Evening Blues Preview 3-24-15

This evening's music features the King of the Slide Guitar, Elmore James.

Here are some stories from tonight's post:

US accuses Israel of spying on Iran nuclear talks

Israel denies Wall Street Journal reports that it shared confidential information from talks with members of the US Congress in attempt to derail any deal

The US has accused Israel of spying on international negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme and using the intelligence gathered to persuade Congress to undermine the talks, according to a report on Tuesday.

The Wall Street Journal cited senior administration officials as saying the Israeli espionage operation began soon after the US opened up a secret channel of communications with Tehran in 2012, aimed at resolving the decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

The apparent decision by the White House to leak the allegations is the latest symptom of the growing gulf between Barack Obama’s administration and Binyamin Netanyahu’s government over the Iran talks, in which the Israeli leader suspects US officials of being ready to make too many concessions at the expense of Israeli security. Intelligence analysts suggested that the leak reflects the degree of anger in Washington at Netanyahu’s actions, and could mark a more serious blow to the already tottering relationship. ...

According to the report, the US has long been aware that Israel is among the shortlist of countries with the most aggressive intelligence operations targeting America, alongside Russia, China and France. It said American diplomats attending the talks in Austria and Switzerland were briefed by US counterintelligence officials about the threat of Israeli eavesdropping. It also raised the possibility that Israel gathered intelligence about the US position by spying on other participants in the negotiations, from western Europe, Russia, China or Iran. US intelligence had previously provided help to the Israelis to spy on the Iranians, the report said.

The US also conducts intelligence operations against Israel, and learned of the Israeli spying operation when it intercepted communication between Israeli officials exchanging classified information that US intelligence believed could only have been acquired by espionage.

An Angry White House Vows to Confront Netanyahu, But Will It End Key U.S. Support for Occupation?

The EU and NATO Are Gearing Up to Fight Russia — On the Internet

One year after the Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, the European Union and NATO want to step up an information campaign to counter what they've called "false narratives" disseminated by the Kremlin.

On Sunday, Gen. Philip Breedlove, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, said there was a "need as a Western group of nations or as an alliance to engage in this informational warfare."

"The way to attack the false narrative is to drag the false narrative into the light and expose it," Breedlove, an American, told a forum in Brussels.

[Breedlove should be intensely aware of the effect of sunshine on propaganda and false narratives, since his lies and propaganda have been debunked by allies. - js]

Like the US, most European countries already have state-funded media arms. But the West sees Russia's recent forays into foreign broadcasting as a cynical ploy to spread disinformation, particularly about its alleged involvement in eastern Ukraine. Breedlove contended that Russian government reporting is particularly worrisome because the Kremlin's involvement can be "hidden."

[Whereas American propaganda and disinformation are completely transparent. pfffttt!!! - js]

Last summer, the US began a social media campaign to publicize its version of the events in Ukraine, but Russia was quick to co-opt the American hashtag #UnitedForUkraine to disseminate its own messages. The United Kingdom, meanwhile, has reportedly created a special unit to serve as "Facebook warriors" in the online battle against its former Cold War nemesis.

House Overwhelmingly Passes Call to Arm Ukraine - Resolution Doesn't Mention Ceasefire

In an overwhelming 348-48 vote, the House of Representatives passed a resolution calling for President Obama to immediately begin providing weaponry to the Ukrainian government.

The resolution claims Russia is plotting to take over eastern Ukraine, and cites Pentagon officials supporting arms shipments to the Ukrainian military. The resolution is non-binding.

The preamble to the resolution includes several factual errors about the Ukrainian conflict, including the bizarre claim that Russia’s annexation of Crimea undermined an international order established after World War 2. At the end of WW2, Crimea was still part of Russia’s Soviet Socialist Republic, and it had been Russian from the early 19th century.

The Rise of Podemos

The new generations came up with different values. And fear, which played a very important role, because the dictatorship was a very, very nasty one. For every political assassination that Mussolini did, Franco did ten thousand. And even today, Spain is the second country after Cambodia with a larger of number of people who have disappeared because of political reasons. The fear was still in the street. But the new generations broke with that. And they just said, enough. We want democracy. And in that sense, the demand for democracy was a revolutionary demand in Spain, because democracy was very limited. So the Indignados movement was the first symptom of that. So people went out to the street and said, enough. We want authentic democracy. La democracia real. Real democracy. And in that sense, they knew that the political system was not representative. The famous phrase, they do not represent us. No nos representan. They were not anti-political parties. They were pro-democracy, but didn't feel those parties were representing their interests, and they were calling for all the forms of democracy beside representative democracy.

Another world is possible, without the 1%

If you are in the top 1 percent of the global wealth stakes, our economic system works exceptionally well. Since the financial crisis in 2008, most of the wealth created in the world has ended up in your bank accounts. By next year, you could own more wealth than the rest of the world put together. ...

The growing gap between rich and poor is a reality for seven out of ten people on the planet. Last week the World Bank calculated that ten Africans own more wealth than half the continent. Statistics like these are actually a cold shower on people’s natural, positive aspirations to improve their lot – they’re telling us the 99 percent won’t get there, or anywhere close. ...

This is a system that sees a world possessed of huge wealth nevertheless leaving the vast majority of humanity behind with virtually nothing at all. One where women are systematically exploited; at the current rate of progress it will take 75 years before women are paid the same as men, never mind that women’s unpaid care work continues to remain invisible. And it is a system that is leading us to runaway climate change.

Yet the 1 percent are quick to tell us that there is no real alternative. Sadly, they say, nothing is ever perfect and of course there will be winners and losers (and typically, by implication, talented winners and feckless losers). But that we should be grateful – it’s the best we can hope for.

What an appalling failure of imagination. What a shocking lack of faith in human invention, ingenuity and spirit. I am sure of two things. One is that another world is possible; the second that it cannot be imagined or created by the 1% – it is up to us.

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Big Al's picture

always makes the argument that there's a difference between parties a little harder for me to take.
At this point, isn't it all just nuance?

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joe shikspack's picture

applies well here in describing the nuance.

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Big Al's picture

if there is a difference it doesn't make a difference.

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Shahryar's picture

I first became aware of Elmore James through the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. That was the first time I'd ever heard a guitar played like that (Look Over Yonders Wall), which Butterfield did more like "Dust My Broom" than James' version of the tune. James died way too young.

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joe shikspack's picture

bloomfield, who was an amazing guitarist - don't get me wrong, was someone who was creating within a framework that was defined by people like elmore james, muddy waters, howlin' wolf, big bill broonzy, tampa red, robert johnson, casey bill weldon and many others.

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