17-Year-Olds Can Vote in Ohio Presidential Primary

Judge grants a request to let 17-year-olds vote in Ohio state's presidential primary.

AP News:

Nine 17-year-old registered voters in central Ohio had sued him (Secretary of State Jon Husted) in state court over his interpretation. At issue was a distinction between "elect" and "nominate.

The Sander's campaign also had filed a lawsuit.

Separately, Democrat Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign has filed a federal lawsuit over the limitations. A federal judge earlier Friday temporarily halted the lawsuit, saying the court would abstain from a decision in the case until the state court ruled on the similar lawsuit.

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hester's picture

Ty for posting.

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Don't believe everything you think.

magiamma's picture

Husted is (of course) appealing.

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What a mean, nasty thing to do to these young adults. We know they were excited about nominating their candidate the way others have before them, or we wouldn't have heard about it.

I remember working like crazy for a local candidate when I was 17, and then turning 18 during that time.

No doubt I was somewhat naive at the time, but I put my heart and soul into the campaign. It felt like a rite of passage.

My candidate didn't win. But I felt like I did. I got to vote!

The people doing this should be ashamed.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "