words] with Netanyahu’s visit because the interview was given before Netanyahu’s visit,” the acting Kremlin spokesman pointed out.
Russia has never announced such deliveries and only specified that it reserves the right in the wake of US-led airstrikes against Syria to do everything possible in this situation.
In an interview published on Friday, Kozhin said that Russia was not delivering the S-300 air defense missile systems to Syria and no talks had been underway on their delivery thus far.
As the acting Kremlin spokesman added, the Syrian army “has everything it needs.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on April 16 that Russia was ready to consider all necessary steps to reinforce Syria’s defense capabilities, including the delivery of the S-300 systems.
Unlike the West, RF does not pre-announce. Just do it!
Do you think Putin is pleased about this?
Israeli Weapons Among Arms Handed Over to Syrian Army By Terrorists in Damascus
Oh, not just medical aid!
Posted by: Likklemore | May 11, 2018
Explanation of Russia’s approach by Andrei Korybko. Russia is taking a balance-of-power approach, not a bloc approach, to Syria. Hence its ambiguous stances towards Turkey, Iran, and Israel. Beyond what is required to defeat the Takfiris and assure the stability of the Syrian government, the rest is negotiable. Putin does not want the situation between Iran and Israel to escalate, and to that end is seeking greater influence in Syria vis-a-vis Iran.
Such a massive organized aggression has been inflicted on Syria, so much effort has been put into sujugating and destroying Syria, the Syrians have suffered so horribly. Years of economic warfare – sanctions, tens of thousands of mercenary madmen from dozens of countries deployed against Syria, entire cities destroyed, massive amounts of arms and financing provided to the madmen, global mass media disinformation deployed, oil stolen, thousands of US bombs dropped, continual Israeli attacks and subterfuge, NATO special forces deployed, massive mercenary underground construction project at Douma, false flags, Turkish aggression, Saudi complicity, and more.
And how do things stand, after seven years of this? Syrians are inspirational for their resistance, Syria is battered but winning, Russia’s standing has risen as she has saved Syria, the mercenaries are largely eliminated or herded into specific areas; Israelis and Americans have lost yet more international standing, are more obviously outlaw regimes, and have lost self confidence; their military intimidation is more and more lacking in real authority. NATO is licking its wounds and is less cohesive, occupied Germany is showing signs of awakening, Turkey and the US are at odds, the British are a malicious joke, the Saudis are weaker, Iran and Lebanon are stronger, Iraqis despise the Americans, China is stronger.
Meanwhile, Russia too has been under US led economic warfare attack, and near global disinformation attack, and demonization. And yet she too is stronger in many ways than she was just a few years ago.
Posted by: Robert Snefjella | May 11, 2018
karlof1 @20
There’s nothing in that statement that approves of Israel’s attack. And informing Putin of a changed stance due to a perception that ‘red lines’ were crossed (red lines that would’ve been discussed weeks or months prior) would be positioned by Netanyahu as a courtesy ( when it is really just a sneaky attempt at battlefield advantage).
Here’s a thought (not fully baked):the Russians have their eye on the ball. Those who are focused on Zionists as a problem for a West easily miss the fact that USA is a bigger problem for Russia than Israel. USA is the “power behind the throne”. Zionists and neocons may manipulate that power but it is better for Russia to make an effort to separate Israel from the West. You catch more flies with honey.
If SCO becomes strong enough to offer meaningful security guarantees and Israel also has an opportunity to participate in lucrative economic opportunities in Eurasia then Israel might be enticed to end it’s belligerent manipulation of US. It may require a new generation of leadership in Israel before that happens. Russia-China are playing long games.
Posted by: Jackrabbit
So you run around spouting your hatred for Putin because he does not proclaim himself world policeman and and does not crap on about R2P. As he has said, he is not anybodies friend. He is the president of the Russian federation.
In this video I linked earlier, he plainly states his position on Israel.
Like it or not Putin recognizes and operates within International law and Russian law, and respects UN recognized borders. Putin, all the time he has been President has operated on the principle of evolution not revolution. He is not about to change now.
Posted by: Peter AU 1 | May 11, 2018
The more the elite can rile the public with fear and anger against others the better their chances of manipulating events to their ends……at least that is their plan and I am not seeing white flags yet.
Yes, we are in the middle of a watershed event for humanity where the real issue of whether a small elite continue to control the tools of finance is being fought as a battle between Israel et al and the rest of the world through Syria/Iran/??? That the issues are so intertwined and so misunderstood by the public is a human travesty that I attribute to brainwashing by the Western media.
The good thing about this situation is that we are in it because the old way is breaking down all around us and energy abounds for supporting structural change. For someone who has been watching and waiting for 40+ years, I am DAMN happy to see such an opportunity for human growth present itself in my lifetime.
Posted by: psychohistorian | May 11, 2018
I’ll add a few other things that may or may not be of interest:
‘Who we are, why we’re digging: Team probing Syrian war & Skripal poisoning case reveal all’, the UK working group on Syria, propaganda, and media, via RT (with this video, 9:26)
Tragically, from RT: ‘Israeli airstrikes hit north Gaza Strip (VIDEO)’, 12 May, 2018
“The explosions come soon after the IDF shut down the Gaza border crossing on Saturday after it was damaged by Palestinian demonstrators during a wave of recent Great March of Return protests.
The IDF spox for the ‘most moral army in the world’ on Twitter justifies it over…and over.
‘The Simple Truth of Vladimir Putin’s Diabolical Plan’, Phil Butler, April 27,
(cross-posted from café babylon)

Too Many Quotes, but My Opinion
Russia/Putin does not consider Israel an enemy, so it is doing its best not to involve itself directly in the Syrian/Israeli confrontation.
Russia is well aware that they, in effect, kicked the USA's/Israel's ass in the current conflict. Israel did not strike anywhere near Russian forces. Russian forces are now patroling around southern Damascus, in areas Syrian forces days ago recaptured from ISIS.
After cleaning up ISIS in southern Damascus, the finale of which is probably a week or less away, Syrian forces (with Russian help) will be able to concentrate in one of two areas--north in the Idlib province, which is where ISIS (backed by the USA) is strongest and near where Turkey is making its forays into Syria in order to keep a Kurdish state from forming.
The second choice of where to focus is southern Syria, near Israel and Jordan, where if Syria recaptures that, all Israeli hopes of making gains in Syria will disappear.
Eventually, Syria will focus on and recapture both areas, and USA ambitions will be relegated to the deserts in the east of Syria, primarily dominated by Kurds.
Russia knows this is how it will play out long-term (i.e., over the next year or so), unless something dramatic changes such as the USA moves thousands of troops into the area.
There is no need to heavily defend against Israel or antagonize them. If Israel moves into Syria in force, Hezbollah in Lebanon will attack them with thousands of rockets/missiles as far south as Tel Aviv. Three years ago, Israeli ground forces were unable to defeat Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, and Israel does not want to face that again. Also, Israel would face the Syrian Tiger force, which is large and extremely experienced in fighting, and frightfully effective.
Israel might pull off a win, but probably with tens of thousands of casualties. If they lost, Israel would suffer badly showing itself not able to stand up to Lebanon or Syria. (Think of how other Arab/Persian states would view that.)
In my view, Putin is extremely smart and long-term thinking. He was invited in by Assad (the legal Syrian government) to help--no potential for war crimes there. He is giving a lot of rebels the chance to surrender, give up their weapons and go home. In facet, 4,000 former rebels last week were re-incorporated into the Syrian army (a new division there). Very humane (as far as war goes) treatment.
The end goal is to deny the USA and Europe influence in the area, and to show that forces backed by Russians are as good as or better than any Israeli/USA-backed forces.
Edit to add: Israel is not an enemy of Russia, and Putin is keeping his focus on the long-term game. There is remarkably little Israel or the USA can do as the situation stands, without dramatic escalation.
The first thing Assad is doing, with help from Russian forces, is to re-establish water and electricity to the areas and cities that Syrian forces recapture. The population is very happy with this.
Compare with Puerto Rico and see how far we've fallen (morally, ethically) as a country.
thanks for the good analysis,
and sorry to have harshed your mellow w/ bringing too many comments. i'd simply thought they might lead to folks seeing the answer to the question, and taking peeks into the links to make their cases.
No mellow harshed! I just read through the first 7 or so and then my brain couldn't hold anymore info!
Added an edit at the end of my first comment above.
i'll add this essay by Sayed Hasan
at, may 12, which he deconstructs the IDF narrative of the recent strikes on syria, but he includes this:
“What about Russia? Netanyahu’s presence in Moscow for the commemoration of the 73rd anniversary of the USSR’s victory against Nazism, and [reuters] reports that Russia would not deliver the S-300s to Syria, must not mislead us. Russia has invested far too much in Syria to allow anyone – be it Washington, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, or Ankara – to reduce its efforts to nothing. Moscow said it would no longer tolerate Western strikes against Syria in case of a new chemical weapons masquerade, and that it is ready to provide Damascus not necessarily with the S-300 anti-aircraft system, but, according to Sergei Lavrov, with “whatever is required to help the Syrian army to deter aggression.”
The current Syrian defense systems have already proven their worth – including the Pantsir, which is much more suited to the needs of the Syrian army – and allow us to envision the day when Israel loses its only advantage, namely air supremacy. That already was to no avail in 2006 against Hezbollah or 2014 against Gaza, without which its supposedly “invincible” ragtag army would literally crumble. Israel’s use of ground-to-ground missiles for the first time, and the concentration of attacks on Syrian anti-aircraft defenses – IDF released the video of the destruction of a Pantsir S-1 system, probably inactive – proves that it is well aware of its limitations.” [snip]
“It is obvious that Israeli aggressions against Syria will be increasingly costly, both for the Israeli air force and for its internal military bases and population, because of the determination of Syria and its allies (Hezbollah and Iran) to respond to any aggression, of their experience and new capabilities, and of their successes on the ground. The Resistance Axis – of which Russia is not a part – is now able to face Israel directly on its own, with a united front and without fear of escalation. As for Israel, already overwhelmed by the peaceful demonstrations in Gaza that must culminate on May 15, it is not ready for war against a single member of the Resistance Axis, let alone against several of them simultaneously. The new equation imposed by the Syrian army on May 10 is more fearsome for Israel than the prospect of the loss of another F-16, as Damascus has shown its determination to wage war on enemy territory, and to strike the Zionist entity in its depth.
The Resistance Axis will soon have its eyes fixed on the occupied Golan...” and the whys and illegalities of that occupation.
As a long time Putin watcher
I can say that first and foremost, Putin looks to the advancement and security of Russia.
Firing missiles into Israel as a response to Israel's aggression against Iranian assets in Syria would not accomplish anything other than giving the American war-hawks a casus beli to increase their aggression against Syria AND Russia in retaliation. I believe that the recent Israeli strikes were a warning against Putin supplying the Syrians with the more advanced S-300 missiles. But Putin got something extremely valuable in return. Netanyahu stood alongside Putin during the Victory Day parade demonstrating Russian military might.
Here is what Netanyahu said: “It is difficult for me to describe to you the depth of my impression from that moving ceremony to mark the victory over Nazism. We in Israel do not forget for a moment the great sacrifice of the Russian people and the Red Army in the victory over the Nazi monster. Sitting next to me, between us, was a veteran who was among the liberators of Auschwitz. We will never forget the meaning of your sacrifice, of those soldiers, along with the half a million Jewish soldiers in the Red Army, in ensuring the fate of Russia, of humanity and of our people, the Jewish people.”
Take note that Israel has not expelled any Russian diplomats nor have they imposed sanctions on Russia. In fact the reverse is true - The Resumption of Russia-Israel Free Trade Talks Proves “Ties Are Fantastic”. Implications for Syria?
How many neocon brains in the US are now exploding? Nicki Haley's brain must be ringing like a bell from the cogitative dissonance. Her adored Israeli leader threw her rabid desire for more Russian sanctions under the bus.
Whenever Putin makes a move or decision, he thinks like a Judo master. He consistently uses his adversary's strengths and weakness to his advantage. No other leader in the world has fought against the massive attacks his country has suffered and come out ahead of the game despite the overwhelming odds he faced.
commenters don bacon and karlov1 agree in spades w/ you
that russia's security and advancement come first. fascinating account of what bibi said, and while i'm not into military parades, the soviet death toll fighting the nazis is estimated at from 20-26 million, and yet on the 70th anniversary of VE day...obomba never once mentioned their part in the war. quite the thuggish snub.
thanks for the rest, gotta rush for now; pasta's boiling over.
on edit: your korbyko link was interesting, guess bidness is bidness. the phil butler link i'd added included this:
"In the early 2000s, Vladimir Putin was running a country almost destroyed by corruption, foreign interventions, and pirates bent on privatizing anything of value for western investors. The advance of the globalist doctrine had reached the borders of the country; wars were brewed in former Soviet republics where regime changes and color revolutions were not working. The notorious Russian mob, the Israeli mob, anybody inside the country that could be bought by western pirates was taking a bite from the Russian legacy. Putin stepped in and sorted it out. Putin did not sell Russia out. This was a capital crime.
Later in the decade, Vladimir Putin proposed an initiative known as the “Vladivostok to Lisbon” protocol. The plan was for one gigantic Eurasian market worth tens of trillions of dollars. The plan was for a full and fair integration of Russia within the global context. Only the plan made Russia an integral partner rather than a network of small banana republics like Yugoslavia became. The Putin plan would have assured almost unbreakable cooperation, prosperity, and peace. But the suggestion of such a thing to the existing world order was a heinous crime."
iran of course must be demonized since it's the key to OBOR (mackinder heartland) eurasia plan. 'wipe israel off the face of the map'? most scholars say ahmedinejad had never said that.
but remember, too, syria's a big deal because of the oil in the NW, and russia's warm water port (tarsus?)
there are also economic alliance russia's making that are cringe-worthy for me, esp. the nationalist hindu modi.
back later, so many weekend chores are piling up, and i'm sooooo slow by now.
From your link
A 'Find on this page' search...
of 'Daraa' or 'Golan' produced 0 hits throughout the entire post, yet they are the key to understanding this whole episode.
The Syrians are well into their end game operations in other core areas, mopping up the last ISIS elements and either repatriating or bussing out other rebels.
The Syrian have saved the Daara area until late precisely because the area is the most sensitive geopolitically. If WWIII is going to start anywhere, it will start next door on the Golan Heights.
Now that it's finally Daara's turn, the last thing the Syrian Army needs while fighting house to house against dug in dead ender Takfiris is Israeli tanks taking pot shots at them from the Heights.
Bibi is using this tactical leverage in the Golan as a bargaining chip to prevent Russian deployment of the strategic S-300 systems. But Putin doesn't care. He is playing the long game. He schmoozes Bibi and gives him a deployment delay in exchange for a cease fire agreement that buys time for the Syrians to retake a vital part of their country. Not a bad deal IMO.
Meanwhile, Putin also lets the Israelis, Syrians, and Iranians test out a few fireworks on uninhabited areas, and after the show, everybody goes back to conniving and scheming in (relative) peace.
Once Syria's internal security issues are taken care of, maybe then Putin revisits the external issues the S-300 are designed to cope with.
Until then, no rush...
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
dunno what page you'd searched, but...
sayed hasan's column mentions golan, but i didn't want to include the whole very long paragraph. but agreed, both putin/lavrov and china play the long game.
i wonder if given the fact that all of you know why putin is of this mindset, if i should just pull the post and make room for others?
Absolutely Not!
Your OP and the comments have been very enlightening and appreciated.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Couldn't agree more if you cloned me.
Lots of gold to potentially be found in comments, depending on readership, and those included within this fascinating essay were shiny indeed.
My compliments from the peanut gallery to the essay author and her discerning selective abilities.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The longer Putin can prevent global conflict between
the superpowers, the stronger Russia becomes and the weaker America becomes. China is also playing the long game. Sometimes it pays off in the long term to give an adversary more rope.
Novichok now available as a cocktail in Russia
Za vstrechu!
I have no idea if this is true.
However it would not surprise me one bit.
Blink, blink, blink, blink.
thanks, I think that's the only comment I fully understood
whom did you address it to?
Long term strategy - let your opponents isolate themselves
with their own behavior. Show the pattern to the world.
These strategic lessons for children have not been watered down Eurasia. Chicken Little would never of had a sequel - all the followers who overreacted and blindly believed the narrative without investigating were killed in the first telling of the story.
Eventually the call for help is not investigated and simply ignored.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
And why does the production of a Chicken Little movie
on the basis that 'the sky is really falling this time' make me wonder if the CIA is yet again using all-too-complicit Hollywood to suggest to the carefully disinformed that - in RL - even though, so far, everything out of the warmongering-for-austerity-for-the-cannon-fodder-people US (edit: and British, etc.) PTB may have been manipulative lies, this time is completely different and the propaganda cannot be safely discounted as more manipulative lying to manufacture public consent for that global domination thing which a relative few of the guys have been working on for pretty much the past century?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
lots of new (Russia/Syria) links bookmark - n/t
@CB - yes, unfortunately our German Foreign Minister was not
as smart as Netanyahu. I wonder if ever a German politician went to Moskau as a visitor to that yearly parade. What would have happened if Maas had expressed his regrets for all the suffering of Russian soldiers during wwII due to Hitler's invasion. Just a thought that came to my mind...
Germany's Heiko Maas urges Russia to change its ways
I just don't know what Maas was thinking. He seems to be too young for his job. I thought his remarks were not necessary or helpful. Too bad.
Merkel went in 2010
and viewed the parade. She also went in 2015 but just laid a wreath with Putin on the 10th.
Whatever the reason, Putin seeks stability.
It seems Putin's biggest goad is stability. He didn't send large numbers of troops into the Ukraine. He opposed the bombing of Libya. He said the decision going into Syria was not to save Assad, but to save the Syrian state and avoid Libya. In fact, Putin proposed to the UN Security Council early in the "civil war" a plan to move Assad aside to stop the conflict. It was rejected.
West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
Exclusive: Senior negotiator describes rejection of alleged proposal – since which time tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced.
This was according Finnish Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari.
So I can only figure Putin has made hard decisions which go toward avoiding outright war in Syria.
Just pure speculation but maybe Putin got Bibi to oppose a full invasion of Syria by the US and in return let Isreal take pot shots at Iranians in Syria. I think the neocons were slowly building up to having a full US invasion of Syria.
Maybe it has to do with Russian politics
Why would Putin want to involve Russia in the same quagmire in which the US has been mired for the last 15 years? I think the Soviet occupation of Afghanastan was a big part in bringing down the USSR. The Russian people, I'm sure, have memories of that.
Beware the bullshit factories.
It's exciting to see so many scenarios in one place.
And it's good to see thoughtful analyses within our own group. Among my old favorites is Don Bacon, always worthwhile, but I was particularly impressed by psychohistorian, who lent contour and context to the particular issue being discussed, which has been isolated out of a much larger process:
My analytic discipline is to retrace all the way back to the triggering action of the conflict while remaining mindful of the overarching driver of this era — the global quest for supreme wealth amid diminishing resources.
Missing from the analyses above, I noticed right away, is mention of the considerable participation in these affairs by the world's greatest strategic operative, China. Russia's entire forbearance, after all, is enabled by China.
The triggering event in the greater Middle East conflict, in my view, is the pipeline dilemma:
In order to supply Europe's energy needs, Syria would permit only the Islamic Pipeline from Iran to cross its lands. Syria, acting as a sovereign state in protecting its own best interests and that of its allies, was an affront to Saudi Arabia and thus, was a threat to the PetroDollar. The Saudis demanded that the US undertake its extermination of the Shia branch of Islam in the Middle East. This demand aligned with Israel's security goals, which from the beginning was to "kill" every single challenger to the lands it appropriated. This demand resonated with Europe's need for resource security and it fulfilled the multinational oil corporations hunger for nationalized oil. Above all, acceding to the demand would secure US Dollar hegemony throughout the world.
Thus, the 21st century wars began and the oil flows of Russia and Iran were sanctioned and blocked or subverted, as in the case of Ukraine. Syria's oil was stolen by Turkey and sold to Israel.
However, in the background, the Dragon inexorably rose. I won't enumerate the many ways that China has forever changed the balance of everything in the world, including the balance of power. I will merely fast-forward to the present and point out that Iran's Islamic pipeline is now being diverted to China, which has pulled the picnic blanket out from under the Western warrior's lunch. Syria is able to negotiate the building of the Qatar-Sunni pipeline in exchange for the return of its sovereignty.
This solves many practical problems, but it does not satisfy Israel or the Saudis call for Shia extermination. Nor does it change the larger US goal of crushing China and Russia to stop the rise of Eurasia so that the US Empire can be crowned Supreme Ruler of all Nations in the Entire World.
The needless carnage sponsored by the West is a spectacle that the world gets to watch, while their future of their individual sovereignity hangs in the balance. But like psychohistorian, above, "I am DAMN happy to see such an opportunity for human growth present itself in my lifetime."
mr. wd and i had the mother's day from hell yesterday,
and were struck speechless and almost breathless in black hole horror about mid-day. i'll spend some time trying to find my center again, and be back if i
meanwhile, larry long's version of the navajo beauty way song; i can sure use it; perhaps y'all can too. sign. yes, it's already bringing tears, which just wouldn't come yesterday.
Sending hugs and sympathy, for whatever that's worth...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
both are worth a hella lot,
and i thank you for them. i left one final (?) comment at the end. and i hope you listened to the larry long short version of the beauty way chant; it's sublime, as is...he. when i smudge my list of family and friends at night in absentia w/ sweet grass smoke, that's what i chant for them and myself.
President Putin is staying disciplined and focused on the goal
Defeating terrorism and creating a stable unified Syria is the goal. When I see him do something or fail to do something that compromise that I will criticize him. Right now the SAA is winning very convincingly. Consider that the destruction of Syria was the goal of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and previously Turkey that was a mighty big alliance, and they are being defeated. The Alliance put a huge amount of effort into this with recruitment, training, arming and paying monthly salaries to the militants. Even ISIS was seen as a useful tool. Syria and Russia have seen the huge stores of weapons from those countries, including Eastern Europe, in areas controlled by militants. There was a huge propaganda effort from Western media to portray Assad as a brutal tyrant and to convince that Russia's task was impossible right from the beginning of their involvement, see NYT.
The situation with Israel is tricky. However, Israel stayed away from Russian and Syrian assets. Israel is a good ally of Russia, they have visa free travel policy. Israel's concern is its security from Iran and Hezbollah. I read the attack as a statement that Israel accepts Assad's success and the unification of Syria (probably without the Golan Heights), but will not put up with Israel's enemies using Syria as a military base. If this is the final solution then Assad and Putin will feel that they have accomplished their goals. In the meanwhile, Israel the US and Saudi Arabia look more and more like war criminal nations. Turkey is much harder to read in all of this.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
thank you all for continuing the discussion.
after two days of trying to heal my psycho-spiritual self, i finally found a little bit of steam to answer the few comments at the café, but most, not all, concern the hideous reactions to the 60 gazans murdered by the IDF while the zionists parade their ignominy at the 'embassy dedication'. bill van auken called them out the best. please feel free to come read if you'd like.
there's just no way i can answer comments here now that i' soooo far behind. (and i'm still arguing with the nice man on my fave meditation video, to boot, arrggh
on edit: i'd wanted to tell pluto that psychohistorian is one of my faves as well, ad when i asked him long ago if he were the same as a former naked capitalism commenter, he said yes, and close to: 'i wasn't a good fit there'. yay-uss, i'd imagine so. don bacon i knew back in josh marshall's tpm café days, which he closed when we got (ahem) too feisty for him v. his desire to get msm gigs. same thing happened at firedoglake, really. but he's another anti-imperialist, anti-zionist peach.