This is what we really have
(This was an answer to Aspie in his essay, and got big enough to be one itself, and some might miss it, so I add it here for your perusal). I wish there was another way to awaken to the nightmare of the American Systems, and social orders. I am however to have yet another brother in arms. I see the 1% as the parasites that they are, and you are right, they have always maintained control, and have shifted away from what used to make America Great to shithole status ever since the first President who removed instead of reinforced FDR policies took office.
Having said that, Reagan initiated the rolling death we are seeing now, and yes, Clinton was the Republican in Democrat clothing that ended it all and we saw the end of the actual "Left" in the democratic party. The history has repeated even though history showed how bad the "gilded age" they have returned us to was for the nation as a whole, and how the Versailles court was for France, the truth is, we cannot support a "Wealthy" or Parasite class as they suck the life out of what they are living off of.
Sadly this all dates back to the 1930s when they were going to use mercenaries to kill or depose FDR and eliminate his policies that helped float the earlier generations to the greatness we see leaving here. After the General blew the whistle on them they had to work out another plan, rather than being thankful that they were not arrested and imprisoned for treason(which they should have been!)
They funded their views to think tanks, foundations, institutes and so called universities who then formulated plans and how to make those plans sway the population to looking at the 1% fondly as they got tricked into thinking that they too could become of the Parasite class and enjoy that life-style.
Oh how well this plan actually worked, it was a long game, and for the early years of it, pretty low key and sneaky, getting bolder and bolder, and even their plans were enacted by the Democratic Politicians who wanted that billionaire buck. Getting rid of the actual left from the political scene in politics was their final coup to finalize their take over end game, and now we are living in it as they strip our social programs to siphon that money to them, or their MIC corporations fattening at the tax trough to wage wars of acquisition of resources from poorer nations incapable of fighting back against the Empire as our troops are used as "Storm Troopers" to squash any rebellion against the Imperial resource grabs from our nation.
Anyone who thinks we still have a representative democratic republic in this country needs to wake up and realize you now live in the Corporatist States of Oligarchia.
I don't claim to know the right answers to fix this as it seems this is systemic to human mentality requiring a hierarchy of sorts to have a semblance of social order. I know I am not smart enough to solve this issue, just the wisdom to recognize my own flaws in this regard.

The 1% have been manipulating the system for awhile now
...and like you I have no answers for our trip down the slippery slope. All we can do is hang on the best we can and help others along the way. Government as you say is a corporate oligarchy that does not care...and won't give you a quarter to call someone who does.
You are wise enough to see the system for what it has become. So think global, act local.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Think Global Act Local
The only choice we really have isn't it. The David Harvey quote from your Weekly Watch worked for me:
There seem to be dozens of protest groups springing up all over the country. Maybe the DSA and other grass roots candidates can push the Democratic Party out of the Neoliberal graveyard. I certainly have my doubts, but my fingers are crossed and my prayers are with them.
Loved the Monsanto video too Lookout. That was one courageous and wise old farmer. Inspirational heroes like that give me hope.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
I found his comments accurate too
Our for profit culture will learn the lessons too late I'm afraid. Get yourself in a good situation to weather the storms....that's all I can determine. Hope all is well with you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
So long, and thanks for all the fish