Ohhhh really? RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! Crank up the hysteria folks! Apparently we aren’t beating the war drums loud enough for the MIC.
Russia is in possession of an underwater nuclear drone capable of carrying a 100-megaton nuclear warhead, a recently leaked draft of the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review confirmed.
The weapon, referred to in the document as an “AUV,” or autonomous underwater vehicle, is featured in a chart that lays out Russia's multiple nuclear delivery vehicles.
Exclusive: Here Is A Draft Of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants A Lot More Nukes.
His first Nuclear Posture Review: more nukes, more posturing.In his first year in office, President Barack Obama gave a landmark address in Prague in which he famously affirmed “clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” The commitment to total nuclear disarmament was a major departure from the George W. Bush administration — the first time, in fact, that the United States had declared a nuclear-free world a major policy goal.
Now, eight years later, it’s the Trump administration’s turn to lay out its nuclear weapons policy. And according to a pre-decisional draft of the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) obtained by HuffPost, Trump’s Department of Defense has gone a decidedly different route: new nukes, for no good reason.
In October, NBC reported that President Trump had told a gathering of high-ranking national security leaders that “he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal.” While the report doesn’t nearly go that far, it does call for the development of new, so-called low-yield nuclear weapons — warheads with a lower explosive force.
The logic of those pushing for the development of smaller nukes is that our current nuclear weapons are too big and too deadly to ever use; we are effectively self-deterred, and the world knows it. To make sure other countries believe that we’d actually use nuclear force, the thinking goes, we need more low-yield nukes.
But official language around nuclear weapons is slippery and euphemistic. “Low yield” suggests a softer sort of weaponry, diet nukes, until you realize that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were technically “low-yield” weapons.
Golly, I’m getting more cynical and jaded by the day. For the first time the thought “maybe that missile alert the other day wasn’t an ‘accident’ just did a couple laps around the thing betweenmy ears.
Of course we need more nukes. Tired old men running things here in the good old US of S feel everything slipping out of their grasp and they’d rather kill every living thing on this planet than to let that happen.
EDIT: finished sentence I just left hanging there making no sense.

It's beside the point that Obama was lying through his teeth
What he said to the outside world bore absolutely no relationship to what he asked Congress for (Moar Nukes, Moar Nukes!).
Janus-faced snake.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This is two year old news
Thanks AM. There's a larger perspective available of dangers:
Experts are quite concerned about Trump Admin 'useable nuclear weapons' and the dangers in this climate of posturing and belicosity .
Check out this interesting radio interview with an expert suggested by The Center from Non Proliferation Studies in Monterrey. (My wife jb and I were involved with CNS under a special program for HS students to learn and debate about the issues of non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction last decade before we retired.)
Click on
13:40 Trump administration's Nuclear Posture Review
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Obamas Pentagon gamed using nukes pre-emptively against Russsia
Stephen Cohen has read Russian military policy papers which have stated that any invasion or attack on Russian homeland will result in the use of nuclear weapons.
Yep, Obama did. And those who study this, like
Key today is : ' dangers in this climate of posturing and belicosity .'
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
is Known that Vlad will come in the
water. And the Americans, he will Blow Up.
The Hairball needs the "low-yield" nukes for border security. They will be deployed against the brown people, who "are bringing drugs, are bringing crime, are rapists," who "throw the large sacks of drugs over, and hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff," thereby causing terrible Injuries to the white people. Those that are not killed by the low-yield nukes, they will glow in the dark. In this way they can be more easily rounded up, and returned to the shithole countries.
See you a drone and raise you Putin killer squids
Ashton Carter,
President Obama's Secretary of Defense, worked very hard to sell this $1.7 trillion more usable nuclear weapons program. The obscenity of this program is the reason I would not vote for the Democratic Party's candidate for president in 2016.
I am increasingly aware that friends and family do not follow foreign policy issues and have fallen under the spell of the Party's hypnotic trance about the need for cold war, hot war, and increased defense spending. But I hope this forum, writers at caucus99%, knows that Ashton Carter brought this program into being, though he was only working toward a goal advocated by defense establishment think tanks and insiders of long standing.
I am thrilled that family and friends and writers at caucus99% are opposed to limited nuclear war. And I am amazed at how right I was that suddenly the hawk in our military industrial leadership no longer looks like a dove, now that we have a lunatic clown for a president instead of a nice guy. But I hope you will understand that more usable nuclear weapons were not the idea of Donald Trump. He may rot in hell for embracing the idea, but it wasn't his.
I would say,
get out your checkbook, but your checkbook and mine won't amount to a drop in the bucket for the imaginary spending engaged in by the military industrial complex.
Massive Overkill: Brought to You by the Nuclear-Industrial Complex
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
By William D. Hartung, TomDispatch
… In other words, in every sense of the term, the US nuclear arsenal already represents overkill on an almost unimaginable scale. Independent experts from US war colleges suggest that about 300 warheads would be more than enough to deter any country from launching a nuclear attack on the United States.
Despite this, Donald Trump is all in (and more) on the Pentagon's plan -- developed under Barack Obama -- to build a new generation of nuclear-armed bombers, submarines, and missiles, as well as new generations of warheads to go with them. The cost of this "modernization" program? The Congressional Budget Office recently pegged it at $1.7 trillion over the next three decades, adjusted for inflation. As Derek Johnson, director of the antinuclear organization Global Zero, has noted, "That's money we don't have for an arsenal we don't need."
More than enough overkill to destroy planetary life...
And, as a bonus, 300 nuclear warheads are also more than enough to destroy all planetary life by kicking more than enough particles high enough to block more than enough sunlight to more than enough kill off global oxygen production, not just food. That's not even getting into the radiation. A couple of hundred modern warheads used in a regional war would be plenty to make Venus out of Earth in short order.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The Hawaii Missile Alert is confusing.
The major thing making me think that wasn't an accident is the fact that we didn't just start launching our own missiles. Or maybe it was an accident but the proverbial "cooler heads" prevailed and prevented the military from retaliating. All I know is there was a 10 minute window when someone could have done something and thankfully didn't. I'm glad. Really and truly am.
But, to me this is a major issue that was either a perfect example that the billions we are spending on security might as well just be thrown in the trash or something far more insidious. I doubt we'll ever know which it is.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
It was a local civil defense test, not connected to th military
They pushed a button that sent out messages to various local agencies (and to national level non-military agencies like FEMA.
I'm sure that if the alert reached NORAD (or whatever its called these days), they checked their radars and saw it was nothing.
Strictly a local snafu by non-military people. Its major effect has been to scare people. Since this plays into the hands of the warmongers, I doubt anyone gets punished for this. (The people who need punishing are the idiots who designed a system where one mouse click can set off this result.)
Good to know.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
More than Obama's trillion for nukes, or the same as?
Obama just wanted everyone else to get rid of their nukes.
So, are Trump's demands for new nukes on top of what Obama demanded for new nukes? And requiring more testing, no doubt? Perhaps on various long-targeted countries around the world
Damn good article following, seriously needs to be read in full at source, if at all possible.
08/07/2015 09:48 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017
So, is Trump adding more to this trillion, or just shoveling the same load of "TPTB want the world, they want it now, and they'll blow it up if they don't get their own way."?
Edited to add the 2015 date I somehow missed copy-pasting, when Obama was eager to nuke Russia and China, before the propaganda was even being pushed to generate public enthusiasm for the mass murder of the world of life.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.