Deminvade: It's Put Up or Shut Up Time for Dems

I'm ambiguous about the Deminvade strategy that Sanders, Our Revolution, Justice Democrats, etc. have pursued. I understand the desire to take over an existing party structure that has a protected and embedded status in almost every state vs. creating a new third party. On the other hand, I see the current "leaders" of the Democrats as unlikely to surrender power. And we all know how deeply corrupted they are at both the personal and systemic levels. I can easily see them imploding like the Whigs in the mid-19th Century.

That said, the Republicans have handed Democrats a cause that could resurrect the Dems as a true people's party, should they be willing to take it up. Last night the Senate Republicans passed their doomsday tax reform cut bill, one designed to devastate poor and middle income folks, and transfer trillions of dollars to the wealthiest people and corporations in America. I call it a doomsday bill because it designed to explode the budget deficit, paving the way for further cuts in the social safety net, including the a program for drastic cuts to social security, medicare and medicaid and well as other forms of government assistance essential to the economy and the general welfare.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said recently that he wants Republicans to focus in 2018 on reducing spending on government programs. Last month, President Trump said welfare reform will “take place right after taxes, very soon, very shortly after taxes.” [...]

You also have to bring spending under control. And not discretionary spending. That isn't the driver of our debt. The driver of our debt is the structure of Social Security and Medicare for future beneficiaries,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said this week.

While whipping votes for a GOP tax bill on Thursday, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) attacked “liberal programs” for the poor and said Congress needed to stop wasting Americans' money.

Cuts to other essential programs such as NIH, CDC, FEMA, EPA, the Forest Service wildfire fighting units, and government funded research, etc. are also likely on the GOP's chopping block. Anything but spending for the Military Industrial Complex will be fair game.

These cuts will cause tremendous pain to middle class and poor Americans, and with a looming stock market crash only a matter of when, not if, with our current wealth and income inequality we may soon incur economic suffering not seen since the Great Depression.

Democrats are effectively another arm of the oligarchy. Call them the "Compassionate Courtiers for Economic Royalists" party, for that is what they are. Obviously, Sanders and other progressive Democrats would like to push out the corporatist, neoliberal faction that currently controls the party's levers of power, as Jeremy Corbyn managed with the Labour Party in the U.K.. I'm skeptical that Sanders and his team can pull it off, but if he does, it will occur only if progressive activists embrace a frontal assault on the Democratic Party Establishment. And among the many other things progressives who are wedded to a Deminvade strategy should be doing, one of them is this:

Demand a Pledge From All Democratic Candidates To Repeal Republican Tax Reform

I would add to that a demand for the following pledges by all Dem cabdidates:

Enact Single Payer health care, or Medicare for All, as it has been called, at the state or national level.

Free In-state Tuition

Student Debt Relief or Amnesty

Increased Taxes on Income earned in Excess of $150,000 (i.e., income of any kind whether wages, salary or from investments with rates increasing progressively as income rises)

Paper Ballots, Not E-Voting


No Reliance on Corporate Cash or Big Money Donors

And by every candidate, I mean every candidate for state or national office. If anyone hedges or refuses to sign onto these demands, progressives should make it very clear they will stay home and not vote for the standard Republican Lite fare the party establishment has been serving up for decades now. It also means running candidates who adopt these positions in primaries against incumbents and other party establishment preferred candidates.

Absent a firm unified commitment to forcing candidates to adopt a progressive agenda or face being primaried and/or abandoned by progressive voters in the general election. If Deminvade has any chance of succeeding, this is the bare minimum progressive activists working within the Democratic Party should be demanding as the price for their donations, GOTV efforts and other campaign activities, and for their votes on election day for Democratic candidates at every level.

I'll be honest. I'm not particularly optimistic that progressive activists can take power away from the current Dem establishment. But they certainly won't succeed with half-measures or compromises. The neoliberal faction a/k/a the "New Democrats" will not back down or offer any compromises. They have shown that much already. Despite corporate and big money donors abandoning them in droves, they are wedded to a system from which man, many of them have benefited to the extent many earn comfortable living far in excess of the traditional party base, with the ones at the top moving on up to become multi-millionaires.

And we can't be certain that any particular Dem will follow through on their promises, even of they take the pledge (see, e.g., Obama's refusal to eliminate the Bush tax cuts). However, the more who do, the greater the chance that real progressives will assume office and work for a people's platform rather than the current system that gives the oligarchs whatever they want at the expense of everyone else.

I wish them well, but they have a lot to do if their Deminvade internal coup or "revolution" has any chance to succeed.

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detroitmechworks's picture

Run like cheap mascara,
Surrender like a French Stereotype,
Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,

And then tell us that they're our only hope.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Steven D's picture

@detroitmechworks But if Deminvade is going to work, this needs to be at the top of their to do list.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Pluto's Republic's picture


And it's always fashion forward.

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EdMass's picture

You''ve moved off the front page with your painful confessional.

Your story is not my story, yet there are similar occurrences for I and my dear freinds and it all sucked.

Keep on keeping on, brother.

Don't know if you're into it, but God Bless you.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

Steven D's picture

@EdMass your words are much appreciated by me.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

snoopydawg's picture

I have watched the democrats play their games since 2006 when they ran on rolling back the Bush abuses and we know how that turned out for us. "Impeachment is off the table" and "we are keeping our powder dry."

We saw what they did when they held all 3 branches of government and Obama had a HUGE mandate. They flitted away 14 months on the ACA when they could have passed single payer instead.

Obama was the biggest republican president weakest president in history because he let was blocked by republicans at every turn.

I'm trolling ToP this morning and I am seeing two things. 1) Democrats need to do this.... next time they are the majority, and 2) next time democrats are the majority, I don't want them saying that they have to do things by procedure, work for bipartinship or not revoke the filibuster that needs 60 votes while republicans have been able to block every legislation by using secret holds and the filibuster.

Even if this had gone through the regular process, does anyone not believe that enough democrats would have voted for it? Munchkin is telling us this: I recommend reading this article.

The US Senate tax bill: The financial oligarchy on the rampage

The Democrats are not seeking to rally popular opposition to a brazen tax giveaway to the super-rich. Rather, they are appealing to the Republicans to let them participate in the grubby legislative horse-trading. At least 15 Democrats appeared at a press conference Tuesday to send a message to the Republican majority: “Why settle for just 50 votes on tax reform when you could get as many as 70?” Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, one of the group, said. “If you’ve heard the rhetoric that Democrats don’t want tax reform, that’s false. We want tax reform. The country needs meaningful tax reform.”

There you are. He says that he would have voted for this. The reason he didn't have to this time is because he knew that republicans had the votes to pass it without democrats.

What we saw last nigh was theater. Democrats had 1 hour to read the 500 page bill. Why the hell did they not refuse to play the game? I am sure that there has to be some procedure that they could have used to stop the vote from happening last night.

For 11 years now I have been reading comments and articles that state: If democrats want to.... then they need to do this....... We ALL KNOW what they need to do, the question is why don't they? And the answer is that this is what they want too. Obama's presidency showed me that both parties play on the same team. The only difference is that democrats will go to the bat for us on identity policies, but will not support legislation that affects their donor's profits. The proof of this is Pelosi is willing to shut down the government over DACA, but not over any of this tax bill or anything that cost their donors money.
Yes DACA is very important, but not watching millions of us die is just as important.
My $.02

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Steven D's picture

@snoopydawg This is why I don’t really believe the Deminvade faction will succeed, because the neolibs that hold the strings have too much power, power reinforced by a media that focuses less on what matters to most people in any meaningful way, instead focusing on anything that will keep us divided.

But if they want to succeed they have to play the hardest of hardball with the neolibs. I haven’t seen that yet, despite Bernie’s best efforts. Personally I am for a third party based around the Democratic Socialist chapters that are growing rapidly.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

GreyWolf's picture

GOP plan is biggest tax increase in history

The bill raises $1.6 trillion by repealing the personal exemption everybody gets on their tax returns. ...

It raises another $1.3 trillion by going after deductions for state and local taxes, mortgage interest, charitable contributions, interest on student loans, medical expenses, teachers’ out-of-pocket expenses for paper and pencils for students, and a bunch of other nickel-and-diming of the middle class. ...

The plan gradually raises $128 billion in taxes by changing the way inflation is tabulated, so that your taxes slowly creep up over the years as the brackets come down.

And then, of course, the plan adds about $1.5 trillion to the debt over 10 years. ...

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It will happen. I have a feeling that all people registered as Democrats don't want corruption and want fairness in the primaries. Just about everybody probably wants to get rid of super delegates and corporate donations. The corrupt, corporate shills running the DNC are hugely out-numbered and really have to keep us divided with insults from people like Joy Ann Reid and other corruption apologists in the MSM, to maintain control. That's all they got.


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Beware the bullshit factories.

Being against the Trumpistas is enough to get folks elected in '18 and '20, but the result will be to go back to the ways things were in 2016 which would very likely lead to another GOP takeover in '22 and '24 (a Cruz/Rubio administration?).

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My conclusion: the democratic party cannot be take over by progressives. Two reasons. 1. Democrats have an institutional history and practice of cheating each other during the primaries--with the establishment winning nearly all primaries. 2. The democratic party is corrupt from top to bottom.

The democratic party is built on the traditional of machine control of city parties and governments. And that control was gained by primaries choosing the winners. The primaries were nearly life and death matches as back in the day jobs, careers, and even personal safety depended on the winner of democratic party primaries. The stakes in these local races were sky high for a shit load of people. Cheating became the norm for basic survival. Cheating and how to do it became part of the fundamental DNA of the party--and that cheating was directed at other democrats. (I saw this up front and personal working as a foot soldier for a faction in a machine controlled city.)

The Justice Democrats and other insurgent groups will be defeated/cheated in the primaries. Even in state elections for party leaders. The chairs of the party for CA and FL were chosen through backdoor methods.

The democratic party is corrupt from the top to the bottom. Not the just the national DNC. It was local party members who changed registration database in NY primary. It was CA officials who left nearly one million uncounted ballots. It was corrupt local officials in AZ who silenced Sander votes and voices. Already JD candidates are being denied access to local databases.

Spontaneous grass roots uprisings here and there won't do it. Now, somebody or group with money who can hire a full time agitator/organizer in each state with a committement to continue for over 12 years of so might work.

Here is the irony. The gopers don't cheat each other during the primaries. Witness that Trump won even though the establishment hated him. Also, more importantly, a number of national gop incumbents were defeated in their own primaries. That simply does not happen within the democratic party. The republicans save their cheating for the general elections which they have proven very adept at doing.

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Alligator Ed's picture


Here is the irony. The gopers don't cheat each other during the primaries. Witness that Trump won even though the establishment hated him. Also, more importantly, a number of national gop incumbents were defeated in their own primaries. That simply does not happen within the democratic party. The republicans save their cheating for the general elections which they have proven very adept at doing.

It's a matter of aggression--survival of the fittest. Repugnants all agree on the same thing so it doesn't matter which of their herd gets elected, the winner gets first shot at the trough. That allows a bit of originality (if such a quality can be ascribed to trogdylites) whereas the Dumbocrats kill off their competition before any primary voting.

Trusting the Dumbocrats to change is like waiting for Godot. Keep waiting--he ain't coming'. He was removed from the LIRR and thrown into the Atlantic.

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@Alligator Ed Rubio and the other ilk if elected would have done the exact same as Trump--so on substance did not matter who won. Not so with Sanders who was cheated and lost the primaries.

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Lookout's picture

The corporate democraps will fight tooth and nail against reform...they are doing well in the current corporate controlled system. When they didn't even whimper about the military budget, it was obvious there was no reform possible from my view.

Perhaps there is an opportunity for a third party...
We must hold fast to the principles that awoke the political revolution, chief among them: a party funded by the oligarchs can never represent the people.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”