Why The Dems are Panicking over the Nunes' Memo

It's pretty simple. They don't want to run in 2018 as a progressive party.Their leadership actively rejects progressive policies, as do conservative Democrats they support. They would rather simply run against Trump, rather than provide the American people with an alternative vision. That's why #Russiagate is important to them. Not to impeach Trump. No, for Dems it is strictly business. They're using it to fund raise and run against their GOP opponents by labeling them traitors rather than addressing the serious issues that confront our nation. The Nunes' memo (technically the House Intelligence Committee memo) threatens that strategy.

If you look at the major figures among the Democrats, they have consistently focused on Russiagate and all the other nastiness of Trump to the exclusion of promoting any part of the progressive agenda. Bernie Sanders has been, for all intents and purposes, the only prominent national elected official who has kept his politicking focused on issues and policies popular with a majority of Americans. Policies such as the following:

1. Medicare for All
2. Raising Minimum Wage
3. Free College Tuition
4. Give relief to those burdened with Student Loan Debt
5. Preserving and Expanding Social Security
6. Increase Taxes on the Rich and Stop Corporate Welfare
7. Invest in Critical Infrastructure (including renewable energy)
8. Climate Change
9. Reverse Our Massive Levels of Income and Wealth Inequality
10. Support Job Creation and End Monopolies

Obviously, he's campaigned on other issues, as well. Where he stands apart from his colleagues in Congress is his consistent campaigning on these issues and attacking Trump and the Republicans on the issues, rather than on Russiagate. Yes, I know that he also either capitulated (if you like that word) or made a strategic decision to condemn Russia for its election meddling. However, where he has differed from almost every elected Democrat is his refusal to make Russiagate the centerpiece of his attacks on Trump and the Republicans. He has promoted progressive candidates and a progressive agenda since Trump's election. Almost every other major political figure associated with the Democratic Party has done the opposite.

The reason is simple. They do not want to campaign on a progressive agenda. They have actively opposed progressive candidates for elected office running as Democrats to the extent that they filed lawsuits to keep progressives off the ballot. They refused to share voter data with progressive candidates, and the establishment Dems (i.e., DCCC and DSCC) have thrown money and support toward neoliberal/conservative Democrats, even when they have a record of voting with Republicans, while refusing to support progressives at all costs.

What the Centrist/Neoliberal faction that controls the Democratic Party apparatus wants is to maintain the status quo, even if that means they lose and remain a minority party. The reason for this is clear - they continue to rely on donations from Big Wealthy Donors (see, e.g., Stephen Cloobeck) and corporate lobbyists. That's why they chose a non-entity, anti-progressive, wealthy and big donor dependent centris Democrat, Rep. Joe Kennedy, to give the official Democrats rebuttal to Trump's state of the Union speech the other night. Not surprisingly, it was filled with empty platitudes and said little of substance. Equally unsurprisingly, his "hollow man" speech received kudos from all the usual establishment and corporate media suspects.

This is why the Democrats, despite their talk of being a progressive party, are liars. They don't want any progressive candidates, even if they want the votes of progressives. That pretty much leaves them with attacking Trump anyway they can, and they have pushed most of their chips into the Russiagate pot. That's a big gamble. Anything that damages the narrative that Trump actively colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election damages their best talking point in the upcoming midterms.

Without Russiagate, what do they have to appeal to voters who aren't solidly in their corner? Nothing. They didn't come through for the Dreamers. They supported and passed a larger defense bill than Trump asked for. They continually warmonger and attack Trump for not being tough enough against Putin, suggesting he is Putin's puppet for refusing to increase sanctions against Russia. Yet less than a month earlier they passed a bill that expanded Trump's power (and that of the NSA, FBI and CIA) to electronically spy on American citizens.

Their worst nightmare is the Russiagate narrative falling apart before the elections in November. And that is why they are throwing a fit about the Nunes' memo and its expected release by the Trump administration. Polls already indicate that Russiagate is not a primary concern for most Americans (though Democratic party diehards may be obsessed with it).

If the Democrats lose the ability to effectively brand Trump as a traitor in their races against Republicans this Fall, they have nothing else to fall back on that will motivate left-leaning independents and voters to go to the polls. Thus, all the hysteria about the release of a document that tells us what many already suspected: the Obama administration violated the FISA law in its actions with respect both the Trump campaign and the American people.

Who but the most dyed-in-the-wool party members will come out to vote for the Dems if the narrative of Russiagate is exposed as not only false, but as a deliberate political hack job? Not many. All of Trump's base and other Republican-leaning voters will show up. They always do. The Dems base and any Independents that would support the progressive policies I've mentioned above, will not, unless the Dems adopt a progressive platform ASAP. And we all know that isn't going to happen under the current Democratic leadership. Win or lose, it's not in their best (financial) interest to do so.

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WaterLily's picture

Fewer and fewer will. Yet they'll still happily proclaim "Victory!" and "Popular Vote!" with 20% of eligible voters showing up.

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Cassiodorus's picture

That pretty much leaves them with attacking Trump anyway they can, and they have pushed most of their chips into the Russiagate pot. That's a big gamble.

Actually it's not. The Democrats were just fine when they flipped 900 state legislative seats to the Republicans under Obama; they're fine with campaigning on the strength of nothing, or for that matter winning no offices or attaining no power. They get paid either way.

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"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati

gulfgal98's picture

@Cassiodorus We have a winner!

...they're fine with campaigning on the strength of nothing, or for that matter winning no offices or attaining no power. They get paid either way.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Meteor Man's picture

I'm pulling this comment from gjohnsit's recent Dem Exit essay:

Sounds about right to me. After the 2018 primaries that percentage should increase. The problem is that there is no way to break into the political system. In the last L.A. Mayoral race 20% of eligible voters bothered to show up, which was almost a record low turnout:

Voter turnout in the March 7 mayoral election in Los Angeles was 20%, just above the record low, final results show.

Dean Logan, the Los Angeles County registrar, had expected turnout to break the record low of 17.9% in 2009, when Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was reelected.


So 80% of eligible L.A. voters know both choices sucked and Garcetti is using that election as a springboard to run for President.

I'm probably going to see what The Green Party is fiddling around with just for shits and giggles. Maybe we can draft Chris Hedges or Jimmy Dore for Green Presidential nominee. I'm grasping at straws here, but it seems like a very large number of American voters are looking for a genuine choice to vote for.

I am not sure if the Democratic Socialist Party or The Green Party is more likely to field a well known socialist candidate in 2020, but I'm keeping an eye on both possibilities.

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Lily O Lady's picture

telling me that “today” is the last time I can get my 2018 Democratic Party card. I keep deleting them, but more keep showing up. When various Democrat organizations call asking for money I tell them that I hate them because they vote like Republicans. They continue to bug me because they truly believe that I should follow their leadership. It won’t work, but they don’t care. As cassiodorus says, they get paid either way.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady I sent this as a response to an email from our young Mr Kennedy. I don't do it very often and this one is more long winded and more polite then a few I've sent, but I couldn't help myself.

"His" email titled: "Our Moment" (I don't think I need to add his blather or plea for funds here and I will not. I know no one will read it but I felt better after sending it!)

"You know, it really is shameless to use the legacy of your family to once again support a morbidly corrupt Democratic party. I know you aren’t worried about the state of this country in reality, you and yours will not only survive but more than likely THRIVE as well once you finish ripping away the last pathetic shreds of our safety net and finally, once and for all, succeed at killing off the surplus useless eaters.

As for Repugnants and their hideous agenda – I think you need to give some credit where credit is due – just what has YOUR party REALLY done to counter any of it? You all simply water down the harsher edges, when “given a chance” because you simply cannot bring yourselves to bite the hand that keeps on feeding. I like to think your grand uncle was really a good man who did want actual change, but when I read history and what was actually DONE during that time, not so much anymore. Maybe he really did buck the MIC and the Deep State and was assassinated as a result, I for one believe that more every day, but he too cut taxes on the high end, he too endorsed global US hegemony, he too built up more missiles and war materiel….

So really, just what is it you think you can do differently? Just how far are YOU willing to go? Are you going to DO anything, or just continue going after those loony Repugnants you all helped set up? Which will it be? Leave a real legacy and turn this shithole around, or worry more about your very own library and fuck the plebes? I tend to think it’s the latter, as it has been for DECADES now. This didn’t just happen under Trump, he is merely the culmination of a country and a government that sold its own soul for 30 pieces of silver LONG AGO. And yes, both “parties” are the problem, NOT the solution, they never have been and they never were. It really is all an empty sham Joe, you of all people really should be able to see that by now. IF you were paying attention, that is. The Russians did NOT make America what it is today, you and your cohorts did that all by yourselves, with a little help from the brainwashed rubes you all worked so hard to get to vote for you. I’m not playing that game anymore Joe, why are you?"

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Meteor Man's picture

This has been an ongoing complaint here at c99% for years. No more Bushes, Clintons, Kennedys, Mc Cains or Obamas. Did I miss anybody?

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"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn

Thumb's picture

We've pinned this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/7ulr0y/why_the_dems_are_p...

Lions and tigers and invading troll hordes, oh my!

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

ggersh's picture

is a game being played only on cable and DC

the rest of the country cold give 2 shits

just my $0.02

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture

If the democrats aren't going to work on progressive policies and not just be not Trump then what is all the excitement for? They're going to impeach him aren't they? Just in case Mueller doesn't get the job done. Roll back the tax cuts, make Obamacare the bestest health care plan we've ever had and maybe stop the wars? If they aren't going to do anything of those things, then why should people vote for them?

Besides, we have to have the democrats in charge so they can keep Russia from interfering with the election, just like Obama did? Wait, are you telling me that it happened during his tenure? Oh well...

I'm pretty sure that I know who is going to be working to get them elected before Trump sells us out to Putin. The sad thing is going to be when Russia Gate falls on its face. I might start watching Rachel again if that happens.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

WaterLily's picture

@snoopydawg ... adorned in pink pussy hats.

Gag me.

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There's an old saying in politics: you can't beat somebody with nobody. And you're right to point out that the Dems are trying to do exactly that. Where is the alternative vision? If they have one, why are they reluctant to share it with anyone?

I have to thank the Dems for their tenacity in adhering to the RUSSIA!!1! narrative. My ability to spot a Gish Gallop has improved immeasurably. Isn't that exactly what they try to do in these fundraising emails? "Trump colluded with Russia, so give us money." The conclusion does not follow from the evidence presented, but they sure like to pretend that it does.

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You keep using that word...

They would rather simply run against lose to Trump, rather than provide the American people with an alternative vision.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.