General Election Speculation
There's a piece up over at Morning Nightcap examining the rivalry between those of us who support Bernie Sanders and those who support Hillary Clinton. While anecdotal and speculative, there's some points worth examining. The general tenor from the Very Serious People is that the back and forth between the camps is only adding fuel for the right to throw on an ever-growing fire. Per the article:
The “attacks” and arguments against Clinton have, for the most part, been about policy, her choices while in elected office, her many, many, many “mis-spokes”(yeah, that’s a fucking word now), her generally dismissive air when confronted by her own words and policy positions, her documented lies about Sanders (and everything else, really), and our general frustration with the constant walking back of more “mis-spokes” from her surrogates. Yes, there have been Sanders supporters that have crossed over into right-wing nut job conspiracies about Hillary, and they’ve been routinely shouted down by both the Senator and his supporters who have legitimate reasons not to vote for Clinton during the primary.
So here’s the thing: the Honest-to-Jeebus complaints that Sanders supporters have about Hillary Clinton are never, ever, going to be a part of the right-wing attacks she would face in the general, if nominated. Can you imagine anyone from the GOP pushing for tuition-free college based on a small tax on speculation? Or advocating criminal and social justice reform? Or getting rid of for-profit prisons? Or not getting involved in stupid fucking wars all over the planet? Or having a serious, aggressive plan to deal with climate change? Let alone admit climate change is even fucking real?
There's more to the article that deals with the massive stockpile of cash the Kochs have been sitting on, ready to unleash at any moment in a barrage of attack ads like we've never seen- particularly if Clinton is the nominee. For our sake, and the general lack of motivation by the populace at large, we should work our asses off to make sure that doesn't happen. We're starting to see good news coming out of Illinois and Missouri. New York is looking up. I've yet to see any polling data out of California, but I live here and have seen an overwhelming amount of support for Bernie in NorCal.
Let's keep going.
As always the Very Serious People
Refuse to believe that people don't want to order off the menu at Cafe Shitburger.
Standard crap about how Bernie "Hasn't been attacked yet."
When the Rethugs pull out their big guns, it will be the exact same ones that Hillary is already using. Red-baiting is number one on their list of course.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Those are brilliant points! Thank you. The VSPs are playing
from an outdated playbook, eh. his year is not a "static" year. It's a torrent of rising anger on all sides. The Occupy Trump protesters are changing the game of primary races. They're fighting Herr Drumpf in the streets, not accommodating him. they understand that this fight is existential. That overrides all other primary questions.
The Big Question of the primary for every Dem voter now becomes: "Do I support the Dem candidate that fights Drumpf or do I support the Dem candidate that will accommodate Drumpf?"![Smile](
It clarifies everything else very nicely
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Did you read the article on the Odeous Clinton Presidency?
The young people will stay home. The Independents will vote Trump, stay home, or vote Green. The left will vote Green. If VSP are so fricking worried about people not voting for Hillary, then maybe they ought to use their superdelegates to get her out. Do I want Trump? Hell no. I'd hate Cruz even more. Will I vote for whatever corrupt Democrat they throw out there to stop either of them? Hell no. If they want my vote, they earn it. If not, I'm giving it to Jill Stein. Read the article on Clinton's presidency. Go read what they think of you.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon