Whoa, Nelly! Russiagate konspiracy wackos forgot to wear their tinfoil hats
We are long past the point where the adult enters the room and tells the ScaryRussia! crowd that they need a nap. Consider these articles from just today.
President Donald Trump’s Justice Department had reason to suspect that former Trump campaign associate Carter Page was a Russian agent, according to a Republican memo.
The contentious and secret memo, allegedly created by Republicans to discredit the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, shows that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein approved an application to continue surveillance of Page, sources told The New York Times.
MSNBC: MSNBC Analyst John Heilemann Suggests Devin Nunes ‘Compromised’ by Russia
On Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe, political analyst John Heilemann asked a question of Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) that he readily admitted “under almost any other circumstances would be ridiculous and absurd, but under these circumstances I think is actually warranted.”“Is it possible that the Republican chairman of the House Intel Committee has been compromised by the Russians?” Heilemann inquired. “Is it possible that we actually have a Russian agent running the House Intel Committee on the Republican side?”
The pundit was referring to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the man behind the explosive memo that aims to cast doubt on the FBI’s handling of the investigation into Russia’s election meddling.
Vox: There’s a second Trump-Russia dossier
Last year, a controversial dossier compiled by a former British spy sent shockwaves through Washington. It contained unverified claims that President Donald Trump had deep ties to Russia and was potentially compromised by the Russians.
But now it turns out that a second dossier exists — and it contains some of the same information as the first one.
The Guardian reported on Tuesday that the FBI is in possession of both dossiers and is looking into whether any of the information is true. The agency is in the midst of an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.
This second document, like the first, is highly controversial. For starters, its author is Cody Shearer — a political activist with strong ties to the Clinton administration in the 1990s. He has no experience in intelligence, which makes his involvement with a document that could reflect badly on Trump look suspiciously partisan.
Believe it or not, there is actual, fact-based news in the world that is truly terrifying and deserves all of our attention.
Like this headline from DefenseNews: The Pentagon is planning for war with China and Russia — can it handle both?
But nevermind End Of All Life On Earth news. Let's pay attention to ridiculous gossip instead.

lol. and then there's this illogical stuff from T's CIA chief
‘Russia is aiming to interfere in US midterm elections, warns CIA chief’, Mike Pompeo says ‘I have every expectation that they will continue to try’ to meddle in House and Senate races in November. the guardian
“In the BBC interview at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Pompeo said he believes that, despite cooperation in counter-terrorism, Russia is primarily an adversary and there has been no significant reduction in Russian attempts at subversion in Europe and the US.
However, Pompeo also said Chinese efforts to exert covert influence over the west were as much of a concern as Russian subversion. He told the BBC the Chinese “have a much bigger footprint” to do this.
“Think about the scale of the two economies,” he said. “The Chinese have a much bigger footprint upon which to execute that mission than the Russians do.”
well, that nails it, Mikey; China because: yuuuge economy!
I guess now real men
Since I read no MSM besides the occasional propaganda check to see what they're babbling about, or watch or listen to any of it at all now, I find it shocking they just throw this shit around like they do. I should not, I know but man it amazes me.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
It really does require unplugging to truly understand, which most Americans are unwilling to do.
That tinfoil hat
looks suspiciously like the Soviet Budenovka
Surely, anyone wearing one must be.... Russian?
from a reasonably stable genius.
I Always Suspected Rachel Maddow Was Xenophobic
I knew it! Is Chris Matthews xenophobic or has he been compromised by The Russians? Maybe both? I demand that The House Intelligence Committee release the list of xenophobic reporters who have been compromised by The Russians!
Wait a minute. Is House Intelligence Committee an oxymoron?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
[Bulwinkle has been captured by government agents]
Rocky: Hey, what's the meaning of this?
Agent: Military intelligence. That phrase mean anything to you?
Rocky: It sounds like a contradiction of terms.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I remember seeing that when I was
young and thought ‘WOW’! Rocky and Bullwinkle was a cartoon for kids and adults. It was well written and the animation was fantastic.
For some of us that show was our introduction into the ways of the world. It might have been funny but more than that it was insightful and honest. IMO it was/is one of the best ‘cartoon’ shows ever made.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
And to top all the weirdness off...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yeah Rachel, let's Trump up a war with Russia
She really has flown the cuckoo nest. I'm glad to see him call her out on that. She isn't the only one who is pushing for war because of the fake dossier. ToP is full of people who think we should do that. Plus the acceptance of corporate censorship. Stay classy guys and girls.
I'm not surprised to see that another secret dossier has come out. If the propaganda starts failing, ramp it up. Almost 18 months of this investigation and the goal posts keep changing. GOOOAAALLL!
The last video is brilliant. Thanks for posting it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What are the reasons for war with Russia and China?
How are they going to sell that to the American people? The current Russian interference came after Obama and NATO started their troop movements, so how are they going to spin the war?
Has China been "being aggressive" like they are accusing Russia of being? Has China been invading countries left and right that I'm not aware of? What are they telling the troops who have to fight their wars? "China and Russia are threatening our global hegemony and we need you to stop them?"
Hmm, maybe some actions like we saw in Vietnam would do the trick. Or make the war planners and congress go off and fight them instead.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Does Russiagate vs FBIgate make sense as game of chicken?
Does Russiagate vs FBIgate make sense as game of chicken?
in which each faction is trying to intimidate the others with the mutual assured destruction of pulling back the curtain on DC players of every party and institution being entangled in global dirty money and politicized intelligence agencies.
Beside Trump's shallow unpredictability making him a wild card (and the Republicans having ceded influence to other shallow and unpredictable politicians and media figures), are there other reasons why this is happening now after being avoided for many decades?
I tend to think an underlying factor is the cumulative stress of the US trying to sustain it's suddenly expanded post-WWII empire, especially after the collapse of the USSR, and the opening up of apparent profit-opportunities in China, made geo-politics so much more complicated. Managing that transition, in a country where people think they should have the right to determine national policy (and secure an ever-higher standard of living) at the ballot box, would be at high risk of failure no matter how competent the political establishment, which has shown itself to be dominated mainly by people of shockingly narrow competences, aside from their less-surprisingly absent moral compasses.
That's certainly an angle
I hadn't considered, EHH.
The fact that our entire political system is coming apart at the seams is pronounced. The Repub/Conservative is splitting into Establishment vs Tea Party/ Alt right. And the Demo/Wall St. faction vs traditional leftest liberals. And voters identifying as Independents are growing in number threatening to become a voting faction all of themselves.
Throw in the Greens gaining strenth, albeit slowly, and the Libertarians small contingent, the duopoly seems doomed.
This all spells chaos for 2018 and beyond.
So, when all else fails, go to war. Or as you posit, play a game of chicken. That will gather everybody together, all 911-ish.
Because the next war will be the last one this civilization engages.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Not just the U.S. 'ZOMG Russia!' crowd...infects UK too
“The plan for the Russians won’t be for landing craft to appear in the South Bay in Scarborough and off Brighton Beach,” the defense secretary said. “What they are looking at doing is they are going to be thinking, 'How can we just cause so much pain to Britain?' Damage its economy, rip its infrastructure apart, actually cause thousands and thousands and thousands of deaths, but actually have an element of creating total chaos within the country.”
The loons have gone insane.
Here is the thing: they believe it.
The deep state actors know Russiagate is bullshit. However, the mass media and democrats believe it all regardless how insane the accusations.
At TOP, Sanders, a Dem Socialist is Also Accused of RussiaGate
One of the FPers posted Bernie Sanders response to Herr Drumpf's
2018 Speech Edition of Mein KampfSOTU as of course the shiny new object (Joe Kennedy III) got all of the attention and Bernie's got ignored. I was surprised Bernie brought up the possibility of Russian interference in the 2016 GE with this statement:So of course the Motley Meese showed up and tried high jacking the thread rather than pointing out things they may have disagreed with in Bernie's commentary.
Check out this lineage of CT about Bernie and the Russian trolls here :
As we all know, CT is not allowed in the TOP Rules of the Road. Except when a Motley Moose type does it.
Fabulous! My antennae just got a new splash of teflon.
One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson