The Irradiated Soldier's of The USS Reagan
Just another story that the American military, the U.S. courts and the media are ignoring:
“Coverage of the USS Ronald Reagan has been astoundingly limited,” wrote Der Spiegel in a February 2015 story. Since then, nothing much has changed.
The German magazine was referring to the saga of the American Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier whose crew pitched in to help victims of the March 11, 2011 Tsunami and earthquake in Japan, then found themselves under the radioactive plume from the stricken coastal nuclear reactors at Fukushima. Since then, crew members in eye-popping numbers have come down with unexplained illnesses — more than 70 and still counting. Some have died. And many are suing.
I'm skipping the legal details of two class action lawsuits. Here's the story in a nutshell:
The plaintiffs charge that TEPCO lied to the public and the U.S. Navy about the radiation levels at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant at the time the Japanese government was asking for help for victims of the earthquake and Tsunami. By doing so, TEPCO deliberately allowed those involved in Operation Tomodachi to sail into harm’s way and become exposed to the radiation spewing from the stricken reactors on the battered Japanese coast.
The facts and the murky details:
The USS Ronald Reagan arrived off the Japan coast before dawn on March 12, 2011 with a crew of 4,500. It had been on its way to South Korea but returned to join Operation Tomodachi.
But what actually happened to the Reagan after that is still clouded in confusion, or possibly cover-up. After it got doused in the radioactive plume, then drew in radioactively contaminated water through its desalination system — which the crew used for drinking, cooking and bathing — it turned into a pariah ship, just two and a half months into its aid mission.
The follow up was another "Voyage of The Damned":
Floating at sea, the USS Reagan was turned away by Japan, South Korea and Guam. For two and a half months it was the radioactive MS St. Louis, not welcome in any port until Thailand finally took the ship into harbor.
The consequences. No worse than flying or eating a bananna?
At first, any concerns about radiation exposure were dismissed by military brass. Sailors were told the exposures were no worse than flying or eating a banana, according to Naval officer Angel Torres, one of the plaintiffs.
Not exactly:
What they didn’t disclose was the very significant difference between eating a banana — during which the body ingests but also excretes identical amounts of radioactive potassium-40 to maintain a healthy balance — and exposure to nuclear accident fallout. Fukushima was leaking cesium, tritium and strontium as well as radioactive iodine which attacks the thyroid. For example, cesium, can bind to muscle, or strontium to bone, irradiating the person from within. This is a very different effect than the brief visit cosmic radiation pays to the body when we fly in an airplane.
Media coverage has been almost entirely from left wing independent media::
An article in the New York Times two days into the disaster, chose to downplay and dismiss radiation concerns.
Aside from the legal trade publication, Courthouse News, most of the consistent coverage in the US has come, unsurprisingly, from the independent media. These include Counterpunch, Thom Hartmann’s The Big Picture on RT (now off the air), Mother Jones and a second piece in Truthout in addition to the Witherspoon article, and the work of anti-nuclear activist reporters, Harvey Wasserman’s Free Press and Libbe HalLevy’s Nuclear Hotseat podcast.
The symptoms that USS Reagan soldiers have experienced as a result of their humanitarian relief effort:
The sicknesses range from the leukemias and cancers most often associated with radiation exposures, to immune system diseases, headaches, difficulty concentrating, thyroid problems, bloody noses, rectal and gynecological bleeding, weakness in sides of the body accompanied by the shrinking of muscle mass, memory loss, testicular cancer, problems with vision, high-pitch ringing in the ears and anxiety.
This is also a story of how Obama and Trump support America's troops:
When another plaintiff, Master Chief Petty Office Leticia Morales, had her thyroid taken out, she learned her doctor had already removed thyroid glands from six other sailors on the Reagan.
As lawyer Garner put it: “These kids were first responders. They went in happily doing a humanitarian mission, and they came out cooked.”
An early write up from Who, What, Why in 2014 that was given credit in the Counterpunch article:
Full coverage from Counterpunch is here:

As it turns out
American military personnel are just like the rest of us, expendable.
Now, if we can convince law enforcement nationwide they will eventually be used and abused by the Oligarchy we may have a genuine revolution in our future.
We can only hope they see the writing on the wall.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Insightful Observation earthling1
I actually had this conversation with a group of LAPD cops at the end of Occupy L.A. They scoffed at my suggestion that they should be on the Occupier's side because they could be replaced with $15/hour rent a cops.
Cops are deeply invested in protecting the power structure and the nation wide power structure protects them in return. I don't have any first-hand knowledge of whether there are any cracks in the foundation of law enforcement indoctrination to TPTB.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
@Meteor Man Police have very strong
Didn't that Democratic Hero, HFK say something like that?
I'm pretty sure that there's a misquote attributed to Henry Fucking Kissinger which talks to the expendability of soldiers in the pursuit of Realpolitik.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Expendable indeed
I remember reading about this after it happened and the soldiers were already getting sick and being told that the radiation wasn't high enough to cause their symptoms. They were very frustrated by the way they were being treated.
I too wish people who are thinking of joining the military would see how they are treated after something goes wrong. It's been like this since the Bonus army was slaughtered.
Here's Hillary's BFF in his own words.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Of course! the history of the
Of course! the history of the US is prefer to buy the toys, and use and break the soldiers and cast us aside as it is not "profitable" to spend money to fix what they broke with their wars, chemical or nuclear exposures, or accidents that working around heavy equipment the military uses is known for, and they get away with it by legalized enslavement.
That paper you signed was a legal slavery/guinea pig waiver so they can escape any liability or responsibility. This is a nation that started out on theft/murder/genocide and slavery, why should anyone escape their clutches?(Snark there).
So long, and thanks for all the fish
My niece is in the Air Force
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Not like there isn't a history of this.
The DOD and VA definitely have a long history with radiation and chemical contamination. Think Agent Orange. Vietnam vets are still fighting justice on that.
And the nuclear powered Navy fleet itself has had impacts not fully studied. I served on a nuclear powered sub, had to wear radiation badges whenever on or in the boat. In my thirties I developed thyroid problems, ended up having mine taken out. I figure it was either that or the when I grew up in Eastern Washington in the radiation zone of the Hanford nuclear reservation that caused it.
Yeah, I was
I was working as a crewman on a nuclear missile, and they did not hand us badges everyday as they said the sun would ruin the things. Well, yeah chemicals or nukes and as one said sound damage from the loud engines w/o proper hearing protection.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Keeping in mind that everything is relative, several of your posts have gained substantial traction on Facebook. This is one of them. We don't have a substantial reach, but I keep working on it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon