The eagle may have finally met its match

Three part report showing how the US has been attempting to contain Russia and China using "stirred-up Moslems" since the plan was designed back in 1978 by Zbigniew Brzezinski as proxies in order to prevent the loss of its global political, military and economic hegemony.
Asked specifically whether he regretted the CIA’s collaboration with and arming of Islamist extremists, including Al Qaeda, in fomenting the war in Afghanistan, Brzezinski responded contemptuously: “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”

This series pulls together many of the issues we been discussing here in C99 over the years.

The Empire of Chaos may have indeed met its match with China and Russia joining forces to finally push back. It WILL become a multi-polar world in the very near future. The question is, will the Empire and its EU satraps accept defeat peacefully or will it destroy the playing field in a futile attempt to maintain its hegemonic control over the entire world?

The conflict is shaping up to be between the Alanticists (US, Canada, EU, Australia) against Eurasia (Russia, China) aligned with the MENA and Global South (South America, Africa) with Japan and India torn between the two camps.

It is interesting that the US has set up the very conditions for its own demise as it had attempted to do against Russia using Muslim jihadist's as proxies to create a quagmire in order to bankrupt the country. What goes around, comes around. America is now stuck in a quagmire of its own making and has no idea how to extricate itself.

MLK's premonition has now become reality: "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom." America has since been doubling down on defense spending while the country rots from within.

NOTE: You can also find this series in a post at Moon of Alabama.

Will America Accept Its Defeat or Challenge the Bear and the Dragon? Part 1: Syria

The US has lost the « extremist battle »- they were incapable of achieving the “regime change” objective in Syria. That was the awakening of the Russian bear from its long hibernation who realised how the US was trying to corner it. Moscow also relied on the Chinese dragon, which shares Russia’s goals to eliminate all extremists and jihadist terrorists in Syria.

Both Russia and China are now working closely to put an end to the uni-polar superpower and thus end US world dominance.

Will America Accept Its Defeat or Challenge the Bear and the Dragon? Part 2:

With the end of al-Ghouta battle and the defeat of Jihadists, Moscow is reaching its objectives in the Levant.

Despite the US, the EU and the mainstream media gathering to attack him and try to demonise his policy, the Russian President Vladimir Putin can now say:”veni, vidi, vici”.

The US estimated that Russia, by 2020, would be too strong militarily and economically to be isolated or weakened. This is why Washington tried its best to surround Russia and “cut its legs off” much before and close the oceans to its commerce and to its Chinese ally.

The last US attack, while hiding behind the EU, to attract Ukraine into the European orbit and stop the flow of the Russian gas to Europe – a vital resource of the Russian economy – was in 2014 and this pushed the Russian bear to wake up and decide to act and react accordingly.
Lebanon, before Libya, managed to stay away from the US’s orbit and Russia, in 2006, was not yet ready to punch according to its weight. Libya was a Russian and a Chinese mistake at the UN and Russia believed it was not possible to do something to stop the process. But Syria is not going to be another Libya and Russia and China agreed, along with Iran, to stop once and for all the US unilateral dominance at the gates of the Levant.

Will America Accept Its Defeat or Challenge the Bear and the Dragon? Part 3:

Russia introduced China to Syria during the war when the Chinese navy arrived in the Mediterranean and reached the shores of Tartous and Lattakia to send a message to America and its allies that the monolithic dominance of the world was over.

There are thousands of Chinese jihadists who fought with ISIS and al-Qaeda and Beijing was concerned, willing to see all these killed in Syria. Cooperation between the Chinese and the Syrian intelligence services was established. Damascus has a unique and a very rich bank of information about foreign fighters many countries in the world would like to have access to, since over 80 nationalities of foreign fighters were allowed into Syria in a failed attempt to topple the regime and establish an Islamic State.

But Washington is still trying to protect its position, refusing to give up on the crown of world domination it has enjoyed for over a decade and it is ready to fight against the “axis opposing the US” using other means outside Syria. The US establishment and its allies are expelling Russian diplomats and imposing sanctions on China and Iran. The US defeat in Syria is obviously very painful.
America is deploying missiles everywhere where its military bases are deployed all over the world and has never thought of using its energy and power to support the economy and peace. It is only focused on controlling states and the sources of energy regardless of the consequences, because there is no accountability for its doing.
The US believes it can corner Russia, China and Iran: Russia has a 7,000 kilometre border with China, Iran is not Iraq and Syria is not Afghanistan. In Syria, the destiny of that a world be ruled by unilateralism is over. The world is heading toward pluralism.

The question remains: Is Washington prepared to accept its defeat and acknowledge that it has lost control of the world and pull out of Syria?

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Big Al's picture

G.H.W. Bush, it wouldn't be prudent to assume the Empire will Back Down. Actually a good antiwar/anti-imperialism movement right about now could be the straw that broke the camel's back. Certainly there are opposing factions within the ruling class and there's the military industrial complex that has to go down fighting.

Times have changed fast. Wasn't more than ten years ago we were warning others that the U.S. was intent on world domination and that Russia and China would come directly into the crosshairs. Will they pull the trigger? Wouldn't bet against it.

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and I don't blame them. I would like to have my country back as well.

It looks to me like there is the possibility of a deal here.

We, the USA, goes home and you guys, bears and dragonlings and your allies, stay home.

If Mr. Putin wishes to address the American people, he could show his sincerity by encouraging and facilitating the repatriation of Russian citizens who currently reside illegally in the USA.

Such a deal does mean Americans telling our Central European diaspora citizens, whether Jewish, Catholic, atheist, or Orthodox, we are not going to waste our wealth and the lives of our soldiers pursuing your Old World tribalist rivalries, very much including your hatred of Russia. We (sane) Americans have no reason whatsoever to hate Russia. Russia was our ally during WWII and was Lincoln's ally during the Civil War. The Tsar of the day sent Russian fleets to New York harbor and to San Francisco as a warning to the British fleet.

It would also mean that multiculturalist SJWs would have to accept that we need to raise up and educate our own citizens of whatever background, not just hand over whole segments of our economy and public life to interesting foreigners.

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Mary Bennett

Alligator Ed's picture

Zbig was all wrong. His question was correct but his answer was both dumb and tragic.

“What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”

The most important answer, one he could not or would not possibly conceive from his war-addled brain, was neither the demise of the Taliban nor the collapse of the Soviet Union. The correct answer was and still is--peace, prosperity, being kind to Mother Nature.

Consider this not unrealistic alternative: every body but our closest allies abandons the petrodollar. The rest of the non-US aligned world, says fuck it, keep your damn iPhones and Facebook. We're going to go through a bit of pain without those dawdles and isolate you Yankee bastards from the rest of us. Without the petrodollar, we have nowhere to go but down.

We need an anti-war movement, just as we needed in the Viet Nam era. Those anti-gun dupes marching around aimlessly should instead have been marching for peace.

What I fear most is neither Russia, nor China, but our own home-grown sociopathic neocons who want to lead us into a glorious dämmerung with mushroom clouds and glowing red sand.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

@Alligator Ed

or a dime.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Amanda Matthews

as the Rhinemaidens gleefully reclaim it and drag him underwater. He gets the last actual word (sung phrase) in the entire Ring cycle and it doesn't do him one damn bit of good. And, frankly, he gets what he deserves.

Just something to think about.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

edg's picture

@Alligator Ed


Flying in the face of the mainstream media’s portrayal of the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., Saturday, analysis reveals that a mere 10 percent of the 200,000 protesters at the anti-gun demonstration were teens.

“About one in four participants were at their first political rally, however … they were not even motivated by gun control,” Breitbart News pointed out. “Instead, new protesters reported being motivated by the issues of peace (56 percent) and Trump (42 percent), who has been a galvanizing force for many protests.”

“[O]nly 12 percent of the people who were new to protesting reported that they were motivated to join the march because of the gun-control issue, compared with 60 percent of the participants with experience protesting,” University of Maryland sociology professor Dana R. Fisher informed from her research.

Source: Not by, for students: Teens just 10% of DC anti-gun rally

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Alligator Ed's picture

@edg If you see people marching in a St. Patrick's Day parade, that say they're celebrating Bosnian independence, not St. Patrick, you will be hard pressed to understand that they were celebrating Bosnia and not St. Paddy. Buddy, that train is leaving from a different station. If you want an anti-war rally, clearly and loudly declare it to be so rather than meld into another parade.

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edg's picture

@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed

Just because you're a PSS truther and don't agree with the protesters doesn't make them wrong. What have you done to end school shootings? What are you doing to end American imperialism? What are you doing to support Palestinian freedom? You've no cause to criticize others for promoting their own beliefs in their own way. "Protesting -- you're doing it wrong" is NOT a thing.

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@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed
But I'd also add that the real answer to ZB's question is "wait and find out" The Soviet Union was based on a cynical misdefinition of Marxism, itself a cynical misinterpretation of communal anarchism. It was doomed to collapse, though it might have lasted for many years without ZB's plan. We do not know how much damage they would have done before they went down. The creation of muslim religious (pseudo religious) extremism will create unestimable damage; we cannot even guess how much is to come.
Pontification: the amount of damage the Soviet Union would have done to the world would have lessened over the years, while muslim extremism will only increase for an unknown amount of time before it wanes. In the end rabid religion is always worse.

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On to Biden since 1973

The US divides the world into sycophants and enemies. In my lifetime we have never had a world class statesman at the helm. Treating the vast majority of the world like an enemy is a recipe for failure. How do you think China feels about US hegemony? I know how Russia feels about it. And what is this crap about economic sanctions? Do you realize that the perp is trying to seriously harm the vic's economy? That means making life more difficult for all of people. It's perceived as economic warfare, and that's a quote from many ordinary Russian people. What the US fails to realize is that in today's huge global economy both sides lose. As an example ExxonMobil just lost a huge sum of capital and future profits by being forced to exit joint projects with Russian companies. I think that stupidity and arrogance accelerates the fall of empire, and we have a huge abundance of that resource.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

studentofearth's picture

America is deploying missiles everywhere where its military bases are deployed all over the world and has never thought of using its energy and power to support the economy and peace.

Unites States pool of available recruits continue to shrink. Most of the government fixes have been short term. Segments of the population may not want to sign-up to fight in a war unless coerced by potential education loan forgivement or medical coverage for life. We need to remind them of broken promises and work on providing alternatives.

2014 - Author Bing West says 75% of young adults in U.S. not mentally or physically fit to serve in military
2015 - All Combat Roles Now Open to Women, Defense Secretary Says
2017Former Military Leaders Want to Expand and Improve Child Care — to Increase Future Recruitment
2017 - The Army Is Lifting the Ban on Recruits With Histories of Mental Health Issues to Fill the Ranks
2018 - Army Recruits from Southern States Most Unfit, Prone to Injury: Study

The western economic sanctions have motivated countries to become more self reliant and strengthen constructiveness between themselves vs the US. Now we need to avoid our side's inflated egos from blowing us up.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

The conflict is shaping up to be between the Alanticists (US, Canada, EU, Australia) against Eurasia (Russia, China) aligned with the MENA and Global South (South America, Africa) with Japan and India torn between the two camps.

We've always been at war with Eastasia.

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CB's picture

exist. Never has. Report to Room 101 in the Ministry of Love immediately for briefing. Bring the map with you.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@CB Lumping Japan with China is unrealistic has been for thousands of years. Hard feelings against Japan still flourish in China after the WW2 atrocities, irrespective of any US alliances or military bases, which only heighten the animosity.

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@Alligator Ed
Koreans hate Japan, with very good cause. Chinese hate them, you will see very few Japanese cars in China, at least when I was there 4 years ago. The US struck a strange bargain with Japan post WWII. In exchange for opposing the Soviet Union Japan would never have to express remorse for their outrageous aggression in Asia. In fact much of the history of Japan at the end of WWII has to do with American anti-Soviet fanaticism. It is more than ironic that the US has military bases in both Japan and Korea, considering that the two countries could never be close allies. It's also worth remembering that South Korea, a US project, was founded by Koreans that assisted Japanese imperialism in Korea, and North Korea was founded by the resistance. This is an injustice that lives vividly in the minds of North Koreans and a reality that is beginning to take hold in the South. Expect the US to cause unimaginable problems for Korean unification.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

CB's picture

@Alligator Ed

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k9disc's picture

You just leave.

Or you could be smart capitalists and shift from Destroy to Desalinate.

I'm for a massive shift to desalinate, power, and irrigate the MENA region (love that term, BTW). A planetary scale terraforming project to build new lungs for the planet and lift the yoke of colonial tyranny from the people of MENA and help them skip the dirtiest part of industrial development.

Given the current realities of politics, I think this GUNS$$$ to BUTTER$$$ move is going to be far more alluring than just lowering the guns, but corporate hegemony is still squarely in the way...

Anyway, you just leave, or change from bomb throwing to problem solving.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

CB's picture

bullshit based propaganda.

Over half the US population takes as gospel the US HAS to do what it is doing around the world. To say otherwise is to destroy American's inbred belief system that the US is the greatest country in the world. And some of those fuckers in and connected with the MIC really believe their own shit. They just keep the real reasons to themselves because the proles are too stupid to understand and are incapable of governing themselves. They have to be lied to for their own good. Just look at psychopath Bolton et al. This includes Obama and Her Heinous.

This was how the US got so fucking rich in the last century. TPTB want the game to continue. It's a big club but we ain't in it.

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is a brilliant saying.

change from bomb throwing to problem solving.

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