Politics of Hate

Warning: This will be a rant.

Everyday here in America shows another round of insanity that seems utterly improbable to occur. And yet it does.

Everyday the corruption becomes more entrenched, the populace more tortuously obedient and ignorant, and the world slowly dying.

Everyday creates a new bud of hatred for the system and a new blooming of resignation to the system.

While this list is not all encompassing, it is a start. If something is missed, it isn't due to importance but rather a fevered state.

*I hate how both parties view themselves as the "good guys" as they commit atrocities around the world.
*I hate how the Democrats view themselves as these enlightened, marvelous people when in reality they are manipulable, bloodthirsty individuals.
*I hate how Republicans view themselves as God's chosen when they are also manipulable, bloodthirsty individuals.
*I hate how Christians don't somehow explode in the contradiction of accepting Capitalism as their orthodox.
*I hate how Clinton supporters somehow in this deluded fantasy see Clinton having the election rigged against her by the Russians and Sanders having the advantage.
*I hate how Democrats view themselves as pragmatic and somehow "wanting the same things" as 'progressives' when in reality they are nauseatingly greedy and selfish people living in their 5-1% lifestyle not giving a single fuck about the lives of poor people.
*I hate how often more so with Democrats than Republicans can simultaneously be for and against the very same thing merely depending on partisan approach (being against the Iraq War to some extent but then also simultaneously talking about the virtue of destroying Libya and Syria).
*I hate how Democrats try to sell themselves as the party of women and POC when those same Democrats voted to rape, torture, kill, or ruin the lives of those very same people across the world multiple times (Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and on and on).
*I hate how Sanders who talked about the virtues of 3rd parties and the problems of the duopoly is nothing more than a company party man for the Democrats, even though he now has the most power he has ever had in his elected history. If there was any singular individual in the last century who even had a chance of breaking the duopoly and allowing 3rd parties to grow, it would have been him. But instead he shows his obsequiousness to power.
*I hate how the general population just plods along, barely able to lift their obese frames as they consume and consume everything in their path from food to utterly meaningless trinkets and baubles in our excessive consumerist society.
*I hate how the general population talks about wanting a 3rd party yet will never vote for the damn 3rd parties on the ballot. I mean, Libertarians were in all the state ballots while Green was in roughly 48 I believe. This in itself could generate an essay but I'll leave that for later.
*I hate how we are mindlessly careening off the cliff here with regards to climate change, with the general populace just strolling along. In the end the rich will win while the general population dies off without even a single whimper.
*I hate how easy it is to manipulate the American public, ramping up another Cold War with Russia so easily. My God, it's like the MIC just has a game-show spin wheel and whatever the arrow lands on will be the next enemy. In 30 years we will probably worry about Islamic terrorists again. Or maybe we will have moved back to Communists, or maybe the Chinese. Who knows. The public just easily accepts the lies of Rachel Maddow or Hannity or whatever nonsense gets pushed at the other networks.

I know there is more, but I could go on for quite some digital pages here. In the end I see no reason for hope. My generation of millennials are barely scraping by while Boomers won't give up a single ounce of power until it is pried from their cold, dead hands. And by then it probably will be too late.

Again this is a rant so I don't have an eloquent and elegant ending. It seems that we are resigned to just watch the world burn around us.

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@Daenerys He got the job through a friend, it's a small company 4-5 people. He didn't have much experience and he was on the independent contractor thing. I tried to talk to him about maybe having to pay double SS, and I don't know what else, but he's in a rock and a hard place. Just hope he doesn't get hurt.

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@Daenerys Arrgh, I posted in the wrong place. He didn't have much experience and they took him on under the independent contractor thing. It' prob. isn't legal, but the loans just keep escalating.

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QMS's picture

@Snode A life told in a post. Wrenched my heart hard. Thanks. Makes mine pale in comparison. Keep up the good fight. Wink

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS @QMS Ohhh....I didn't mean to come off such a downer, I mean, we're ok. My wife works in a small rural hospital, on the clerical side, and there are so many worse off than us. Too many drugs, kids having kids, too many people in their 20's-30's-40's "dying suddenly at home", families breaking apart, less and less jobs. Kids with potential looking bagging groceries, working at Walmart as a career, whatever hopes they had gone. And how did we end up like this? It happened like that frog in the pot of water, and next time, next time our leaders will fight for us. Next time.

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QMS's picture

@Snode we had hope for a better tomorrow, which is why we fought so hard 50 years ago. And since. Mostly kept the evil at bay by the actions. Slowly those hopes have eroded and the activism with it. Maybe the next generation needs to fight harder. Why do we have to struggle just to survive? The greedies take too much, giving back next to nothing. We are told this is the capitalist way. It is neither right nor fair. There is plenty in this world IF sharing is developed. Co-operation instead of competition. Just dreaming...

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Daenerys's picture

@QMS and the question remains: how do we undo the brainwashing? There's still too many people who still think capitalism is the greatest economic system to ever exist anywhere in the history of the universe or will be, despite all evidence to the contrary.

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This shit is bananas.

QMS's picture

@Daenerys can't hope for un-brainwashing. A sweeter taste on the tongues. Positive options for solving old deadlocks. Encouraging creative thinking. Showing by example. Offer to barter. Random acts of sharing and caring. It's not the end all to solutions, more just small steps. What is within our power in the moment to influence and change. Magnified by many orders of magnitude, it becomes the new social order.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Strife Delivery's picture

It seems that a singular sentence from this essay has dominated the conversation, which was not really the purpose at all of the essay to begin with. It was the ending sentence to a rant but seems now to be the entirety of the discussion upon which I didn't want in the first place but now have to see to the end.

As I mentioned to someone else on here, history goes through generations. We talk about the people in power during specified periods of time. We do it for the 1440's, the 1570's, the 1820's, and on and on. We don't slap a generation label on them because we don't have generation names for them but it is all the same anyway. If we're talking about the 1860's and their views towards slavery and other races, we're talking about the average of people. Are there outliers? Yes, of course, that's basic human nature. But in historical analysis we don't deal with outliers unless the outliers forced a change upon the average of society at the time.

Someone brought up Zuckerberg as a retort, as a means of saying "look, see, I don't judge millennials off of Zuckerberg". That's good because he is an outlier. It merely reinforces my point. Folks like J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller aren't representative of their respective generations simply because they are the outliers of their respective generations.

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Pricknick's picture

@Strife Delivery
Unfortunately, you didn't pick on an outlier. You placed a whole generation in the crosshairs. It was wrong.
Your rant was very good until you did that. It somewhat cheapened the whole essay.
Fortunately we have a very knowledgable and patient (for the most part) group here. I think you noticed that nobody devolved to name calling throughout the thread.
That there shows how we're all in this together good or bad.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Strife Delivery's picture


You placed a whole generation in the crosshairs. It was wrong.

Because that is how it is. There isn't any other way of stating the obvious. It isn't wrong at all. It is how we do historical analysis time and time again. This only seems to be a more prickly topic for modern history because our generations are still alive. It's like you just ignored the paragraph I wrote about this up above.

Imagine we called the generation in power from the 1840's to 1860's the "Side Burners". The average Side Burner would probably be a racist individual who either didn't have a problem with slavery or perhaps wanted it outlawed but still didn't view AA's as equal human beings. Again, the average of society. Where there outliers? Yes. But we look at the general trend of the society at the time.

We've done this throughout our time of historical analysis. We just obscured it more because we don't use generational labels throughout history. Instead we talk about "eras" which can go beyond a generation or simply just decades (1880's, 1890's, 1900's,) etc.

Zuckerberg is a millennial, but millennials aren't Zuckerberg. Again a difference between individuals and outliers, and the average trend of society.

Jonas Salk is from the Greatest Generation but he is an individual within a generation, not the defining feature of a generation. Now if everyone was like him, that becomes the trend of society during that time period.

The reality is that the current power dynamics are owned by Boomers. That is the reality. Even in our last election, Boomers pushed Trump and Clinton to the top.

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Should have read to the end. The Boomer bashing really detracted from what was an otherwise good essay. Yes, there are a lot of despicable people who are Boomers (our "leaders," for example, are disproportionately in that age group), but it's insane to lump the average Boomer in with these sociopaths. Most Boomers are getting screwed just like all the other age groups.

If we must direct our righteous anger at a certain demographic, it should almost always be the Powerful People. With few exceptions, they're on the wrong side of every issue, on the wrong side of history, and they're the ones who actually have the power to change things. The other 99% of us are essentially powerless.

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Strife Delivery's picture


The Boomer bashing

A singular sentence talking about how the current power dynamic is owned by Boomers and that Boomers won't relinquish power or change is not at all excessive bashing.

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Re Bernie: reposting this rant from a thread which was dead by the time I'd finished it.

This was a sorta general response to a video on another thread but I feel that it needs to be said, even if nobody wants to hear it, other than Constant Reader spy agency people, lol.

We know their methods, we know that Bernie told us not to believe him if he was forced to tell people to vote for Clinton, we know that this is the only way of making Bernie plausibly lose, by losing policy support, and yet it never seems to occur to anyone that he might be forced to publicly self-sabotage by mouthing this crap, which (unless brainwashed, and he does seem to hate doing this) he knows we won't believe?

This is why testimony produced under drugs/duress/torture - such as this lot has routinely used against victims, as when attempting to manufacture some 'plausible' excuse for attacking the next series of countries on their hit list - is not admissible as evidence in court. Anyone can be forced to say anything, using the right 'leverage' - and that's how TPTB work. We know this.

In the cases of the torture-for-'war'/'confession' victims, where the characters, record, actions are known, as with taxi-drivers and others turned in for cash-for-bodies-to-torture, it often became evident that, as became known, TPTB's lackeys simply tortured until the person produced something they thought could be used, and this was an established technique of the Psychopaths That Be, who were presented with pictures and details for their sick enjoyment.

Does anyone really think that this lot of psychopaths might not, for example, threaten Bernie's family (remember the Clinton body-count, apart from endless others related to government/agency corruption?) in order to make him publicly commit political and moral suicide by repeating obvious, warmongering bullcrap propaganda in order to continue reminding the people restricted to corporate media and with an increasingly censored and propagandized internet that they need to act themselves to form government truly of, by and for the people? Do you think that anything, including sacrificing his own integrity, would stop Bernie from trying to save the planet at this last moment in time by attempting to rouse the people to save themselves by forming self-governance?

As long Progressives keep running for public office, supporting each other and getting in, they will rapidly begin to outnumber the psychopaths in office; while in smaller numbers and not yet in influential positions, they can be successfully blocked and muted, but get enough Progs in and this won't work anymore. This could be done within the next two elections, if no suspicious results are 'accepted as a done deal' by the people. If it doesn't, there will evidently not be another chance permitted, even if life still exists, which seems rather unlikely at this point.

But all it takes for evil to succeed in overcoming all of us occurs in that opportunity opened when good people do nothing; ask yourself why not voting at all - 'in protest' - is supposed to have a negative effect on those who do not want them voting against them and where this idea came from, to encourage the discouraged to just give up and let TPTB do as they will to them, unopposed in any way at all? At this point, TPTB still seem to need some pretense of legitimacy - but for long will that last?

Bernie and the Progs have long been subjected to attacks from the 'Left' on an internet crammed with propagandists, even before Bernie was apparently forced to start spitting 'Russiagate' talking points - something utterly out of character for him. And he still scares the crap out of the Psychopaths That Be, as can be seen by their propaganda attacks.

Bernie was the only hope for a sane, sustainable and united country, the only politician who could obviously get enough of the people united in supporting his policies and integrity to finally have a US President and Party of, by and for the people, working for the public interest - and this was the only way TPTB could nobble him, break up the unity of those seeking democracy and civilization in getting the psychopaths out of public office and policy, and attempt to cause the surrender through inactivity of the people believing in democracy and a decent life for all, rather than an enforced global corporate/military micromanaged 'austerity-for-them' existence on a rapidly dying planet, overall now being termed Progressives - and as TPTB always do, they manipulate these into fractured and impotent groups therefore easily dismissed.

And some of us are letting it work on our very last chance, as we see people turn to 'boycotting' voting, exactly as desired, saving TPTB having to fake electoral results; fascists in either of the corporate Two-Party Trade-Offs benefit from low turn-out and discouraged activists, as Clinton showed. Whereas we need to do what they do not want us to do, not make it easy for, and encourage, them.

We're no longer falling for these recycled propaganda attempts, such as the warmed-up ancient Cold War propaganda - why are we falling for this endlessly recycled tactic when we already have the information available to see what they're doing to us because it's been done so often in the US already?

They always accuse others of doing what they do themselves and their big accusation against Russia is based on purported efforts to create division and subvert democracy within America, that being what we can see them doing themselves.

Of course, Bernie stepped in where others feared to tread as a last-minute miracle who'd never happened before and never will again, even if there is any 'ever' left, so they had to adapt their tactics, but using the same propaganda, threats and manipulations as always.

But this looks like the last chance, and the last battle...

So, fine, don't support Bernie for President - but for all of our sakes, support the Progs.

As Bernie's always said, this is not about him; this is about the American people taking back their government to legitimately be of, by and for the people, with equal rights, treatment and opportunity for all.

And if it isn't done now, I very much doubt there will be another chance or anything left to save. Apart from all else, it appears that nuclear obliteration of planetary life could happen at any moment, with the only concession to life's survival being that more of TPRB's nuclear weapons aimed at multiple other people's countries are to be now planned to be exploded above ground so as to throw less debris high enough to completely block the sunlight level required for life for however many decades...

They who do not believe in science/reality and believe that they can create their own and make it 'real' apparently do not believe in radiation's affects, at least where their exceptional selves and delusions are concerned.

They have their luxury bunkers; since increased threats from the notoriously-civilian-attacking US PTB in recent years - who, going by quotes I've read on or linked to this site, apparently already think in terms of politically hurting Putin by killing others among the Russian people 'to hurt his popularity' (murder for fun and profit and to make targets look bad! Surrendering the world to these then utterly unrestrained psychopaths would be insane; better to go down swinging) - the Russian people have been having nuclear drills and refurbished Cold War bunkers organized by their Ebil Russian government, which cut back on their military spending, with hostiles massing on their borders, in part to ensure that Russians got their pensions. And of course they get health-care.

Quite the reverse from the US PTB for their people, of course. Exactly the reverse, actually, since the already-impoverished American Poors are expected to 'sacrifice' further for the MIC profiteers and the continuation of US PTB murderous global takeover plans as they now more rapidly expand.

Gee, I wonder what comes in the 'good old US of A' after even more of the increasing homelessness and starvation and laws against feeding the hungry being already inflicted upon the population - the previous attempt at corporate/military global takeover of US industrialists in supporting Hitler in Germany involved the 'pragmatic' and 'incrementally implemented 'euthanization of 'Good Germans' who were useless to the industrial/military machine forming the State, which also was only stopped when the world finally massed against them - after Russia decimated Nazi forces invading them and made this possible. Will history repeat itself, if the American people do not unite and succeed in saving themselves and the world?

Of course, in that case, who knows what replaces TPTB, then facing war crime charges in an international court over which they may have no control, when the American people have not brought in their own legitimate government of, by and for the people?

Often it's best to do it yourself, if you want a result you'll really like and can live with.


Split Enz - History Never Repeats

TPTB tell themselves before they go to sleep...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
