DCCC Delenda Est

This may be premature, but this classic exclamation has been getting repeated at Naked Capitalism. In today's Water-cooler section for example, under the heading Realignment and Legitimacy:

“Bernie Sanders Camp Says Ending Superdelegate ‘Debacle’ Key to Defeating Trump in 2020” [Newsweek link]. “[Nina] Turner, who took over [Jeff] Weaver’s post at Our Revolution in June, said ‘re-establishing faith’ among Democrats will be key if the party wants a shot at turning out voters in 2020 and defeating President Donald Trump. ‘We have to show voters—registered Democrats as well as independent voters who lean our way—that we recognize our faults and our failings and that we’re willing to correct them,’ Turner said. ‘We’re saying to millions of voters that the process is open, and we’ll commit to a more robust debate and contest than we had in 2016.” DCCC delenda est.

(the DCCC must be destroyed)

The evil forces controlling the Democratic party still exist, but as a meaningful source of moral or political legitimacy for American voters the party no longer exists, to a large degree with assistance from the MSM. Let me add, that as a source of journalism that matters, American Media Delenda Est.

I have been expecting the Political Overton Pendulum to swing back to sanity and it just keeps swinging further towards Insanity. A recent Counterpunch article describes the continuing American decline into madness, While America Feuds, The American Police State Shifts Into High Gear explains what we have lost:

Free speech, the right to protest, the right to challenge government wrongdoing, due process, a presumption of innocence, the right to self-defense, accountability and transparency in government, privacy, press, sovereignty, assembly, bodily integrity, representative government: all of these and more have become casualties in the government’s war on the American people.

The role of the MSM and political parties:

There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; a culture-death is a clear possibility.”

— Professor Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Discourse in the Age of Show Business

And how the con works:

It’s the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

Indeed, while mainstream America has been fixated on the drama-filled reality show being televised from the White House, the American Police State has moved steadily forward.

Set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches, roving VIPR raids and the like—all of which have been sanctioned by Congress, the White House and the courts—our constitutional freedoms have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded.

Can Fox News rescue journalism? From an Esquire article, Neil Cavuto of—Wait for It—Fox News, Just Called Trump Out on His 'Fake News' Critiques

When you know what the truth is, but purposefully say the opposite, that is known as a lie. Yet most Mainstream Outlets struggled to come to grips with this. The nation's Papers of Record and major TV news organizations called it a "contradiction," or merely pointed out the president's previous denials.

Cavuto came this close to telling the truth:

The Fox News Channel. Neil Cavuto broke out a monologue for the president that stopped short of calling his Position Reversals "lies" ("Now, I’m not saying you’re a liar," Cavuto said. "You’re the president. You’re busy.")

There are rampant signs that huge percentages of voters across the political spectrum are fed up with the Corporate Duopoly. Widespread revolts, strikes and demonstrations are spreading the message and waking more Americans up every day.

It is still an open question whether we cross the tipping point with some sort of watershed event or continue America's current path to climatic or nuclear Armageddon. With no help from the MSM or the Duopoly all we can do is keep on waking more people up by taking it to the streets.

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Meteor Man's picture

I don't know if this will be a watershed event, but it has promise. From Counterpunch, Fighting Back In The War on The Poor

If “the economy” can recover without real people recovering, then whose economy is it really?

What can we do about all this? The first thing we can do is to change our mentality, and drop the shame and stigma that’s associated with not being able to make ends meet.

The second thing that we can do is to connect with others. A new Poor People’s Campaign is being organized to fight back against the war on the poor today, and it’s coming to over 30 states — including mine and maybe yours — this spring. To learn more, check out Poor People's Campaign.org.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Wink's picture

People's Campaign /SignUp
@Meteor Man
event this past Sunday. I "signed up."
They're in it to win it. To win America's hearts and minds.
It's a six week blitz to catch fire, then let the momentum take over.
I expect it to win.
What was surprising to me, though, was "they" (the leadership) have every intention of getting arrested, and will make that happen. The presenter asked those in attendance (about 20 of us) if any would join them in getting arrested? A few hands went up. I thought arrests were organic, but turns out it's a tactic. "No arrests, no press" was how it was presented.
Whatever.... I suspect in six weeks we'll be looking at a more energized America.
And from there, who knows. Could be bigly though! I expect it to be.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Meteor Man's picture


What was surprising to me, though, was "they" (the leadership) have every intention of getting arrested, and will make that happen. The presenter asked those in attendance (about 20 of us) if any would join them in getting arrested? A few hands went up. I thought arrests were organic, but turns out it's a tactic. "No arrests, no press" was how it was presented.

That got my attention too Wink. That's a problem for me because I'm on parole for a trumped up felony vandalism charge as a result of my Occupy L.A., Skid Row and Black Lives Matter political activism. Probably gonna have to watch this from the nosebleed seats.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Wink's picture

And, he did say,
@Meteor Man
of course, that it was strictly voluntary. Getting arrested, that is. All cities and towns are different, but in Albany, NY, the D.A. believes strongly in the First Amendment and, while one Will get docked for Disturbing the Peace (or some such), if one minds their Ps and Qs for six months it disappears from ones record. And the presenter said he's been busted before the six months is up, and it still disappears, the D.A. just can't be bothered with such frivolity.
So, one can participate in the marches, demonstrations, protests. Just stay near the back of the crowd if you have no plans of being arrested. And, he said, the arrest procedure could take 2-3 or 4 hours even (depending how many are arrested), so if one has med issues don't get arrested. In Albany the coppers even ask, "are you in the group that expects to be arrested," not wishing to arrest those that aren't. One lady replied, "I could be," and was arrested (for being stupid, apparently). So, just answer "no." Kinda like Mayberry RFD in Albany, but they see events of one sort or another two, three days a week, so... just another day there.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Meteor Man

That's a problem for me because I'm on parole for a trumped up felony vandalism charge as a result of my Occupy L.A., Skid Row and Black Lives Matter political activism. Probably gonna have to watch this from the nosebleed seats.

Now you know how us bedridden folks feel! Smile

My street protesting days have ended. (One needs reliable legs for that and that's exactly what I don't have.) So your lawyers tell you to stick to the nosebleed seats while my doctors tell me the same thing. Sigh.....

Fortunately, the Poor People's Campaign are mostly theistic folks, built as they are on Dr. Martin Luther King Junior's faith-based backbone. So what I do have in abundance -- prayers and time to pray them -- are welcomed!

As for "no arrests, no press", perhaps my experiences with the Rocky Flats protests in the late 1970s might offer something. IMHO, the PPC needs to hold rallies which are fully legal to attend. (Dr. King often did this in supportive Churches.) The bigger such rallies are, the less able local news media (and non-Sinclair internationals like BBC and Al-Jazeera) will be to pass up coverage.

(I got much of my info on Bernie Sanders' rallies from BBC World News Service.)

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

mimi's picture

@Wink @Wink @Wink (corrected mistakes)
arrests were and probably are staged. They have been so since at least eight to ten years. The more famous (celebrity value) the people, who accept the arrests are, the better the 'media' effects.

These arrests are accepted because they were no 'dangerous' arrests. If you accept them several times as many have done (Dr. Cornel West comes to mind), you get to pay fines and there are some (increasing the more you accept those arrests) repercussions to those who accept. On the 'meetings to inform the demonstrators before they go and march about the risks involved', you can learn all about it, ie who can be 'safely' arrested and who can't. They explain that to you, thank God for that too. I have been in those two or three times, but mostly forgot the details, because I was among the group who never could be arrested safely.

For example one of those arrests always happen either in front of the White House fence or in front of the Capitol steps. There are a couple of yards in the middle of the White House fence, where you are not allowed to stand, no matter what. The same is true for the steps on the stairs leading up to the Capitol. One method of 'trigger a media effective arrest' by demonstrators is, to purposefully place yourself in the 'forbidden yards' at the White House fence or walking up a couple of the steps of the Capitol 'staircase'. It has been done over and over again and was the preferred method to demonstrate.

The police arrests the folks (our cameras rolling) and are released at a later point, paying fines and being bunked for a day or two. It's a sacrifice to accept the arrests and the folks who did repeatedly have all my respect. But one should see the effect in context.

I don't think today it would be still the same. The police today, I assume, wouldn't participate in those 'demonstration plays' anymore. It's just a guess. I am away from all of it since four years. I wished I would be there to see it in real time. Without it, sitting in my German cage right now, it all is blurred and vague and I have no clue of what is really happening. It feels like the difference between a 'meet-up' and getting to know your online friend in person and knowing them online in their anonymity only. That's the way I feel reading and watching news just online from far away.

I expect that the police guns down anyone they want. You have now an established fachist police state. It's over.

I still respect and believe it is the only way to demonstrate to make an impact, but its long term effect is limited. I wouldn't want to miss anything Dr. Cornel West had said. But it's clear that the demonstrations were of the kind that are 'inside the system' and what we have today is the opposite of what we hoped to achieve. You have to demonstrate outside the system.

Just my two cents. YMMV.

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Wink's picture

or less "staged."
For the cameras. That was all explained, as were your other thoughts. It's why they require your signature. They don't want anyone going in blind, want everyone well informed on what's what and the potential ramifications. Just so happens, in Albany at least, "arrests" are no big deal, there are no or minor fines, and the entire arrest process generally takes 2-4 hours.
I have no problem with that setup, and if we have a more local event (within an hour drive) I plan on attending. Their presentation of their plans was 3.5 hours long, and a good hour or more was spent on "the law" part of it, what was expected and what was not. They're well prepared and I thought did a good job of preparing attendees of their upcoming events. I fully expect their six week blitz to be a success, in terms of national exposure and "signing people up," and after that remains to be seen. But this effort can only help progressive candidates efforts. I don't see the Red Team jumping on this bandwagon. And if The Left had started organizing for this same kind of effort six months ago or a year ago, "we" would find ourselves in the same situation: trained and loaded for bear with a six week blitz campaign to get people off their dead asses and in MeetUps from sea to shining sea. Imagine what That could accomplish! But we're all too busy in our own little groups..... too divided to accomplish squat. So, I suspect and expect Poor People's Campaign will do some of that heavy lifting for us if nothing else.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mimi's picture


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thanatokephaloides's picture


So, I suspect and expect Poor People's Campaign will do some of that heavy lifting for us if nothing else.

50 years ago, they did it all!

I'm talking about under Dr. Martin Luther King Junior and his immediate successors.

And more power to them! Then, now, and always!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Meteor Man's picture

So I'm back over at Counterpunch, wading through their long list of weekend articles and I stumble across this: Wake Up To Trump, Distraction and War With Iran

Will enough American people, including knowledgeable retired national security and military officials, stand up to stop this slide toward another conflagration that will likely produce blowback in the U.S.?

The same problem, fighting the MSM/Duopoly propaganda machine.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture

After the DNC was shown to have rigged the primary and then sued, they showed absolutely no remorse for doing so.. in fact they doubled down by telling the judge that they did not have to remain faithful to their bylaws. Now we see how the DCCC has been telling candidates that they don't like to drop out.

Now why would anyone think that they won't rig the next election? Has anyone who messed with the voting rolls been outed or charged for doing that? The DNC admits that they don't have to run a fair campaign. Then there's what the democrats have been doing to resist Trump. They haven't been as far as I can tell.

Then there's what the DP stands for. Pretty much everything but helping main stream Americans.

The evil forces controlling the Democratic party still exist, but as a meaningful source of moral or political legitimacy for American voters the party no longer exists, to a large degree with assistance from the MSM. Let me add, that as a source of journalism that matters, American Media Delenda Est.

Let's reframe this shall we?

What can we do about all this? The first thing we can do is to change our mentality, and drop the shame and stigma that’s associated with not being able to make ends meet.

The first thing that needs to be done is for people to stop belittling people who are poor and gutting whatever funding they get.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Meteor Man's picture

I fully expect the DP to continue following Corporate Hillarybot tactics into the midterms, very possibly blowing up the Blue Wave and failing to retake the House. Hopefully the DP tactics will wake more voters up going in to 2020. I've seen some predictions that Trump could actually win in 2020 if the DP stays the Centrist/New Dem course.

Bernie has promoted the Federal Job Guarantee Bill and The Democratic Socialists of America are also making a big ideological splash in some states. It's also possible that enough progressive Dems win to form a powerful voting bloc with the Congressional Black Caucus. There is still hope.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

snoopydawg's picture

@Meteor Man

will we not see a repeat of 2006? I thought about that election today when I read how congress has to vote against Gina because she was the torture queen. I'm not sure what the democrats could have done when they did take the house, but if they had tried "to roll back the Bush abuses as they ran on, would Gina be given the chance to rule the CIA? I do know though that Obama's justice department could have brought charges against her and the others who committed war crimes.

The only one who went to prison for torture in America was the guy who blew the whistle on it! Difi is saying that Gina has changed since her torturing days. I'm sure that some people who committed murder decades ago have changed too, but if they are caught they still have to face a trial. The statue of limitations doesn't run out on war crimes. Just ask the 95 year old Nazis that Israel runs down.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Meteor Man's picture


will we not see a repeat of 2006?

That's why genuine change requires an historic watershed event. More voters in both parties are seeing through the Kleptocracy B.S. Both parties are seriously imploding and self destructing for lots of reasons. Unless we get a Bernie type President AND a cooperative Congress America and civilization are doomed.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

TheOtherMaven's picture

Between Tammany Hall, ward heelers, the city Machines, and Superdelegates, I don't think they ever have and I don't think they ever will. Once or twice we got lucky in spite of all that.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

thanatokephaloides's picture


When did the Dem party *ever* run a clean campaign?

When did either party ever run a clean campaign? In the 1920s and 1930s, it was an openly discussed fact that machine politics, ward heelers, and the boss system of La Cosa Nostra were standard operating procedure in both parties, and had been such essentially since the end of Reconstruction in 1870.

For more such shenannigans on the GOP side, read up on the machinations behind the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt to the Vice Presidency under McKinley. Hillary Clinton would recognize a kindred soul in Boss/Senator Thomas Collier Platt! Smile

Wikipedia has this to say regarding said skulduggery:

Platt reluctantly supported Theodore Roosevelt's candidacy for Governor of New York in 1898, in the immediate aftermath of Roosevelt's fame leading the Rough-Riders in the Spanish–American War earlier that year. Once elected, Governor Roosevelt was independently minded, and crusaded against machines and corruption. In response, Platt sought a way to "shelve" Roosevelt so that a more compliant Governor could be installed in his place. President William McKinley's original vice president had died in office, leaving a place on the ticket to fill before the 1900 election. At the 1900 Republican National Convention, Platt and President McKinley's political ally Mark Hanna proposed to get Roosevelt out of Platt's way in New York by nominating him for vice president. Roosevelt was chosen by acclamation, played a major part in McKinley winning re-election, and became president in September 1901 after McKinley was assassinated in office.

Wikipedia's source

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Alligator Ed's picture

meaningful, high level prosecutions occur soon and long sentences for crime will be dispensed. What does the two-tier justice system do for democracy (small d)? It undermines it. The big players know the rules--no recrimination other than words. No prison. No forfeiture of ill-gained wealth. No reason to not repeat previous odious acts. Maybe a small, soon-forgotten publicity scar.

The lesson is to continue what evil is being done, ever more brazenly. The model is thus set for the entire government at all levels: bering corrupt is not only permissible, it is encouraged.

A possible turning point will be when Hillary and company get long sentences and maybe a stiff rope.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

If so, what sites do you visit?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Website for Q posts, up to the minute: Qanon.pub

Here are some research tools:

The best interpreters: with so many on YouTube, and elsewhere, this is a difficult task.
The most thoughtful interpretations come from prayingmedic and seething frog. The former goes through Q posts line by line and does his own excellent research into many items which take quite a bit of digging to reveal. Seething from does not go over the updates line by line but delivered his opinions based on the posts, while not quoting the posts.

Other good interpreters include Citizens investigative Report. Jerome Corsi is a rambling waste of time, even though he gets around to some good stuff.

Hope that helps


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@Alligator Ed thanks, I still visit and download some of George's vids too. I really like these guys decoding and spinning the background threads together, trying to make sense of the story. Great entertainment, like watching a mystery on TV, with exactly the same results. Nobody important goes to prison, a couple of famous people get the shaft, nothing really changes. But it's fun!

--- bookmarks

HOPE DOPE omg I want DWS to be in prison with the Awans. Not Guantanamo, I mean real prison, like San Quentin for a while. No cell phones or laptops allowed. heh

I don't think Democrats are the answer to anything, they are a Dead Party walking. NOPE Nina NOPE. Ds might get more voters, but so what? Baby Ds will be consumed by the corrupt money machine, same as it ever was. It won't be long, we'll see.


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gulfgal98's picture

@eyo how George Webb is starting to be proven correct (or on the right track) by the Q posts. And no, George Webb is not Q or a part of the Q team. Q is someone very close to the President and is part of his administration. Actually it is not important exactly who Q is, but that he is close to the President. I have long thought that Q is Admiral Rogers or someone very near to Admiral Rogers.

Sometimes George can get caught up in the minutia and sometimes he is close but not correct with his working theories, but overall George has been correct about how deep this corruption is and how they make it work.

What's been happening at the highest levels of our government is treasonous. Globalists really do not care about country or the people in it.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

or one illness, accident, or weather event from being poor.
In the Land of Opportunity, it must be your fault for being so.
We are ingrained to blame the poor for their predicament. Shame on them. Ronald Reagan said so. Bootstraps. Pull harder.
NOBODY in government office wants to associate with those poors. They can't donate to campaigns, and they are societal pariahs.
Criminal convictions have to be disclosed on applications to rent an apartment. Or to attend a college. My law license would be snatched instantly.
I represented 3 KXL pipeline protesters pro bono, and the prosecutor was out to destroy their lives. If I had the wrong judge, it would have been a disaster. (They have a permanent arrest record, but no conviction.)
Some people are immune from the effects of a criminal record. Others never, ever recover from it.
This is a very tough going.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Meteor Man's picture

I just stumbled across this article courtesy of Buzzflash about Michelle Wolf's comedy routine at the WHCD How Do You Speak Politely To Evil?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

gulfgal98's picture

Jared and Elizabeth Beck's fraud lawsuit against the DNC is back on track. The judge is going to allow for oral arguments.

Jamarl Thomas talks about it in this video. The Democratic party must die. It cannot be reformed.


On another subject the Awan trial was postponed yet again. This trial is on the charges of bank fraud with Bill Clinton's personal attorney representing Imran Awan. There are still no changes against the Awans for spying on Congress.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@gulfgal98 thanks, I'm about half way through that vid and went looking for his hashtag... a c99 link comes right up, there is a jared-beck tag with some diaries from last year if you wanna keep it going. Funny how pissed I can still get about what a rip-off '16 was. Never again indeed. meh
So is Jared the one to be doing the oral arguments? That's what I originally started out searching for... to see if he loses his stuff and drops f-bombs everywhere in court. Man, that guy can swear. lol


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gulfgal98's picture

@eyo then things should heat up and hopefully there will be enough information to write an essay about. Yesterday was when I saw the announcement via Twitter. Jamarl Thomas posts multiple videas every day and was the first to post a video about the revival of the lawsuit.

The Becks have said on their Twitter account for the lawsuit that a date has not been set, but it will be in Atlanta.

The Becks are not wealthy and their law firm is small. I believe that they are doing this on a contingency basis. One of the interesting things that might come out of this lawsuit could be the closing of the DNC due to bankruptcy should they lose. That is just speculation on my part. For anyone who might be interested, here is the Beck's website which contains copies of documents previously filed.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy