BlackLivesMatter has joined in with a coalition of activists and civil rights organizations on the side of Apple in their legal showdown with the FBI over encryption. BLM raised the ugly memory of J. Edgar Hoover as justification for opposing the FBI.
[O]ne need only look to the days of J. Edgar Hoover and wiretapping of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. to recognize the FBI has not always respected the right to privacy for groups it did not agree with [...] And many of us, as civil rights advocates, have become targets of government surveillance for no reason beyond our advocacy or provision of social services for the underrepresented.
These groups are asking for a new Church Committee, "to determine the extent of FBI and DHS spying in the past decade."
It doesn't require white privilege to be extremely alarmed at the rise of the Surveillance State. Everyone with an eye on history knows that marginalized communities are the first ones to have their 4th Amendment rights revoked.
Through COINTELPRO the FBI targeted black leftist organizations like the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, a group that Bernie Sanders supported as a college student.
What's more, the groups note, "documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show that the FBI continuously invokes counterterrorism authorities to monitor groups it admits are peaceful and nonviolent."
In the past decade the FBI spied on School of the Americas Watch, Black Lives Matters, Keystone pipeline activists, and even coordinated the crackdown on Occupy Wall Street.
What is notable about the FBI today is just how far into Red Scare-territory it has gone. No longer is it just the plumbers union, or the peace activists. Now the object of their fear is...your children.
The FBI is instructing high schools across the country to report students who criticize government policies as potential future terrorists, warning that such “extremists” are in the same category as ISIS.
You really do need to scan through the FBI’s materials, which are aimed directly at our children; my words cannot describe the chilling 1984-tone purposely adopted.
As author Sarah Lazare points out, the FBI’s justification for such mass teenage surveillance is based on McCarthy-era theories of radicalization, in which authorities monitor thoughts and behaviors that they claim without any proof lead to acts of subversion, even if the people being watched have not committed any wrongdoing. This model is now (again, welcome back to the 1950s) official federal policy.
But wait, it gets even better.
According to the FBI's educational materials for teenagers, circulated as a visual aide to their new guidelines, the following offenses constitute signs that "could mean that someone plans to commit violence" and therefore should be reported: "Talking about traveling to places that sound suspicious"; "Using code words or unusual language"; "Using several different cell phones and private messaging apps"; and "Studying or taking pictures of potential targets (like a government building)."
Suspicious acting teenagers? That's unheard of!
The FBI also notes that "Encryption is often used to facilitate extremism discussions.”
So if you want to keep hackers from monitoring your online banking by using encryption then you might be a terrorist.

They just described every student at high school
Goddammit, Why am I getting so... Oh, RIGHT. Friday. Today's the day they dump all the news and pray to god people ignore it.
This is getting crazy. Reagan being praised by the media and the FBI spying on people. How did I get back in the fucking 80's? At least give me back the good music!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
As former HS teacher was none too happy
when first read this elsewhere. Not any happier now. What bullshit.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Is this going to lead to a new Church Committee?
I wish it would.
This could be a good project for the Bernie movement.
So many issues to deal with!
Also deal with the justice system as well.