Walking Away from the Tech Industry

I've written about these thoughts before, but this bears repeating. The tech industry has nothing to offer anyone unless you're an H1B visa holder with 20 years experience in software and hardware that have only been out for 6 months. That can probably be said for a lot of industries nowadays.

Given the situation with my disabilities, I have nowhere to go as far as employment is concerned. There is no industry in my area, only service and retail. And I have a seething hatred for both not only because of the shitty management in most places, but the asshole customers who insist on trolling employees every chance they get.

There are no places where one can ply a trade i.e. farming, baking, carpentry because 'Murica's Bourgeoisie have destroyed all of those in the name of being ever profitable. Health has been destroyed by the pharma and hospital racket. Education destroyed by the push for privatization and for-profit diploma mills that drive young folks into debt with absolutely no prospects for employment and teachers forced to take second or even third jobs just to keep their heads above the water. Movements for social and economic change have been turned into objects of capitalist conformity. And with all that, families, neighborhoods, friendships and community have all been forsaken in the name of endless profit and empire.

People are aware of these things, yet they don't know what to do about it. We have one side telling us to blame the immigrants, feminists, millennials, people of color, gays, Jews, Muslims, etc. while the other tells us to blame working class white guys who are feeling the squeeze as much as anyone else. Either way, neither group offers solutions that are even worth considering. More of the same with a fresh coat of paint. Young people have all but given up because society has given up on them.

I can't be the only one who's tired of this shit. And it's plainly obvious that voting won't solve anything whatsoever, as if it ever did anyway. The Bourgeoisie will do all it can to destroy any coherent movement for real change as they always have.

So for now, I'm choosing to walk away from an industry that will never accept people with disabilities, save through tokenism in the name of image and profit motive. Most industries are like that, to be sure. That's just how capitalism works. But the tech industry is the worst in that respect. All over the news there are stories of executives talking about the 'untapped resource' of people with disabilities while discarding them when the cameras and watchdogs disappear.

So in closing, if you have any aspirations of going into the tech industry, I have this suggestion: Run. Run hard. Run fast. There's nothing but misery and boredom from lack of purpose and employment.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

So in closing, if you have any aspirations of going into the tech industry, I have this suggestion: Run. Run hard. Run fast. There's nothing but misery and boredom from lack of purpose and employment.

Ah, to have heard that wise counsel in 1979! That's when I made the mistake of going into the tech industry. Back then, there was still a hardware industry here in the USA. No more, of course.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

The Aspie Corner's picture

@thanatokephaloides flipping burgers, driving for UberLyft, selling crap over the phone and that's basically all that's left.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@thanatokephaloides Yes, My story too.

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WaterLily's picture

try not to smash into a glass wall like those dumbasses at Apple.

(^Poor attempt at levity).

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We are always one credential, degree, certificate short. Shoulda studied this, not that. Back in the 80's when the foreign worker craze started, the Wall Street Journal would run stories on how the US was suffering a shortage of skilled tech and science workers. A few days later there would be letters from laid off tech and science workers saying it wasn't true, there are plenty of workers. The corporations just don't want to pay the wages. Now they're telling the kids today , esp women, to go into STEM fields. I guess they'll finally have their highly educated minimum wage workers.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@Snode They already are to begin with. But with the Temporary Foreign Worker scams going on, it's almost impossible for people to get full shifts. Canada has had a huge problem with that shit for years. And the first excuse? "Canadian workers are lazy. They don't work hard enough." Bullshit. People simply don't wanna work erratic schedules and the CEOs are just looking to squeeze every single dollar in profit they can get out of the working class.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was happening here as well.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Daenerys's picture

@The Aspie Corner It's not even about the work anymore, it's how much ass are you willing to kiss and how much of your personal life are you willing to give up for a (crappy) paycheck. I'm not playing that game. I'm not even disabled and I may never have a decent job, because I can see through their bullshit; I know my rights and they know I'm not somebody they can take advantage of.

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This shit is bananas.

thanatokephaloides's picture


it's how much ass are you willing to kiss and how much of your personal life are you willing to give up for a (crappy) paycheck. I'm not playing that game. I'm not even disabled and I may never have a decent job, because I can see through their bullshit; I know my rights and they know I'm not somebody they can take advantage of.

So they'll always pass you over in favor of someone who won't resist the abuse.

(Been there, done that!)


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Daenerys's picture

@thanatokephaloides @thanatokephaloides And I've had enough abuse in the workplace, tyvm. There's no point in working a regular job that doesn't pay a living or afford you some kind of dignity. We know we're getting ripped off. People want to work; nobody wants to work for nothing. There's still too many people with no choice though; people with kids to feed and whathaveyou. It wouldn't even take a very big strike to fuck things up.

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This shit is bananas.