When Does a President of the United States Become a War Criminal?

war criminals.png

How about Vice President and Secretary of State?

On their first day.

What's it gonna take to get more people to understand that?

Better yet, what's it gonna take to get more people to say that? And why don't more people say that?

Fuck if I know.

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sad to say but thats the truth most folks dont know theres a war going on and because most familys dont have skin in the game that is no one they love over there fighting it they dont give 2 flyin shits

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Big Al's picture

@LEFTYFRIZZLE government is really doing and why. It's not just about a war or wars, it's about the quest to rule the world under the guise of protecting their supposed freedom and our supposed democracy. Most folks simply don't care.
And that includes most of those who complain about those who simply don't care, those that read and write on political blogs, those that like to pretend they are the ones who are not the apathetic ones but the ones who are trying to make a difference and participate in this demockery.
Those that would prefer to examine how Matt Lauer affected Hillary Clinton's chances at a presidency instead of screaming out loud that Clinton is a war criminal so what the fuck does it matter.
The soap opera effect.

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snoopydawg's picture

that this country goes into other countries to Spread Freedom and Democracy.
No matter that others say that we do it so corporations can steal those countries resources and that our military is just muscle for hire, they don't believe it.

I have no idea how to get people to understand this. I've tried for countless years, but I may as well be talking to the wall. The military worship here is not going to end until they start pointing their guns at us.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg look at quotes throughout history pointing out how crimes committed by government or country leaders aren't seen the same as those committed by people in your own community. People are trained to believe their governments and leaders are acting in good faith and the results are just part of the deal, like collateral damage.

I wrote this aimed at Trump and Clinton mostly. It's infuriating to me that any credit is given to Trump at this point regardless whether he's not acted totally according to his own desires, i.e., the deep state supposedly made him do it. That doesn't matter now, he was hired to do a job, it's his responsibility according to how society wants to be governed and the results are clear. It was the same thing with Obama.

Same with Clinton, she implemented policies and actions that resulted in millions of people being killed, injured, and displaced and we know it wasn't for freedom or democracy but for power and greed. All this talk about Clinton should begin and end with that, not whether she got ripped off from becoming president. That is just fool talk.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


I have no idea how to get people to understand this. I've tried for countless years, but I may as well be talking to the wall. The military worship here is not going to end until they start pointing their guns at us.

And maybe not even then.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

mimi's picture

That's the question everybody should ask himself. And probably most of us try to not answer that question.

Chris Hedges concluded his report about Enabling Genocide with the words:

The refusal to examine and accept our responsibility in this act of genocide means there will be more genocides, as we see with Myanmar’s assault on the Rohingya Muslims and the Saudi campaign against Yemen. We should have learned the central lesson of the Holocaust a long time ago: When you have the capacity to stop genocide and you do not, you are culpable.

So, do I have the capacity to stop genocide?

Well, I could write about it and do my best to inform the people about slave trades and KZ camps where people of a certain religion and ethnicity get murdered, tortured or sold. I could do everything to stay informed, but can I stop the slave trades and the genocidal atrocities I know happen?

Quite frankly, I doubt I could. I could try to do my best, but will it help?

Angela Merkel and Macron try to agree on a deal with the representatives of the African Union in Abidjan right now. Unfortunately in German, but here is a Merkels spontaner Flüchtlings-Deal für Libyen . Here is a google translated paragraph from that link above:

The plan, which German government circles broadly confirm, looks like this: The government in Libya grants international organizations access to all camps - currently this is not possible. There, employees of the UN Refugee Agency and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are to determine by questioning and checking who is a political refugee and who has left home for economic reasons.

Well, this is as old an idea and plan as molding bread.

I haven't seen an African, who came either on a stipend or by his own means to Germany (and other European countries), who didn't come with the intent to better their chances in their lives and find better work and make more money in the future.

Among them were many borderline "regime critics of their own home country's dictatorial governments". Most of the time it is in the eyes of the beholder to judge, if they were true political refugees, whose life would have been in danger and for whom imprisonment in their home country was an acute possibility, or not.

The idea of a Marshall Plan to help those African governments with monetary means to improve those Africans' possibilities to make a good living in their own countries, is not a new one.

I remember in the mid sixties, stipends were given from the EU to Africans with the idea that they all would return to their home countries. (The communist countries did so as well). None of them really did return or wanted it. Those who gave it a thought, had conditions. They wanted political influence in their own home countries governments and that was routinely undermined and fought against by their "own brothers" back home (sometimes literally). And then, you know, you live just once, you got already your own family and often a work environment that satisfy your basic needs. Hard to leave again and start all over back in your home country of origin.

I like Angela Merkel's strong efforts to somehow solve the migrant crisis and help the countries to "keep their citizens" at home or give incentives to them to never leave, but it has been and probably will be an old 'pipe dream'. I don't blame her for anything and the accusations of "her failing" are as dishonest as it gets, imo.

People will migrate to where they believe they can make a better living and help their own families and loved ones. You can't stop it. And with it - sometimes - you become an enabler of genocide, as bad as this sounds.

Therefore, even though I can see the forest for the trees (because of all the great transparency and freedoms on the intertubes /s) , I still remain an - albeit an informed one - "war crime enabling" - idiot.

Would be nice if life would be easier, no?

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Big Al's picture

@mimi a partner in NATO crimes against humanity and Merkel is their leader. I give her no pass mimi, we'll have to disagree on that one.

Genocide is happening now and very few are paying attention let alone trying to bring it to light. Those that know but continue to pardon Trump or Obama or Clinton, or even Putin and Merkel for their roles, are in effect enabling it. That's the way it is.

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mimi's picture

@Big Al @Big Al
like "hard rock".

Of course you do not have to give any NATO country leader a pass. But it sounds a bit too easy. I would expect such a broad brush condemnation be substantiated and followed up with a path to solve the problems of war crimes and some details of what you would expect each country to do.

Here is the list of NATO membership countries. Have at it and good luck.

And I disagree with your opinion that people are not talking and reporting about genocide, slave trade and war crimes. They do. At least in Germany's news media, online and elsewhere. And right now they discuss it in Abidjan.
I guess these talks and reports are enough to inform anybody.

Not being informed for lack of available information and not being informed for lack of willingness to get informed are two different pair of shoes, imo.

If it wouldn't be such a huge task, I would try to look at each NATO membership country separately and try to find out more about what their leaders stand for, what they said and what they are up to. I think that is a difficult task for the general Joe and Josephine. I get constantly lost and overwhelmed and the distrust to what gets written and reported has increased. And I agree that the news coverage on TV news is not going enough into details and historical context. Still there are many writers and producers who try.

I give you a pass, Big AL. Wink

Let's have a beer.

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mimi's picture

Media Erase NATO Role in Bringing Slave Markets to Libya - by BEN NORTON

You see that there is even very detailed commentary on NATO's role in causing instability in Lybia and thus enabling Slave Markets as a consequence years later.

NATO supported an array of rebel groups fighting on the ground in Libya, many of which were dominated by Islamist extremists and harbored violently racist views. Militants in the NATO-backed rebel stronghold of Misrata even referred to themselves in 2011 as “the brigade for purging slaves, black skin”—an eerie foreshadowing of the horrors that were to come.

Of course I would have to research what Germany did in 2011 and what German media reported back then and in how far as a NATO member they helped militarily to overthrow and kill Qadhafi. The only thing I would expect is that one tries to research it. May be I come to the conclusion that Merkel didn't realize what was going on in Libya and didn't resisted enough against the NATO and US expectations.
And so I would do for any NATO member state.

Well, may be not many know about racism between Northern Africans north of the Sahel Zone and Africans below the Sahel Zone. It existed since a long time. It's not something that is written about or offered as a documentary on TV. So, may be, we shouldn't give the media a pass, Big AL.

Germany is weaseling with their military support, always saying they just provide support for training and stay away from combat situations etc. I have distrust, but am too tired to really research it on my own for now.

Ok, Big Al, now I am going to sleep and drink some more beer. It's just an exhausting thing to think and read it through.

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@Big Al
You refuse to pardon them and Mimi may or may not. (This is your construction.) If everyone who ever commented on C99% accepted your argument entirely and refused to pardon them, would one more person be alive? Would one less person be maimed?

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Big Al's picture

@FuturePassed Well, I'd have to say maybe. You never know til ya try.

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@Big Al
if people who think the way we do drop out the government will be run by people more inclined to kill and maim.

Failing the test has consequences.

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Song of the lark's picture

The civilization we are living in has weaponized leadership. At our current pace there is NO American president or other important world leader who is not be a war criminal. It has become the nature if the job. To lead the US you have to kill people. True that some kill more than others but it is a rather hollow statement really close to progressive utopian delusion to label our leaders war criminals. What is the point. Do you call a wolf a murderer when she feeds her family?

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Big Al's picture

@Song of the lark Good grief. You're comparing genocidal maniacs to a wolf just trying to feed their families?

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Song of the lark

It has become the nature if the job. To lead the US you have to kill people. True that some kill more than others but it is a rather hollow statement really close to progressive utopian delusion to label our leaders war criminals.

It's the nature of almost any State. Genocidal violence has always been the price of national sovereignty.

Those who doubt me here should investigate why Roman Emperor Constantine I was only baptized a Christian mere days before his death. Only once he knew himself to be dying, and his succession clearly assured, did he actually join the religion he promoted for most of his adult life. Why? Because he needed the wholesale "get out of jail free card" that only Baptism provided Christians of his day. (Constantine had a lot of blood on his hands, even by modern standards. And some of it was his own family members, too.)

The only fix I can see for that is to evolve beyond the need for the State and for bosses in general.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Strife Delivery's picture

Yes, a good portion of Americans are either ignorant or apathetic. Sadly, millions of people being raped, tortured, butchered generates a "meh".

However, there are some who well... want war crimes.

You have Ted Cruz who said he was basically going to nuke the Middle East. And then you have people clapping and hollering at that. People who have zero conscience; in essence, just trained by their masters.

"Just wipe out all the Muslims and be done with it."
"Nuke them all."

There are portions of America that want entire regions of the world wiped off the face of the planet. Some want to nuke North Korea, or the Middle East, or Russia. Americans want to kill.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Strife Delivery

There are portions of America that want entire regions of the world wiped off the face of the planet. Some want to nuke North Korea, or the Middle East, or Russia. Americans want to kill.


You may as well laugh at it; the alternative is despair....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Gutting the State Department to reduce our ability for diplomacy, insulting all our closest allies, twittering about nuclear war with North Korea and showing general disdain, incompetence and lack of empathy about everything. That's what Trump is doing now. Not Hillary, not Obama, Trump.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

@Timmethy2.0 complete disdain for those they've killed. Obama and his Tuesday hit lists? Hillary and cheering on the sodomy of Gadaffi? All Trump has done is rip the mask off, no more pretty smiling face telling you in subtle words how you're going to be fucked, nope, now it's right in your face, no lying even necessary. And the rest of the world, while horrified at Trump and his brash ugliness, knows that he isn't solely to blame - this IS what this country is! A ruthless, selfish, greedy bunch of psychopaths rule us but now we've got one who's just going to be open about that. I don't know which is worse, I hate Trump as much as anyone out here does, but I am done with the bright shiny liars who are just as murderous as Trump.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur


Global warming is pretty high up there, but Trump denies it exists. Hillary and Obama didn't deny it exists. Obama didn't push a tax "cut" that explodes the deficit, expands the robbery of the US by the swamp and sets the stage for more cuts to programs like social security. We have a had a historic relationship with Britain, Obama didn't blow that up either like Trump has. That's just the beginning of the list. I think Trump is much worse than Obama, especially with domestic policies. Most relevant is that Trump has the power now to do all the short-sighted, selfish damage he wants to the World, thanks to our wise electorate. Trump can change things much more than Obama or Hillary can, now. I think we're lumping shit together under a common label too much. It creates false equivalences without us even noticing.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Strife Delivery's picture


Global warming is pretty high up there, but Trump denies it exists. Hillary and Obama didn't deny it exists.

Does it really matter if one denies it and the other doesn't when both don't do anything about it? What use is saying that climate change exists but doing policy like it doesn't?

Both Obama and Clinton have no problem with fracking. They have no problem with imperialist wars for more oil.

Obama didn't push a tax "cut" that explodes the deficit, expands the robbery of the US by the swamp and sets the stage for more cuts to programs like social security.

Obama tried to cut Social Security so...

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@Strife Delivery @Strife Delivery
And has the power and will to f**k things up and Obama doesn't. But also Obama had a respect for knowledge and learning. Trump thinks learning is a bad thing. He thinks it's better to pretend you know everything. That way you can stay ignorant and don't have to learn. That's probably why he wants to tax graduate students into giving up their studies and why there's no longer any science fairs at the White House.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

TheOtherMaven's picture


and they all suck. No point in arguing over which one sucks worse.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

thanatokephaloides's picture


They're all blood weasels and they all suck. No point in arguing over which one sucks worse.

They all suck absolutely!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Big Al's picture

@Timmethy2.0 is why I titled the essay as it is. I'm getting tired of the excuses for Trump, just like I got tired of the excuses for Obama and Clinton.

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