Oppose torture? You must be sexist
I'm sexist. I know this because I think a woman who committed torture should be in jail.
I thought I was taking a moral stand (I think men who torture should also be in jail), but it turns out that I'm the bad guy.
Bashing Gina Haspel, nominated to be CIA director, for her role torturing captives may be deserved, but she should not be carrying that curse alone. What’s worse, because she’s a woman being fingered for something that was dreamed up by a gang of bad guys in Washington this could easily acquire the unpleasant odor of a sexist lynching.
Yep, all those men being nominated to be CIA director who tortured are getting a free ride.
Let's not get distracted by human rights from what matters: breaking glass ceilings.
She was a true pioneer. And so will be Gina Haspel, unless hypocritical Democrats sabotage her ascension to mollify their increasingly bloodthirsty base.Haspel is Donald Trump’s pick to be the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency (he does get them right, once in a blue moon). She is a 30-year C.I.A. veteran with an impeccable resume, including receiving the agency’s prestigious Intelligence Medal of Merit. There could hardly be anyone alive more qualified for the job. And, if confirmed, Haspel will be the first woman to lead an intelligence agency in our nation’s history. You’d think that fact alone would be cause for celebration for the party that, just one election cycle ago, made breaking glass ceilings a central part of the case for its presidential nominee...
It will be a shame if a different set of demagogues deprives another accomplished woman of an opportunity to achieve her dream, and little girls everywhere lose another chance to see a glass ceiling shatter.
Did you know that opposing a woman with an impeccable resume for torture makes you bloodthirsty? I didn't until today.
The real question here isn't the law. It's whether Haspel will "be held to a higher standard because she’s a woman?”
Once I got my mind right, everything else fell into place.
For instance, I thought I opposed Nancy Pelosi because she's a corrupt corporate shill.
It turns out I was just sexist.
Hey, stop beating up on Nancy Pelosi — your sexism is showing
The Sexist Roots of the "Nancy Pelosi Problem"
Is Nancy Pelosi unpopular because she’s a woman — or because she was speaker of the House?
I thought it was possible to feel strongly about things like human rights, government corruption, and universal values.
It turns out I was wrong.
There is only genitals, sexual orientation, and skin color. No one has any motivations other than those three things.
Thank Gawd that Haspel and Pelosi aren't black or I would be racist too.

I have no words.
Just loathing for these backstabbing totalitarians.
I have no mouth...and I must scream.
Admittedly, they pulled the same crap for Alberto Gonzales.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Yeah, because imperialism is SO much better
when a woman does it. Honestly, the entire 'Murican gubmint ought to be sent to the Hague at this point. They don't even represent us anyway.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I, for one, will laud the day when . . .
the first female and/or person of color Mafia dons arrive.
In fact, that will be a day almost as monumental as the day Obama was inaugurated. We will have truly made progress as a country.
We'd get a better deal from the Mafia
At least they take care of their "little people".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Great post gjohn but
I really believe the post on Splinter was a poor example of satire.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
There are satirical articles
on Splinter, but I honestly cannot for the life of me find the satire in this one.
If they were shooting at humor here, they missed wide.
yep, no satire in that article whatsoever to my foreign
non-native English speakers ears.
Will I be sexist, too?
If it ain't broke....
In the tortured (pun intended) minds of many a clever-by-half Paid Shill, yes, we are and always will be sexists of the highest order.
Here is the latest dilemma I face:
If I call for my Congresswoman, Elizabeth Esty (CT-5), to step down because this, should I go immediately to the mirror and confess my manifest sexism?
Is my intolerance for abject hypocrisy just an indication of this obvious personal defect?
Just wondering.
Gender & Identity Politics Rock!
Yep. That's a sure fire way to
winpiss off voters. It very well may provide cover to shift enough votes of Dim Congress critters to get her nomination approved.A related problem with dominating the media narrative: Media Hiring Right Wing Cranks
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I sure hope so
"Political correctness" has always been a befuddling term to me: It sounds like it should mean "that which is CORRECT to do and say in order to succeed in POLITICS", doesn't it? Yet, when I was growing up in the 1990s, it seemed somehow as though nothing was more "politically correct"...than to be "politically INcorrect!" Weird, huh?
Now, while I still don't grasp the roots of the term, I do at least have a sense what it really means:
"Political correctness" is a mentality defined by monomaniacal obsession with fighting bigotry of any sort, combined with a complete and utter failure to understand WHY BIGOTRY IS BAD.
I just hope it ends soon...this is one enemy I NEVER thought I'd have to take seriously. How did we beat it last time?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Gender and identity
politics is the way the establishment--or at least the "liberal" part of it--deflects legitimate criticism of its policies. It's a stratagem the rulers hide behind, in much the same way that anyone that criticizes Israel or Zionism is accused of being an "anti-Semite."
The people engaging in such deceitful strategies know exactly what they are doing. In fact, as I'm sure it should be obvious to everyone here,, it is not a mere coincidence that three different establishment media outlets are pushing the same talking point about criticism of female, establishment-approved criminals being motivated out of sexism at virtually the same time. This is part of co-ordinated campaign by the powers-that-be to shore up the neo-liberal/imperialistic order. It is as calculated and as cynical as they come. And the "presstitute" writers employed by these outlets--whores that they are--cooperate in furthering this strategy.
Oh, by they way, the "Daily Banter" is a POS site, that has its nose firmly planted within the butt cheeks of the Democratic Party establishment. It's been this way for years.
It's not meant to achieve "victory"
. . . defined as "electoral wins." It's a way to shore up support with brain-dead "liberals" so that they don't wake up and turn on the sociopaths in power.
The neoliberals don't really care about winning elections, as much as they care about preserving the privileges, power, and money they already have, and making sure no real morally-principled challengers succeed in dislodging them from positions of power, or ascending to positions of power.
"An impeccable resume"
I don't care how qualified she is, she is a war criminal. Period. Were there others who also tortured people? You betcha, but that doesn't mean that she should be rewarded for her role in it.
You’d think that fact alone would be cause for celebration for the party that, just one election cycle ago, made breaking glass ceilings a central part of the case for its presidential nominee...
Are there people who can actually overlook someone's war crimes just because she is a woman who needs to break the glass ceiling? Ugh! Identity politics is one of the stupidest ....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Why don't we meet them half-way through compromise?
How about, "A war criminal, with impeccable credentials?" (Kind of has a nice ring to it.
See, that way each "side" in this debate gets a boost.
Standing to pee and squatting to pee matter.
To fucking idiots.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Incidentally, I need a bit of help
I'm trying to publish my first thingie on here, but it's not working; one of the messages I get is "The status of the node could not be updated," whatever-the-hell that means.
I've tried multiple times now, and it doesn't seem to work; what might be wrong?
EDIT: Never mind, I made it work; I guess I just had to put in a delay of more than 1 minute before publishing for some reason.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I'm with you on this one too John.
I also think that the writer that penned this:
And the editor that let it stand, might well have some issues with women as well.
Man, the people that whore themselves out to the . . .
. . . establishment/corporate media as writers really must be a sorry lot. I guess the economy is so bad in terms of economic opportunities, that they are willing to bend over and take it up the a$$ for a lousy pay check. I'd like to think that I'd rather work at Denney's or Einstein Brothers than write the lies, half truths, and overall propaganda these pathetic examples of humanity are.
The west is so fucked, given the pathetic and ubiquitous nature of our propagandists, er, "journalists."
The public interest in this country has many menacing enemies--corporations, bought off politicians, the Deep State, the pro-Israel lobby, but none, I think is as dangerous as the corporate media. Lies, lies, lies, propaganda, lies, propaganda, all the time.
And here's the amazing thing: My elderly parents, when I try and enlighten them to the reality that they are being constantly lied to by outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, Time magazine, etc., refuse to believe that these outlets are bullshitting and manipulating them 24/7.
gjohnsit, you should be grateful not to be called an anti-semite
(edited for grammar mistakes)
ok, first my apologies for this subject title, too shocking, I know.
but before I came to read your article here, I happened to have clicked on a video, which I thought was a current one, but then detected it was from 2016. It was about Max Blumenthal running after a Rabbi (I think his name was David Shmuley), the Rabbi accusing Max Blumenthal of being an anti-semite, and Max Blumenthat asking the Rabbi, if Palestinians exists and the Rabbi being evasive and upset to counter. It was scene on a street, raw footage, unedited. (I try to find the video again, but can't).
(Oh, I found it again: 11 Tsd. Aufrufe - Max Bumenthal's Takedown Of Rabbi Shmuley)
Anyhow, watching it, I felt disgusted. There were women surrounding the Rabbi mocking and shouting at Max Blumenthal, and there were other guys and women surrounding Max Blumenthal, mocking and shouting at the Rabbi. What stuck with me, was, that everybody was laughing and having a 'good time' mocking, shouting, running with their microphones after each other. Everybody talking over the other. Apparently it was 'fun' for everybody.
Then I remembered a (to me shocking) exclamation my father once said when he was enervated about all of us in the family speaking over each other and too loudly, that we (his family members and adult children) are not in a "Judenschule" (jewish school), which brought the whole family immediately to a stand-still and silence. We had never heard an expression like that and didn't know there was a prejudice about Jewish folks loving discussions among each other apparently a lot. Loudly disagreeing and discussing things apparently was considered "a jewish thing" to Germans who grew up in the 1930ies and we all born during or after wwII didn't know about it. My father had this spontaneous frustrated exclamations in the mid 1990ies. And we (all adults in their fifties) were shocked about what he said and didn't know what to make out of it.
In any case, don't discuss anything too openly, don't discuss ME Israel-Palestine issues, don't be a Nazi, don't be an anti-semite, and when it comes to women, don't be a sexist, that's an order! (and this is bitter sarcasm from a German (be aware of me!) non-native English speaker).
So, when it comes to these racism and sexism charges, I just like to say this.
I love Nature documentaries, especially about the animal world. We have quite good ones (gorgeous camera work, awesome video editing skills on some I can watch here in Germany, real good productions). So, what I get out of it is that one thing you may not be able to influence is "sex drives (also called the urge to bang)", nor "gender related emotions (like taking care of your youngsters)", nor apparently, how can I say it, can you change the fact that the Zebra isn't doing 'it' with a donkey or a horse. So, this "shitty it" stays within their kind. Voila, did you know how racist Zebras are? What a shame. And the donkeys complain bitterly about the Zebras not wanting to do 'it' with 'them'.
So, for what it's worth, I like to post this, and I think this relates to all of us:
I can't upload the image to this quote, so I just quote the quote:
So, between all humans being equal, and all humans having the right to free speech, which one comes first, because apparently, if both of these acknowledged rights are equal, they end up doing the opposite from what they are intended to do. You speak freely about shitty things and that ends up causing unequal human beings.
I like an answer to that (with no
kcatchup).Oh, have a lot of easter eggs for Easter Sunday. That's what kids do in Germany on Easter Sunday, searching for chocolate Easter Eggs.
The "bloodthirsty base" is probably a give-away
the irony is a bit too thick there, that those who oppose torture are now the bloodthirsty ones.
While I belive it's snark, it would probably be accepted at face value by many in the Identity Politics cult.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I had no idea that as an
I had no idea that as an older woman I could be considered such a sexist and misogynist. Almost makes me hate myself. NOT.
It does make me very angry that people continue to use this argument. Kind of makes it harder when it's actually the case.
Can you just imagine...HRC and all the mean misogynists that didn't help her. How the hell would she deal with BiBi or Putin or any other world leader? I somehow don't think they'd care if called a misogynist. They would tear her up. Yet, she cries sexism for not being coronated?
And Gina can go to hell and anyone supporting her. Yep, as a woman, I do expect women to be better...more compassionate, more reasonable, more humane...and if she isn't, I guess, I think there's a problem. Not that I expect women to be passive or pushovers, but I don't expect them to be hateful and uncaring or war criminals. That is unacceptable to me.
So, gjohnsit, you have plenty of company. You are not alone!
In life, as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet. ~Alice Abrams