Not a Role Model
I do not want Maryjane to look up to a woman who presents herself as a leader but who has changed positions on nearly every progressive issue from LGBT rights, to the disastrous no-child-left-behind, to the corrupt criminal justice system (having been on the board of a private prison corp before she was against them - last year, or calling young black men ‘super predators” before she was hugging their grieving mothers and parading around with them), to equal pay (having been on the board of Walmart where the workers - many of whom are single mothers - get food stamps, govt subsidized housing, and welfare to survive) but not more than $12/hr., to trade agreements that were the ‘Gold Standard’ until she was against the TPP - when the polls showed it was unpopular, who was for the Keystone pipeline before she was against it (but has had no problem promoting filthy fossil fuel extraction in other countries), BUT who is definitely a leader in signing off on war, regime change, weapons sales & transfers to US enemies, upholding the death penalty, and who vacations and gets foreign policy advice from Henry Kissinger!!!! Consistent, trustworthy, honest????? ROLE MODEL - NO THANKS.
I do not want Maryjane to look up to a woman who, while attempting to break the ultimate glass ceiling and show that a woman (who is married to an ex-president and spends years schmoozing world leaders & corporate exploiters of humanity) can become president, and young women (like her daughter) can succeed and become the ‘successful’ wife of a wealthy hedge funder, and live in a $10,000,000 apartment, and have a salary of $600,000 a year (as a junior reporter for NBC News) + $300,000 (for her role in an organization that her parents direct, which pays their staff way more than they donate to their ‘causes’ from funds by they collect from leading figures in countries with huge civil rights issues - including and especially those affecting women), who did not hesitate to say children risking their lives attempting to escape the horrors in Haiti (where she and Bill had a not so humanitarian role – until they did) should be denied entry in the US to send a message to their folks back in the hellhole they left. ROLE MODEL – REALLY??
I do not want Maryjane to think she should respect a woman, who in defending the indefensible position of her husband, one of the most powerful men in the world, who was caught inflagrante with a 21-year old intern, had no qualms about shaming and branding the young woman as the villain, while at the same time taking credit for standing as a proud advocate and defender of Women. And I surely don’t want Maryjane to be pressured into supporting a woman just because of her gender - or find herself in a special place in HELL if she doesn't. ROLE MODEL - NOT.
Nor do I want Maryjane to think it’s okay for her role model to use surrogates to defile and dishonor the reputation of a man who has worked for civil rights from before she was a Goldwater-for-president-cheerleader, or for claiming that a man who has fought his entire adult life for the rights of working men and women was not a ‘real’ democrat (you know I’m right’ she said over and over to make her point – the redbaiting, having been initiated by Claire McCaskill, is apparently still on the agenda (yeah yeah the republicans will use it too, but I thought we were better than them??) which is not much different than when they slimed Obama in 2008 (it was her folks who brought rev wright into the campaign and she wasn’t sure back then if Obama, who she is now hugging closer than her sexual aggressor husband, was really a Christian; and that provable lie that Bernie said Obama was weak – she’s on record saying Obama’s weak when she was pushing him into Libya. ROLE MODEL – NOWAY JOSÉ
I believe, for the future of our planet, and the lives of all who struggle to live healthy productive lives with dignity and respect, it’s more important at this point in time to elect a leader with as few ties to the corporate world (including a ‘humanitarian’ foundation that donates less than 20% of its haul and pays ‘expenses’ to the folks who run it with the rest) as possible in order for that person to be in a position to work for the benefit of all the people – which can only happen without sucking up the swag & generous perks from those Wall Street sugar daddies whose greed has been corrupting the system for decades to the detriment of the 99%. And if HRC was that person I’d be right there with you – right there beside you.
BUT – the woman who is running for this most important office is much too enmeshed in this pay-for-play system (and I don’t think it helps that FBI agents are investigating the ‘Foundation’). She is too pro-war (Henry Kissinger thinks she’s just great), a nay-sayer-dream-killer under the guise of pragmatist (not wishing to give her donors the slightest concern that they will have to pay a penny out of their piles of $$$ on anything other than themselves) (n.b. 2/8/16 she refused to say she would not appoint a Wall Streeter as secretary of the treasury), because, godforbid, Donald Trump’s kids might get something for free (like they don’t already, along with her own kid - they’re BFFs you know) we must deny millions of deserving kids the opportunity to start their lives without becoming indebted (slaves) to the system (the MAN) for most of their working lives (if they can find a job, that is), and whose incrimentalist policies are inextricably locked to her ‘golden handcuffs’ (Goldman-Sachs internal reference, not mine / in essence they got her by the balls), and who IMO, will bring about nothing less than the collapse of this noble experiment called Democracy – death by a million cuts. Unless Oligarchy is the new Democracy? and Grifters, Money Launderers, and Influence Peddlers deserve to rule the world?? NOTHING I WOULD WANT MY GRANDAUGHTER TO EMULATE – NO ROLE MODEL HERE.
“An honest public servant can't become rich in politics.” — Harry Truman

Exactly the reason Jill Stein's my Number 2 pick.
Honestly, if I was going to go with my first impulse, Stein is my number one. She matches my ideology on almost every level, is a successful woman with a great career of helping folks, and really seems to give a crap.
However, Bernie has the weight of enthusiasm behind him which is hard to deny. Ironically enough, Bernie is my "Pragmatic" candidate. Which I think shows a lot about me.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Dream Team
What if Bernie could pick Jill Stein to be his running mate? Suddenly the Greens would be contenders and the corporate Dems would be in cardiac arrest and there would be a new party in town.
Since that is a really unlikely scenario, I would like to see him announce Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate, sooner, rather than later. She has resigned the DNC and thrown her lot in with him. She represents the ying to his yang, or visa versa. She's young, smart, articulate, seemingly ethical(One never knows) has a military background and has spoken out forcefully on our insane foreign policy.
It would certainly be a game changer and Bernie's numbers would sky rocket. We would soon be hearing Hillary who? Not soon enough for me. I would like to forget the Clinton's ever existed on a national stage and never hear of either of them again - include Chelsea in that because she is going to be just like them.
I HEAR you!
I fear for my own granddaughters who live in New Jersey. Their parents won't hear me when I try to talk to them about ANYTHING political. They have disowned me.
And I think there are a lot of people our age who are supporting Sanders... We need a "Boomer's for Bernie" movement to show that it isn't only the kids who support him and support the revolution!
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First Nations News
Great idea
I think it would work. Or...if not the very least find some other appropriate position for her. If Obama could appoint a Republican Bernie could surely appoint a Green . .
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
Love your rant style!
And as a soon-to-be-grandma, I completely concur with you. Thanks for starting off my day with a lovely essay in support of real feminism.
As someone else has said in their sig line, ISSUES - NOT GENDER, to which I add HONESTY.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
Role Model
I agree with you wholeheartedly, it saddens me to think so many people feel that this woman should be back in the WH. In spite of all the warm fuzzy spin the Democratic Party tries to put on the Clinton years, they rank right up there with Reagan for dismantling this country. I have been less kind in my assessment of her. Here is an article that gets closer to my feelings about the woman: