Friday Night Photography

Spring is springing here and it's been fun watching the new life coming out on the trees that went dormant during the winter.


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Daenerys's picture

I finally got my lifer barred owl! It was at a different park close to here, not the one we went to last time. I'm just delighted with how well these photos turned out!

I'm amazed I even saw it, the lighting being garbage as it was and fading. We were heading back toward the truck after about an hour and a half there. An angry nuthatch helped us locate it; almost as soon as I saw it it flew deeper into the woods, but we were able to re-locate it. I should have taken a non-zoomed photo to play 'find the owl' with but I didn't think of it at the time. Owls are a whole other challenge to themselves, since they often blend in with their surroundings so well.

Yesterday I saw the red-winged blackbirds arrive and start singing; to me that is the sign that spring is well and truly here, even though we've had robins for a while already. I also heard a killdeer. Spring is my favorite season, even if the weather can be garbage here. We're supposed to get more snow tonight. Good to see those sprouts!

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This shit is bananas.

snoopydawg's picture


Very nice photo of the owl. You were looking for it forever it seems.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


The guardian, nat geo and a lot of other websites have contests and I'm betting you'd win a few.

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Daenerys's picture

@snoopydawg Maybe I'll look for some amateur photo contests. The second and third ones are a bit obscured, but it's amazing how sometimes I can make my camera look THROUGH the branches to focus on something further!

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This shit is bananas.

snoopydawg's picture


to see if I could see the branches that you see. They are there, but they are out of focus and I think that they add to the picture. They might have fuzzed the middle of the owl, but I had to look hard to see that. Sometimes we are too critical of our own work.


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janis b's picture


S/he looks very comfortably and securely wrapped in it's cloak. The last one, is especially emotive to me. I think the light was just right to reveal the softness that are also owls.

And thank you for the nuthatch story. You must have felt especially privileged.

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Daenerys's picture

@janis b

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This shit is bananas.

MarilynW's picture

I took my grandson to the Orchid Festival, show and sale. These are but a few photos of the weird and wonderful flowers I took . I worked out the backgrounds. My 9 year old grandson took about 100 shots and I showed him how to get rid of the backgrounds in Photoshop. He was not too keen on that process. But he likes clicking away with his little camera.

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To thine own self be true.

janis b's picture


It's nice to see you and your photos. I really enjoy how you see colour and shape.

Your grandson's enjoyment of looking through the lens must be a treat for you both. It's a wonderful thing to share and learn from.

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Daenerys's picture

@MarilynW must have taken ages to edit!

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This shit is bananas.

MarilynW's picture


Also the programs, Photoshop and Lightroom make it easy, as you scroll along the edges, it aims at them for you.

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To thine own self be true.

Bollox Ref's picture

we're expecting another snow dump, so not many green shoots... or much photography.

Purfleet doing her 'splendid isolation' thing:


Fred says 'hey!':


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from a reasonably stable genius.

snoopydawg's picture

@Bollox Ref

He always has the best look on his face. His personality reaches out across the web ...

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture

@Bollox Ref

At least he provides some warmth and entertainment while it snows.

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janis b's picture

@janis b

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joe shikspack's picture

the enormous swamp maple in my backyard started to bud out a week or so ago as did the elderberry bushes. now they have a bunch of snow on them, but they are hardy and will be looking spring-like in a few days. my red bud trees are still holding out for warmer weather.

i am totally ready for spring, i am entirely done with snow for this year. on the other hand, the weatherman may not be... Smile

have a great evening!

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snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

sorry to hear your still having winter. I might have to mow my backyard soon because it's been so warm here. Take a picture of your tree when it's not covered in snow.

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snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

Oh well, here's this week's growth of the pussy willow tree.


I don't know why my pictures are loading sideways. I took these with my iPod. JtC some help?

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janis b's picture


It is very dynamic.

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

and see if I can take some better pictures of it and get the background to blur. There is so many buds coming out on a lot of trees there. It was raining today on our walk and the air was full of good smells. Just love this time of year.

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janis b's picture

@joe shikspack

The swamp maple must be stunning in Fall as well. Do you also have dogwoods?

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MarilynW's picture

Alas no titles. But my son bought one called "Green Apples" and I'm taking care of it for him. It goes in the window during the day and every night I have to put it in the bathroom and close the door. That's so to give it a dark night. Like I needed this extra task in my life. Some nights I forget to move it and feel guilty in the am.

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To thine own self be true.

snoopydawg's picture


they're all very good, but I think this one looks more natural to me. Good for you to teach this to your grandson. Just the use of the camera or everything about photography?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

MarilynW's picture

But here's an example of a show orchid without formatting and below with black background:



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To thine own self be true.

MarilynW's picture

asking if I taught Griffin, my grandson how to use the camera. I said no, I just gave it to him and he learned how to operate it better than I did when I used it. He just follows me around, I don't need to teach him. I would love for him to process his own photographs with Lightroom. He doesn't have much patience for it. He has a problem deleting photos from his camera even after they are downloaded. I can see the memory sticks piling up.

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To thine own self be true.

janis b's picture


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Socialprogressive's picture

Some shots from the annual table top photography workshop hosted by one of the camera clubs I belong to.


22.57.20 ZS PMax-1r



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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

snoopydawg's picture


Did you alter the background or was it taken with one? What is the second one?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Socialprogressive's picture

The first shot is a sprig of lime blossoms resting on a sheet of black plexiglass with off camera flash used for lighting. There's a sheet of white plexiglass behind the blossoms used to bounce the flash back onto the the blossoms. The second is a clear glass sculpture. The color in the glass is from the colored paper the sculpture is sitting on. Lighting is from two blacklights, one on each side.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

snoopydawg's picture


You should sell your photos because they are so interesting. The ones of water droplets are incredible.

The second photo looks like a tree inside the bottle.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Socialprogressive's picture

In the second shot I see an alien squid inside the glass.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

Daenerys's picture


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This shit is bananas.

Socialprogressive's picture

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture


That first flower photo would be absolutely stunning printed very large, like a yard-long on photographic watercolour paper. It would also be very beautiful small. Thank you.

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
Before I print that shot at any size I need to see if I can get rid of the haloing that's going on.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

janis b's picture

Autumn light, evening and morning

Spider cocoon and flax leaves ...

Thanks for posting snoopy. I was always amazed at how quickly things change once the first hints of Spring arrive. Enjoy

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
I love all the lush green vegetation in your first shot. If only San Diego were as green.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.