Is there Hope?
Two articles stood out to me today, one by Paul Craig Roberts, one by the Saker.
Integrity Has Vanished From The West
What Happened To The West I Was Born In?!
Both authors are pretty incensed/maddened/infuriated/exasperated at the psychos (attributed) controlling western governments. I've previously read Roberts wonder if there is any hope in stopping those that rule us. His essay can be summed up with this sentence:
"The quality of people in Western governments has collapsed to the very bottom of the barrel."
The Saker ended his essay with this:
You can get 200,000 anti–gun (sigh, rolleyes) protesters in DC but NOBODY AT ALL ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR?!
What is wrong with you people?!What happened to the West where I was born in in 1963?
My God, is this really the end of it all?
Am I the only one who sees this slow-motion train-wreck taking us all over the precipice?
If you can, please give a reason to still hope.
Right now I don’t see many."
No, you're not the only one Saker. There are many of us, but evidently not nearly enough that truly understand what we have to do.
But I can give you a reason to hope.
Because we have to. That's just how it has to work. We can't give up hope.

Heh, just did a facetime with my
grandkids in Las Vegas, ages 5, 2 and almost one. If they live long lives, they'll live until the turn of the next century, 2200. Think about what happened in the 20th century, the changes were incredible. We're still early on in this, the 21st century. We can't even imagine what might happen.
Giving up hope would be giving up hope for my grandkids so I take it personal. Seeing their smiling, innocent faces tonight brings it all in perspective. We can't let the bastards win.
Although I know how to get to the Saker's and Roberts'
. . . articles via other websites (namely, their own personal websites),, a site I've been visiting since 2002 and which, among other things, helped feed me the facts that led me in real time to conclude that Dubya was lying about the case for war against Iraq back in 2002, is no longer accessible from the ATT internet connection to which I am hooked up. It's been this way for at least the past month, and although I've complained, ATT has denied any active part in this.
But I keep getting the same message that I don't have permission to access this website on the server I'm using. It's "forbidden."
So, alas, here we are. Another sign of the times that the Saker and Roberts likely are talking about?
Try the following
Go to
Go to 2018 and click on latest snapshot.
Many of the articles will also have a source link that you can use.
Let us know how it worked.
Thanks. The most recent articles I was able to access on that site using your method were up to March 21, 2018.
To get to the articles Big Al referred to, I just went to both Roberts' and the Saker's individual sites.
That's how it goes, slow and insidious.
The oligarchy's controlling tentacles are everywhere, the only solution is to take it all down.
Love Big Brother!!!!
Good deal on VPN
$3.33/month. This expires in 4 days.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Or get a vpn.
aka virtual private network.
Cost you $4, $5, $6 /month. came right up on my vpn.
A vpn simply "hides" your local IP addy by giving you one of theirs.
So, instead of your local IP addy, websites will see your vpn IP addy.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
@Wink Stacksocial https:/ sometimes has deals on lifetime licenses, and Dealnews sometimes has coupons that cut the price even more. I don't know how good each program is but it may be worth a look at.
StacksocialExactly. Thanks!
My bank (credit union)
actually locked me out of my online LogIn becuz their servers didn't recognise my vpn addy. Becuz my vpn IP is out of the NY City area (usually Jersey side of the Hudson). So, I had to go to the bank and tell them that the NYC IP is actually me.
But I recommend a vpn if you can afford the extry $4, $5, $6 /mo.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yeah, providers (Bell, anyway) were demanding the 'right',
in closed-door NAFTA talks, for providers to decide what those paying them for internet access got to access on the internet. No idea how much it costs whoever they're acting for in this, but I'll bet they get a bundle.
It only works if there's a monopoly or collusion among available providers, which'd be why both of our local providers were bought up by Bell and it now takes literally half or more of the freaking day to get through on the phone for tech help, once you finally get through to be put on hold.
So, could be your provider, or it could be various others infesting the internet in the interest of censorship. In case you weren't aware, Obama handed over control of Domain Names to a 'public/private partnership'...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Evening, Big Al
I think that everyone who participated sincerely in protesting guns carry an expression of hope. True, that it’s inadequate in the bigger picture of things, but it is still relevant. Considering the nature of most Westerner’s orientation and knowledge, it is at least something. Possibly/hopefully greater awareness will grow from it.
As I watch the bees collecting honey from ginger flowers while bird song accompanies their flight, I feel somewhat hopeful. For your children and grandchildren, and those of all, I think like you do. There is no other choice. You’re lucky to share in the innocence of possibility.
Evening janis,
The reason why all the kids, who march now
on the streets to protest against gun violence and for their lives, is simply because each of them can imagine they would be shot at in their own schools for no rational reason at all. It could kill them, directly.
They don't march against 'war, imperialism, neo-liberalism, oligarchy', or in support of 'nuclear disarmament', because these are abstract ideas, because they can't imagine that a nuclear bomb will fall on their heads tomorrow (but can imagine to be the wrong place and the wrong time tomorrow in their schools) and because by default of their being born into a certain territory and class, they can't imagine how to not be born into that strata, nor what they could do about it, nor would they feel a sense of guilt about it. Which is reasonable, imo.
So, I think, the kids going on the streets for their own future safety, is not a sign of hope, but a sign they understood it has become a necessity. They know, you can't allow it to happen that they all have to fear to go on a daily basis to their schools and be afraid of the next person losing their minds and shoot.
The most loving parents will take away the matches, if their kids play with them and start to burn the house down and kill themselves in it. They have to do that. It's a necessity. That's all, imo.
Here a video clip of a preacher I think stays honest and talks some truth.
Chris Hedges' Talk at the Saudi Summit - Best Speech
I agree with you mimi, when you say …
I thank you for your insight. Yet, I also think they feel hope in the solidarity between them, which in positive ways allays their fears, making room for hope.
oh yes, and it is us elderly, who have to make sure
that they can feel hope in the solidarity between them and us elderly. There needs to be solidarity between 'the young and the elderly'. I fear nothing more than that the 'in between young and old', the conscious adult population today, is so depressed that they don't want to have kids anymore. Because I believe it's the kids who give the elderly the hope and belief to not have lived in vain. And it's the elderlies, who need to assure the young that there is something to live for in the family solidarity between them and us.
Sigh. I wished I had the words.
Your words are very clear.
And your thoughts and wishes for all are deeply appreciated.
thx., janis b, I am always grateful, when you make
me feel understood the way I intended to be understood.
Good morning, and goodnight.
Mimi, your words are perfect.
I can't imagine this better put.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It's a great first step,
and could very well lead them to
becoming more woke.
and hopefully something we can build on, the site far from finished.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I do believe you've nailed it, Mimi!
Right to the Wall of Fears.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Here's a ray of hope
Here's soundcloud audio:
Ya, there's that. What the empire tries to do on it's
That's a pretty big IF isn't it?
I'm totally sure that there is a great and more peaceful world ahead of us, if we survive the next five or ten years, and that five or ten years is the fall of the US empire, after that there are all opportunities for a cooperative world, no single country trying to dominate everybody, this will be the last empire in human history, because nobody will try to dominate 7, 8, 10 billion people's lives anymore, this is the last.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yep. But, eventually the truth finally surfaces
Glimmer of hope in Syria.
Even for the Syrian "rebels". Interesting video of a Syrian fighter being interviewed on a bus leaving Ghouta for Idlib. These are the guys that got fucked around by the US and Saudi war mongers in order to fight the Syrian government. Many have decided to go for reconciliation and get government assistance to rebuild their homes.
FSA fighter to PressTV: US dollar and Saudi Arabia ruined our “revolution”
The CIA staged the Syrian protests by using the same terrorists
that they used in Libya. I'll try to find the article on this which showed how they were being trained off set for the protests. It's appalling that the leaders of countries could have so little regard for people's lives. How can anyone do such a thing and not be haunted by it? Knowing that you are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and not being affected by it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Qatar was the country that supplied most of the
arms and Islamic fighters to Libya in the beginning. (Hillary had close contacts with Qatar during this false "revolution". BTW, I believe the reason Ambassador Stevens was killed was to put a stop to this transfer of terrorists and weapons to Syria.) They first sent in arms to exacerbate the situation between a small band of protestors and the Libyan police/military in order to increase violence. At this time I would say that at least 80% of the population fully supported Qaddafi. Once they had killed a number of police and the police responded in kind to protect themselves this escalated the situation just as had been planned.
The media then jumped in, mainly Al Jazeera and western MSM, to pump up the propaganda about the "murderous thug Qaddafi". There were previously placed sleeper cells throughout the country that then responded in kind in order to spread the violence. (This was similar to a failed 1996 coup against Qaddafi). Once things got going, Qatar (and other countries) sent in trained mercenaries to liaise with the locals and direct foreign government forces.
The Syria regime change op went along the same lines but with much more foreign intervention and funding, including hundreds of tons of heavy weaponry. The Syrian war with hundreds of thousand lives lost and millions displaced with their livelihoods destroyed would never have occurred without outside intervention. Again I would say that at least 80% of the population supported Assad. Anything showing this support was (and still is) heavily censured.
Newsbud is an excellent source of information in a video format.
I (and other here) had done thousands of posts about these regime change wars in DKos in real time but it fell mainly on deaf ears. Just as it had during the run-up to the Iraq War. All I can say now: "I told you so."
C99 is one of very few sites that doesn't drink the koolaide.
That is the article I had read
and was appalled by it. I was on the verge of tears knowing what was done deliberately to people who's only crime was to live on top of resources other countries wanted.
Yet most people here think that our military is over there protecting lives and ...
On my local website there is an article about more Nat Guard troops being deployed to S Asia. For what? To protect US special interests. This is spelled out in the article and yet even the troops are saying that "while it's hard to leave our families for a year, I am getting the chance to serve my country which is what I signed up for."
Seriously, how can people who have spent years in the military still think that they are defending their country from HARM? Not seeing that they are cannon fodder for the special interests? And why doesn't the rest of the country understand this? Why did we here choose to take the Red Pill?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not a problem for a psychopath
About 3 to 5 percent of the population are psychopaths. They gravitate to positions of power, in corporations and the military.
Take note of first impressions and outward personality traits. They are capable of exerting a tremendous amount of power and control over others. This is about the only thing that "turns them on".
When a psychopath hurts or kills another, they will feel about the same as when you or I step on a beetle. Oops, ucky squishy and forgotten a minute or two later. Some of the more severe criminal psychopaths would enjoy the god like power and deliberately step on any living thing. Like everything else in life, there's always shades, from light to black.
Thanks for the link!
Kinda wondered why anyone would ask why a terrorist would not want to stay there, though, among those surviving terrorism...
But did you also see this?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Of course there's hope, there's always hope.
Hope is what we live for, without hope we die.
I hope that ain't too philosophical.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Or as Yogi Berra once might have said,
"Without hope, there is no hope".
It ain't ...
Right on, Big Al.
I've heard Hedges say Hope has "two beautiful daughters...
I'm thinking also of the title of the Studs Terkel book, "Hope Dies Last." In one his other books it contains in the intro what has become another of my favorite quotes:
I count myself staunchly among the dreamers in life. It has only ever been this way that life is better because of their long lineage.
The dreamers dream it, think it, espouse it, and lay the groundwork for it to become reality. The struggle is in the irony of it. Everybody knows in their heart of hearts that the universal dream is true: that all human beings want many of same basic things, and that we can have that ideal world.
But it will take peeling unraveling all the psychological imprisonment of the he-man, capitalistic structure that forces us to compete and consume, rather than collaborate and cooperate. Music, art and literature are some of the best ways re-connect us to our true ideal selves. Of utmost importance to me is to persuade people to swear off MSM and social media (or at least reduce and limit it), and instead get connected with real people in life and bring the arts back into one's life in a big way as a symbiotic relation.
(This is great. But too bad Rick Davies is being so tight in preventing Roger Hodgson from putting up the original versions/videos)
Always remember, "We all shine on; like the moon, and the stars, and the sun." Instant Karma will gethca.
My hope this week was in walking down my street and suddenly seeing a crowd in front of an activist, all-denomination, female minister-we-know's community space in her finished basement. It's mostly used for tutoring kids, a place for people to pick up their Community Sponsored Agriculture weekly harvest and things like that.
One guy was taking a picture and I noticed a family we know from the building next door to us. They were looking at the sign in the window that said "Democratic Socialists of America - meeting today."
I went over and after greeting my neighbors, sat in on the meeting. They were canvassing the neighborhood, block by block, with a petition to pass a NYS Medicaid For All act. They were predominately very young, from late teens to mid 20's, and eager and brimming with positivity.
Universal ideas. Who wouldn't want healthcare for all?
Made me content to see my fellow folks doing something. It's only a dream until it becomes reality.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
anti-imperialism protest coming in April....
We create our own hope...and in the words of a good friend...there's a lot of work in a dream.
It seems a teachable moment to me. Let's continue educating!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
EU and UK plan more actions against Russia in June
This false flag will continue beyond the expulsion of diplomats, erh ah, oh spies. The UK, France, and Germany have announced more actions to be announced in June at next big EU meeting. By the way, June is when the World Cup starts in Russia.
I think this incident was planned out. For some time, the imperial powers have complained very recently about the Syrian government actively using chemical weapons. This incident happens--chemical weapons attack. Now NATO-US have justification to directly attack Assad government forces. Something by the way, Hillary and Israel pushed for.
Expect there to be an offensive against the Donbass also.
Have no idea how Putin will react to the direct sustained bombing of the Syria Arab Army. Whatever happens, it will produce evil and choas.
I clicked right into information clearinghouse with no problem.
Two really good articles well worth the read, particularly the second one about nuclear war.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
But does the corporate news
carry anything at all about the fact that The Psychopaths That Be are pushing for any excuse to start firing off nukes and are quite all right with immediately losing a high percentage of the non-billionaire population in their own and allied countries, because they believe that they'll be OK, in defiance of science which says that life on the planet is toast in an actual nuclear war?
Or do many/most people just get the corporate propaganda and think that it's no big deal, nothing can possibly happen to them in exceptional America? After all, bombing attacks are for brown people sitting on America's oil/rare mineral deposits which, suspiciously, somehow turned up in their countries? And the other guys started it anyway, by having the CIA train terrorists to create havoc in their countries.
And after all, how are you going to kill terror off without killing off the terrified?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.