I Got a Name

election boycott.png

We interrupt this revolution with a musical interlude, not to be confused with a musical Quaalude. It's often said that music is the key to Peace on earth. When you watch people from all over the world rocking to the same song, it makes you wonder what is possible. Is Peace possible? Or maybe it's, can we stop the motherfuckers who are in the way of Peace?








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Big Al's picture

income, are they not One Percenters? How about those that are close, like at the 1.01 percentile, or 1.02, or 2.3? Where's the real line in the Class War and is it possible to be in/on two sides at once?

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Big Al @Big Al That's why you should NEVER simplify the problem into course "Us/Them" demographics that plaster over the realities of individuals. Not all rich people are part of the problem, and The American Dream was never entirely bogus.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Big Al's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat But I wasn't the one who started the 99/1% thing. Actually, this blog is named after that narrative. In the end, actions matter most, not income or wealth level. But profiting from and perpetuating a system that exploits the vast majority is hard to get past. Kind of like that Bible verse about the rich man and the camel.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Big Al Wealth is a funny thing in our world - some of it is zero-sum, but not all of it. It's absurdly complicated, and hardly anyone thinks about it even remotely correctly.

A good example of the nonsensicality of our system, a bit of a brain-teaser if you will, is the example of those absurdly-expensive luxury sundaes/burgers/etc you see online articles about. It seems beyond infuriating that a $60,000 sundae, much of the price tag coming from edible gold leaf or something, should literally come at the expense of, say, a healthy, filling soup and salad for 5,000 hungry people - and yet, when you think about it, why SHOULD it? Why does one person's crazy-ass luxury sundae NEED to come at the expense of 5,000 people's more routine healthy lunches, when the natural resources that go into them need not compete with each other in any way?

The world could be a far, far, far richer place for all if only we stepped back, remembered that most of "society" is neither objectively real nor has any need to be the way it is, and reconsidered how we managed our resources.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat

the vast void of difference between those happy to make a reasonable profit and live happily and comfortably themselves and those gaining power/profiteering at the expense of others and using that wealth/power to purchase power over others to use against them.

Essentially, the difference between the humans and the pathologically greedy/psychopathic whose ruthlessness, in a corruptible or corrupted system, enables them to drain great wealth to do great damage according to their own whims.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

snoopydawg's picture

We're Headed To War With Russia, and No One Seems to Care

"Russia is ready. NATO sure ain’t! Oh, they have the numbers and they think they are strong. The truth is that these NATO midgets have no idea of what is about to hit them, when the Russians go to war these NATO statelets won’t even understand what is happening to them."

I have a question. The USA has been hollowed out and stripped of its assets. So what happens if Russia wins the war? Will the PTB just move on to other countries and leave us wallowing in the decaying swamp and if not, then what was the point of hollowing it out? By now they have to know that they are going to lose to Russia if it comes to war and that this country is going to become a smoldering pile of rubble even if they do win. Then China is going to be the top dawg unless it too comes to the party. This just doesn't make sense to me that this country has been deliberately assert stripped. Bueller, you there?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

EdMass's picture


Why fight it. Russia, Russia, Russia.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

Amanda Matthews's picture


everyone else is economically butt naked, they start on each other.

The Fall of Bear Stearns: A Quickie Guide


Friday night, March 13–14, 2008: In a desperate scramble to avoid having no funds to operate its businesses, Bear executives pull an all-nighter trying to figure out how “fix this thing.” At 5 a.m., they wake Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and a bunch of other dudes to discuss the matter, and ultimately decide to secure an emergency agreement with JPMorgan and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the largest-ever bailout of a U.S. securities firm. The Fed had to invoke a little-used securities law to lend funds through JPMorgan, in order to avoid having Bear Stearns disintegrate and threaten the (remaining) stability of the U.S. financial system. Bear Stearns shares tumbled 47 percent to close at $30. Jimmy Cayne, showing courage in the face of great difficulty and the potential collapse of the 85-year-old firm, takes part in a bridge tournament in Detroit. Using humor as a coping mechanism, Bear employees joke nervously about not bothering to come in on Monday, since the firm will probably be bought over the weekend. They are a prescient bunch.

• March 16–17, 2008: On late Sunday, after forcing a bunch of bankers to work over the weekend, JPMorgan decides it will buy Bear Stearns so that BSC can avoid bankruptcy, but only with the Fed’s backing. The going price? $2 a share, which puts the valuation of the once giant firm at $236 million. Remember that $6 billion estimate at the beginning of this timeline? Ouch. JPMorgan, meanwhile, gets the Federal Reserve’s protection for some of Bear’s potential (and manifold) liabilities, plus a $1.2 billion building. Morgan also gets the firm’s viable businesses, like its prime brokerage, for practically nothing. CEO Jamie Dimon looks like a genius (also he’s quite handsome, we’d never noticed!), and the Fed looks like a hero.



That was some ‘bailout’.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

WaterLily's picture

And sign me up for the boycott.

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wendy davis's picture

are interactive. are we supposed to find the info on our own by way of the bingle? or is it by way of an older movement? some folks calling for one used to come to the fdl readers diaries, but never far enough out from elections to gain any steam ahead of time.

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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis But it's gaining steam.
I was just looking for a picture and thought that one would give some people something to laugh at.

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wendy davis's picture

@Big Al

well, i did let my fingers do the walking, and found this un from 2012.

(sorry for the empty reply; can't seem to make it vanish.)

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Big Al's picture

@wendy davis I've seen other efforts but they've all fizzled out. Certainly are enough people not voting to aid a boycott, but there's a difference between not voting and a boycott.
I'm going to continue to boycott. However, like with Bush and the neocons in 2004/8, the urge to defeat Trump and the neocons is going to be too much for most in these circles.

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@Big Al

There may be a difference at one end but since TPTB get their desired result - even the more-aware not making the effort to vote for Progs - either way, it functions, and will be presented, as an abject surrender of what's likely the last chance to even attempt a pacific move toward The People taking back government or at least making electoral cheating indefensibly obvious - yet again, only even more so - and suitable for an appeal to the UN and any and all other agencies and organizations.

If people don't even try to vote in last-ditch protest to support those running against CorpoDem CIA agents and the like, not to mention the Republicans just needing another few corporate/billionaire-controlled seats (so, yeah, CorpoDems may fill in, if required, and if not replaced by Progs believing in democracy) to rewrite the US Constitution to suit ALEC - meaning the Trilateral Commission and the like - and again fail to refuse en masse to accept suspect electoral results, the official pronouncement will be that they must be OK with the system as it stands, right?

If they hold a war and nobody from the defender's side shows up, the invasion proceeds without even a token protest.

Unless you're going to show up in millions carrying protest signs explaining why you won't vote to be not covered by the corporate media and prevented from going anywhere near the polls by militarized police so that this at least - maybe - gets carried internationally?

I strongly suspect that censorship and other suppression will intensify considerably after this election, if it goes according to plan and any concerted action by the people can be ruled out because the last chance wasn't even reached for by enough people to make a difference or register willingness to attempt to defend themselves in any manner, not even by voting against them, as a gesture and validation of ensuing protest, if nothing else.

And what do you want to bet they're waiting to declare America as being officially at war because they're going to slap down martial law at that point with that as an excuse?

Americans already officially no longer have any officially accepted rights of any kind and can be disappeared/killed on American soil once labeled as a terrorist for saying anything against any of The Right People or the oppression imposed, as long as TPTB use some such excuse to con people into believing that it's necessary to 'protect' them. Sure looks like this was set up for, by Obama passing all of those 'laws', purportedly 'legalizing' all of this repressive abuse, right down to government propaganda being used against US citizens.

This is not a political situation, this is full-blown fascism tightening its fist around our throats.

Looking at his increasingly warmongering Bush League 'advisors' and appointments, I have to wonder if Trump's purportedly pulling out troops from Syria potentially to: 'privatize' the Syrian war-crime in contracting it out to the apparently murderously-religious fanatic Prince*, to make cover for bringing mercenaries to America to help deal with anticipated citizen protest or because planning to move to nuking here, there and everywhere? (Guess we'll know when the next False Flags start being waved.)

Although Prince doesn't strike me as anyone likely to mind having one of his armies wiped out by nukes as long as lots of innocent Muslim people are killed as well or as likely to discourage any such world-destroying action... in which event, whether we simply continue to leave TPTB to do as they will to us or not may not matter in the very near future.

Still, personally, I don't know how selected victims can 'boycott' planned rape and murder with any hope of success. It's not as though one can leave the world they're messing with - and up - in the process of global conquest, to somehow personally avoid the attackers enough to be left alone and to not suffer the effects of what they do. Just my view, of course, YMMV.

* https://www.thenation.com/article/blackwater-founder-implicated-murder/

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Implicated in Murder
Sworn statements filed in Federal Court allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a “crusade” to eliminate Muslims and Islam.
By Jeremy Scahill
August 4, 2009

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Voting is a right here just like gun ownership and free speech. The Constitution can be used to challenge denial of people's right to vote. That's what's happening in these gerrymandering cases currently before the Supreme Court. It's not perfect, but if we get rid of these written guarantees we got nothing to protect us. Voting rights must be fought for, not abandoned to Trumpies and Corpodems.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Big Al's picture

@Timmethy2.0 For example, would it have been better if I had voted for Trump in the last presidential election instead of boycotting the presidential election (specifically)?

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@Big Al

If everyone had voted for her, they might not have been able to avoid admitting that she'd won.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Big Al's picture

@Ellen North a boycott serves the purpose of protesting something to force change. Like boycotting a corporation because it sponsors the NRA, the boycott is to try to force the corporation to stop sponsoring the NRA and in the big picture, advance gun control causes. In this case the boycott would be to force a change in a political system that gives no chance to the likes of Stein and third parties, and is so corrupted by the oligarchy that it only serves said oligarchy.

I did vote for Stein in 2012 but not in 2016 and I won't in 2020 because the system has got to be changed and participating in it will simply perpetuate it, not improve it. The last one hundred years should be enough proof of that.

Like with your example of "if everybody voted for Jill Stein", it could also be, "if everybody boycotted the system maybe we could change it and actually have democracy." Boycotts do work.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@Big Al I get your boycott example but I'm curious the relation.

Boycotting a corporation is one thing because you stop buying whatever product or service they offer. That hurts their bottom line which is really the only thing they care about.

But what is the incentive for the power to yield in an election boycott?

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Big Al's picture

@Strife Delivery @Strife Delivery along with other actions of shattering the illusions that this country is a democracy and that this representative political system serves the people. That in turn could force a change in this political system and rule by the rich. They need to be called on to the carpet so to speak and exposed for what they are. If not they'll just continue on their merry way. Those in control of the U.S. use the illusions of democracy, global policeman and the moral conscious of the world with the greatest political system ever devised by those "founding fathers" to continue their rule/maintain their power, to conduct their imperialism, to steal, murder and destroy. It's all a farce as we know, so I think we can use that against them.
The criminal class has to be taken down and it won't be by voting so called progressives to the democratic party who will not oppose imperialism or wall street. Whatever "we" do, it's got to be a lot bolder than that.

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Strife Delivery's picture

@Big Al

The criminal class has to be taken down and it won't be by voting so called progressives to the democratic party who will not oppose imperialism or wall street. Whatever "we" do, it's got to be a lot bolder than that.

Don't get me wrong. The Democratic party is a cancer. Simple as that. They aren't the answer nor will they ever be.

That in turn could force a change in this political system and rule by the rich. They need to be called on to the carpet so to speak and exposed for what they are. If not they'll just continue on their merry way. Those in control of the U.S. use the illusions of democracy, global policeman and the moral conscious of the world with the greatest political system ever devised by those "founding fathers" to continue their rule/maintain their power, to conduct their imperialism, to steal, murder and destroy. It's all a farce as we know, so I think we can use that against them.

Perhaps this is just me, but I feel like I'm missing a few steps here.

Boycott elections > X > People democracy and a new system.

Perhaps you get enough people to boycott elections. Perhaps turnout drops down to say 6% of registered voters. For me, I'm wondering would those in power really care? TPTB yes use elections as a false mandate, but they have power. If you remove the farce of elections, they still have power. I don't think that Senators and Representatives are just going to step down and leave. I don't think that generals will just leave.

What is the threat to power? Is it money? Is it actual violence? Again elections give the system the illusion of veracity. If you remove the elections, the power still stands. I'm not seeing this as a peaceful transition here.

People aren't going to go into mayors' offices, the chambers of Congress, the White House and tell them to get out. That's what the police are for to protect them from such situations anyway.

If a 3rd party can't break through the duopoly, the only change I see that is possible and might happen is a violent, bloody struggle of multiple people fronts fighting against our government. Our government will not change without power. And our government is a sadistic, psychopathic monster. Our government doesn't give a shit how many people die, how many police grunts or soldier peons die for them. Those in power would just spin it through their owned media corporations that they are fighting terrorists and other bullshit.

The banksters don't care. CEO's don't care. Wall street hedge fund monsters don't care. You could have millions of people outside their offices demanding change and they will laugh in your face. Because how will you make them?

You have a psychopathic Empire. I'm not seeing a peaceful transition from within to move away from it. Our government has no problem raping people, torturing people, killing people; whatever it takes they use. These people are addicted to power and will never give it up. You can't reason with them or negotiate. They are cushy and fat in their castles.

America is dying. The American people will do nothing about it. The 1% will win. Once America is dead, the 1% will fly away.

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@Big Al

is that while corporations hate boycotts because they then don't get your money and their profits drop, The Psychopaths That Be seem to prefer that a large number of people not vote and leave them to rig the results to suit themselves without any risk of democracy creeping in. And they plan to get your money one way or another anyway, spend public money as though it's their own, and to suit their own destructive agendas.

If 40%? (think it was much higher before Bernie, wasn't it? the other way around or at least something close to only 40% actually voting?) of eligible US voters already don't vote

and all the corporate candidates care about are the optics of having - or at least making it appear that they have - more votes than the competition, (even if it's their 5 votes to 4 votes for the other 'side',)

when Republican corporate candidates in either Party (think of Clinton, and apologies for the attendant nausea) tend to benefit from low turn-out - especially when it's Indies/Dems otherwise voting for other Parties/Dem Progs and not themselves -

and cut back on polling stations/voting hours to discourage voting,

more people not voting at all is not likely to bother them at all. Quite the reverse.

They know people have typically nothing to vote for in most elections and that's just the way they like - and have arranged - it.

The CorpoDems hate the very concept of democracy just as much as do their alter ego(tist)s in the Repubs, they just haven't been able to do away with the election thing just yet, plus the billions of advertising dollars pumped into the corporate media during every dragged-out election cycle keeps them happily pumping out talking points and other propaganda to order.

However, I believe that you did say that you'd support people voting for non-corporate candidates? Which is a constructive action which, at the least, cannot be passed off as 'voter apathy' attributed to 'voter laziness' or voter satisfaction with the current situation and consent for what TPTB are doing.

Wasn't Hillary at one early point - pre-RUSSIA!!! EVERYTHING!!! - passing off the hundreds of thousands of people in the last election perhaps voting for everything else but leaving choice of President blank as some kind of machine error or Rebub cheat? Damned if I can recall exactly what the excuse was or what interview that was in... woman had so many excuses and so many to blame, doubt Her could remember them Herself...

But neither America's long-running remarkably low voter turnouts for an industrialized country or hundreds of thousands of voters leaving the Presidential ballot blank in 2016 had any effect in forcing change; more of the same is unlikely to do anything but allow more of the ever-worsening same, as it did this time.

TPTB form a big club to beat the public with while mugging them; they don't give a damn if most of the public perishes in misery, never mind if they fail to vote, as long as they get to run the country and planet 6 feet into the ground while killing and looting freely.

Personally I suspect that Her stole a sizable number of votes from Dr. Jill Stein. Of course Her wouldn't want to publicly admit that Her'd been rejected by the people once again; bad optics being all that matters.

But word got out anyway and there's no more virtually universal public acceptance of 'voter apathy' when refusing to vote for evil; however, there are far better options to vote for, at this point in history, although they have no chance - even in fair elections - if nobody votes for them because they're still psychologically stuck in the Two-Corporate-Party Trap.

So, in my view, as you see, the urgent need would be for everyone to vote Prog only, both to show support for democracy and the serving of the public good and actively against evil. And a real landslide win is hard to hide and will come out, and must, from here on in, lead to determined pacific action, should the chance still exist.

After all, if the US Constitution gets rewritten after this election, as seems appallingly likely, depending on election results and whether Mutual Assured Destruction has occurred by then, that might be the last one they have to bother with.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

EdMass's picture

that the election boycott fails every time.

Venezuela, Kenya, South Africa, and on and on.

Peace is not and has never been on the agenda.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

thanatokephaloides's picture


Well you do know that the election boycott fails every time.

Venezuela, Kenya, South Africa, and on and on.

the reason is math: those who do not vote are, in effect, voting for whoever wins.

Do you really want those scummers (Schumers?) running your country?

The Peoples of Venezuela, Kenya, South Africa, etc., found out that the answer is "no!"

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Song of the lark's picture

Ps. I'll be voting per usual.

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Big Al's picture

@Song of the lark Then you'll be supporting a war and Wall Street party controlled by the oligarchy. If it's for the Greens or another third party, I can support that. Any vote against the duopoly is supporting of a boycott against this corrupt political system.
Also, I encourage everyone to vote for direct democracy initiatives and referendums in their states if possible.

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@Big Al

both registers protest and is constructive in supporting both another party/their platform and the concept that people should have electoral choice and an actual Fair Vote system honestly trying to bring in the candidates most people prefer to have representing (for a change) their interests.

If we don't start voting for what's closest to what we want and need, rather than limiting ourselves to evils or nothing - WTF are we thinking? No wonder we never get anywhere politically...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

gulfgal98's picture

I have avoided commenting on this subject recently because I am not sure what I am feeling down in my heart is emotion or reality. What I do know is that something in our elections is very wrong.

In the past, I had been adamantly opposed to boycotting elections because I felt it was a case of giving up my vote. The last election cycle and ensuing comments by Democratic party insiders has convinced me that my vote does not count and never did. This is a devastating thing to have to accept but it has been clearly demonstrated as reality.

So where do I stand? I am basically boycotting the duopoly unless there is an outstanding candidate that I wish to support with my vote. I am also definitely boycotting the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils is still evil and I cannot support evil, lesser or otherwise anymore.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy


If everyone voted Prog only, it'd be impossible for them to plausibly cheat!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

TheOtherMaven's picture

and lobby your local/state elections office to allow it on every ballot, for every position, in every election.

That way, no matter how badly the Psychocrats screw around or how shitty the candidates they put up, at least you have an obvious protest vote.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Write in "None Of The Above" and lobby your local/state elections office to allow it on every ballot, for every position, in every election.

Including a provision for a re-election with different candidates should "None Of The Above" actually win an election, which it will.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides