New York Magazine Makes A Case For Impeaching Clarence Thomas
This is stupid. Really really stupid. Clarence Thomas should NEVER have been confirmed. He was absolutely unfit and unqualified for a traffic court seat let alone the Supreme Court. But after all these years and with Trump in the White House and the Republicans in control of the Congress and the Senate, now is not the time to push for a vacancy that would need to be filled. Especially since we’re looking at 3 more years of our hickey-on-a-hemorrhoid President. That would give Trump and the Conservatives on the right a chance to put a younger right-wing Gorsuch clone on thr SCOTUS, probably for decades into the future.
This may sound cold and crass, but Thomas is old. It’s embarrassing to say this but an old Thomas on the bench is far preferable to a young radical Republicans confirmed to a lifetime position for decades to come. It’s better to wait until Clarence tips over or retires than allow another opportunity for the right to pack the Court with younger versions of the man. That changes or fixeds nothing.
(OT: this should squelch any hopes crazy Uncle Joe had for running. Poetic justice at its finest!)
New York Magazine Makes A Case For Impeaching Clarence Thomas
"The idea of someone so flagrantly telling untruths to ascend to the highest legal position in the U.S. remains shocking, in addition to its being illegal."
New York Magazine is laying out a case for the possible impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
The cover story, penned by former executive editor of The New York Times Jill Abramson, described Thomas’ rise to power and his apparent immunity to scrutiny during the height of the #MeToo movement. Citing conversations with three women who worked with Thomas, Abramson also detailed a history of lies told by the judge, beginning during his confirmation hearing.
His dishonesty, not the allegations of impropriety, “raise the possibility of impeachment.”
“Lying is, for lawyers, a cardinal sin. State disciplinary committees regularly institute proceedings against lawyers for knowingly lying in court, with punishments that can include disbarment. Since 1989, three federal judges have been impeached and forced from office for charges that include lying. The idea of someone so flagrantly telling untruths to ascend to the highest legal position in the U.S. remains shocking, in addition to its being illegal,” Abramson wrote.
I’d like to point out that Ms. Abtamson isn’t the best judge of who’s fit or unfit for a seat on the Court or any position for public office.
During the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Abramson argued in a column for Guardian US that Hillary Clinton, whom she had covered as a reporter and editor since the Whitewater controversy, was "fundamentally honest and trustworthy.’.[20]
20. "This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest". March 28, 2016. Retrieved October 16, 2016.
EDIT: spelled Abramson correctly
EDIT EDIT: adding link to Abramson’s ridiculous puff piece on The Clinton Creature:

Sorry. Not so much.
Relatively, no.
Ginsburg 84
Kennedy 81
Breyer 79
Thomas 69
Alito 67
Roberts 63
Sotomayor 63
Kagan 57
Gorsuch 50
As to the rest, Good ole Uncle (I'm gonna smell your hair little girl) Joe and Teddy (D-Chappaquiddick) let him skate into a life time tenure.
Imagine that.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Abramson story in New York on Thomas is here, for those who are interested. She and Jane Mayer wrote Strange Justice, which displayed Thomas in all his hideousness, and Abramson hasn't really been able to get the guy out of her head since. But he is not going to be impeached for lying his lips more than 25 years ago. The Americans will have to put up with his judicial mutancy until he drops dead, or gets bored and retires to go out and make many monies.