Freakin' Franken
Submitted by earthling1 on Thu, 12/07/2017 - 11:16am
He could have preserved the last shred of dignity he had and quietly slinked away.
But no, a long rambling "I was doing good for America" you will miss me bs.
At the very least he could have prodded Roy Moore by saying something like;
"Don't let us democrats appear morally superior, Judge, follow my lead".

One hundred bottles of beer on the wall
One hundred bottles of beer,
take one down, pass it around
99 bottles of beer on the wall.
Let's drink the rest of that beer.
535 bottles of beer
Let's hope they are all caught up in this. If we're lucky.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Like getting Al Capone on tax evasion.
I wonder how this seen in the home state.
If you represent a farm state, maybe you might want to gain some expertise on farm issues?
Why did I think he was from Wis.? Don't know, anyway I gather there is Demrat gov. to appoint another neolib to the post? So Big Al has to take one for the team, to distract the public from embassy moved to Jerusalem. No doubt he will be well rewarded. Here's hoping he gets to enjoy his luxurious retirement in Israel.
Mary Bennett
I am sensing a Hillbot sympathy surge
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Let him go to Gaza
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Why would anybody want to watch that speech
I am glad though that it does put Roy Moore supporters on the spot.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Except that Moore has been forgiven by awwwl mighty GAWWWD!
And he says he never met any of those women. So, he's doubly covered, even though he actually publicly admitted meeting one of them, then later said he hadn't ever met any. If'n awwwwl mighty GAWWWWD forgave him, then he's all good, and you're just an ignorant heathen bent for hell if you don't believe it. That's the way it works with a lot of Christians. Do whatever the hell you want, then just ask for forgiveness (no limit to the times asking for it, either), and you're all good. No problem.
Muslims are going to hell because they aren't Christians, Jews are the "chosen" ones, so they get to go somewhere, maybe heaven, and Roy Moore is going to heaven because he's Christian. Nothing nutty, at all, about that.
I thought all the Jews who don't believe in Jesus get smitten
when the end times roll around.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Bible says they're the chosen ones
I was never given an answer to that as a kid in private school and Sunday school. I pissed them off with all my questions. If they don't "take Jesus as their personal Lord and savior" and admit that he died on the cross for all their sins, then, according to what I was told about myself, they're gonna burn in hell. But then, the Bible says they're the chosen ones.
I got nothin', except that all Muslims are going to burn in hell. That's just a given. /s
lord and savior
You do realize that this whole "take Jesus as their personal Lord and savior" nonsense:
(1) Doesn't exist in the Bible at all; and
(2) Didn't exist in Christian thought at all much prior to 1800 CE.
So it's an innovation covering less than 10% of the entire history of the religion. And even today that innovation is accepted by only a small minority of Christianity's adherents. Most Christians are not adherents to the evangelical Protestant cults which maintain this as a tenet.
Thus, the status of the unconverted Jews, those who deny that Jesus is their Messiah, remains in question.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I dunno, I'm thinking that Adoptionism makes sense...
Course, that brings up the whole god and man issue, and if one man could effectively become god, do Christians have any right to claim that other gods are not real? Which is of course why they banned this kind of thought as heresy in the 2nd century.
Edit: I also have a great deal of affection for Catharism...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Why So Few Defending Themselves?
It seems very odd to me that so many of these men who have been accused are so quickly resigning or are not challenging their terminations. My guess is that that the allegations that are being revealed are only the "tips of the icebergs," and that there are threats to reveal much worse (pedo?) if the perps do not agree to go away quietly. It sure looks to me like strategy to drain the swamp in a controlled manner and maintain civil order at the same time. So far, all of those who have stepped down have been due to offenses against adults, with the possible exception of a few of Spacey's alleged victims.
What exactly did he ever do that was GOOD for America? He endorsed HRC. He supports fracking. He talked a good game about universal health care at one point, but haven't heard boo from him since ACA.
I was so hopeful, but in the end he's just another tool of the .01%. He has a new book out too (Giant of the Senate); I'm not even going to read it.
This shit is bananas.
Wait long enough; it will be on sale at the $.99 store
This shit is bananas.
A friend loaned me Liars
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I never thought him very appealing...
Arrogant, smug, little twerp who thinks himself very clever (Harvard). I really had no time for him, but in 2008, Norm Coleman was even worse.
"Giant of the Senate"?? Prat writ large.
from a reasonably stable genius.
So he went to the Senate
he had his chance to do good things for the country, and instead, he is a pro big ag, pro Shillary, pro Monsatan hack. And not even funny anymore.
Does anyone in the home state even miss him?
Mary Bennett
I never cared for him back in the
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yeah, same
This shit is bananas.
He's no Paul Wellstone
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Definitely the
JuniorJuvenile Senator from Minnesota.Frankly, I'm embarrassed to have voted for him, but Norm Coleman was even sleazier. Didn't vote for him the second time. As you say, he's no Wellstone progressive.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Do you happen to know
What was his support like after two, is that right?, terms. Did Klobuchar come to his defense at all?
Mary Bennett
I would say that support/non support for Franken
a couple of weeks ago, was evenly balanced in terms of letters to the editor, etc., but things went south with his initial press statement. He certainly lost the local paper. I'm not sure that people were ever really 'invested' in him. They initially supported him because he wasn't Norm Coleman. His HRC support, despite Sanders' landslide in the caucus, didn't do him any favours, along with his ridiculous Convention 'bit'. He originally harped on about Paul Wellstone, but his Senate 'performance' was definitely lacking.
Few will miss him I think. Perhaps comedy and politics really aren't his 'thing'.
from a reasonably stable genius.